The next morning,

Hao Qiang took a bus to No. 2 High School again.

At the school gate, he happened to meet Han Qingying.

The two smiled at each other, and everything was said without words.

Having not seen each other for many days, Han Qingying dressed up a little, her eyes were clear and bright, and her smile was like a blooming lotus.

Hao Qiang found a topic to break the silence between the two: “Is your grandma in good health recently?”

“Thank you for your concern, I’m fine.” Han Qingying smiled and suddenly found that the acne on Hao Qiang’s face had subsided a lot.

She felt that this boy was a bit mysterious, and there were many things that were unknown to the people around him.

Whether it was study, writing or cooking, he seemed to show it inadvertently.

If one day, he showed other special talents, she might not be as surprised as before.

Recently, her grandma mentioned Hao Qiang several times, always emphasizing that he cooked delicious food.

The two walked side by side, talking and laughing, and soon came to Wei Rong’s office.

Wei Rong saw Hao Qiang and Han Qingying walk in together, and observed that the two were quite familiar with each other. He thought to himself: Hao Qiang, you are really amazing. You must get Han Qingying before graduating from college, otherwise there will be a lot of variables after graduation. Don’t be like him.

“Congratulations, the major is the same as the one you applied for at the beginning, which is good.” Wei Rong’s face was filled with joy, and he handed the admission letter to the two.

Hao Qiang took the admission letter and found that the express packaging had been torn open. Maybe it was a teacher who was curious, or was it a routine operation of the school?

He took out the admission letter with a full red cover from the file bag, and it was written on it: “Hao Qiang, you have been admitted to our school as a 2004 undergraduate student of the Electronic Technology and Technology Major of the School of Information Science and Technology. Please report to the South Campus of Yuecheng Campus on August 31 with this notice.”

Hao Qiang gently stroked the heavy admission letter, and his heart was full of expectations and excitement.

After Han Qingying finished reading her admission letter, Hao Qiang asked if he could take a look at hers, and handed her his, as the school registration time was the same day.

After reading, the two of them put away their admission letters properly.

Hao Qiang saw that Teacher Wei Rong did not want to read it, and he estimated that he had already read it, and it seemed that he was probably the one who opened the envelope.

Of course, this was a small matter, and Hao Qiang did not care.

Next, Wei Rong took Hao Qiang and Han Qingying to meet the principal, took photos as a souvenir, and copied the admission letter to hang on the school’s honor wall.

After an hour of busy work, the matter was finally settled. Hao Qiang and Han Qingying each received a thick envelope from the principal, and Hao Qiang had 10,000 yuan more than Han Qingying.

The two left the second high school and prepared to go home.

“Han Qingying, do you know where to buy mobile phones?” When he walked to the gate, Hao Qiang asked Han Qingying next to him softly.

In fact, he probably knew, but he was just looking for an excuse.

When walking side by side, Hao Qiang could feel the gentle breath exhaled by the other party.

Well, it smells good, which makes Hao Qiang a little eager to try it.

“There is a relatively large one near the No. 1 High School.”

Hao Qiang smiled and said, “Are you free?

Go with me to have a look.

I remember that you still owe me three meals, how about a lunch first?”

“Oh, what do you want to eat?” Han Qingying pouted, how could this guy remember so clearly.

Hao Qiang lied, “Three pounds of beef, five pounds of lobster, and seven or eight pounds of fine wine. Of course, abalone is better.”

Hearing this, Han Qingying couldn’t help but smile, knowing that Hao Qiang was joking.

“Can you really eat so much?” She joked.

“If I can’t finish it, I can take it home to feed the pigs. I have four big fat pigs at home. I will hold a graduation banquet in a while, and one of the pigs will definitely be slaughtered. I will feel less guilty if I feed them something good before they go on the road.”

“Haha, don’t the pigs have to thank you?” Han Qingying laughed at Hao Qiang’s words, but she still tightly held the red envelope in her pocket.

“You must thank me. I’ll die early, suffer less, and reincarnate early.”

Hao Qiang smiled and glanced at her who was frowning just now. He also figured out her little thoughts and stopped teasing her. Just stop.

After walking for a while, Hao Qiang walked into a rice noodle roll shop and ordered two bottles of soy milk and two rice noodle rolls, which made Han Qingying feel relieved. She was really afraid that Hao Qiang would eat delicacies from land and sea, and she really couldn’t bear to give up the bonus.

I heard that abalone is very expensive. Why does he like to eat this?

After lunch, the two came to a mobile phone store.

Hao Qiang glanced at the mobile phones on the display cabinet and picked out Nokia phones.

“Miss Han, please help me see which one is better looking. I don’t know how to choose.”

Han Qingying was very happy to hear someone call her “beautiful” for the first time. She replied, “You may not like the one I like.”

“Women’s visionIt is always accurate, especially for pretty girls. I believe you.

Besides, I have a general requirement, as long as it can be used. “Hao Qiang said with a smile.

The shop owner looked at Hao Qiang and he looked familiar. It seemed that he was the person who asked him about Nokia 7600 last time, but he asked a lot of questions but didn’t buy anything in the end.

Will he not fool him again?

“Okay then.” Han Qingying listened to Hao Qiang’s request and finally fell in love with Nokia 3100 and another mobile phone. She felt that the price was moderate and the appearance was exquisite, suitable for students.

Hao Qiang was also observing her expression and saw that she liked Nokia 3100 more. In the end, she bought one red, one white and one blue, each for 1,200 yuan.

I only bought a local card and the lowest package fee, and planned to keep one mobile phone for my family.

Just a few steps away from the store, Hao Qiang handed the white mobile phone to Han Qingying: “Give it to you, just as your birthday gift and school admission gift some time ago. ”

Under normal circumstances, it is indeed inappropriate to give her a mobile phone, after all, the two are not in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.

Just now, Hao Qiang saw that she liked this mobile phone, thought of her parents’ death, and it was rare for them to be classmates. In addition, he had a close relationship with Han Qingying after visiting her home last time and cooking for her. Giving a moderately priced mobile phone to the top student was considered a good relationship.

In the final analysis, it was more of a factor of pity for the other party’s family, rather than licking her.

If he wanted to lick her, he had many ways to do it, and he could give her a more expensive mobile phone.

Otherwise, Hao Qiang felt that giving her a mobile phone was also presumptuous, after all, it was not a small amount of money.

In fact, although Han Qingying looked cold on the outside, she was actually a passionate girl at heart.

Of course, Hao Qiang’s move still frightened Han Qingying, and she quickly waved her hand to refuse: “Ah, I can’t accept such an expensive gift.”

“Take it, you’ve already bought it, and you can’t return the money. You also need a mobile phone. “Hao Qiang saw Han Qingying still shook her head and refused, so he stuffed the phone into her hand and said firmly, “I’ve said it before, this is a birthday gift and a gift for further study.

If you feel bad, just treat me to a few more meals after school starts.”

“Ah, this, how about I give you the money?” Han Qingying felt it was inappropriate to accept the phone, but she felt sweet in her heart and didn’t particularly resist.

“You gave your classmates gifts, and they gave you money, isn’t that a slap in your face?

So, this time you owe me five meals, plus the two you owed before, a total of seven meals.”

Listening to Hao Qiang’s explanation and his unquestionable tone, Han Qingying had to accept the phone, with a shy and grateful smile on her face: “Well, okay, thank you.”

Hey, after school starts, I’ll treat him to a seafood abalone meal, I don’t know if it’s expensive.

“I’m going home, this is not far from your home, I won’t take you home.

Buy the SIM card when you get to school. Call me before you go to school and we’ll go together.

Your grandma is too old to take you there. The car is messy now, and she probably doesn’t feel comfortable with you going alone.

I was planning to go alone, so it’s not a big deal to take you with me.”

“Okay, thank you. “Han Qingying nodded, and was not opposed to going to Yuecheng together.

She had never been out of the province, or even to a big city, so she was full of expectations for the unfamiliar environment she was about to face, but also a little uneasy, especially the mess in the car mentioned by Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang waved to Han Qingying, then turned and left.

Han Qingying watched his back until he completely disappeared from her sight.

Looking at the brand new mobile phone in her hand, she still liked it very much, and she couldn’t let it go. She originally just planned to buy the cheap Nokia 1100.

She knew that she and her grandmother needed money for many places, so she had always been very frugal.

What worried her most was that if her grandmother got seriously ill, the savings at home would not be enough.

Touching the phone, she felt that this boy was very generous and very careful.

Unconsciously, a vague feeling spread in her heart.

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