Chen Ming bought daily necessities in the town, and after returning home, he shared what he saw and heard on the street with his mother.

After hearing this, his mother frowned and was obviously unhappy: “Why did you say hello to Hao Jianjun’s son!”

Chen Ming realized that he might have touched his mother’s sensitive spot and made her unhappy, so he tried to comfort her: “Mom, there is no conflict between us, and we are junior high school classmates. He is very polite. Let’s forget about the past.”

“You two have no conflict, but our family and his family have a conflict!”

Chen Ming’s mother looked sharp, pouted in dissatisfaction, and asked, “Huh, did Hao Qiang talk to you about the college entrance examination results and university?

This kid wants Take the opportunity to attack you.”

“He didn’t talk about this. Later, I asked him about it.”

“Humph, Hao Jianjun is showing off directly, and his son is playing tricks. The whole family is not good.

How could Hao Qiang suddenly become polite to you? He wants you to admire him from the bottom of your heart, deliberately guides you to think in that direction, and attacks your confidence from all aspects. He is a bad person.”

“Mom, you think too much. I don’t think Hao Qiang is that kind of person.”

Chen Ming admires his mother’s imagination. If Hao Qiang is really that kind of person, it’s really terrible.

“Anyway, you have to be careful.”

“Okay, you are right.” Chen Ming was really helpless. No matter how much he argued, he couldn’t convince his mother.

The old grudges of the older generation are really too difficult to reconcile.

At this time, Hao Qiang in the Internet cafe was still immersed in typing. Several young people stood behind him, watching him typing with envy.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, Hao Qiang finished his battle, left the Internet cafe, bought daily necessities in the town, and took a bus back home.

In the following days, Hao Qiang stayed at home and focused on writing. When he was tired, he applied hot water to his hands, and when his eyes were tired, he put in eye drops, or took a nap, or did some exercise in the yard.

Seeing that her son stayed indoors, his mother was worried that he was obsessed with writing, so she had to let him do some farm work.

Peeling sugarcane leaves, fertilizing, weeding, except for not using pesticides, Hao Qiang was no problem doing farm work.

Staying in the house and writing without communicating every day is really easy to get autism. Doing farm work is down-to-earth and life is quite real.

During this period, Wu Hai made a special visit and brought fresh sashimi from the street.

Hengxian people have a special liking for sashimi. Men, women, old and young love this delicacy, and generally do not let children eat it.

Fresh fish meat is bled and sliced ​​into thin slices, dipped in peanut oil and soy sauce, mixed with ingredients such as houttuynia, lemon shreds, perilla leaves, mint leaves, ginger shreds, green onion shreds, papaya shreds, etc., and it is delicious and intoxicating when you take a bite.

Eating it every three to five days is considered frequent, while eating it once every one or two months is considered normal.

In any case, eating raw meat frequently is not good after all, and it is easy to get sick.

But it is not as terrible as the rumors say, and it is not uncommon for local people to live to the age of eighty or ninety.

Hao Qiang thinks it is normal, but some people want to taste everything, which he can’t do.

Time flies, and ten days pass in a flash.

On July 21, Hao Qiang went online again and transferred funds to the stock market.

At present, he holds a total of 40 lots of Moutai shares.

What puzzles him is that the stock price has fallen back a bit, resulting in his account balance of less than 170,000 yuan.

Otherwise, he planned to wait until his wealth increased to 200,000 yuan, and if he was rewarded with 1 free attribute point, he planned to stack the four-dimensional attributes to 60 points and open a technology store.

It is really too difficult to increase the attribute value through acquired efforts.

“Hey, wait a few more days to see if it can be improved. If not, upgrade the attribute level directly.”

Hao Qiang’s personal wealth is still a little short of 200,000 yuan, and he can’t wait to open a technology store.

When he thought of this, his heart was eager to move.

Every night he imagined what kind of technology would be in the technology store. Thinking too much, every second felt like torture.

The future business success really depends on this technology store.

July 22, ten o’clock in the morning.

Hao Qiang was writing at home, and suddenly heard a child outside the door calling him, telling him that there was an incoming call.

Hao Qiang came to the store and called back. The phone beeped a few times, and someone answered.

“Hello, I’m Hao Qiang. May I ask who you are?”

“Hao Qiang, I’m Teacher Wei. Your college admission letter has arrived. Congratulations. It’s Zhongda University.”

“Okay, thank you for letting me know.” Hao Qiang finally breathed a sigh of relief. The stone hanging in his heart finally fell.

The corners of his mouth slowly curled up, and his smile was like the warm sun in winter, which also dispelled the haze in his heart.

“You’re welcome. When do you plan to come and get it? The principal specifically told me that we need to take a photo as a souvenir, and we also need to distribute your reward at the same time.”

“Then I’ll go there tomorrow morning”Thank you.” Hao Qiang didn’t expect the school to be so active in giving out rewards.

The two chatted for a while, and Hao Qiang asked about the issuance of admission notices for this class.

The admission notices for the early batch have been delivered, and the first batch is also arriving one after another, but Han Qingying’s admission notice has not arrived yet, and the second and third batches will be delivered later.

Hao Qiang couldn’t remember how many points Han Qingying scored in his previous life, and he couldn’t help but worry whether his rebirth would affect her college admission trajectory.

If Han Qingying was not admitted for this reason, he would definitely feel deeply guilty.

Hao Qiang said in his heart: Oh, I hope everything goes well.

The store owner was sitting aside and heard some of the conversation. He smiled and asked: “Qiangzi, the college admission notice has arrived.”

“Brother Fen, it’s here!” Hao Qiang smiled easily. He seemed calm on the surface, but he was extremely excited inside and wanted to cheer.

“Oh, congratulations, which university is it? What major did you apply for?”
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

“Electronic Science and Technology of Yuecheng Zhongda University. ”

“Oh, a famous school. This is a big event. You have to hold a graduation banquet. Remember to invite me to drink when the time comes.” The shop owner was full of compliments. This was the first famous school student in the village. It would be a great honor to talk about their good relationship outside.

After graduation, he is likely to be very successful in the city and be envied by others.

His family was not well off before, but now the future is bright.

“Yes, yes.”

Hao Qiang laughed and chatted for a few words. No matter if it was polite or not, he had to call him when the time came. Anyway, he had to give money when he went.

After the villagers in the store knew about it, they also congratulated Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang bought two packs of mid-range cigarettes and distributed them to the villagers who smoked in the store. The villagers who received the cigarettes were more polite to him and said good things, such as a promising future and that he would be an enviable city dweller after graduation.

“It was thanks to the blessings and support of all the elders that I was able to enter the university. ”

Hao Qiang entertained with a smile, and went home only after passing out cigarettes.

His parents were sorting farm tools in the yard, and Hao Qiang excitedly announced the good news to them: “Dad, Mom, the admission letter has arrived. I will go to the school to receive it tomorrow, and the school will also reward 20,000 yuan.”

“Good news, great news!”

When the parents heard this, the wrinkles on their faces instantly relaxed, and their joy was beyond words.

Especially when they heard that there was another 20,000 yuan reward, they laughed even more.

Liu Fengqing was so excited that she couldn’t help but burst into tears, and her voice was filled with uncontrollable joy:

“Oh, there is actually another 20,000 yuan, so good!”

For her, this 20,000 yuan reward is tantamount to a huge sum of money, which is equivalent to her family’s net income for several years!

This money can not only help them pay off their debts and no longer be troubled by debt collection, but also provide their son’s four-year university tuition.

“The school is really generous, 20,000 yuan can build a floor. “Hao Jianjun was also very excited, his voice trembled a little, obviously he was very proud of his son, “My son is awesome!”

During this period, some people in the village sneered at his son’s high score in the college entrance examination, thinking that their family was too poor and had no money to send their children to college.

Humph, it’s just jealousy!

Hao Jianjun did not disclose the fact that he won the 5,000 yuan prize, because it might cause jealousy from others.

But he could boldly tell others about this reward. This was a reward his son got through learning and ability, and most people would only respect him.

Humph, let’s see what those bastards say this time, they will be jealous to death.

Listening to his father’s words, Hao Qiang felt the weight of the house in their hearts. After all, a lifetime of achievements are reflected in the house.

In the village, whoever has the highest building and the most beautiful appearance is regarded as the most capable person.

However, in the blind date market, women are more What matters is whether the man has a house in the city, who cares what your house is like in the countryside!

No matter how beautiful the decoration is, it is not attractive, and these women don’t want to live in the countryside.

The phenomenon of comparison in rural areas is very common. Now people compare houses, and after more than ten years, they will turn to small cars and then luxury cars.

No matter whether they have money or not, no matter whether they need it or not, even if they only drive it a few times a year, they will buy a car first, and if they have less money, they will buy a second-hand car.

A car is a face project. Even if you don’t drive it, you have to worship it like a Buddha statue.

If you don’t buy it yourself, it’s uncomfortable to watch others show off every day.

Of course, it is really inconvenient to have no car in the countryside.

For Hao Qiang, it doesn’t matter whether others are good or not. It’s okay as long as he lives well.

“Dad, Mom, I plan to buy a laptop for study. It may cost several thousand yuan.” Hao Qiang plans to buy a better brand laptop and pay for it himself, but when he tells his parents the price, he will say it is lower.

Hao Jianjun waved his hand and smiledHe said with a smile: “Son, this is not a problem. You earn your own money, just don’t spend it recklessly.

By the way, buy a mobile phone. It will be more convenient for us to call you when you go to college.

All your classmates have mobile phones, and it’s not good for you not to have one. Your classmates will look down on you and will not want to associate with you.”

After that, he turned around and asked his wife for her opinion.

No one in the family has a mobile phone. A new mobile phone costs at least several hundred yuan, and a monthly package costs more than ten yuan.

There is no phone to call at ordinary times, and mobile phones are not a necessity for them.

But after my son goes to college, the family will definitely need to contact each other frequently.

“Well, it’s time to buy a cell phone.” Liu Fengqing agreed, “Let’s kill a chicken tonight to celebrate.”

Hao Jianjun nodded, and then suggested: “Wife, when you have time, go check the date and see when to hold the graduation banquet. Maybe you can make some money by collecting money.”

“Okay, the day after tomorrow is the market day in the town. I’ll go to the street to ask the Taoist priest.”

The parents asked and answered, and then asked their son’s opinion. Hao Qiang also agreed. The family quickly decided on the graduation banquet and discussed which relatives and friends to invite and the budget.

For Hao Qiang’s parents, this is a major event in their son’s life, and it is also a matter of honor for the family. It is worth making a big fuss.

Of course, if Hao Qiang only got into a junior college, they would feel ashamed to hold a graduation banquet and would be laughed at.

After chatting for a while, Hao Jianjun walked out of the house with a smile on his face, went to the village store to buy a bundle of big firecrackers and two packs of cigarettes, and gave a cigarette to the villagers when he met them.

Soon after, firecrackers were heard again in front of the gate of Hao Qiang’s house, and the deafening sound of firecrackers spread throughout the village.

In less than half a day, many villagers in Hualong Village learned that Hao Qiang’s admission letter had arrived, and the high school also rewarded him with 20,000 yuan.

Chen Ming’s mother heard the firecrackers again, and she cursed in dissatisfaction: “You set off firecrackers every day, just open a fireworks factory, and scare my chickens and ducks so much that they dare not eat.”

Chen Ming heard the firecrackers and guessed that it must be Hao Qiang’s admission letter. He was very envious of him, and was looking forward to his own admission letter, but also a little worried.

Every year, a large number of college entrance examination candidates fail the exam, so don’t let it happen to you.

In the evening, Chen Ming’s parents knew that Hao Qiang also received a 20,000 yuan reward, and they were even more jealous.

At the same time, Hao Qiang’s family of three, as well as his grandparents and uncles and aunts, had a dinner together to celebrate Hao Qiang’s admission to university.

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