The sun shines through the clouds onto the earth, and a brand new Porsche Cayenne slowly drives into the quiet Hualong Village.

Dozens of villagers gather in the shade of the big banyan tree, chatting about family matters, sharing village gossip, and laughing constantly.

It is almost the New Year, and there are more villagers gathered under the banyan tree than usual. Their topics have also turned from trivial matters in the village to those migrant workers working outside, talking about what their families do outside and how much money they make.

Migrant workers returning from working outside usually pass by here, and it is difficult to avoid this group of villagers who like gossip.

If a girl goes out to work, she is dressed beautifully and a little coquettishly, and she will inevitably be guessed by the villagers.

Of course, these women have very high standards, look down on the countryside, and generally will not easily go home for the New Year.

Suddenly, a sky blue Porsche drove by here, breaking the tranquility of the countryside and attracting the attention of the villagers.

“Whose car is this with a license plate from another province?”

The villagers speculated, their faces full of curiosity and confusion.

“Maybe he came here to play?”

“Could it be Hao Qiang? Hasn’t he made a fortune? Judging from the direction of the car, it’s his home.”

“I didn’t see the person in the driver’s seat clearly, but he was a young and handsome guy.”

The Porsche Cayenne did not stop, but its appearance had left a deep impression in the hearts of the villagers.

They continued to gossip, and the topic had turned to the luxury car just now.

“That’s a Porsche, worth millions!” said a knowledgeable villager.

“Oh my God, such an expensive car can be used to build many buildings.”

“The depreciation fee is 100,000 yuan a year, so it can be used to build a building.”

However, at this moment, a young worker said calmly: “I thought it was some other car, it’s just a Porsche, nothing special!

Last year, I was lucky enough to wash one at a car wash.”

As soon as he finished speaking, many villagers laughed.

“My son has a car like this, and it doesn’t need to be refueled, only No. 7 batteries.”

“Yes, it’s not as good as my family’s ox cart, which can just eat grass and doesn’t need to be refueled, so I’m too lazy to buy a car.”

“Such an expensive car, with a villa or a swimming pool inside, is not as good as my uncle’s van, which can carry goods.”

Some villagers like to chat, as long as they are happy, they are not laughing at people who drive Porsches. In fact, everyone knows that they are very envious and a little sour.

At this time, Hao Qiang drove to his building and found that the weeds in front of the building were gone, but turned into a concrete parking lot with an area of ​​70 to 80 square meters. Faucets and water pipes were installed near the corner of the building.

The gate was also brand new, and the car was able to drive into the spacious yard without obstruction.

In this way, it was much more convenient to turn around and park the car, so he temporarily parked the car in the parking lot.

In the kitchen, Hao Jianjun was practicing making hot pot base, and suddenly heard the sound of a car engine, so he hurried out of the gate to take a look.

Seeing his son’s car, he smiled with joy.

Liu Fengqing also walked out of the house upon hearing the sound. Seeing her son, she asked with concern: “Are you tired from driving? Are you hungry?”

“Mom, I’m not hungry. I just came back after having dinner outside.”

Hao Jianjun’s eyes fell on the car body and noticed some mud and dust: “The car is a little dirty. I’ll wash it. I’ve set up a parking lot and a faucet.”

“Dad, it’s okay if you don’t wash it. Maybe it will be cleaned after the next rain.” Hao Qiang said it didn’t matter. When he bought it back, he really liked to clean it and often drove it to the car wash to wash it.

Less than two months after buying the car, the novelty gradually faded and he became lazy.

“It’s too dirty, it still needs to be washed. I can just wipe it with a towel. There is no car wash in the town, so you have to wash it yourself.” Hao Jianjun shook his head. A car worth millions needs to be well taken care of. He turned to his son and said, “You go and do it, I’ll leave it to you.”

“It’s up to you. Add some detergent to wash it faster.” Hao Qiang said with a smile. For his father, maybe washing the car is a pleasure.

If he is not allowed to wash it, he will probably feel unhappy.

Hao Qiang just took the chicken and duck out of the trunk and did not move the luggage and New Year’s goods for the time being. His mother also asked him where he bought the green-headed duck. It weighed seven or eight kilograms. He has a good eye.

“I sent Wu Hai home, his mother gave him chickens and ducks.”

Liu Fengqing blamed: “Why do you take other people’s things?”

“I gave him some New Year’s gifts, and his mother forced chickens and ducks on him. I wanted to give him two more.”

“Oh, reciprocity, that’s good.” After hearing this, Liu Fengqing smiled with relief, thinking that her son didn’t know how to do things.

Hao Jianjun first checked whether the car door was closed, then picked up the water pipe and gently turned the faucet, and water gushed outHe went out and planned to wash the mud off the car first.

Hao Qiang saw his father happily washing the car, as happy as he was when he got a toy when he was a child.

Perhaps, for him, the car is a symbol of the hard work and improvement of the family’s life, and also a face project.

“Son, do you need to burn paper to pray for the car?”

After Liu Fengqing put the chickens and ducks into the cages at home, he went out again and asked his son standing on the threshold, “I see that people who buy new cars have to hang red ribbons on the rearview mirror.”

Local rural people buy new cars and have to set off firecrackers, burn incense, and burn paper to pray for blessings.

Such customs are not uncommon in rural areas, just to bless peace.

For many rural families, cars are not only a means of travel, but also a symbol of family wealth and social status.

In some rural areas, after buying a new car, they may not only have to treat guests to a meal, but also have some strange customs.

For example, some villagers may catch a big rooster, then cut the rooster’s neck with a knife and drip a few drops of blood in front of the new car.

Hao Qiang was not too interested in these traditional ceremonies: “Mom, don’t bother. Don’t hang red ribbons. It’s too rustic. People will think we have never seen a car.

In the future, our family will have more and more new cars. It’s just a means of transportation.”

Liu Fengqing frowned and said, “Son, we still have to do some ceremonies to ensure safety. You listen to the old man’s arrangements.”

Hao Jianjun, who was washing the car, also said, “Son, if you think the red ribbons are ugly, we won’t hang them, but the ceremony still needs to be done. I agree with your mother’s opinion.”

“Okay, when setting off firecrackers, just stay away from the car. Don’t burn the car as soon as you get back. It will be inconvenient to travel without a car.” When Hao Qiang heard that the red ribbons were not hung, he had no objection. Let his parents do whatever they want.

After that, he wanted to see how the house was decorated.

The exterior wall of the building was not tiled, but just smeared with mortar.

Just as Hao Qiang was about to step into the yard, two little wolfhounds suddenly rushed forward and barked non-stop.

Seeing this, Liu Fengqing quickly stepped forward and comforted him: “Wangcai, Ping’an, we are family.”

Hearing the words of their owner, the two puppies immediately calmed down, as if they understood something.

Liu Fengqing smiled gently: “You said you wanted to buy two wolfhounds to guard the house. After your father came back, he went to buy paparazzi.

We don’t know how to buy or install high-tech cameras, so you can only do it yourself.”

“Well, okay, I’ll go to the provincial capital to buy them when I have time.” Hao Qiang nodded, squatted down, and touched the heads of the two puppies.

The two puppies immediately lay down, stunned for a moment, and soon licked Hao Qiang’s shoes affectionately.

After playing with the two puppies for a while, Hao Qiang first walked into his bedroom to take a look.

The wall was puttyed, and the newly pulled wires were not buried.

The floor was tiled, a wall-mounted air conditioner was installed, new lights were replaced, a new bed, a new wardrobe, a new office desk and chair, and a small sofa were installed.

The central hall was also completely new, with a vertical air conditioner, a large color TV, a new tea table, a new sofa, and even a new incense table.

In the parents’ bedroom, the bed was not changed, but a new wardrobe and air conditioner were installed.

Hao Qiang came to the kitchen, where a new stove was built, the floor was tiled, and it was equipped with a new refrigerator, disinfection cabinet, smoke extractor and other kitchen appliances.

Hao Qiang told his parents that if they made hot pot base at home, they must decorate the kitchen well, fearing that media reporters would come to take pictures and find that the hot pot base was made unhygiene, which would definitely have a negative impact on the brand image.

Therefore, Hao Qiang found that the kitchen was decorated better than the bedroom, and he was very satisfied.

Moreover, after the Chinese New Year, livestock and poultry cannot be raised.

Hao Qiang went back to his bedroom and lay on his bed for a while. He fell asleep unknowingly until he was awakened by the sound of fireworks and firecrackers in the parking lot.

He covered his head and continued to make up for his sleep until he felt energetic.

When he walked out of his front door, he found that more than a dozen villagers had gathered in the parking lot. They were pointing and talking around the car, praising his father from time to time. The car was scattered with red paper left by the firecrackers. Fortunately, the car was not blown up.

When the villagers saw Hao Qiang, they greeted him one after another: “Qiangzi is back, and he has become a big celebrity.”

“He is already a big boss. He looks more and more handsome. He has changed so much that I almost can’t recognize him.”

“Life is good, of course he has become more beautiful.”

Hao Qiang was infected by the enthusiasm of the villagers. He was embarrassed to hide in the house again. He quickly took out cigarettes to distribute to the villagers, so as not to let them misunderstand that he looked down on his fellow villagers because he was rich.

After distributing a pack of cigarettes, he opened the car door and tore off another pack of cigarettes to continue distributing.

The villagers could see the luxurious interior of the car more clearly and kept praising it.

After Hao Qiang finished distributing cigarettes,He took his luggage back to the house and moved the New Year’s goods in the evening.

After he returned to the house, he did not go out again, planning to stay quiet and write, and upgrade as soon as possible.

That night, the news that Hao Qiang drove a Porsche Cayenne worth millions of dollars home quickly spread to every household in the village.

Many curious villagers came to watch, wanting to see what this car worth millions of dollars looked like.

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