The next morning,

Students from Hengxian No. 2 High School began to fill in their university applications. Only then did the students know which university and specific major Hao Qiang had applied for.

“Yuecheng Zhongda, so awesome, that’s the university I’ve always dreamed of!” A classmate exclaimed sincerely, and said to Hao Qiang with admiration, “Brother Qiang, help me experience it well.”

Hao Qiang chatted while copying books, and said with a smile that it was no problem.

“Li Hai, don’t worry. There are many girls in Zhongda University, and they are of high quality. Brother Qiang will help you experience more.”

“Fuck Chen Feng, you have a dirty mind!”

Li Hai said with contempt, then turned to Hao Qiang and smiled, “Letting Brother Qiang experience this kind of thing will tarnish his hands and ruin his great image. Let me bear this hard work myself, I don’t mind.”

“Li Hai, I admire your vulgarity. You just graduated and your pervert nature is exposed!”

“Chen Feng, you misunderstood him. Li Hai’s true colors are not exposed.” Zhang Lan smiled and defended Li Hai “This bastard has always been vulgar in our dormitory, but you just discovered it, haha.”

Chen Feng said contemptuously: “Sure enough, vulgarity in a dormitory is hereditary.”

Wu Hai interrupted: “Don’t count me in, I’m not in the same group with them.”

“Chen Feng, you misunderstood again.” Zhang Lan grinned, “Wu Hai is already better than his predecessor in vulgarity. He is a pervert in sheep’s clothing. Only our brother Qiang is pure and untainted.”

Hao Qiang coughed and interrupted Zhang Lan to continue talking about this topic. This guy started to talk dirty and tricked him into it.

Seeing Hao Qiang copying English, several classmates had to find a corner to continue chatting.

“Han Qingying applied to Hua Nan University of Science and Technology. Brother Qiang, you must be close to Han Qingying. If you want to hook up with Han Qingying, why don’t you apply to Hua Nan University of Science and Technology together?”

“I guess Hao Qiang doesn’t want to give up the whole forest for a tree, but in order to leave a way out for himself, he applied to the university in Yuecheng.”

“Yeah, that makes sense.”

These classmates teased Hao Qiang, but their eyes were full of envy.

For these students who are not sure about getting into undergraduate school, the score seems to be less important. As long as they can successfully apply for the college of their choice, it is enough.

Many people applied for stomatology. They felt that Hao Qiang helped Wu Hai analyze it very well, and planned to open a stomatological hospital together after graduation.

Han Qingying, who was sitting in the classroom and chatting with her deskmate, heard the male classmate teasing her and Hao Qiang. She glanced at Hao Qiang and found that he did not refute, but lowered his head to write something.

Hao Qiang was not interested in the chats of these classmates, and he was still copying books silently. Wu Hai said that he was obsessed with copying books and suffered sequelae.

“You know nothing. What I copied is wealth. Now ten words are worth one yuan. In a short time, I can have a bag of spicy strips.” Hao Qiang said secretly.

Only he knows the joy of copying books.

It is estimated that in ten days, his writing level will be upgraded to level 5.

If it weren’t for the recent pain in his right hand that affected his writing efficiency, it might be a few days earlier.

Now, Hao Qiang just wants to keep upgrading and open a technology store.

At ten o’clock in the morning, Wei Rong walked into the classroom with great interest, holding a newspaper in his hand, and walked straight to Hao Qiang who was sitting in the back row and still concentrating on copying books.

Wei Rong was slightly curious: “Hao Qiang, the college entrance examination is over, but you are still working so hard.”

Hao Qiang heard the teacher calling him, as if he was looking for him. He stopped writing and looked up and replied: “I’m used to it. It’s a bit boring. My hands are a bit itchy if I don’t copy for a day.”

Wei Rongle handed him the newspaper with a smile, pointed to one of the full-mark classical Chinese essays and said: “Take a look at this essay. Did you write it?

The name was not published on it, but the media reporter analyzed that it might be written by the top scorer in Chinese.

However, Mr. Chu from the first high school has confirmed it and called to congratulate you. He said that you wrote it. He was your invigilator and happened to notice this essay, so he kept it in mind.”

As soon as Wei Rong finished speaking, Hao Qiang didn’t have time to answer, and several students around him gathered around and scrambled to read the newspaper. The title was “The full score of the Chinese essay in Guangxi Province was written in classical Chinese”.

The content is as follows:

[Guizhou Education News, June 26, today, the highest scores of Guangxi Province’s 2004 college entrance examination subjects have been announced on the Guangxi Province Admissions Examination Information Website.

The list is as follows: The highest score in Chinese is 142 points, only 1 person, Hao Qiang from Hengxian No. 2 High School;

9 people scored full marks in mathematics, respectively…; 2 people scored full marks in English… It is disclosed that this year, there is only one full mark in the Chinese composition in Guangxi Province, and it is written in classical Chinese, which is very likely from Hao Qiang, the first place in Chinese in the province. 】 (Photo attached)

“Fuck, it’s amazing, 142 points in Chinese, Hao QiangQiang is so abnormal!”

“Yeah, I thought it was around 137 points. In previous years, this score basically meant he was the first in the province.”

“Wow, it was written in classical Chinese, and it got full marks. Although I don’t understand it, I feel it’s impressive.”

“Is it written by Hao Qiang? I’m just guessing.”

“Didn’t you hear Teacher Wei say that the teacher of No. 1 High School has already confirmed it, and he happened to be the invigilator, so Teacher Wei asked Hao Qiang to confirm it again.”

The full-mark composition, and it was written in classical Chinese, immediately caused a huge sensation and amazement among the students around him. They looked up to Hao Qiang and admired his talent.

If this article was just a full-mark composition of ordinary topics, it might only cause a temporary sensation. However, it was written in classical Chinese, quoted classics, and quoted extensively, and it got full marks. It was really a demon talent. I guess the Chinese teacher would be ashamed of himself.

“Hao Qiang, you are so amazing! “Then the students who gathered around exclaimed.

Students are most afraid of classical Chinese, which is difficult to understand and gives them a headache. Unexpectedly, Hao Qiang went against the trend and used it to write his composition!

Moreover, he is so bold that he is not afraid of being given a low score by the examiner.

Hearing these students exclaim and saying that it was written in classical Chinese, more and more students gathered around curiously and wanted to take a look.

But there was only one newspaper on the scene, and the students who couldn’t see it shouted to read it to them. The students who were holding the newspaper were squeezed and had no choice but to read it out loud: “Don’t squeeze, don’t shout, I’ll read it, it’s written in official script, and the beginning is amazing. “Do what you want, and let others judge…”

When Hao Qiang’s composition was read out, the scene suddenly became silent. The students were amazed and wrote it well.

After a while, the composition was finished, and the students focused their surprised eyes on Hao Qiang, hoping to get his response, wondering if such a composition was really written by him?

Han Qingying heard her classmates say that it was written in official script, and a teacher from a higher school proved it, so she was basically sure that it was written by Hao Qiang. She looked at Hao Qiang again, as if she saw the most dazzling star on him. Her deskmate noticed her gaze, and she quickly retracted her gaze.

Generally speaking, girls like boys with good literary talent. Students think that talented boys are very attractive and look tall and noble.

Even Chen Mengqi, who hated Hao Qiang before, has improved her opinion of him and feels that Hao Qiang can be promoted from a qualified spare tire to an excellent spare tire.

Students like Lin Fan who hate Hao Qiang have to admire Hao Qiang for being so low-key and pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, and they can’t help but feel jealous.

Hao Qiang saw that the classmates around him looked at him enviously, and even Teacher Wei Rong had a look of admiration on his face.

Looking at everyone’s burning eyes, waiting for his answer, he didn’t want to admit it and be low-key, but the invigilator confirmed that it was him, so he had to admit: “Well, it was indeed written by me, coincidence.”

“Hao Qiang, you are so abnormal!”

“Hao Qiang is usually too low-key, but it turns out that his writing is so powerful. This time it’s on the newspaper and he has become a celebrity. ”

“Yes, the teachers of the first high school have personally confirmed it, otherwise he would not want to admit it”

Wei Rong heard Hao Qiang admit it himself, looked at the students’ praise, and left the classroom with satisfaction.

Half an hour later, Hao Qiang’s full-score composition was announced on the school bulletin board to inspire students and provide learning and reference for all teachers and students in the school.

When this article came out, all the teachers and students in the school were shocked.

In front of the bulletin board, students stopped to discuss and were in awe of Hao Qiang’s talent.

Hao Qiang’s Chinese teacher Li Jialing also felt ashamed after seeing the composition. She couldn’t teach such a student. When her colleagues around her congratulated her, she looked more and more embarrassed and could only smile bitterly in response.


What they didn’t know was that more than ten days ago, when they returned to The time for marking the Chinese language in the college entrance examination.

According to relevant procedures, the disclosure of the full-score essays in the college entrance examination should be collectively agreed by the marking group and reported to the Education Examination Institute for approval. No person can publish the full-score essays in the media privately.

In previous years, some provinces would publish the full-score essays in the college entrance examination, such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

But even if the content of the full-score essay is announced, the author’s information will not be announced. The author’s consent must be obtained.

This time, the marking group held a discussion meeting on Hao Qiang’s full-score classical Chinese essay.

A marking teacher said: “I think it can be made public. Good articles should be shared and used as models for everyone to learn, rather than collected. Some provinces have done a good job in this regard and boldly announced it.”

“I also support disclosure. For a long time, the college entrance examination Chinese language in our province has always been unpopular. It is rare to have an excellent essay, and it is classical Chinese, praising traditional culture, which is worthy of appreciation and learning by teachers and students.”

“Then I have no objection. This is a very proud thing. If it is criticized, everyone will bear it together.”

“ThenWell, since all members of the Chinese language marking group agree, we will report it to the Provincial Department of Education. “Finally, the head of the Chinese language marking group for the college entrance examination made the final decision.

Finally, the Education Examination Institute approved it and then announced it to the media.


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