At around four o’clock in the afternoon, Liu Fengqing slaughtered another native rooster.

His aunt killed a native duck and brought it over after cleaning it.

The two families gathered together to celebrate Hao Qiang’s return.

A few days ago, Hao Jian also came back from Wancheng. Through his family’s narration, he had learned about his cousin Hao Qiang’s brilliant deeds, which shocked him.

He came to his uncle’s house and saw his cousin’s appearance. He could hardly recognize the cousin he once knew.

“Brother Qiang, you have changed so much. You are so handsome. You look like those young masters in the city. I almost couldn’t recognize you.”

Hao Jian walked around Hao Qiang, touched his arm, patted his body, and praised him.

“Haha, everyone who has seen me says so.” Hao Qiang wanted to give him a cigarette, but he took it back. “I won’t give you a cigarette. Don’t smoke. It’s not good for your health.

If it’s a stranger, I’ll give it to you anyway.”

Hao Jian smiled and begged, “Oh, just one. Let me smell the boss’s high-end cigarettes.”

“Okay, just one.” Hao Qiang took out the pack of high-end cigarettes.

Suddenly, Hao Jian shook his hand and quickly snatched the pack of cigarettes from Hao Qiang’s hand.

Hao Qiang felt his hand was empty, and couldn’t help but scolded with a smile: “Brother Jian, you are so cheap!”

Hao Jian smiled and responded: “I guarantee this is the last pack. You keep it and don’t smoke it. Isn’t it a waste to give it to outsiders?”

Hao Qiang didn’t really plan to snatch it back. The two of them often played with each other at home, and they were used to it.

Recalling that when they were young, Hao Jian once took Hao Qiang to someone else’s house to watch a love movie. At that time, Hao Jian cunningly called it an action movie.

That experience seemed to open up a whole new world for Hao Qiang, allowing him to see a different scenery for the first time, which made him blush.

During the holidays, at his cousin’s house, Hao Qiang read a novel by a certain Long, a certain Yong, and a certain Yuzuru, and read it with great interest.

Go with him to smoke field mice, catch loaches, and fish for eels…

These happy times in childhood were all experienced by Hao Qiang with his cousin Hao Jian.

However, as Hao Qiang entered junior high school, Hao Jian had already graduated from junior high school and went out to work, and the opportunities for the two to meet became rare, and they could only get together during the Chinese New Year.

At this time, the two sat on the doorstep and talked about the outside world.

“Brother, after the Chinese New Year, you should learn to drive.

I will buy a truck and keep it at home, and you can help me buy some ingredients.

I will settle with you according to the market price, and you can earn as much as you can, which is definitely better than working outside.

But there is one thing, the quality must be up to standard. If the quality of the ingredients is not good, my store cannot use them, and I will not accept them.”

Hao Qiang said openly, and there is no need to hide what he says to his cousin.

Hao Jian agreed without hesitation: “Okay, you arrange it, I will follow you from now on. As long as it is better than working, I will do it.”

Hao Qiang continued seriously: “You may not be able to collect it by yourself, call your uncle to join.

Currently I have two stores, and I consume 200 kilograms of fish a day.

Even if the profit is only 50 cents per kilogram, that is 100 yuan.

There are other ingredients, and it is no problem to make hundreds of yuan a day.

When my stores open more and more, as long as you can collect it, you can easily make thousands of yuan.

You should learn to drive first, and then come to Yuecheng to get familiar with the specific requirements for ingredients…” Hao Qiang said slowly, “The money for learning to drive is considered as my company’s support for you, you don’t have to worry about these.”

Hao Jian’s eyes were shining with surprise and expectation. Earning hundreds of yuan a day was something he dared not even think about.

As long as he worked for two days, he could exceed his monthly income from working outside.

As long as he worked for a year, he would have a three-story building, and it would be easy to get married.

If he could earn thousands of yuan a day, he could afford a car.

The two brothers kept chatting while the elders were preparing dinner.

During this time, Hao Jian wanted to experience riding in a Porsche, saying that he had never ridden in a luxury car in his life.

Hao Qiang took the car keys, drove him out for a ride and came back, and went to the town to buy sashimi.

A four or five jin flower fish was carefully processed by bleeding, skinning, bone removal, and water absorption, and only the most essential part was taken. The sashimi slices were as thin as cicada wings and crystal clear. The total weight was about one or two kilograms, enough for several people to share.

Sashimi is the number one delicacy in the county. It is incredible if you haven’t tried it.

Can this thing be eaten?

After tasting it, it was also incredibly delicious.

Hao Qiang and his cousin drove back home, and the elders also prepared dinner.

Sashimi does not need to be cooked, and the cut fish bones and fish heads are used to cook fish soup.

Eight people gathered together, sat around the newly bought dining table, and began the feast.

There were no high-end ingredients in the hotel, butThey are all local specialties, local chickens and ducks that are hard to buy in the city, and they are not expensive. Every household can afford to eat them regularly.

Eat some cooked dishes first to fill your stomach, and then drink some white wine.

Then, everyone’s eyes were focused on the plate of tempting sashimi.

Hao Jian picked up a piece of sashimi and dipped it in special sauce and pure peanut oil. Another spoon was filled with ginger, garlic, chili, lemon, peanuts and other condiments. He mixed the sashimi dipped in oil into the condiment spoon and put it into his mouth.

As the chewing sound sounded, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and he couldn’t help but praise: “The sashimi at home is still good. The one in Yuecheng is not authentic at all and is expensive.”

Then, others couldn’t wait to taste it. For a while, there were only chewing sounds and exclamations on the table.

Hao Qiang also had to admit that the fish at home was good.

These freshwater fish are all from reservoirs or fish ponds under the mountains. There is no pesticide and domestic water pollution, which is why Hao Qiang asked his cousin to help him collect the fish.

Moreover, the price is not expensive, and it can also boost the economic development of his hometown.

Kill three birds with one stone, why not do it.

“Come on, I wish Aqiang academic success and more and more business.” Uncle Hao Jianmin raised his glass.

“Let’s get rich together, all the way.” Hao Qiang and his family also raised their glasses and clinked them together.

Everyone ate and chatted, and Hao Jianjun asked his son:

“How is the business in the new store?”

“In the past two days since I came back, the daily revenue is just over 80,000.” Hao Qiang replied, taking a sip of rice wine.

Locals love to drink rice wine, which has an alcohol content of about 20 degrees, but they are not used to drinking high-alcohol liquor, which feels choking.

Therefore, some drunkards drink until late at night, or even until dawn.

Hao Qiang also bought two boxes of Moutai and took out a bottle and put it on the table, but no one touched it.

“Wow, the business is so hot, how much is the profit?” Hao Jian asked curiously, not knowing much about Hao Qiang’s business situation.

Hao Qiang smiled and said: “The gross profit is about 50,000 yuan. If the daily revenue exceeds 70,000 yuan, the profit of one million yuan a month is possible.

But the investment is also large, 3 million yuan.”

“Brother Qiang, you really make a fortune every day, one van a day.” Hao Jian exclaimed.

The family members were also amazed. If the business is stable, it can make tens of millions of yuan a year.

Hao Qiang said to his uncle calmly and confidently: “Uncle, I have told Brother Jian that after the Chinese New Year, I will pay for him to learn to drive, and I will buy a small truck, and they will help me buy food. It is not a problem to make a few hundred yuan a day, and there will be more in the future.

Uncle can also learn to drive together, and he must be able to drive in the future.

Don’t grow sugarcane and rice at home, it’s too hard. Whoever wants to grow it can give it to others, or hire someone to help grow garlic and onions.”

“Okay, it’s okay.” The uncle nodded happily and agreed. The nephew will make his family rich, and he also needs manpower, so he must help.

The aunt was very happy, and it was not in vain that she loved her nephew.

Next, the family members talked about business with great interest, and everyone was full of expectations and longings for the future.

The uncle, cousin and father started to play finger-guessing games and drink, and Hao Qiang was forced to join in.

The elder cousin thought he could beat his younger cousin in this respect, but he didn’t know that Hao Qiang often played finger-guessing games and drank in his previous life. Now his thinking ability is very high, so it’s a piece of cake to beat him.

“Brother, you are very good, you will be very prosperous, you will be very lucky, you will be very lucky…”

“Brother, you are very good, you will be very prosperous in all seasons, you will be the first in five years, you will be very lucky…”

Time passed unknowingly, the food on the table gradually decreased, but everyone’s interest was getting higher and higher.

Everyone knew that the family was going to prosper, and they were all full of expectations for the future.

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