A few days later,

The decoration of Renjian Fireworks Store No. 3 and Store No. 4 was completed and they were in the process of opening. They were scheduled to open on Sunday, May 15.

Outside the store, a huge poster was particularly eye-catching, with the words “Renjian Fireworks, opening soon, please look forward to it!”

Passers-by couldn’t help but stop and look around curiously.

Inside the store, the staff were dressed in uniform and busy shuttling around the store, making the final preparations for the opening.

In the kitchen, the chefs were nervously cutting and preparing fresh ingredients for the final tasting stage.

The store manager patrolled the store and gave instructions to the staff from time to time. From service procedures to dealing with emergencies, every detail was repeatedly rehearsed to ensure that everything went smoothly on the opening day.

The store manager of Store No. 3 is Yang Qiuhong, who was originally the deputy store manager of Store No. 2.

She joined the company in October last year and started as the manager of the old store, with a monthly salary of only 2,300 yuan;

Then she became the deputy manager of the second store with a monthly salary of 4,000 yuan;

Now she is the manager of the third store, a manager level, with a monthly salary of 6,000 yuan, and also equipped with a car worth less than 100,000 yuan.

However, she currently does not know how to drive.

The rapid increase in salary has also changed her economic status at home.

The total number of employees of Renjian Fireworks has exceeded 250.

On May 12,

Hao Qiang’s Yuecheng Future Technology Group Co., Ltd. was established, referred to as “Future Technology Group”, or “Future Group”.

The subsidiaries of this group include Future Electric Motorcycle Company, Renjian Fireworks Catering Company, Galaxy New Energy Company, Future Technology Company and Xinghai Culture Company, aiming to bring a greener, more convenient and fun future to mankind through technology and innovation.

Corporate Vision: Make the future!

This is also Hao Qiang’s greatest ideal, and I don’t know if he can achieve it in his lifetime.

If there is no writing system, he certainly does not have this confidence, and a low-key name will be enough.

At present, Hao Qiang does not plan to disclose the corporate vision to employees. It is more appropriate to mention this great vision only after the company has developed to a certain scale, has a voice in the industry, and truly comes into contact with black technology.

Future Technology Company is newly established and is regarded as a parent company, while Xinghai Culture Company is a shell company.

According to the conditions for the establishment of a provincial group company, the registered capital of the parent company reaches more than 30 million yuan, and there are three subsidiaries with a total registered capital of more than 50 million yuan.

If it is a national group company, the number of subsidiaries is required to reach five or more, and the total capital reaches 100 million yuan.

In 2018, Guofa No. 28 cancelled the restrictions on the number of group subsidiaries, that is, as long as there are subsidiaries, other conditions can be met and registered.

The registered capital is implemented by the subscription system, not the paid-in system, and the registered capital can include cash, physical objects, intellectual property rights and other forms, that is, industrial land, shop investment and other fixed assets are considered.

When the group becomes larger, Renjian Fireworks Catering Company will be independent.

After the group is established, the name of the plaque of Tiansheng Building will be changed to “Future Technology Group”, and the company name of the 80 acres of industrial land under construction will be “Future Technology Group” instead of “Future Motorcycle Company”.

In fact, although Future Company is already called a group company, it actually has a small number of employees. Compared with those truly large group companies, it is relatively thin and can be said to be unworthy of the name.

The senior positions within the group, such as president and vice president, are still vacant, so Hao Qiang has not called himself the chairman for the time being, but only the general manager.

If he calls himself the chairman, he will be laughed at.

In reality, there are many group companies that are in name only. The total number of people in the company may be less than 100, and there is only one company that actually operates, but it is named as a group company, which sounds more impressive.

Of course, such practices can often attract job seekers who lack work experience.

To judge the efficiency of a company, we can see it from the indicator of the company’s annual per capita output value, and we can infer whether the company is worth joining.

Of course, the situation will be different in different industries.

Take a catering company as an example. The added value is relatively low, but the gross profit margin is high, so an annual per capita output value of 150,000 yuan is already quite considerable.

Take Renjian Fireworks No. 2 as an example. Its annual revenue is about 25 million yuan, the number of employees is close to 100 (three shifts), and the annual per capita output value is about 250,000 yuan.

However, if it is a machinery company, the annual per capita output value is only 250,000 yuan, then the company may face a loss.

In this era, generally speaking, the annual per capita output value isIt needs to reach more than 350,000 yuan to barely maintain a balance between income and expenditure.

And as time goes by, this standard may be further improved.

Take the Future Electric Motorcycle Company as an example. It plans to produce 30,000 vehicles annually, with an output value of about 90 million yuan.

Therefore, the number of employees must be controlled within 150 people to talk about high work efficiency.

Otherwise, the company’s organizational structure may appear too bloated.

Labor costs continue to increase year by year, but product prices have not increased. On the contrary, gross profit margins continue to decline, and the company’s profit margins must continue to decline.

Having said that, when the 80 acres of land of the new factory are put into use, and the products are on the market, and the machinery company has profits, it will be more appropriate for Hao Qiang to call himself the chairman.

At present, the leveling work of the 80 acres of land of the new factory has been completed, the fence has been built, and the foundation of the steel structure factory is being built.

Hao Qiang will drive around the construction site in his spare time. Seeing that his own factory is changing every day, his heart is full of satisfaction and expectation.

On Friday, May 13,

Hao Qiang drove to the rented factory.

At present, the office has been arranged with office supplies and desks, and many green plants have been moved in, making it orderly.

Two security guards are taking turns on duty to closely guard the company’s assets.

The scene in the workshop is brand new. The lines are redrawn according to the 6S standard, the workstations are arranged, and various raw materials and mechanical equipment are piled up.

In the assembly area, nearly ten electric motorcycles of other brands are disassembled, and workers and engineers are busy analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of these vehicles.

As long as it does not involve patent infringement, of course we should learn from it.

Take the essence and discard the dross.

Hao Qiang insisted that the designer personally participate in the disassembly process and fight side by side with the workers.

Only by operating it by hand can we understand every detail more deeply, rather than just sitting in the office and talking about it on paper.

When recruiting technicians, Hao Qiang pointed out the need for technicians with strong hands-on ability and willing to go to the workshop to guide the workers.

Whenever he has free time, he will personally devote himself to the disassembly and assembly work.

The first electric motorcycle he assembled by himself, after the tempering of procurement and assembly, exposed many problems during the assembly process.

Hao Qiang also realized that although the electric motorcycle seems to have a simple structure, it is not easy to achieve stable and efficient mass production.

Taking the main frame currently in charge of the company as an example, the selection of the wall thickness of the steel pipe is crucial.

Too thin will result in insufficient strength and easy burn-through during welding;

Too thick will result in difficulty in cold bending and the cost will rise accordingly.

In addition, under the same weight, the importance of rigidity cannot be ignored, which needs to be ensured by accurately calculating the static moment.

Of course, Hao Qiang is well aware of the Chinese people’s preference for overloading, so he particularly emphasized this point during the design process, that is, durability.

Don’t carry dozens of kilograms of heavy objects, and go down a small step that is not high, directly crushing the frame.

Two days later,

Human Fireworks Store No. 3 and Store No. 4 opened grandly.

Hao Qiang waited for a month or two, and finally waited for this day.

These two new stores are crucial to Renjian Fireworks Company. Whether they can continue the popularity of the No. 2 flagship store will directly affect the company’s future expansion plan.

If the two new stores can also achieve similar success as the No. 2 store, then the expansion plan of No. 5-7 stores will be smoothly promoted.

On the contrary, if their performance is mediocre, then the popularity of No. 2 store may only be regarded as an exception, just a phenomenon.

Then, Renjian Fireworks’ expansion plan will change.

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