Recently, the weather has been unusually dry and hot, but Hao Qiang still insists on writing like a tireless machine.

Even cows will be exhausted if they keep plowing the land, let alone people.

In addition, Hao Qiang will also become bored if he writes too much.

Those celebrities, who obviously have beautiful celebrity wives, still carry hoes and dig randomly.

So, no matter what you do, you will get bored if you do it too much.

And Hao Qiang can only do some farm work to relieve boredom, especially since he found a strange smell in the morning, he was embarrassed and helpless, and insisted on exercising every day to vent the excess hormones.

Now, the writing system has been upgraded to level 5, and the data on the virtual screen has changed subtly, which makes Hao Qiang feel particularly excited and a little relieved.

【Writing System】 (July 9, 2004)

【Level 5: 2 million/5 million】 (words written/words required for upgrade)

System LV5: Every 10,000 words written = 2,000 yuan reward

Amount that can be withdrawn: 50,000 yuan

【Wealth: 132,550 yuan (including unwithdrawn and uncashed stocks calculated based on the purchase value)】

【Memory: 20】 (superior)

【Thinking power: 16】 (upper middle)

【Appearance: 9】 (average appearance)

【Physique: 11】 (medium)

【Four-dimensional attributes: 56】

【Free attribute points: 6】(Writing function LV5, +5; reach 100,000 yuan, +1)

【Hint 1: The single attribute of an ordinary adult is about 10, and the maximum of each item is 30】

(Single value 1-10: every 1 free attribute point, increase 1 point of four-dimensional attribute value;

11-20: every 2 points… increase 1…;

21-25: every 3 points… increase 1…;

26-28: every 5 points… increase 1…;

29-30: every 10 points… increase 1…)

【Hint 2: Free attribute Point sources: writing upgrade, wealth, education, partner, acquired efforts]

[Hint 3: The threshold for the next wealth level is 200,000 yuan, a one-time bonus of free attribute points +1]

[Hint 4: The four-dimensional attribute points reach 60, and the writing system reaches LV4, open the technology store]

[Hint 5: Writing system LV5: a one-time bonus of free attribute points +5]

[Hint 6: Writing system LV6, a one-time bonus of free attribute points +6; every 10,000 words written = a bonus of 5,000 yuan]

“Wow, every 10,000 words written , reward 2,000 yuan! ”

“It is extremely difficult for novel writers to make so much money these days except for selling copyrights!”

“If you work hard every day, you can easily earn four or five thousand yuan. If you type, you can earn more.

Oh my God, do white-collar workers in first-tier cities have so much monthly salary these days?”

Recalling his previous life, Hao Qiang went to work for a living and was deceived by a black intermediary into a black-hearted machinery factory. He worked hard from 7 am to 9 pm every day, without holidays, and his monthly salary was only a few hundred yuan. After deducting food and drink, there was not much left, and he even got sick from exhaustion.

There was a young worker who accidentally cut off three of his fingers while operating a shearing machine, and later it became a problem for him to find a wife.

The family relies on raising pigs, planting sugarcane and rice fields every year, and the net income is less than 4,000 yuan. If his parents knew that he could make so much money a day, they would probably be very happy.

“Even if you’re a princess, you can’t make that much money in a day, right?”

“Four thousand yuan, if you’re only interested in sex, it’s enough, haha.”

Hao Qiang daydreamed casually, his heart was full of spring, and his mentality was a little floating.

There’s no way, he’s been a bachelor for two lifetimes, and he rarely has the opportunity to touch a woman’s hand, let alone a deeper contact.

People are not afraid of being poor, but they are afraid of being poor in heart. People are poor for a while, but poor in heart for a lifetime.

Hao Qiang felt that he had not yet gotten rid of his low taste. He was not a good person, but he wanted high-quality women, in fact, all for one point: to make up for his inner sense of self-worth.

When low-level needs are met, people will begin to pursue high-level needs.

Forget it, be a vulgar person for the time being, there’s nothing wrong with that.

Most men still envy Xiao Wang very much, and she is always surrounded by beautiful women.

Hao Qiang’s mentality can’t be as wild as Xiao Wang, but deep in his heart he still longs for a few confidantes around him.

It’s not that he meant it, but the gold finger has the function of “partner” to increase attribute points. Hao Qiang currently has no partner, so he doesn’t know how this function works.

Deep in his heart, he longs for love, but he doesn’t want to get married too early.

After getting married, the nature is different.

Marriage means a responsibility and commitment, but now he wants to enjoy the freedom and romance of love more.

When he is exhausted, it’s time to settle down.

It’s wrong, but after experiencing the sweetness and passion of love, he feelsWhen he is exhausted, he will consider settling down.

After a while, Hao Qiang calmed down his inner restlessness and calmed down to think about his future plans.

After the college entrance examination reward is issued, he plans to buy a laptop and a mechanical keyboard, which will be convenient for typing wherever he goes.

After entering college, he will start a business to make money, which will not only better explain the source of funds to his parents, but also withstand the investigation of those who are interested, and everything will seem more reasonable.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, but be afraid of one.

Hao Qiang is not afraid of investigation, but hates trouble.

In terms of improving personal attribute values, Hao Qiang believes that the most important thing is to increase the four-dimensional attribute to 60 points first, so as to open the technology store.

For a single attribute value of more than 20, 3 free attribute points are required for each point increase.

Therefore, Hao Qiang decided not to increase his memory for the time being.

In addition, after the college entrance examination, his memory requirements are not high.

He first increased his thinking power to 17, consuming 2 free attribute points, and the four-dimensional attribute value increased to 57 points.

He plans to use the remaining 4 free attribute points to improve his appearance and physique.

If he improves now, the four-dimensional attribute value will reach 59 points, but it is still 1 point away from 60 points.

Hao Qiang has acne on his face. He has used facial cleanser to wash his face in the past three months. His skin has improved a lot, but his appearance attribute value has not increased. It can be seen that it is too difficult to improve the four-dimensional attribute value through acquired efforts.

He plans to work hard for another month or two to observe whether the attribute values ​​of physique and appearance can be improved.

If acquired efforts can improve, only one point needs to be increased, and the remaining 4 free attribute points will be enough for him to stack the four-dimensional attribute value to 60 points.

If he still cannot improve after hard work, he can only wait until the wealth value rises to 200,000 yuan, and then he can get 1 free attribute point, which just increases the appearance attribute value from 9 to 10.

If he improves his physique and appearance first, Hao Qiang guesses that it will be more difficult to improve through acquired efforts.

Therefore, he decided to keep the free attribute points for the time being and not rush.

Walking out of the room, looking at the rice fields in the distance, the rice gradually turned yellow, as if the earth was covered with a golden coat. When the wind blew, the golden rice fields undulated like waves, and they looked particularly dazzling under the sunshine of the midday sun. It is expected to be harvested in the middle and late part of this month.

And the sugarcane forest is like a green ocean, boundless.

Hao Qiang leaned against the door frame to admire it, feeling relaxed and happy.

The harder you work, the luckier you are. He has always believed in this.

At noon, Hao Qiang had lunch at home. He planned to go to the town Internet cafe to surf the Internet, download stock trading software, and transfer the funds on hand to the stock market, which happened to open today.

Moreover, typing in the Internet cafe can make money faster.

“Dad, Mom, I’m going to the town to surf the Internet this afternoon to check some information.”

“Well, go ahead. You’re just sitting around doing nothing at home. Go out more when you have time, or meet your classmates. Just don’t go swimming in the reservoir. Some time ago, a young man from the next village was fishing in the reservoir because he was good at swimming. It happened to rain in those days, and the water was a little high. He was washed away by the rapids and was fished out downstream. He was gone.” The mother warned seriously. She saw her son staying at home writing every day, and she was really afraid that he had autism.

“Don’t worry, I won’t go swimming.”

Hao Qiang nodded. There was a big reservoir near the village. He went there to swim when he was a child. When his parents found out, they beat him with sticks.

Many students drowned in rivers every year. Hao Qiang felt that his parents should beat him, otherwise he would not remember.

He was not good at swimming, so he must find a swimming pool if he wanted to swim.

His mother gave him a hundred yuan, and Hao Qiang took a tricycle to the entrance of the village.

While waiting for the bus, many villagers greeted him and asked him if his university admission letter had arrived.

“Aunt San, it’s not that soon. It will probably arrive in late July.” Hao Qiang replied politely. He was also a little anxious and was working hard every day.

He was confident, but still worried. He didn’t think he was a reborn person and everything would go smoothly.

He was still a loser at the moment, just a little more mature than before, but there was still a long way to go before the real transformation.

“I heard that you applied to Zhongda in Yuecheng. Why don’t you go to the capital to study?”

“The north is a bit far. It’s better to be closer to home so that it’s convenient to go home.”

The villagers waiting for the bus talked to Hao Qiang. They felt that Hao Qiang was polite and modest, and he didn’t like to show off like his father.

After a while, Hao Qiang saw Chen Ming coming over to wait for the bus.

“Chen Ming, long time no see.” Hao Qiang smiled and greeted him. There were some old grudges between the parents of both sides, but they were actually quarrels caused by trivial matters.

They did quarrel over the ridge, but they didn’t fight. They just had a quarrel, and at most the insults were a little harsh.

Later, the relationship between the two families was notIt didn’t get worse, but it was actually quite awkward when they didn’t say hello when they met.

Chen Ming’s parents didn’t like his own parents, but they didn’t deliberately harm the interests of Hao Qiang’s family.

These days, Hao Qiang has figured out a lot of things.

People and things that conflicted with him in the past, try not to make enemies now.

If it is the kind of irreconcilable hatred, Hao Qiang will naturally not let it go easily.

But most of them are shitty things. He has been reborn, why do he still remember these things? It’s simply a waste of the precious opportunity of rebirth!

He has more important things to do, he should be more open-minded and calm, wouldn’t he be happier this way?

His rebirth will definitely affect the people around him, and even change their fate. There is no need to look at those people and things that were once familiar with the past, and there is no need to restrain himself with the past prejudices and biases.

“Ah, yes, long time no see.” Chen Ming was slightly surprised to see Hao Qiang suddenly greet him, and he was quite enthusiastic.

The villagers around were also surprised. Your parents have conflicts, why do you still greet each other? Aren’t you afraid of being criticized by your family?

Hao Qiang kept a faint smile, looked at the thin man who was about 1.65 meters tall, and continued to chat: “I feel that you have lost a lot of weight. Are you going to the town?”

“Yes, it seems that you are too.”

“I plan to go online. It’s too boring to stay at home.”

“Oh, I’ll go buy something.” Chen Ming responded with a smile, relaxed a little, and chatted with Hao Qiang for a few words, but he didn’t hear Hao Qiang mention the college entrance examination results.

At first, I thought Hao Qiang wanted to talk to him about grades and colleges, and show off to him.

It seems that he misunderstood him.

When Chen Ming was in school, he already knew Hao Qiang’s college entrance examination results. He was the top scorer in Chinese, which shocked him greatly. After returning home, he heard that Hao Qiang was on TV because of his perfect score in classical Chinese composition, which shocked him again.

He really couldn’t imagine that Hao Qiang’s grades in the second high school were so excellent.

In the No. 1 High School, students with excellent grades like Hao Qiang have always been Chen Ming’s role models for admiration and learning.

Faced with the crushing IQ, Chen Ming had to admire him.

After a while, the villagers got on the bus.

Seeing that Hao Qiang still didn’t mention the college entrance examination, Chen Ming couldn’t help asking after getting on the bus: “Hao Qiang, I heard that you applied for Zhongda, what major did you apply for?”

“Electronic Science and Technology.”

“Huh, it’s the same as mine.”

Hao Qiang laughed heartily: “Haha, it seems that we heroes think alike.”

“There are still some differences. You are Zhongda, with a bright future, and I applied for Guangxi University of Electronic Science and Technology.” Chen Ming showed an envious look. Before the college entrance examination, he did not expect to be admitted to a 985 university. His dream was just an ordinary key university.

“Guidian University of Electronic Science and Technology is also very powerful. The scores of some majors are close to the key line. Not many people in our No. 2 High School have passed the undergraduate line. It feels like it’s a luxury to pass the line.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” Chen Ming felt very comfortable listening to Hao Qiang’s words.

The two chatted casually and soon arrived at the town.

The town is not big and you can see the end at a glance. The total length of the street is about one mile. There is a small Internet cafe in the town.

After parking the car, Hao Qiang went to the Internet cafe to use the computer. The hourly computer fee is three yuan, which is a little more expensive than the county town, and the computer is still backward.

Pay a deposit, buy a bottle of mineral water and a pack of paper, and find a clean computer.

As a result, they found that the keyboards were not very clean, the desktop was more or less stained with cigarette ash, and there were many young people smoking in the room.

Hao Qiang used to smoke in his previous life, but he didn’t smoke in this life. Now he is a little annoyed by the smell of second-hand smoke.

He originally planned to go out to the Internet to write every day, but it seems that his plan has failed.

Find a computer, wipe it a little, turn it on, and download stock trading software and online banking login security software.

In terms of security, after shutting down and restarting the computer, the software and records he downloaded were gone. In addition, the stock account is linked to the bank account, so it is not possible to steal it if you want to. Besides, no one knows that he is speculating in stocks.

Hao Qiang transferred the writing money of 50,000 yuan to the second stock account and looked at the stock price. The current share price is 44.5 yuan. He bought 11 lots and the stock cost 48,950 yuan.

Including the 19 lots bought before, a total of 30 lots are held, with a book value of 133,500 yuan.

After finishing the stocks, check the news about Tengxun.

On June 16, Tengxun was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with an issue price of HK$3.7.

After the opening, the stock price quickly rose to more than four Hong Kong dollars, and soon reached a peak of HK$4.63.

However, the current stock price is hovering around HK$3.85.

Hao Qiang knows the future market of the two stocks. Whether he chooses to invest in Moutai or Tengxun, the increase in the next few years will be almost the same.

Of course, in order to reduce investment risks, you must put your eggs in several baskets.After reading the stock information, I looked at the current housing prices of new properties in first-tier cities.

Shanghai: No. 99, Jinhe Road, Greentown has an average price of 6,600 yuan/square meter; No. 1650, Jinxiu Road, Xiangmei Garden, the price is as high as 11,000 yuan/square meter…

Didu: The unit price of a property in Dongcheng District is 11,000 yuan, while the unit price of new houses in Tongzhou is only 3,000 to 4,000 yuan…

Shenzhen: The average opening price of CITIC Mangrove Bay in Nanshan is 9,200 yuan, and the Xintian International Mingyuan in Xiangmi Lake, Futian is just over 10,000 yuan…

At present, the information obtained through website searches is limited.

In ten years, the housing prices in these cities will increase by at least five times.

If you can use leverage to speculate in real estate, the income will be considerable.

Of course, if you have a background relationship and can repeatedly borrow money to speculate in real estate, you can earn more.

However, this is not something Hao Qiang can play.

Although the income from investing in houses through normal means is not as good as investing in stocks, if the funds are sufficient, Hao Qiang still plans to buy more real estate.

In his heart, there has always been an obsession, that is, to own a city house of his own, which is a regret of his previous life.

After he has money in this life, he still plans to buy some luxury houses, such as the three-in-one courtyard house in the imperial capital, the large flat of Tomson No. 1 in the business sea, the Xiangmi Lake Villa or Shenwan No. 1 Villa in Shenzhen, and the Hong Kong City… and so on.

In the future, he may set foot in these cities for business trips or leisure travel.

Being able to own a residence in these cities is much more comfortable than living in a hotel, at least there is a little more sense of belonging and accomplishment.

He still remembers that every night when he walked on the street to catch a car, he enviously looked up at the lights of thousands of houses, but none of them belonged to him.

He dreamed of having his own home, lying on a chair, looking down at the passers-by who stopped and looked up, and enjoying the envy of others.

He didn’t want to rent a house anymore, be driven away by the landlord, and suffer cold eyes.

He never wanted to experience that feeling of helplessness and wandering again.

Hao Qiang threw away his complicated thoughts, found some information, and started typing to make money.

As his hands danced rapidly, crackling sounds suddenly rang out in the Internet cafe, attracting curious glances from netizens around him. After seeing that he was not typing randomly, they all showed shocked expressions.

“This guy is a great typist!”

“He is definitely a computer expert and a professional!”

Those netizens who were playing CS games were shot at one by one. They originally had a sense of superiority, but when they saw the speed of typing, they were immediately hit silently.

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