After 5pm, the peak dining time begins.

Today, it happens to be Sunday, and there is a lot of traffic in Zhengjia Plaza.

Hao Jianjun watched curious customers walk into the store one after another, and his face was filled with a bright smile, as if he saw a bright prospect of booming business.

As time went by, at 7pm, 75 tables were opened, with about 200 guests.

At 9pm, the cumulative number of tables opened reached 100.

Seeing this scene, Hao Jianjun finally let go of his hanging heart.

Even if there is a discount today, according to the current situation, today’s profit can reach 2,000 to 3,000 yuan.

At ten o’clock in the evening, Hao Jianjun saw his son Hao Qiang coming over, and immediately went forward to share the good news with him with a little excitement: “Son, a total of 105 tables were opened today!

I asked the store manager, and he said that the turnover was about 15,000 yuan, which should be profitable.”

Hao Qiang did not show too much surprise or disappointment after hearing this, and calmly replied: “Dad, today is Sunday, so there will naturally be more customers.

Tomorrow is Monday, and the turnover may be cut in half.”

“Will it drop so much?” Hao Jianjun couldn’t help but feel nervous when he heard his son’s words, and frowned, “I think the old store is On weekdays, the business is not much lower than on weekends. ”

“That’s different. The business of the old store has always been very hot, and it is even more full on weekends.” Hao Qiang shook his head gently, then smiled and comforted, “Dad, it’s okay. The business today is not bad.

When the reputation is slowly accumulated and it has influence, the business will soon get better. I still have confidence.”

Hao Jianjun nodded. Although he was still a little worried, he chose to believe his son’s words: “Well, okay, I hope so.”

Expenditure of five or six thousand yuan a day, one more day, he felt distressed.

In fact, Hao Jianjun’s mentality is normal. He and his wife worked hard for a year to work on sugarcane, and the net income did not reach five or six thousand yuan.

When the boss Hao Qiang came, the store manager Wang Sicong immediately walked over to report to him in detail about today’s business situation.

From the changes in customer flow, the sales of dishes to the feedback on service quality, the store manager explained them one by one.

Hao Qiang listened carefully to the store manager’s report, but did not show joy or disappointment.

After listening to the store manager’s report, he called two deputy store managers over, and when the three managements gathered together, he said solemnly, “Today is the first day of our opening, and everyone has worked hard.

Although today’s revenue did not reach the expected target, it was not far off, and it was still within my acceptable range.

We are engaged in the catering industry, and we pursue long-term stable development and word-of-mouth accumulation.

It is unrealistic to want to achieve success overnight and become fat all at once.

Therefore, in the future, we will focus on and solve various problems in the store, and continue to improve and optimize.

It doesn’t matter if there are problems. What I am most worried about is that there are problems, but they are deliberately covered up and not rectified, and they appear again and again…”

Hao Qiang also deliberately knocked the store manager Wang Sicong. When he reported to him just now, he only reported the good side, but not the problems.

If he still reports like this in the future and ignores the existing problems, he will definitely not be able to become a regular store manager and can only be dismissed.

After the meeting, Hao Qiang left with his father.

Looking at Hao Qiang’s departing back, Wang Sicong seemed to be thinking about something, as if the boss was not very satisfied with his performance just now.

He had not been in contact with the boss Hao Qiang for a long time, and he was still not sure about his temper, so he had to ask Yang Qiuhong privately: “It seems that the boss is not very satisfied with the business today.”

After hearing this, Yang Qiuhong responded seriously: “No, I think it’s normal.

The boss just said that today’s revenue is within his expectations and is not so bad that it is unacceptable.”

Wang Sicong originally thought that Hao Qiang was just being polite, but after hearing Yang Qiuhong’s affirmative tone, he began to be a little confused about Hao Qiang’s true thoughts: “Manager Yang, are you sure?”

Yang Qiuhong smiled slightly and explained: “Manager Wang, the boss is versatile and not short of money, so he doesn’t have to worry about revenue.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” Wang Sicong heard her say this, and the pressure in his heart was slightly relieved, “Let’s discuss the problem just mentioned and see how to solve it better.”

Although he couldn’t guess the boss’s mind, Wang Sicong understood that they must take the boss’s problems seriously and make corrections.

He secretly sighed in his heart: “Being with the emperor is like being with a tiger.”

Perhaps his report just now may be too one-sided, emphasizing only the good side and ignoring the existing problems.

Although Hao Qiang’s words are implicit, they strikeThe intention to beat him was obvious.

Before joining the company, he thought Hao Qiang started his business with family funds.

But after learning the truth, he realized that he made money with his own ability and managed the old store very well. He no longer looked down on the young boss, but admired and feared him more and more.

During the meeting just now, Hao Qiang was neither happy nor angry, and was very stable.

In contrast, although the boss’s father stayed in the store all day, he seemed to be worried about the ups and downs of the turnover, and did not seem as calm as his son.

However, the boss’s father was also very good. He did not interfere with the management work. At most, he asked about the situation and was worried.

The next day, Monday.

Sure enough, the revenue showed a significant decline.

Although it was not halved, the turnover was only 11,500 yuan, which was not as good as the old store.

You know, this is a flagship store with an area of ​​650 square meters and an investment of 3 million yuan.

Colleagues saw that Renjian Fireworks’ business was not doing well and gloated.

Zhang Fu, the owner of Muxiangyuan, and Liu Gui, the owner of Yipin Guo, also came to watch. Seeing that the business was average, they couldn’t help but shake their heads and sigh.

“The old store relies on Hao Qiang’s popularity, so the new store will definitely not work.”

“Yes, if the business continues like this, it will definitely not work.”

“Wait a little longer, maybe Boss Hao can create a miracle.”

On Tuesday,

Renjian Fireworks flagship store restored prices and sales fell again.

The customer base continued to decline, but the per capita consumption increased, and the sales were still 8,510 yuan.

In the next three days,

Renjian Fireworks flagship store’s business was average, and the sales were all within 10,000 yuan.

Hao Jianjun was worried for a few days, but his son didn’t seem to care much.

According to the gross profit margin, it can still maintain a profit balance, and it can’t be said to be a big loss.

But taking into account the investment cost, this is money that can’t be recovered.

Hao Jianjun felt very distressed when he thought of throwing in 3 million yuan.

At night, he watched his son sitting in front of the computer typing frantically, and couldn’t help but interrupt him:

“Son, is there any good way to improve the performance of the new store?”

Hao Qiang heard this, stopped typing, rubbed his hands, and smiled calmly: “Dad, let the bullets fly for a while.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, just tell you not to worry. I’m busy with exams these two days. I’ll have a holiday after taking the last exam on Monday.”

Hao Jianjun slapped his forehead: “Oh, I have an exam, I almost forgot about it, then you review well, Dad won’t disturb you.”

After saying that, he left his son’s study and returned to his bedroom to think about it, hoping to help his son.

Hao Qiang was tired of typing, so he took a break.

At the same time, he silently turned on the virtual screen.

【Writing System】 (2005.1.21)

【Level 6: 680/10 million】

System LV6: Every 10,000 words written = 5,000 yuan reward


【Wealth: 5.7 million yuan (including unwithdrawn and uncashed stocks calculated according to the purchase value)】

【Memory: 20】 (superior)

【Thinking power: 18】 (superior)

【Appearance: 18】 (superior, courtyard grass)

【Physique: 13】 (middle and upper)

【Four-dimensional attributes: 69】

【Free attribute points: 1】


With only the two businesses of hot pot restaurant and coding, Hao Qiang can currently earn 500,000 to 600,000 yuan a month.

Last month, Lin Nan said that there should be a payment this month, and it is estimated that the payment will be made in the next few days.

If it reaches 10 million yuan, Hao Qiang will get 2 free attribute points as a reward and upgrade the technology store to level 3.

In terms of stocks,

Currently, he holds a total of 300 lots of Moutai stocks.

Some time ago, he had successfully opened a Hong Kong stock trading account and was qualified to buy Tencent shares.

He plans to invest in Tencent shares if he has sufficient funds.

As for the flagship store business, he will slowly think of a solution after the holiday.

In fact, it’s not that he has no way to solve it, but he has not reached that point yet.

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