For the villagers, no matter how rich you are, if you don’t contribute to your hometown, your reputation will not be very good.

Hao Qiang’s family invested more than 2 million to build a new house, and the family has three cars. Many people in the village envy him, knowing that his family has assets of tens of millions of yuan and is not short of money.

Although no one has come to Hao Jianjun’s house to ask for road construction, Hao Qiang and his family think that they should donate money to build roads.

The road from the entrance to the big banyan tree, plus the road to Hao Qiang’s house, is about 900 meters long.

But the road cannot be built only to the door of your own house, otherwise it will inevitably be misunderstood by the villagers as a donation just for their own convenience.

If the cement hardened road surface is 18 cm thick and 3 meters wide, and C20 grade concrete is used, the hardened area of ​​​​one kilometer is 3,000 square meters.

According to the current cost, plus the existing roadbed surface, the cost per square meter is about 70 yuan.

If Hao Qiang’s family pays for the materials and the villagers do the work, the price per square meter will be less than 50 yuan, and perhaps 40 yuan per square meter will be enough. The cost per meter of a 3-meter-wide road will be between 120-150 yuan.

Therefore, Hao Qiang plans to donate 180,000 yuan for road construction, and it is expected that 1.2-1.5 kilometers of road can be paved.

In this way, it will not only improve the traffic conditions in the village, but also facilitate their own travel, especially since their family often needs to drive to transport goods.

Of course, 1.2 kilometers can only be paved on the main roads in the village, and it is impossible to pave to the door of every household.

If the roads in the whole village are to be hardened, it is estimated that about 3 kilometers of road will need to be paved.

Hao Qiang plans to continue donating after one or two years when there is sufficient funds to extend the road section and widen the road.

After he communicated with his father on the phone, his father also thought it was feasible.

“Son, I’ll discuss it with the village committee first. If the villagers are willing to work, we are willing to donate 180,000 yuan to pave the road, and we will pave the main road first.

After the main road is repaired, some villagers may be willing to pay for the road to be extended to their own doorsteps.” Hao Jianjun had long wanted to talk to his son about road construction.

The village has no money to build roads. Every rainy day, the road is muddy, which is very inconvenient to travel and inconvenient for trucks to transport goods.

Although the 180,000 yuan allocated to each household is only 200 yuan, many families can’t afford it and don’t want to.

If they are idle at home, they may have the energy to work for free, but it is too difficult to ask them to pay.

This road is not only used by his family, but also by the whole village. It would be best to let the whole village work.

“Dad, it’s okay. We have to let the villagers take the initiative. Anyway, they are idle. We can’t do all the work. We can’t spend the money like that.” Hao Qiang agreed with his father’s proposal.

Sometimes, his father is quite smart and reliable most of the time, but he likes to show off, and this problem cannot be changed.

He will probably publicize the donation of money to build roads.

Well, let him do it.

If someone’s family is unwilling to work, he will definitely say: “The only one in our family who is willing to donate money is that person. He is unwilling to work, and finally the village road cannot be built. Who do you blame?”

Anyway, if the road is built, his family will get a reputation;

If the road is not built, it is definitely not his family’s fault.

In other words, if the road is not built, the villagers can’t blame his family, after all, it is built by the whole village.

“If our family donates money to build roads, the village will definitely support it strongly. If we donate directly, it will take hundreds of thousands of yuan. Humph, some people are eager to embezzle it all.” Hao Jianjun was indignant.

Hao Qiang said: “Dad, let’s discuss it with the village committee first, and give everyone a cigarette to let them contribute.

If we don’t take some benefits, some village committees may not be happy.

But most of the villagers are simple and honest, and they all hope that the village will develop well. We have the ability, and the villagers in the whole village are counting on us to make contributions.

Unless, we never go back to the countryside in our lifetime.”

He read a news report that a rich man wanted to donate money to his hometown to build a road, and he hired a construction team to pave the road.

As a result, the village cadres disagreed, saying that the money must be given to them for management, otherwise they would not be allowed to work.

There are many such weird things.

Of course the rich man was unwilling and felt very aggrieved. He wanted to do good things, but some people resisted because they did not get any benefits.

In the end, of course, the donation of money for road construction did not succeed.

So, it is not that if you do good things, everyone will be willing.

These selfish people think that since they have contributed, the good things will fall on the rich, and of course they themselves are unwilling.

They don’t think that people donate money to build roads for their own good.

Of course, there are many ungrateful people in some villages, such as Brother Xiaoyi who built a road for the village but angered the villagers, and the villagers complained: Look at the road he built, it’s not worth it!

The road was built, and the money was borrowed, but it didn’t get everyone’s praise, and even angered the public.

In the final analysis, these villagers have alwaysThey looked down on Brother Xiaoyi and always laughed at his singing, even though he became rich.

Similarly, Brother Xiaoyi had a problem with his way of doing things. He thought that taking care of everything would be good for the village, so he took on all the work.

Fortunately, the situation in Hao Qiang’s hometown was much better. Hao Qiang himself was admitted to university by his own ability and was respected by all the villagers.

Now that he has successfully started a business and is a famous person, the villagers are a little proud when talking about Hao Qiang with people from other villages, saying that he is from their village. At the same time, many smart villagers flatter Hao Qiang’s family, and maybe their own children have to rely on Hao Qiang.

Different situations will lead to completely different treatments.

Brother Xiaoyi is in the same situation as the internet celebrity Mouhua, and the results are not much different.

Hao Qiang is in the same situation as Mouqiang, and it is estimated that the results will be the same, and he will be respected by the villagers.

Hao Qiang didn’t know that the village committee of his village would not have any objections, but he still did his best to do things well.

If the village committee had any objections, he would not donate, and the villagers would definitely blame the village committee.

“Okay, son, I understand this principle. You have to give others some sweetness.” Hao Jianjun accepted it naturally. He was not stubborn on this point. He usually gave cigarettes to others and had a good relationship with most villagers.

It is normal for villagers to have some conflicts, but when it comes to major village affairs, they are very united.

When repairing the village temple, every household donated money, and those who have money contributed money and those who have strength contributed strength.

“Okay, Dad, you can arrange it.” Hao Qiang nodded, “There is one more thing. I am going to open the fifth hot pot restaurant here, and there will be more stores in the future.

The catering company has a huge demand for vegetables such as garlic, potatoes, lotus roots, white radishes, tomatoes, and edible fungi. We purchase them directly from wholesalers.

However, there may be middlemen from growers to wholesalers.

Instead of giving profits to middlemen and wholesalers, it is better to purchase from growers ourselves, but our company does not have the energy.

This matter can also be handed over to my cousin. He can cooperate with some growers in the village and purchase them at a higher price than the normal price, which will drive the development of the village and our procurement costs will be much lower.”

The price of vegetables purchased by Renjianyanhuo from wholesalers is not low, but the price they purchase from growers is lower.

Some kinds of fruits are very popular in the market and the price is also high, but growers do not make money. This phenomenon is very normal.

It is not profitable to grow sugarcane for sugar production in his hometown. An average net income of one mu is good enough.

If the net income from planting other cash crops is higher, as long as there is a few hundred yuan more per mu and there is a guarantee, the villagers are willing to plant, but such a good thing will not fall into their village.

Renjianyanhuo wants to cooperate with growers, so it signs a price agreement. As long as the required quality is met, it must be purchased at the agreed price, and the growers are willing to cooperate.

Of course, to avoid cooperative growers from becoming middlemen, there are regulations on the purchase volume and place of origin.

After listening to his son’s words, Hao Jianjun hesitated for a moment and replied: “If it can reduce costs, it is possible, but the quality must be guaranteed.

You report the demand and variety, and it is best to send samples back. I will talk to your uncle and ask him to find the growers and sign the planting agreement at that time.”

“Okay, I’ll arrange someone to be responsible for it.” Hao Qiang replied happily.

The father and son chatted for a while and ended the call.

Hao Jianjun was very excited about the road construction. He drove out to the street to buy a few packs of cigarettes and then visited the village head and village party secretary, giving each of them a pack of cigarettes. Then he told them about the donation for the road construction. Both of them were shocked.

After receiving the cigarettes, the two village cadres agreed with the road construction and were very willing to contribute. They quickly called other village committees to the village committee office near the primary school for a meeting to discuss.

Not long after, all five village committees agreed to build the road.

Hao Jianjun stressed at the meeting: “Aqiang said he would donate 180,000 yuan, and he would not care about the overspending.

So, we will plan ahead to build as much road as we have.

I am responsible for the procurement and financial matters.

The purchased materials must be used for road construction and must not be used for other projects.

Aqiang’s only requirement is that the village contributes, he pays for the materials, and they build the village road together.

If Aqiang’s company is profitable, he will try to build the road to every household in two or three years.

In addition, his company plans to cooperate with farmers to purchase a large amount of vegetables to ensure that the income is much higher than that of growing sugarcane.

So, families who are active in road construction will be given priority for cooperation.

I have finished speaking, what do you think?”

Hao Jianjun also likes to make promises. He will cooperate with whoever has a good relationship with him and whoever listens to him, and he will say it openly.

Who is in favor and who is against?Just after he finished talking about the planting cooperation, several village committees were curious and asked what vegetables to buy.

Every village committee member has sugarcane at home, at least a few acres of land, who doesn’t want to make a lot of money.

However, their village is too poor, there is no big boss to develop and invest, they can’t find a place to be greedy.

Hao Jianjun roughly explained, several village committees became more active, and expressed their support for road construction, and they wanted to go to the door to mobilize in person.

“Jianjun, let us mobilize this matter, how can you donate money and we don’t work. We guarantee that every family will contribute labor, whoever dares not to work, don’t let him go!” The village chief took the lead in expressing his opinion.

“Yes, you have done a great thing. I suggest that a stone tablet be engraved at the entrance of the village to commemorate it, so that the descendants of Hualong Village will remember it, and let the surrounding villages know that it was your family who donated money to build the road.” The village party secretary in his fifties also expressed his attitude actively, doing these things, he is the best at it.

“I agree very much. When the road is completed, it will be the first rural cement road in the town. Which village would not envy it?”

Other villagers also supported it.

The decision to build the road was made quickly.

After the meeting, the village chief planned to announce this good news to the whole village.

Their Hualong Village was going to be lively again.

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