That night,

The starry sky was bright, the moon was high in the sky, and the silver light gently fell, covering the earth with a mysterious veil.

Under the ancient banyan tree in Hualong Village, the villagers gathered together and played cards under the light.

Every night, in order to attract customers, the owner of the village store would move his large LCD TV to the door of the store for the villagers to watch the program.

At this time, the TV was broadcasting the news of the county, and one of the segments happened to be an interview with Hao Qiang.

Some of the villagers gathered in front of the TV had already recognized Hao Qiang and exclaimed: “Hey, isn’t this Hao Qiang, the son of Hao Jianjun?”

“Yes, he was on TV and was interviewed by reporters!”

Seeing something new, a villager shouted to the villagers in the distance, calling more villagers to come and watch: “Everyone come and see, Hao Jianjun’s son is on TV!”

As soon as the shouting fell, several villagers really ran over to join in the fun and asked curiously: “Did he get caught for committing a crime? Or was he on TV for something?”

“Don’t make a fuss, let’s take a look first, this situation doesn’t look like a crime, it seems like it’s at school.”

Then, the villagers watched attentively. When the program ended, they realized that Hao Qiang had achieved excellent results in the college entrance examination, and won the first place in the province in the Chinese subject. He wrote an essay in classical Chinese, and the matter was also reported in the provincial newspaper.

“So that’s how it is. It’s really amazing. He can really get into a key university. It seems that Hao Jianjun is not bragging!”

“Humph, who knows? He usually likes to brag so much. This time, it’s his son’s achievement, not his own achievement.”

“You can’t say that. Without Hao Jianjun, where would his outstanding son come from? Haha, his son is amazing, so he is qualified to brag.”

After the TV report came out, the villagers’ comments gradually leaned towards Hao Jianjun’s side. Before, many villagers thought that Hao Jianjun was bragging and that Hao Qiang could not possibly get into undergraduate school.

Now, he is the top scorer. Although he is the top scorer in a single subject, it is also very remarkable.

Coincidentally, Chen Zhen’s wife happened to see the news report at home. After reading it, she couldn’t help but mutter: “What a lucky guy!

I don’t know whether I can be admitted yet, don’t be too happy too early. It’s just the top scorer in one subject. I thought he was the top scorer in the whole province! He loves to show off so much and even appears on TV.”

Chen Zhen was jealous when he heard his wife’s sour words, but he was still sensible. He lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and said: “Hey, wife, let’s be realistic. Hao Qiang is indeed a very capable guy, but Hao Jianjun, that bastard, might be showing off.

“How could Hao Jianjun give birth to such a son? Maybe Hao Qiang is not his biological son.”

“Haha, let’s just say this here. If we say it outside, Hao Jianjun will come to our door with a knife, and we won’t care.”

“His family occupied our rice fields, so he is right?”

“Forget it, the past is hard to explain, let’s see if our son can be admitted.”

“That’s definitely no problem.” Chen Ming’s mother said, still a little worried.

At the same time, she was still very jealous of Hao Jianjun’s son’s high scores.

That night, many villagers saw the interview report of Hao Qiang.

However, Hao Qiang’s parents missed the news report of their son.

The next morning, Hao Jianjun finished his farm work at home and prepared to go to the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village to watch the villagers play cards and relax.

However, when he walked under the big banyan tree, he was surprised to find that many villagers were congratulating him.

“Jianjun, congratulations, your son got a high score in the college entrance examination and won the provincial champion in Chinese!”

“What? Champion?”

Hao Jianjun was a little confused. He only knew that his son scored 657 points and ranked first in the province, but his son didn’t say that he won the provincial champion in Chinese. Did he let it slip?

“Oh, you are still playing dumb!

Last night, your son was on the county TV station and a reporter interviewed him. You are really good at playing dumb!” A villager smiled contemptuously with a twisted mouth.

“Ah, my son is on TV? I didn’t watch TV last night!” Hao Jianjun looked at the villagers around him who seemed to know everything. He felt that he and his wife had missed it, and he slapped his thigh and said regretfully.

When Hao Jianjun saw some villagers mocking him, he tried to explain: “I really didn’t see it, what a fart.”

Next, Hao Jianjun turned to the villagers around him and asked: “My son was on TV last night?”

“Yes, you didn’t know? Your son is really amazing, the reporters praised him for his good writing.”

“I really didn’t know!”

Hao Jianjun asked several villagers, and after confirmation, he finally believed that his son was really on TV.

However, he did not stop there, but continued to ask other villagers, fearing that others would not know about his son’s glory. Hearing others praising his son, he felt happy and happy.

Of course, some villagers said that he was pretending to be stupid and showing off again.

Hao Jianjun under the banyan treeAfter a leisurely walk, he was full of pride and satisfaction, and then strolled around the village, continuing to enjoy the envious eyes of other villagers.

If he met an uninformed villager, Hao Jianjun would take the initiative to ask: “Brother, did you watch TV last night?”

“No, what’s the matter?”

Hao Jianjun handed the other party a cigarette, scratched his head gently, with a confused look on his face: “Hey, someone said that my son won the first place in the province in the Chinese language test of the college entrance examination, got full marks for the composition, and was interviewed by reporters on the county TV station last night. I didn’t see it yesterday, so I asked.

Whether it is true or not, it is not a trivial matter after all, right?

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether it is true or not, I’m just afraid that someone will spread it randomly, tarnishing my son’s reputation and ruining my reputation.”

When the villagers got the cigarette, they showed an appreciative expression on their faces. No matter whether it was true or not, they would say good things when they got the cigarette: “Wow, great, then someone saw it, it must be true.”

But there was still some contempt in my heart, Hao Jianjun, your reputation may not be that good.

“Well, let me ask again. My son is really something. He called me the day before yesterday and only said that he scored 657 points, more than 100 points above the key line, but he didn’t say that he was the champion in Chinese. He also appeared on TV. He is so carefree and makes people worry.” Hao Jianjun sighed and left.

The villagers who were asked smoked Hao Jianjun’s cigarettes and felt that the smoke smelled a bit sour.

Last night, Hao Qiang and Wu Hai spent the whole night in the Internet cafe.

Hao Qiang was immersed in the ocean of typing and gained a lot.

The effect of typing is indeed better than handwriting, and it is less likely to feel tired.

He also thought about buying a computer, but it is not convenient to explain the source of money to his family at present, so he decided to wait until the school rewards were issued.

After checking the recent market of Moutai stock, the lowest share price was 42.5 yuan and the highest reached 47.3 yuan. The closing price yesterday was 46.7 yuan, which was only a little higher than the price when he bought it.

He knew that this stock was suitable for long-term holding, and the fluctuations in the short term were not obvious.

But after two or three months, the stock price would definitely rise.

Hao Qiang did not dare to leverage stocks. Stocks would rise in the long term, but there would also be sharp declines in the short term. If the losses reached a certain level, the securities company would force him to close his positions. Then he would not make a penny and would lose money.

Wu Hai played “fire in the hole” all night, and Hao Qiang played two rounds of CS with him when he was tired of typing.

At the middle of the night, Wu Hai had no mood to play CS, but was deeply attracted by the small video of the neighboring table, and couldn’t move his eyes away.

Hao Qiang glanced and found that the student at the neighboring table of Wu Hai was wearing headphones and watching a romantic action movie with relish.

Wu Hai’s peeping was noticed by the student, but the buddy did not feel embarrassed. He continued to enjoy the 18th set of radio gymnastics happily. He felt a little stuffy and unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt.

Wu Hai realized that he was discovered by Hao Qiang, and felt a little embarrassed. He quickly turned his head to his screen. After seeing Hao Qiang continue to concentrate on typing, he breathed a sigh of relief, continued to look away, and admired it seriously.

In fact, Wu Hai really wanted to ask the buddy where he found the resources and whether he could share them. He searched for a long time but couldn’t find them.

Maybe the buddy was bored after watching too much, so he turned off the video and went to sleep, which made Wu Hai angry: Brother, keep watching!

If you turn it off, how can I learn?

You are happy, but I am not happy enough!

Otherwise, just tell me where the resources are!

Seeing that the buddy was sleeping soundly, Wu Hai sighed inwardly and continued to play his CS.

I don’t know why, but my shooting skills are not accurate, maybe because I am absent-minded.

At about eight o’clock in the morning, the two left Happy Internet Cafe and found that the sky was gray and it was drizzling.

Last night, the sky was bright and the stars were twinkling, but it rained this morning. What is God trying to do?

The two of them covered their hair with their hands and ran to a nearby breakfast shop to have breakfast. They both ordered roll noodles. After they finished eating, the rain stopped, but the sky was still gray.

The rainy season in Guangxi Province is from April to September. Although it does not last long, it is very frequent and annoying.

On the way back to school, Hao Qiang looked at the jasmine field on the roadside and found that the jasmine leaves were tender and juicy.

However, such weather is very bad for flower farmers. The flowers picked today will drop in price. If it rains harder, there will be no harvest today, and the tea factory will not accept wet jasmine flowers.

When they returned to the campus, they met Chen Mengqi and Li Yuan, and Lin Fan was beside them to help with the luggage.

Lin Fan saw Hao Qiang and threw him a proud and victorious smile.

However, Lin Fan’s foot hit the steps unexpectedly and he staggered. He managed to stabilize himself, but because the items in the box were too heavy and the zipper of the plastic box was of poor quality, the clothes and books in the box were thrown out.

Chen MengQi watched her clothes fall on the dirty and wet ground, feeling terrible. She couldn’t help but exclaimed in pain: “Ah, my clothes!”

What made her even more embarrassed was that two bras were turned out, one of which she had changed last night and hadn’t had time to wash yet, so she planned to take it home to wash.

Her face instantly turned pale, and she glared at Lin Fan, not knowing what to say.

Although Chen Mengqi didn’t scold Lin Fan, she still felt a little resentful in her heart. If she had known, she wouldn’t have asked him to help with the luggage.

Hao Qiang and Wu Hai just glanced back and continued to walk straight to the dormitory.

At this time, Lin Fan felt extremely embarrassed, and his originally proud smile froze instantly. He apologized to Chen Mengqi with deep regret: “Mengqi, I, I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry! Let me help you pick it up.”

At this time, he blamed Hao Qiang. Damn, if it weren’t for him, how could he bump into things when walking.

“You don’t have to pick it up!”

Chen Mengqi was in a depressed mood and refused to help pick up the clothes. She just lowered her head and quickly packed her clothes. At the same time, she looked at Hao Qiang’s back with mixed feelings.

Li Yuan squatted down to help her pick up the luggage, and comforted her: “Mengqi, Lin Fan didn’t mean it. Your luggage is indeed a bit heavy, and the box can’t bear it.”

“I know.”

Chen Mengqi replied indifferently, blaming Hao Qiang and feeling dissatisfied with Lin Fan.

If Hao Qiang hadn’t happened to pass by, maybe this wouldn’t have happened.

Besides, why did it happen in such a ghost weather? Now, the clothes have to be washed again.

This God obviously wants to punish her. Did she do something wrong?

Lin Fan looked at Chen Mengqi’s tone towards him and suddenly became indifferent. His heart was a little cold. Looking at Hao Qiang’s back, he felt more resentful.

He just stood there quietly, at a loss, embarrassed to the point that he just wanted to find a rat hole to crawl into.

At the same time, Wu Hai walked in front and said to Hao Qiang with a smile: “This pretty boy is so unlucky. A good thing turns into a bad thing. I just saw him. That bastard was still smiling at you smugly, haha.”

Hao Qiang raised his mouth slightly and laughed involuntarily.

Wu Hai saw that Hao Qiang just chuckled and continued to tease: “That bastard is really thick-skinned. You said he was a licker, and it was true.

It seems that Chen Mengqi doesn’t like him. I really don’t know how many years Lin Fan will continue to pursue him. Will he lick him until he dies?”

“Dead Sea, don’t laugh at others. At least they are brave enough to pursue. Thick skin is not a bad thing. It is most effective in pursuing women.”

“Okay, it sounds like you are praising yourself. Although you don’t lick women, your face is as thick as a city wall. You said Han Qingying owes you three meals. When do you plan to “I’ll call her back later?”

The two walked and talked, and soon returned to the dormitory. Hao Qiang did not answer directly, but replied sleepily: “I stayed up all night, I’m tired!”

“Fuck girls, just avoid serious questions!”

“I said, I don’t have a sister, I’m your uncle! My uncle is sleepy, do you want to sleep with me?”

“Accompany your uncle!”

“Haha, my uncle is in a ghost town, you want to accompany him so much?”

The two talked a few words, rinsed their mouths and washed their faces quickly, but didn’t want to take a shower, so they just lay on the bed to catch up on sleep.

When the sun was high in the sky, the two woke up and found that their roommates had left.

“Qiangzi, there are only two of us left!” Wu Hai sat on the bed, looking at the empty dormitory, feeling very empty.

Hao Qiang nodded: “Yeah!”

Wu Hai felt the urge to urinate suddenly, so he got up quickly and urinated in the bathroom. When he flushed, he found that the water was out.

“Damn it, the water supply has been cut off before everyone has left. There is no water left. Forget it, let’s leave it as a souvenir for the next class.”

“Don’t be disgusting, be a human being!” Hao Qiang said contemptuously. He couldn’t help but urinate, so he got up and ran into the bathroom to flush the water. He shook it twice and accidentally spilled it on his hands.

He walked out of the bathroom, patted Wu Hai’s shoulder, and pushed him to get a bucket to wash it before leaving.

“Why don’t you go, disgusting!” Wu Hai cursed, and finally took the bucket to the bathroom to get water.

After Wu Hai finished washing, the two packed their luggage, put the key on the table, and walked out of the dormitory.

Unexpectedly, the weather had cleared up and the air became more fresh and pleasant.

The jasmine flowers outside the school looked even more pure and flawless under the sunlight, like a white ocean.

When the two walked to the school gate, they couldn’t help but look back at the eye-catching big words “Hengxian No. 2 Senior High School” on the school gate.

Maybe, after a while, they will go back to school to get the admission letter.

Hopefully, everything goes well.

The two left the campus and had lunch outside the school.

After lunch, they took a taxi to the bus station and took another bus home.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Hao Qiang returned home and found that only his mother was watching TV at home.

When his mother saw her son coming home, she took his quilt.I took out the mattress and planned to dry it and wash the sheets.

“Son, I heard from the villagers that you were on the county TV station yesterday?”

“That’s true, right? Where is Dad?”

“Your dad, I heard you were on TV, go hang out, you show off.”

“Haha, I feel like a mascot.”

At five o’clock in the afternoon, Hao Jianjun was biting a dogtail grass root in his mouth, with a satisfied smile on his face, holding his son’s favorite lemon duck cooked vegetables in his hand, humming a little song: “I walked through the avenues in a chic way,

I smiled proudly,

and smiled proudly, ho ho ho.”

Recently, the mainland TV series “The Four Treasures of the Imperial Court” is on the air. Hao Jianjun has listened to the theme song “Smiling Proudly” countless times, and he can recite it even if he can’t sing it.

However, he only knows these three sentences.

After returning home, he walked into his son’s room and saw that he was writing. He asked him about the TV interview and the Chinese language champion. He felt relieved after getting confirmation.

In the evening, the family of three had dinner. Hao Jianjun happily talked about the interesting things in the village and said that Chen Zhen would take a detour when he met him.

Hao Qiang advised: “Dad, keep a low profile. It’s not a good thing to be disliked by others.”

Not all villagers want his family to live well unless it can bring them benefits.

“Okay, listen to my son.” Hao Jianjun felt satisfied today. It was the most glorious day in recent years.

In the following days, Hao Qiang stayed at home, writing desperately every day to gain experience, and the only thing in his mind was upgrading.

By July 5, there were still 91,000 words left.

On July 8, there were still 39,900 words left.

At nine o’clock in the morning on July 9, there was only a little time left. Hao Qiang felt that his right hand was hurting again, so he hurried to write with his left hand.

“Hey, I finally understand why some people hate Pinxixi so much!”

Finally, at 10 o’clock in the morning, my writing level finally reached level 5.

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