Tomorrow is Saturday, and the workshop workers of Future Motorcycle Company will continue to work.

The newly added production line has been put into use for more than a month. At present, the company has a stable daily production of more than 500 F1 electric motorcycles and 300 F2 electric motorcycles.

The F1 model is more popular, and foreign customers also prefer this car.

The F2 model is deeply loved by female consumers. The appearance of the cars on the market is generally conservative, and there are no competitors for the time being.

There are only a few large factories with the ability to design and produce complete vehicles, and the rest of the small factories are mostly assembled, so it is normal that the appearance is poor.

At present, after the Future Motorcycle Company opened sales, the average daily sales in China reached 400 to 500 vehicles, of which the online sales averaged several vehicles per day, mainly relying on physical stores.

However, it is quite good for online stores to sell several vehicles per day. After all, online shopping is not popular these days.

The export volume is also not small. In addition to the 33,000 vehicles mortgaged by Hao Qiang, the company still owes nearly 10,000 vehicles to overseas customers.

The company actively expands sales channels, combining online and offline. The commissioning of new production lines and the growth of market demand have made the company grow stronger and stronger.

At the same time, Renjian Fireworks Company is also rapidly expanding its business territory, showing its strong market competitiveness.

The 16 stores that have been opened cover multiple core areas of Yuecheng, Focheng and Dongguan, including 10 in Yuecheng, 3 in Focheng and 4 in Dongguan.

The 17th store is under renovation and is expected to open soon.

The site selection of the 18th store has been advanced to Shenzhen and surrounding cities, and will further develop to the Yangtze River Delta region in the future.

Overall, Future Motorcycle Company and Renjian Fireworks Company are developing rapidly, and gradually establish a strong market position and brand influence by continuously expanding the market, increasing production capacity and improving management.

On the other hand, the development of Galaxy Energy Company is slow.

The lithium battery factory is under construction in full swing and will be put into use in November this year;

The safety performance of ternary lithium batteries and lithium iron phosphate batteries is continuously tested and optimized;

The lithium battery production line has been developed since the beginning of the year, and some production lines have already started production.

According to Hao Qiang’s plan, the overall installation will be completed in October, the first commissioning and production will be carried out, and the mass production task will be completed after the new year next year.

The three subsidiaries have developed steadily and step by step. Of course, there is also great competitive pressure, but it is not as competitive as in later generations.

It is worth mentioning that the expansion of the world has also driven the economic development of Hao Qiang’s hometown.


In Hao Qiang’s hometown, about 300 families have signed planting agreements with Hao Jian, involving about 1,500 acres of arable land and an annual crop output value of about 10 million yuan.

Through this cooperation model, the net income of farmers per acre has increased to 2,000 to 3,000 yuan. Although it is hard work, the return is more considerable, which is much higher than the traditional sugarcane planting income.

In the future, as prices rise year by year, the purchase price of vegetables for cooperative farmers will also increase accordingly.

It is expected that in ten years, the net income of farmers per acre can reach more than 4,000 yuan.

A day later, on Saturday,

Hao Qiang went to Huanan Polytechnic to accompany Han Qingying to spend the weekend.

Every time he was with her, he could always enjoy the rare tranquility.

Occasionally, Hao Qiang would call his family and chat about family matters.

Recently, the news that he made 1 billion yuan by gambling in Europe spread in his hometown.

Hao Qiang currently has sufficient funds and feels that it is time to make some contributions to his hometown. He decided to donate money to widen the village road, so he called his father to discuss the matter.

“Dad, widen the main road in the village and directly widen it to six meters. The cement road should also be paved to the door of each household, so that everyone can travel conveniently.”

“It will cost about 400,000 to 500,000 yuan if it is paved.”

“Let’s pave it all at once to facilitate the passage of trucks. After all, the main vehicles passing through are still our company’s vehicles.”

“That’s good, it saves trouble. Let’s pave it in October when the weather is cooler. It’s been very hot recently.”

“Okay, you discuss and arrange it with the village committee.”

“Son, I’m going now It’s the village committee.”

“Dad, how did you become a village committee member?”

Hao Jianjun said proudly: “During the time when you went abroad, the village elected a village committee member, and I was pushed to the stage. There was nothing I could do, haha.

Now most of the villagers in the village work for us. My orders are more effective than those of the village party secretary. It’s not good not to be a village committee member.”

He wanted to talk to his son about this a long time ago, but his son went abroad and made a fuss throughout the country, even famous abroad, so he was embarrassed to show off to his son.

Alas, I can’t show off.

“Okay, as long as you like it.”

“Son, I have an idea. The foundations of the houses in our village are too messy.

We, the village committee, want to change this situation. If we can re-arrange it,That’s good. ”

Hao Qiang thought about it and said, “Dad, your idea is good, but it involves the interests of all villagers in the village and needs to be handled properly.

To be honest, if we want to re-layout, it is better to flatten all the arable land in the village and re-divide it, and then draw lots to redistribute it, so that it will be more convenient for planting.

Our company can pay for the flattening fee, which is not a lot of money.

After dividing the arable land, we can re-layout the foundation.

It can be extended near our foundation. If the villagers want to build a new house, they must build it on the new foundation, not on the foundation of the old house. Only in this way can we completely change the phenomenon of rural dirtiness and chaos. ”

Ten years later, the farmland in his hometown was treated in the same way.

All the farmland in the village was flattened and redivided, and then divided by lottery according to the land area originally owned by each family.

In this way, after the land is concentrated, farming is very convenient, and the villagers are very happy.

The cost of flattening is paid by the sugar factory, but the villagers are required to grow sugarcane for five consecutive years and are not allowed to grow other cash crops.

Now that all the villagers in the village are cooperating with the company, the cost of flattening the farmland and redividing it is paid by Renjian Fireworks, which is also normal.

When promoting the food planting area in the future, this aspect can also be promoted, which is also conducive to enhancing the brand power of Renjian Fireworks.

Hao Qiang never spends money in vain in this regard.

Hao Qiang continued: “Dad, you should hold a meeting with the village committee first, explain this plan clearly, and then announce it to the whole village.

Our company can pay to flatten the land and then redivide the foundation to let everyone know the benefits of doing so.

After the re-layout, not only will the village be cleaner, farming will be more convenient, and everyone’s quality of life will also improve.

The villagers must first know that they are taking advantage and benefiting, and our company is at a disadvantage, so it will be easier to promote it.

Of course, most families in the village are working in our company now, so it will not be too difficult to implement it.

As long as there is benefit, we must promote it. ”

After listening to his son’s suggestion, Hao Jianjun felt it was pretty good and replied: “Then I will discuss it with other village committees first. If we do this, we can’t build houses randomly starting this year.”

“Dad, if you want to re-layout, don’t pave the road first. Discuss it with the village committee first, and then go to the town leaders. Don’t take on this matter alone.”

“Okay, I got it.”

“Just be a village committee member. I suggest you don’t be a village party secretary. If you don’t do well, you will be criticized. It is especially easy to be accused of using village cadres for your own profit.”

“Okay, the village committee is fine. You can still order people around. Even the village party secretary is not so good, haha. ”

Hao Jianjun hung up the phone happily. He was particularly positive about this kind of thing.

Hao Qiang felt that his father liked to change his hometown very much. Now that he had the ability, it would be good to make his hometown better.

On the other hand, this would also help to improve his reputation in his hometown and society, establish a good social image, enhance his influence, and possibly gain recognition from the local government and society.

As for the problem of the villagers’ houses, let the villagers solve it themselves. Hao Qiang would not do that.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

Those who directly donate money to the villagers to build houses can’t actually change anything.

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