The next morning,

The village was gently shrouded by a layer of light morning mist, like an ink painting.

The sun shone through the clouds and the morning mist, casting a warm and soft light, coating the fields, houses and trees with a light golden color.

Last night, Hao Qiang did not type, and it was rare for him to relax. After drinking and taking a shower, he called Han Qingying and Qiu Yuqing in turn, then drove the car into the yard, took down the New Year’s goods in the car, and emptied the car compartment.

My mother was afraid that the car would be deliberately scratched if it was parked outside, so she asked him to park the car in the yard as much as possible.

The family’s wall was raised, and the top of the wall was protected. It was not easy for thieves to climb in.

At six or seven o’clock, Hao Qiang smelled the fresh smell of soil and the fragrance of flowers and plants in the air, and woke up naturally.

Occasionally, poultry calls could be heard in the yard, and a few crisp bird calls could be heard from behind the building, accompanied by the rustling of leaves in the breeze. These sounds intertwined together, like a beautiful natural symphony, making people feel relaxed and happy.

It was good to sleep at home. The room was large, the floor was high, and the ventilation was smooth from north to south. When I woke up the next day, I felt energetic.

Hao Qiang got up and rinsed his mouth for breakfast. The breakfast was the lean meat porridge cooked last night. The taste was soft, and after adding some chopped green onions, it felt more delicious.

“Son, tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. Today is the market day in the town. Do you want to go to the town to take a look?

Your aunt and I will go to the town to buy some New Year’s goods in a while. Our family needs to buy fireworks, bamboo leaves, pork belly…” Liu Fengqing sat aside, leisurely listing the shopping list. There were quite a few New Year’s goods to buy.

Every two days, their town street is a market day.

There is no market center in their rural area, and all trading activities are concentrated in the town.

Hualong Village is only three or four kilometers away from the town. If you have a car, it only takes seven or eight minutes to drive there.

There are 14 natural villages in the town with a population of about 50,000.

A few years later, after merging with the neighboring town, the town’s population exceeded 100,000.

However, with the advancement of urbanization, many people who went out to study chose to stay in the city and no longer return to the countryside, and their household registration was also transferred to their place of work.

At the same time, some families with better economic conditions also purchased properties in the city and moved their household registration out.

By 2020, the town’s registered population had dropped to more than 70,000.

During the Chinese New Year, these people who bought properties in the town usually returned to their hometowns for the New Year. On market days, the lively atmosphere in the town remained unabated, full of a strong New Year flavor and rural atmosphere.

“Mom, how many zongzi will our family make this year?” Hao Qiang asked casually while enjoying breakfast.

The zongzi in my hometown is huge and square in shape. Each zongzi is filled with about half a pound of glutinous rice, two or three ounces of peeled green beans, and two or three ounces of pork belly and other rich fillings.

Such zongzi needs to be cooked for seven or eight hours to be cooked thoroughly.

After cooking, the weight of a zongzi can reach one or two pounds, which is enough to become the staple food of a family and meet the needs of a meal.

Unlike the customs of celebrating the New Year in many provinces, Hao Qiang’s hometown is not keen on making dumplings or eating wontons.

On the contrary, big zongzi plays a vital role here.

Locals are also not used to making bacon. Due to climate problems, there are often damp days, which are easy to mold.

The customs of Hao Qiang’s hometown are completely different from the New Year customs in the north. Similarly, northerners may also be unfamiliar with these traditions in the south.

“We need to make about twenty. Your grandmother’s family had a funeral last year, so we can’t make zongzi for three years. We want to send a few over.” Mother explained.


Hao Qiang nodded to show his understanding. In their place, two gifts are usually prepared when visiting relatives during the Spring Festival: one is to send chickens and ducks, and the other is to send two large zongzi.

There is a special rule when sending zongzi: if the relative of the family has a funeral, then zongzi cannot be made within three years, and in the first year, other relatives and friends cannot send zongzi.

“I’ll go buy fireworks and firecrackers, and drive you and your aunt to go together. There are so many New Year’s goods, it’s not convenient for you to carry them back.” Hao Qiang said.

Their custom here is that before New Year’s Eve, incense should be burned and worshiped in front of the village temple and the incense table at home, and in the early morning, the ceremony of burning incense and worshiping Buddha should be performed again at home, and every household should set off firecrackers.

Although these procedures are a bit cumbersome, they can make the locals remember their ancestors and traditions. Even if they earn a lot in other places, they must follow these customs when they return to their rural homes.

Hao Qiang believes that such traditions are very meaningful. Going back to his hometown every year to burn incense and worship gods, not forgetting his ancestors, and can also keep in touch with brothers and sisters of the same generation.

Otherwise, without such an opportunity, the younger generations may not have any contact with each other, and over time, they may forget their ancestors.and tradition.

“Yeah, I think so too.” Liu Fengqing smiled with relief. She was worried that her son would be lazy and stay at home all day and didn’t want to go out.

If the family has a car, it will be very convenient during the Chinese New Year.

It’s still a little cold today. If you ride a bike, it’s chilly and uncomfortable.

After a while, his aunt came to his house. When she heard that Hao Qiang was going to drive, she was also very happy. She turned around and went home to call her son.

At nearly eight o’clock, Hao Qiang drove the car and took his mother, cousin and aunt to the town street.

It was the first time for his aunt to ride a luxury car. She was amazed at the decoration inside the car. Even after sitting in it, she was embarrassed to lean on the back of the seat.

On the way, he met many people from the same village who were on the road and envied the Porsche driving steadily on the road.

A few minutes later, the car arrived in the town.

The town street is not big, there are only two streets, with a total length of less than one kilometer.

At a glance, there were crowds of people, shoulder to shoulder. It is estimated that there will be more than 10,000 people coming to the market today.

Those young people working outside took advantage of the Spring Festival to return home and flocked to the streets to enjoy this rare lively atmosphere.

The streets were full of stalls, and farmers took out their own specialties and waited for customers to choose with expectation.

Hao Qiang’s Porsche was particularly eye-catching on this busy street, instantly attracting the attention and discussion of the people.

“Who is the handsome guy driving the car?”

“Wow, a Porsche! The license plate of Yuecheng, the handsome guy driving the car should be Hao Qiang!” The young people working outside recognized the car and saw Hao Qiang in the driver’s seat through the car window.

“Awesome, a car worth millions, a mobile villa, really made a fortune.”

There were too many people going to the market, and the car could only move slowly, but they still tried to park the car near the downtown area.

There were many New Year’s goods to buy, so they needed to be transported in batches. In this way, they didn’t have to walk too far.

When the car was about to reach the center of the town street, Hao Qiang saw that the crowd in front was so crowded that he could hardly drive forward.

He had to stop the car in an open place, open the back door, and let his mother and aunt get off.

“There are so many people!” Hao Jian exclaimed after getting off the car.

“Come and buy New Year’s goods as soon as possible. Tomorrow is not a market day. It’s New Year’s Eve. Who has time to run out?” Aunt said, “It’s much more convenient to have a car. Aqiang’s car is comfortable to sit in.”

After Hao Qiang got off the car, the people around him looked at him.

A young man greeted him: “The big boss of Yuecheng is back, is it Hao Qiang?”

Hao Qiang saw someone waving and greeting him, and smiled and nodded in response.

The people around saw Hao Qiang nod in acknowledgement, which instantly ignited their enthusiasm and there were more discussions.

“Oh, it’s really him, tall, handsome, and very charming.”

“He earns several million yuan a month, maybe he’s already the richest man in the county, and he’s a college student from a prestigious university, so awesome.”

“Boss, are you hiring? Can I hang out with you?”

Liu Fengqing didn’t expect that her son would attract attention and welcome from the people around him when he went out on the street, and she felt particularly proud.

“Brother Qiang, you’re really popular, just like a star.” Hao Jian, who was over 1.7 meters tall, put his arm around Hao Qiang’s shoulders and walked together, following behind the two elders as a pick-up worker.

The aunt turned around and praised: “Aqiang is now a famous person, even the leaders in the town are not so popular.”

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