If you want to buy World Cup lottery tickets, of course, it is best to buy them in Europe. Several major European bookmakers have a transaction volume of more than 100 billion euros in a World Cup.

Under standardized operations, the gambling industry will have huge profits of billions or even tens of billions of euros.

According to incomplete statistics, before the start of the 2002 World Cup, several major European bookmakers and gambling groups accumulated more than 15 billion euros in chips.

So, it is a small matter to invest millions or even tens of millions of euros in chips and lose tens of millions of euros.

However, if a person only wins hundreds of millions of euros in a bookmaker, then the problem is big.

Unless, you are a local boss.

Of course, Hao Qiang does not have so much money to play, he just wants to win a sum of money to solve the current financial difficulties.

He is not short of small money, but big money.

If you don’t try it, it feels like you have missed a lot of money if you know the result of the championship but don’t play.

Hao Qiang checked the tax situation of winning the ball. If it is in China, if you win more than 10,000 yuan, you need to pay 20% personal income tax.

But in most European countries, the prizes are tax-free, such as Eagle, Fa, De, Austria, Belgium, Ireland and other countries.

In the Bull Country, the part of the lottery prize exceeding 40,000 euros is subject to a 20% tax.

In the Grape Country, the part of the lottery prize exceeding 5,000 euros is subject to a 20% tax.

Compared with European countries, the tax in the United States is particularly high. The total federal and state taxes may exceed 40%, and may be close to 50%.

Too exaggerated.

Before the World Cup every year, many celebrities go to European countries, saying that they watch the game, but in fact they are more for the convenience of buying lottery tickets, and they spend a lot of money.

It just so happens that this year’s World Cup is held in the United States, and there are more people traveling to the United States, and the round-trip air tickets have risen sharply during the period.

Since he decided to give it a try, Hao Qiang began to make some preparations.

In the afternoon, Hao Qiang came to the company and notified the relevant personnel to apply for a Schengen visa.

This time he went abroad, he was going to bring seven employees, five foreign trade personnel, a legal assistant and a technical deputy manager Zheng Yi.

Deguo is a Schengen visa country. Tourists holding Schengen visas can stay for up to 90 days within 180 days. This period is certainly enough.

However, Hao Qiang’s excuse for going abroad is not to buy lottery tickets, but to visit Deguo’s customer Motoadventure and investigate the European market.

“Boss, when will it start? How long will it take?”

The employees who received the notice of going abroad were ecstatic.

“Around May 20, I will go out for a week or two. The company will provide accommodation and transportation, and there will be subsidies for going out, 60 euros per day.” Hao Qiang replied that it would be enough to investigate the electric motorcycle market and buy lottery tickets by the way for a week or two.

When employees go on business trips, even if the company provides accommodation, they have to spend money on meals, and they are unwilling to go out without subsidies. Some companies do not give employees business trip subsidies, which is a pitfall.

At Future Technology Group, employees are given a business trip subsidy of 100 yuan per day in China, which is enough for food and drink.

In foreign countries, consumption is also high, and subsidies are naturally high.

As for lottery tickets, Hao Qiang only bets on the champion, and this type of lottery tickets can be bought before the start of the game.

In fact, if you know which team will be the champion, you can also bet on the winning or losing of the champion team, but the odds will be lower.

However, Hao Qiang can’t stay in European countries forever, so let’s see when the time comes.

“Ah, it’s quite a long time.”

“It depends on the situation. If there is something going on at home, it’s okay if you don’t go out. Find someone to replace you. Tell me in advance and decide on the personnel today. That’s it.” Hao Qiang ordered, never forcing.

The employees he found are more clever, and they all have families.

It’s rare to go abroad once, and the subsidy is quite high. If you can save a little, it’s equivalent to going abroad to make money.

After Hao Qiang finished his instructions, he asked the foreign trade manager Du Li to send a visiting letter to the customer Motoadventure.

Motoadventure has many motorcycle stores, sells hundreds of thousands of motorcycles a year, and had a revenue of about 400 million euros last year.

Motoadventure’s stores are different from those in China. The investment scale of a single store is large and the area is also large. It is not comparable to the authorized stores of Future Motorcycle Company.

The next day,

Hao Qiang received a reply from Motoadventure, and its major shareholder Lukas expressed his welcome to Hao Qiang’s team.

After Hao Qiang got Lukas’ email information, he personally communicated with Lukas by email, first thanking him for the invitation, and at the same time mentioned that he was a football fan.

To Hao Qiang’s surprise, Lukas happened to be a football fan, and the two talked about football for a long time.They even talked about football betting.

Lukas is 45 years old this year and likes to play football betting. If he encounters the World Cup, he will play it big.

Hao Qiang flattered him and said that the probability of Germany winning the championship this time is very high.

“Well, I am optimistic that Germany will win the championship, but I bet on Italy.” Hao Qiang said secretly. Unfortunately, Germany stopped in the finals and competed with Portugal for the third or fourth place.

Lukas hoped that Hao Qiang would come earlier to discuss football betting with him.

In the end, Hao Qiang confirmed the time of the visit and filled in the detailed information of the invited company, the identity and contact information of the invitee.

Lukas sent an invitation letter to Hao Qiang in the name of the company.

With the invitation letter, Hao Qiang planned to apply for a business visa instead of a tourist visa.

Overseas companies sending invitation letters to domestic companies can make the application process for going abroad smoother.

Of course, the credibility and background of the inviting company are very important. If the inviting company has a good reputation internationally, it will increase the success rate of the visa application.

In 2006, it might not be so easy to apply for a visa to go abroad, and Hao Qiang was also worried about being stuck and missing the critical time.

At the same time, Hao Qiang was preparing foreign exchange.

This is more troublesome.

In China, the foreign exchange earned by enterprises from exports needs to be settled in accordance with the regulations of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

In response to changes in the situation and the actual needs of market entities, since 2001, my country has gradually expanded the autonomy of enterprises to retain foreign exchange by improving the opening and limit management of foreign exchange accounts.

In other words, some enterprises are allowed to retain foreign exchange within a certain amount without having to settle all of it.

Different types of enterprises, especially some high-tech enterprises or foreign trade comprehensive service enterprises, will enjoy different foreign exchange management policies.

It just so happens that Hao Qiang’s Future Technology Group has applied for qualifications and has this convenience.

In 2002, the account limit was 20% of the enterprise’s foreign exchange income from current items in the previous year.

In 2004, it was increased to 30% or 50%.

In 2005, it was further increased to 50% or 80%.

In 2006, the limit of foreign exchange that enterprises can retain was further increased according to the sum of 80% of the foreign exchange income from current items and 50% of the foreign exchange expenditure from current items in the previous year.

In 2007, the account limit management will be cancelled, allowing enterprises to retain foreign exchange according to their business needs, and the compulsory foreign exchange settlement and sale system will really exit the stage of history.

According to the foreign exchange revenue of Future Technology Group last year, it was only 3.7 million US dollars. If 80% was reserved, it would only be 2.96 million US dollars. All these foreign exchange were settled by the company, otherwise how could it apply for export tax rebate.

It is impossible for Hao Qiang to reserve it, he just wants to use it to buy stocks.

However, this year’s foreign exchange income has not yet been settled.

Fortunately, it has not been long since I got the money.

That is, the advance payment and part of the payment for goods from two foreign customer companies.

The conversion is about 3.2 million euros.

This money is certainly not enough for Hao Qiang’s plan.

In addition to delivering the goods and getting the money earlier, he has no other choice.

As for the black market for currency exchange in Europe, if there is no introduction from an acquaintance, the financial risk is relatively high, and the amount of exchange is too large, which may endanger one’s life, so Hao Qiang will not go through this channel.

His plan is 5 million euros, which is equivalent to more than 50 million yuan at the current exchange rate.

If the bet is successful, according to the current odds, he can win several hundred million yuan, which is already crazy.

If it is more, it will be a life-threatening thing. Just think about it and forget it. He is afraid that he will not be able to take the money away if he wins.

Therefore, after Hao Qiang won the prize, he still needs Lukas’ help.

Lukas is a local who often plays and plays big.

Otherwise, how dare Hao Qiang play a one-time bet of several million euros.

But as long as he wins several hundred million yuan, it will change many of Hao Qiang’s plans.

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