Time flies, and soon it is May 15th.

Hao Qiang and his employees have already applied for Schengen visas, and the countries they can go to include Germany and France, but not the United States.

He plans to go abroad for a week or two, so he still needs to inform his family and ask for a long vacation from the school.

On May 16,

Hao Qiang came to the dean’s office and talked to the dean Liu Xinguo.

“You are going abroad for a week or two. There is no problem with the school, but you must pay attention to safety overseas.” Liu Xinguo poured Hao Qiang a cup of tea, and the two sat on the sofa and chatted.

Hao Qiang politely took the tea: “Thank you for your concern, dean.”

Liu Xinguo sighed: “In less than two years, you have expanded your company’s business overseas. In a few years, maybe your company will become a behemoth.”

This student’s company should have 2,000 employees, which means he controls the fate of thousands of families.

“Thank you, Dean. I hope you will work hard.”

“Haha, you are so confident. It’s been a long time since your interview ended, and there are still hot news about you on the Internet. Now you have become a big celebrity in China, and it has also promoted product promotion. I heard that sales are very hot. You are really a marketing genius.”

Hao Qiang said with a smile: “I’m sorry to make you laugh, Dean. The product is indeed popular, but the production capacity has not kept up, and we have to limit the supply. It’s really a headache.”

“I didn’t expect that your electric motorcycles would become popular so quickly. To be honest, I feel quite surprised.”

“There is a big gap in the market, and I just happened to encounter it.”

“You have a unique vision. This is a great skill, not a coincidence.”

Hao Qiang and Dean Liu chatted for more than ten minutes, and then said goodbye and left.

This time he will miss an exam abroad. After returning, the school will arrange a make-up exam for him.

There are still a few days left for Hao Qiang to finish all the company’s affairs.

That night, Qiu Yuqing and Hao Qiang performed the ninth set of radio gymnastics in the bathtub for more than an hour.

Afterwards, the two of them lay on the bed.

“Brother Qiang, pay attention to your personal safety, don’t be seduced by foreign girls.” Qiu Yuqing said mischievously.

“Don’t worry, I’m not interested in foreign girls.” Hao Qiang smiled.

“That’s not necessarily the case. Maybe you can’t resist the exotic style.”

“For me, no matter how beautiful a foreign beauty is, it’s not attractive, and I don’t have the heart to do that.” Hao Qiang has a strong desire to survive, but to be honest, he really can’t appreciate Western beauties.

Qiu Yuqing smiled happily and was relieved. She was really afraid that Hao Qiang would kill someone.

If there is one more, she will have even less space in Hao Qiang’s heart.

Hao Qiang held her face affectionately and gently stroked her smooth back.

This semester, Qiu Yuqing served as the head of the school student union art troupe, and she will withdraw after this semester.

She plans to continue to study journalism and communication at the same school.

Qiu Yuqing originally planned to open an advertising company after graduation. Hao Qiang supported her entrepreneurship and suggested that she pay attention to short video production rather than traditional advertising.

Hao Qiang never expected Qiu Yuqing to become a strong woman, nor did he want her to be like that.

He felt that she only needed to do the job she liked, and it didn’t matter whether the company made money or not. He hoped that Qiu Yuqing would spend every day happily.

There is no end to the money to be made in the future, so Hao Qiang has no plans to make money.

Hao Qiang spent the last two nights before departure with Han Qingying.

At noon on May 20,

Hao Qiang and the company’s overseas staff had lunch together and went to Gangcheng.

At 23:55 in the evening, they flew from Gangcheng to Frankfurt, Germany, for more than 13 hours, and arrived at 7 am the next day.

A one-way ticket costs more than 5,000 yuan, which is not cheap.

Hao Qiang’s first-class ticket costs 38,000 yuan, which is ridiculously expensive.

If it happens to be during the World Cup, the ticket price will be higher.

If you book a round-trip ticket, the one-way ticket will be much cheaper, but Hao Qiang cannot determine the return time.

On May 21, Hao Qiang and his employees arrived in Frankfurt, went through the exit procedures, and then transferred to Berlin.

Since there is no direct flight to Berlin, they can only choose to transfer.

This long-distance flight is very tiring. Even Hao Qiang felt uncomfortable sitting in the first class, not to mention the employees sitting in the economy class.

Fortunately, everyone arrived safely in this foreign country.

After staying in the hotel in Berlin, Hao Qiang ordered a day of rest to adjust to the jet lag, and reminded everyone that it is best to travel in a group.

He planned to go to the bank to withdraw some cash and planned to go to the local betting shop to check the odds.

Before going abroad, each person exchanged 1,000 euros for backup.

Hao Qiang was not familiar with the local situation. Du Lina, the manager of the foreign trade department, had been to Berlin. She acted as a tour guide, and other employees followed him.Let’s go out together.

After arriving in Germany, everyone found that there were not many high-rise buildings here. If you don’t pay attention to the architectural style, it feels not much different from the fourth and fifth tier cities in China.

The roof tiles of the houses here are mostly orange-red, and many buildings have a long history.

Du Lina introduced Hao Qiang to the various architectural styles in Berlin, such as neoclassical architecture and Rococo style.

When passing by a betting shop, Hao Qiang walked in out of curiosity, and the accompanying employees were stunned for a while: The boss actually likes to buy football lottery tickets?

Well, the World Cup is about to open, and the venue is in Germany. There are slogans everywhere on the street, and the atmosphere is very strong.

Among the seven accompanying employees, three are male employees, and two of them especially like to watch the World Cup.

“Boss, do you like to buy football lottery too?” Zheng Yi asked curiously.

“I can’t say I like it.” Hao Qiang shook his head and smiled, then said, “I just like to win.”

“Haha, I like to win too, but I just buy a few dollars for fun.”

“Well, just enjoy it, don’t get caught up in it.”

Hao Qiang reminded, he looked at the odds of Italy winning the championship, which is still 1 to 11.

After reading it, Hao Qiang left and walked around with the employees.

When he saw something delicious, he paid for it and let everyone try it.

They walked around for a whole day, tasted a lot of local food, and had a lot of fun.

The employees didn’t feel like they were on a business trip, but more like traveling.

Only when they passed by an electric motorcycle store did they go in to see what brand of car was selling well and what was good about it, which was like a business trip.

The next day, local time, on the morning of May 23, Hao Qiang led the team to visit the headquarters of Motoadventure.

The major shareholder Lukas personally greeted Hao Qiang and others and briefly introduced the situation of their company in the conference room.

Ten minutes later, the topic suddenly turned to football, and then to football lottery.

What surprised the domestic employees was that the boss Hao Qiang and Lukas chatted very well, and it felt like they were close friends, and the two were almost spending money to buy it.

Didn’t the boss say yesterday that he didn’t like football lottery?

Hao Qiang asked the employees to disperse, move freely, visit other people’s stores, and learn more about experience.

He stayed and continued to drink coffee and talk about football lottery with Lukas.

At noon, the two had lunch together. After lunch, they returned to Lukas’ office and did not rest. They directly took the information to study together.

“Lukas, I am also optimistic about the country’s victory, and I like this team, but we can’t use subjective analysis when buying lottery tickets, but we have to be more rational. After all, we can’t go against money, right?” Hao Qiang didn’t like the country’s team, but this was their home court.

“Hao, the country has the best goalkeeper in the world, Kahn, and striker Klose plays very stably. The overall defensive tactics are among the best. I think it is difficult for any team to break through our goal.”

“I agree with your point of view, but there are bound to be accidents. Other strong teams are not bad, such as Italy, which is also full of talents, goalkeeper Buffon, Cannavaro, Piero, Inzaghi, Pirlo, etc.” Hao Qiang never thought that he could change Lukas’s point of view, but as a partner, Lukas can help him, and he also hopes that he will invest a little in Italy and make profits with him.

If only he makes a profit and Lukas loses a lot, this is not a good thing.

Before coming, Hao Qiang used his strong memory to familiarize himself with the situation of all the players of the top 32 teams. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a loyal fan.

Lukas slapped his thigh: “Okay, Hao, your analysis is correct.

Maybe because of our national team’s participation in the competition, my judgment was disturbed. As you said, liking is one thing, but making money is another, and we must be rational.”

Hao Qiang suggested: “Yes, if we bet on the championship team, we can invest some in the country, just as support.

But most of the funds should be invested in the team we are optimistic about.”

“Oh, how much money do you plan to invest?”

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