The next day, Hao Qiang and Qiu Yuqing went to school together.

Recently, he attended classes in the morning and skipped classes in the afternoon.

He has become the most famous skipper in Zhongda, but the teachers let him go.

Even a well-known professor publicly told students: “As long as you can get more than 95 points in the exam, even if you don’t come to class, you will get full marks in normal times.”

This is undoubtedly a tacit approval of Hao Qiang’s skipping.

Of course, Hao Qiang also understands the importance of learning.

For those courses he thinks are important, no matter how busy he is, he will show up in class on time.

He tries his best to build a good relationship with the teacher and ask the teacher for knowledge in areas he doesn’t understand.

At noon, he received a text message from Lin Nan, and the content of the text message made him bright. 5.5 million yuan has arrived!

This sudden good news filled Hao Qiang’s heart with joy.

His personal wealth instantly soared to 28 million yuan!

The injection of this capital has undoubtedly injected a strong impetus into his career path, enough to support the huge demand for the company’s initial investment in the future.

The business of store No. 2 continues to be hot, and it has become famous in the catering industry with its unique charm, attracting many diners.

At the same time, the renovation work of store No. 3 and store No. 4 is also in full swing, and it is expected to be completed in another week.

The management team and most of the employees of the two new stores have been recruited, and they are all looking forward to the official opening of the new stores.

Originally, Hao Qiang planned to open during the May Day holiday, but the reality forced him to make adjustments.

After careful consideration, he finally decided to postpone the opening time to mid-May.

Although the opening time has been postponed, Hao Qiang is still full of expectations for the future of the two new stores.

Today, the profit generated by Renjian Fireworks every month has far exceeded the money he earned from typing.

In the early days of entrepreneurship, the profit of a hot pot restaurant is indeed not comparable to that of typing.

But with the increase in the number of stores, even if his writing system is at a higher level, the speed of making money cannot catch up with the speed of Renjian Fireworks.

However, Hao Qiang knows that the writing system is his foundation.

Entrepreneurship increases wealth and free attribute points, which complement the system.

Hao Qiang’s hometown, Hualong Village, Luancheng, Heng County.

Hao Jianjun, Hao Jian and Hao Jianmin have successfully obtained their driver’s licenses, but Hao Qiang’s mother Liu Fengqing is still practicing driving and progressing slowly.

Today, they went to the provincial capital to drive back the car that had been processed.

Hao Jian drove a van, Wulingzhiguang 1.0 manual, which cost almost 50,000 yuan.

And Hao Jianjun drove a Volkswagen Passat 2005 1.8T automatic comfort model, which cost about 230,000 yuan.

Getting a driver’s license does not mean that you can drive on the road. They set off at noon and drove on the national highway for only a few dozen kilometers. They drove the car home at four or five o’clock in the afternoon.

On the way, they almost had a car accident.

Fortunately, Hao Jianjun drove more and more smoothly, and the speed gradually increased.

However, after getting the car, it seems that he still doesn’t know how to reverse and park sideways.

When the car entered the village, Hao Jianjun did not drive the car home directly, but parked it under a big banyan tree.

He held the car keys in one hand and cigarettes in the other, distributing them to the villagers who were watching.

The villagers congratulated him and praised his new car.

“Jianjun, how much did this car cost?”

“This Volkswagen is beautiful, the first car in the village.”

“Isn’t that Hao Qiang’s? It’s a Porsche worth several million yuan.”

“Hao Qiang can’t come back to live here, he’s already a city dweller.”

“Jianjun can live in the city, but he just doesn’t want to go. It’s better to live in the countryside.”

Hao Jianjun listened to the villagers’ discussions around him, with a faint smile on his face, and replied: “The latest Passat, the landing price is 230,000 yuan, with a discount of 7,000 to 8,000 yuan.”

“Such an expensive car, it costs a lot of money to maintain it a year, right?”

“Insurance costs several thousand yuan a year. If you drive a lot, it may cost 10,000 to 20,000 yuan a year.”

When the villagers heard that the maintenance of the car cost 10,000 to 20,000 yuan a year, they felt that even if they could afford the car, they couldn’t afford it.

Most families have a net income of less than 10,000 yuan a year.

Hao Jianjun showed off for a while, drove the cars home, parked them in his own parking lot, washed them first, and then consecrated the two cars.

Soon, the sound of firecrackers rang throughout the village.

As the sound of firecrackers gradually faded, the village returned to peace.

However, that night, every household was discussing the fact that Hao Jianjun’s family had bought two new cars.

After Hao Jian bought the cars, he called his cousin that night.

The next day, he andMy father and I embarked on a journey to Yuecheng together, with the purpose of learning procurement knowledge.

After learning, we will return to the countryside to help Renjian Fireworks purchase special ingredients from our hometown.

April 30, Saturday morning.

Hao Qiang drove to pick up his cousin and uncle, first arranged for them to live in a rented house outside the school, and then took them to the No. 2 store to have a look and have lunch.

When Hao Jianmin and Hao Jian first stepped into Renjian Fireworks, they were deeply shocked by the busy scene in front of them.

Looking at the crowded store and the booming business, the two couldn’t help but sigh.

While eating lunch, the two counted the number of tables opened and calculated how much revenue they had in a day.

“Now the daily revenue is about 60,000 to 70,000 yuan.” Hao Qiang saw the curiosity and surprise of his uncle and cousin and smiled faintly.

“So much?”

Hao Jianmin and Hao Jian were shocked and asked at the same time, “Is this the revenue of the two stores or just this one?”

“Just this one.” Hao Qiang replied, “The number of customers every day can exceed a thousand, and the average consumption per person is about 60 yuan.”

“Brother, you are amazing. You earn a van a day.” Hao Jian exclaimed.

During the Chinese New Year, he heard how much money his cousin could make in a day, but today he saw it with his own eyes and really felt the shock.

The business is so hot that after careful calculation, the daily revenue is really as much as 60,000 to 70,000 yuan.

“In mid-May, two new stores will open.

If the business is good, we will continue to expand the number of stores. The demand for ingredients is very large.” Hao Qiang said lightly, “Brother Jian, uncle, you should get familiar with the ingredients and requirements in the store these days, taste more, and then go home to purchase after you are familiar with them.”

After that, he waved to the store manager Wang Sicong to come over, explain to him, and arrange for someone to teach his uncle and cousin.

Hao Jian is full of hope for the future. With the help of his cousin, it is hard not to get rich.

Of course, he also hopes to help his cousin and help him choose better quality ingredients, which are also cheaper and can save him money.

After lunch, Hao Jianmin and Hao Jian changed into work clothes and watched and learned in the kitchen. They finally saw the rules and strict requirements of the store.

After tasting the chicken in the store, it felt a bit dry and was not as good as the castrated chicken in his hometown.

After Hao Qiang arranged for his cousin and uncle, he went to do his own things.

There are many things to do in the electric motorcycle company. He has to review the design drawings and discuss the structural design of the first electric motorcycle F1 with the designers.

F1 is positioned at the high end, with a market price of about 4,000 yuan.

The specific configuration has not been determined yet. After the design is completed, it can be carefully calculated.

At the same time, Hao Qiang bought excellent electric motorcycles from the same industry to study and see what others have done well. As long as it does not involve patent infringement, he will try to learn from the design.

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