At around nine o’clock the next morning, Hao Qiang was processing documents in his office.

His classmates told him that many media reporters were waiting at the school gate, hoping to interview him.

At the same time, there were also several media reporters waiting at the gate of Future Technology Group.

Hao Qiang knew that if he did not accept the interview, these reporters might continue to wait for a few days.

If it was a positive report, he would not resist the media interview, but instead hoped to take this opportunity to promote his company and products.

Hao Qiang called the Human Resources Department and asked them to receive these uncrowned kings.

Afterwards, Hao Qiang drove to the group headquarters and met with these reporters.

“The factory is investing in expansion, and there is no place to entertain everyone. Please forgive me.” Although Hao Qiang did not like these media reporters very much, he still explained it to prevent them from reporting that the company’s funds were broken and there was no money to build an office building.

“Mr. Hao is polite. I am sorry for disturbing you for this interview.” A reporter said politely.

“Yes, Mr. Hao is willing to come to see us. It is our honor. How can we ask for anything else?” A reporter echoed.

Hao Qiang smiled and shook hands with several reporters on the scene and started the interview.

Fifteen minutes later, Hao Qiang ended the interview and said that there was still work to be done.

The media reporters who received the interview information also left Future Technology Group.

Before they left, Qiu Xueya from the Human Resources Department gave each reporter a small gift, hoping that they would report more positively on the company’s products.

The chairman should not tell these things to the media reporters, but the subordinates must understand the boss’s ideas.

Qiu Xueya knows the boss very well. If it is not good for the company, he is not willing to accept the interview of the media reporters.

So, when Hao Qiang saw her arrange to send gifts and indicate to report more on the company’s products, he smiled and nodded, indicating that she was right.

After the interview, Hao Qiang instructed Lin Yan to entrust an advertising company to shoot a promotional poster with the theme: “Our goal: Driving to the future!”

The rider in the poster is Hao Qiang himself, and he decided to personally endorse the company’s products.

Since the hot news has brought such a high level of attention, how can we not take advantage of it? How can we live up to this wave of popularity?

The promotional poster was made very quickly and was completed in just one day.

The company then sent the printed posters to 100 authorized stores and instructed the store managers to be responsible for publicity.

Since the opening, the authorized stores have been doing very well. The stores with the highest sales have an average daily sales of three or four vehicles.

Stores with slightly lower sales can also sell an average of one vehicle per day.

Hao Qiang’s uncle Liu Xiang can sell two or three vehicles on average every day, with a gross profit of thousands of yuan per day.

In addition to selling whole vehicles, he also sells derivative products such as helmets, raincoats, rain covers, and trunks, which are all recommended by Future Motorcycle Company. Future Motorcycle Company’s T-shirts are affordable but of very good quality, fashionable and practical, and attracted many customers to buy them as soon as they were launched.

The T-shirts are printed with the logo and advertisement of Future Motorcycle. When customers wear them, they are equivalent to walking advertisements, which has done a good job of publicity for the company.

At the same time, after the stores replaced the promotional posters, more and more people knew the brand of Future Motorcycle.

Before, local people knew that an electric motorcycle store had opened in the town, but most people did not know the brand or its relationship with Hao Qiang. After watching Hao Qiang’s interview program, they realized that the Future Motorcycle is a product of Hao Qiang’s company, not a brand-name electric motorcycle.

Of course, the reviews of those old customers after using it were good, and the word of mouth gradually spread, attracting many new customers to buy it specifically for the good reputation.

In this way, the sales of each store were good, with daily sales reaching more than 200 vehicles. In addition, the company needed to stock up for export, and the production capacity could not keep up seriously.

For workstations with limited equipment, such as welding robots, the company arranged two shifts and seamlessly connected to ensure that the equipment did not stop.

First shift: 8 am to 12 pm, 5 pm to 10 pm;

Second shift: 12 pm to 5 pm, 10 pm to 2 am.

Each shift works overtime for one hour, and overtime pay is paid according to regulations. Night shift workers also have additional subsidies.

Of course, some positions cannot work in two shifts due to insufficient employees, and can only work overtime until 10 pm.

For those positions that do not occupy equipment, workers work 12 hours a day. They are the most tired and fall asleep when they lie down in the dormitory.

If the company does not adopt this approach, it will not be able to complete the order task.

At the same time, the new production line is still under construction, and the speed of personnel recruitment and training cannot keep up with the sales explosion.

Despite this, employees are paid overtime, and they are happy to work overtime becauseThe comprehensive income is much higher than that of peers.

In the eyes of workers, the purpose of working is to make money, and the most feared thing is that they work hard but still cannot make money.

After two shifts and extended overtime, the daily production capacity has increased to 300 vehicles, but it still cannot fully meet the delivery needs.

Today, the company is even worried about receiving large orders with short delivery periods.

Under such hot sales, coupled with the fact that there are already 13 “Human Fireworks” hot pot restaurants in operation, Hao Qiang’s wealth has grown very fast.

He increases by about 550,000 yuan every day, and his current personal wealth is about 233.5 million yuan.

A few days later, April 30.

Seven days have passed since the interview program video was broadcast.

But the topic of Hao Qiang’s discussion on the Internet is still hot. At the current rate, it is estimated that it will last for a month before it stops.

Now, some netizens have compiled Hao Qiang’s quotations.

[First set a small goal for yourself, such as making 100 million]

[It’s hard for me to make money. I only made 100 or 200 million this year]

[I can’t tell whether she is pretty or not]

[College entrance examination essay and English are really not difficult] (Attached to it is Hao Qiang’s classical Chinese essay with full marks and English level 4 full marks)

These four quotes quickly spread.

As the college entrance examination approaches, those senior high school students comfort themselves when talking about the essays and English that they are worried about: “Brother Qiang said that college entrance examination essays and English are really not difficult.”

Those college students who did not pass the English level 4 and 6 also comforted themselves or their classmates in the same way: “Brother Qiang said that college English is really not difficult.”

Education critics have nothing to say about Hao Qiang’s words. He really thinks it is not difficult. After all, he got full marks.

I can only comment publicly: “What Hao Qiang said makes sense. The harder you work, the luckier you are. Believe in yourself. As long as you persevere, your dreams may come true.”

However, some netizens do not buy into these education critics’ tricks and commented: “For example, the small goal of earning 100 million yuan, I have persisted in working for ten years and have not saved 10,000 yuan.”

“Don’t feed us chicken soup. After working for so many years, I finally know that as long as you work hard, there will be endless suffering. The boss will let you work overtime when he sees that you are working hard.”

“Hao Qiang is just a special case. He is a top student and a business genius. Whatever he says is right and whatever he does is easy to succeed. But if it is put on ordinary people, nothing can be done.”


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