At two o’clock in the afternoon,

Yang Lu, a media reporter from Hengxian TV station, and a photographer came to the Second High School. They first interviewed Principal Zhang and the Chinese teacher, and then prepared to interview Hao Qiang.

The station received news that the author of the classical Chinese essay with full marks in the Guangxi Education Newspaper was in the Second High School, and it had been confirmed.

The leader felt that this was a very valuable reporting topic. Taking advantage of the popularity of the college entrance examination, broadcasting it would increase the ratings, so Yang Lu was sent to interview.

Moreover, in a county with a population of one million, most of the usual news reports are rebroadcasts of other media content, and there are few local original reports.

And this time, they finally caught a striking topic.

After Yang Lu interviewed the principal and the Chinese teacher of the Second High School, under the leadership of the principal, they were preparing to go to classroom 103 to interview the person involved, Hao Qiang.

However, Hao Qiang “acted” not very willing to be interviewed.

Yang Lu felt a little embarrassed and couldn’t help touching her face, and she was a little doubtful about her beautiful appearance. She deliberately wore a hip skirt today. The photographer said that she was full of charm, and the students around her couldn’t help but exclaimed that she was beautiful when they saw her.

Hearing that Hao Qiang was unwilling to be interviewed, Principal Zhang quickly tried to persuade him, explaining that this was for the school’s publicity and hoping that he would cooperate.

“Principal, I’m afraid I’ll say the wrong thing, and it’s very time-consuming.” Hao Qiang frowned.

In fact, he was not opposed to the interview, but he couldn’t agree so quickly to see if he could make a fortune.

“Two hundred yuan for hard work, I give it to you personally, and the school reward will definitely be given to you as scheduled.”

Hao Qiang’s eyes lit up: “Principal, I’m so embarrassed.”

“Don’t be embarrassed, two hundred yuan is just a small thing, but don’t think it’s too little.” Principal Zhang stuffed two hundred yuan directly into Hao Qiang’s trouser pocket.

“Oh, okay, I’m so embarrassed.”

Hao Qiang finally agreed to be interviewed for the school’s reward and extra money.

Even if it’s not much, a mosquito is also meat.

It was the first time that his classmates were interviewed by a media reporter, and they felt that it was a very proud and glorious thing.

But unexpectedly, Hao Qiang was not happy!

If the principal had not come out in person, this guy would really refuse. They really wanted to go up in Hao Qiang’s place, not to mention that the interviewer was a young and beautiful female reporter.

Seeing that the photographer was ready, Yang Lu picked up the interview microphone and said to Hao Qiang: “Hao Qiang, you won the top scorer in the Chinese language in the college entrance examination. Do you have any special feelings?

Are you very excited?”

Facing the camera, Hao Qiang’s expression seemed very calm, and he said lightly: “In fact, I don’t have any special feelings.

I think it is not a good thing to celebrate too early before the admission notice is issued. If not, it will turn into sorrow.

The end of the college entrance examination is just the end of a short journey on the road of life, and the road ahead is still long.

The food, drink, clothing and daily necessities we enjoy now are all given by our parents, but they make our parents worry about us, and we have not made any contribution to society.

So, I think it is not worth mentioning to get good results in the college entrance examination.”

The teachers and students around and the female reporter were very surprised and admired when they heard Hao Qiang’s orderly, meaningful and calm answer.

Especially Yang Lu, she felt like she had met a “veteran”.

Generally speaking, when hearing about a media interview, most people would be very excited.

However, this student was different, she was too calm.

Moreover, when he looked at her, his eyes did not change, as if he saw her just like an ordinary person. Compared with other excited students, at least the monk would be moved.

She originally wanted to give reporter Hao Qiang an interview plan, and she could answer according to the interview questions, but he said to ask directly if there was anything.

“You write classical Chinese so well, do you have any suggestions or shortcuts?”

“A tree that can be embraced by two people grows from a tiny seed; a nine-story tower is built from a pile of earth.

There is no skill. My skill is to persist day after day and not procrastinate.

I got full marks for my composition this time, I was just lucky. If I were asked to write another one, I might not be able to write it.

So, don’t think that my excellent writing skills are just a flash in the pan.

Of course, it has a lot to do with our principal. He manages well and cares about students, so we can study quietly.”

For the sake of the extra money, Hao Qiang praised the principal.

Principal Zhang saw Hao Qiang praising him in front of everyone and felt that the two hundred yuan was not given in vain.

“Haha, Hao Qiang is too modest, quoting classics and saying it with a flick of his hand.”

Next, the media reporter asked some questions, some of which were picky and deliberately difficult, just because they were dissatisfied with Hao Qiang’s resistance to the interview just now, but Hao Qiang cleverly avoided them.

For example, the reporter asked: “Has student Hao had a love relationship at school?Do you have a girl you like? ”

Hao Qiang saw that she continued to make things difficult, so he didn’t hold back and asked back with a smile: “Actually, I’m also curious, how many boyfriends did reporter Yang have when she was a student?

Do you have a partner now?

Can you teach us some love experience? ”

This made Yang Lu feel embarrassed. She was still single. She didn’t expect Hao Qiang to ask her back.

In fact, in this regard, she was no match for Hao Qiang. From the perspective of psychological age, Hao Qiang was several years older than her, not to mention Hao Qiang’s thick skin, which was a “skill” he had honed when shooting short videos.

If you don’t have a thick skin, why shoot short videos.

The teachers and students around laughed as they watched Hao Qiang respond to the questions of the media reporters so calmly, and even dared to tease the other party.

The interview ended and the media reporters left the scene.

The classmates began to discuss whether this interview could be shown on TV. If it was really shown on TV, wouldn’t Hao Qiang be more famous?

“It will definitely be shown. The photographers are here. I was standing behind Hao Qiang at the time. Maybe my handsome face was also photographed.” A classmate raised his eyebrows with a playful smile.

“It is likely to be shown. Pay attention to the county TV station these few nights and you will know. ”

Students were still very much looking forward to appearing on TV. During the interview, many of them were photographed by the photographer.

At 11:00 noon, all candidates filled in their applications and submitted them to their class teachers. The class teachers personally confirmed with each student to ensure that they had not made any mistakes.

After filling in their applications, graduates bought yearbooks and asked their classmates to sign them as souvenirs.

Hao Qiang felt that yearbooks were not easy to preserve for a long time, and he was too lazy to bother. Most of the students in the class bought them, and each student asked him to sign, hoping that he would write in official script. Many students like this poem, “Look at the affairs of the world lightly, and be free and easy in the world.”

In the face of students’ requests, Hao Qiang accepted all of them. After all, copying anywhere is copying, and you can make money in the same way.

Chen Mengqi found Hao Qiang with the yearbook, hoping that Hao Qiang would write more and write some love words, but Hao Qiang could not treat her equally as she wished, so as to avoid misunderstandings from classmates.

This made her a little unhappy, and she blamed Hao Qiang for being arrogant and conceited. She pursed her lips, and the next sentence shocked the students around her.

“Hao Qiang, let’s make peace as before?”

“What do you mean?”

“Stop pretending, okay? You can confess again. After I graduate from college, I will seriously consider it.”

Hao Qiang widened his eyes and was stunned for a moment: “Chen Mengqi, are you crazy? ”

Lin Fan, who had always been secretly in love with Chen Mengqi, felt cold at this moment, and his eyes dimmed a little. After the college entrance examination, he confessed to Chen Mengqi, and Chen Mengqi said that she would consider it.

Now, does he still need to consider it?

No, Chen Mengqi must have suddenly had a fever, or was joking with Hao Qiang.

Chen Mengqi looked at Hao Qiang with aggrieved eyes: “Please don’t be like this, okay? I have forgiven you. I applied to the university in Yuecheng, the same city as you. ”

Hao Qiang’s acne has faded a lot, no longer as ugly as before, plus he is tall, it’s pretty impressive to take him out.

Moreover, this time Hao Qiang is very likely to appear on TV and become famous. If she doesn’t seize the opportunity, he might be snatched away by other girls.

Even if she doesn’t want him for the time being, she can’t let other vixens snatch Hao Qiang away.

She thinks that if she takes the initiative, Hao Qiang should agree.

But what she didn’t expect was that Hao Qiang actually disagreed. What does he want? Doesn’t he think it’s too much to reject her directly?

This woman is playing that game again. Hao Qiang directly explained: “Don’t let the classmates misunderstand. We are just ordinary classmates, and we have always been!”

Hao Qiang’s words made Chen Mengqi very unhappy. How could they be ordinary classmates? After all, Hao Qiang had a crush on her and confessed to her.

Haven’t I rejected him once? Why am I still angry?

Thinking of this, Chen Mengqi said dissatisfiedly:

“Do you like Han Qingying?

Otherwise, how could you two apply to the same city’s university? You could obviously apply to other key universities. ”

“Okay, I like her, can you give up and stop bothering me!”

Hao Qiang was speechless and left the classroom quickly, otherwise he really didn’t know what kind of trouble this Pu Xin girl would make.

After he finished speaking, he realized that it was not good to use Han Qingying as a shield, so he had to explain to her later.

“Sure enough, you have changed and have fallen in love with someone else.”

“Psychopath, really unreasonable!”

Hao Qiang turned around and replied, and walked out of the classroom to get some fresh air.

This is at school, and I can’t say anything too harsh to her, I’m really afraid that she will jump off the building and commit suicide.

Hao Qiang probably understands that Chen Mengqi is a girlBorn, adolescent girls are both conceited and like to be pretentious, always thinking that all beautiful things belong to them.

In the final analysis, it is because they are praised too much by the licking dogs, like to be self-centered, and now they are not bad.

If this woman becomes bad, she will make money quickly.

At this time, in the classroom, the students felt that they had eaten too many melons this day, which shocked them.

Such arrogant Chen Mengqi actually confessed to Hao Qiang, and Hao Qiang directly rejected it. The one he liked was Han Qingying.

Damn, this is a love triangle!

Han Qingying didn’t expect Hao Qiang to directly admit that he liked her. Although part of it was using her as a shield, Hao Qiang’s words still made her heart ripple. At this moment, she was looked at by her classmates with strange eyes, and she lowered her head shyly.

Why did she feel secretly happy when Hao Qiang rejected Chen Mengqi? She didn’t do it before. Is it vanity?

Or do you like men’s sweet words?

Her deskmate smiled and gently touched Han Qingying, with a kind teasing tone: “Hao Qiang said he likes you. In fact, I also think Hao Qiang is pretty good, with great literary talent.

If both of you are admitted to key universities and live in the same city, you will be a perfect couple.”

Han Qingying felt that her deskmate was right, but she still smiled slightly, pursed her lips and shook her head: “You misunderstood, he just used me as a shield.

Besides, at this stage, I just want to get into college, find a good job after graduation, and take care of my grandma. Emotional matters are not within my consideration for the time being.”

At this time, Chen Mengqi walked back to her desk with a sullen face, a pair of cold eyes filled with tears, and she sobbed after a while, quickly packed up the yearbook and belongings and left the classroom, and glared at Han Qingying before leaving.

Her deskmate Li Yuan saw this and hurriedly followed her.

The classmates in the class looked at this scene and whispered.

“Hao Qiang is awesome. He actually made Chen Mengqi cry.”

“Ah, it’s so embarrassing for a girl to be rejected after confessing her love.

However, I now feel that Chen Mengqi is not worthy of Hao Qiang. The schools are too different. Wouldn’t it be better for Hao Qiang to find a girl from the same school when he was in college?”

“In fact, Chen Mengqi is very beautiful. So many boys pursued her, but she didn’t agree. She is good enough for Hao Qiang. Maybe Hao Qiang will regret it in the future.”

Han Qingying heard many classmates talking about her. She quietly packed up her things and left the classroom. Anyway, there was nothing else to do, so she planned to pack her luggage and go home.

After she walked out of the classroom, Hao Qiang, who was squatting under the shade of a tree to get some fresh air, saw her and called her.

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