After the greenhouse vegetables are planted, villagers do not need to worry about sales, just focus on production.

If each household plants 10 mu of vegetables, the annual net income is expected to reach 100,000 yuan.

From 20,000 to 30,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan, the income of urban white-collar workers is not so high.

Some villagers who work outside have returned to their hometowns and devoted themselves to the hometown business.

In addition, Hao Qiang gave the village 20 future motorcycle authorized store quotas, which were arranged in various towns across the province, bringing new income channels to the hometown.

It is an open matter in the village to open an electric motorcycle store to make money, but it is not so easy to get a quota.

Those who are close to Hao Qiang’s family, have children in school, and are young and educated are given priority.

Those who cannot meet the standards can only give up temporarily.

The villagers in the village see that their income is expected to soar. As long as they work hard for a few years, building a small villa and buying a car is not a problem at all.

Hao Qiang’s intention is to subtly change the villagers’ ideas.

He led his hometown to the road of prosperity, and all the villagers admired and respected his family.

Sometimes when Hao Jianjun strolled around the village and found that the village was not clean, he criticized it directly, and the villagers followed his instructions without any complaints.

It can be said that Hao Qiang’s family is the “local emperor” of Hualong Village.

Today, Hualong Village has a brand new look, and the villagers consciously maintain environmental hygiene.

The huge changes in the village attracted people from the whole county to visit.

Since the beginning of this year, the county leaders have personally inspected and guided three times and the city leaders once.

There are no large private enterprises and well-known wealthy people in this province. It is not easy to have one, and Hao Qiang intends to expand his business territory to his hometown. Naturally, he has received strong support and expectations from local governments at all levels, hoping to drive local economic development.

Apart from other things, the villagers in the neighboring village very much hope that Hao Qiang’s family will also cooperate with their village for development.

The village committees of several villages visited Hao Jianjun at home, and the meaning was the same.

But after the vegetable greenhouse was put into use, the vegetable output increased greatly, and there will be no cooperation with other villages in the next two years.

Hao Jianjun was very smart and directly pushed it to his son who was not at home, saying: “My dear cousin, I can’t make the decision on this. It depends on how my son plans it.”

These village committees were also helpless. Others had no reason to cooperate with their village, so why should they give priority to their village.

But no matter what, try to get along well with Hao Jianjun’s family.

November 5, Sunday afternoon.

Hao Qiang was reading with Han Qingying at home in South China University of Technology.

I used to like to be in a cafe, but now I have a house, so I stay in the house.

When they are tired of reading, they can do radio gymnastics together to relax their spirits.

Look, the two have just finished and rested at the head of the bed.

Suddenly, Hao Qiang received a golden finger prompt that he could integrate the technology of the level 4 technology store.

The Level 3 Technology Store chose lithium battery technology, which needs to be mass-produced before it can be integrated with the next level of similar technology.

Level 4 technology has not yet been integrated, and it cannot directly skip Level 4 and integrate Level 5 technology.

“Integration technology!”

Hao Qiang muttered to himself, he has already chosen the manufacturing technology and process of ternary lithium batteries and lithium iron phosphate batteries.

In an instant, a stream of heat surged into Hao Qiang’s brain, and a lot of knowledge related to ternary lithium batteries and lithium iron phosphate was like a trickle, pouring into his mind continuously.

He has integrated lithium battery technology, and this time he integrated more profound technology.

After a few minutes, the integration was completed.

Under mass production, the technical level of energy density of ternary lithium batteries has reached a terrifying 270wh/kg!

The technical level of lithium iron phosphate batteries has also reached an extremely high level: 190wh/kg!

And how much is the level 3 technology?

They are only 150wh/kg and 90wh/kg respectively.

The lithium iron phosphate battery technology of the third-level store is very useless, so Hao Qiang only requires that it can be developed, but does not require mass production.

Today, the two lithium battery technologies mastered by Hao Qiang have reached the extremely high level of this type of battery, and will be at the world’s top level before 2030.

Of course, the difficulty of development is also very great.

Fortunately, the company’s scientific research team currently has some technical foundation and experience. Otherwise, if he is given this technology directly, Hao Qiang feels that he still has to start from the basics.

After integrating the 4th level technology, Hao Qiang received a prompt again that he can choose the 5th level technology.

[Technical Field 1: Motorcycle Core Component Manufacturing Technology and Process]

Hao Qiang chose Technical Field 1, the first technology selected motorcycle motor manufacturing technology and process, and the second technology selected controller system technology.

These two technologies areHe had considered it long ago, first developing motorcycle motor technology to lay the foundation, and then developing electric vehicle motor technology.

And the controller system technology also lays the foundation for electric vehicle control technology.

Then, Hao Qiang merged the two technologies in turn.

A few minutes later, the fusion was completed.

The technical level of the two newly merged technologies has reached the international first-class technical level, which means that there is already a basic strength to compete with international peers.

Hao Qiang has merged four technologies, and the next step is how to turn technology into productivity.

Especially, ternary lithium battery and lithium iron phosphate technology.

It happened that the company’s lithium battery production line project was completed, and Hao Qiang could take time to start planning new scientific research projects.

On the morning of November 6, it happened to be Monday.

Hao Qiang organized a technical meeting of Galaxy New Energy Company, at which he established a new scientific research project.

The new ternary lithium battery project is “NCM811” (nickel-cobalt-manganese ratio is 8:1:1), referred to as “super ternary lithium battery”.

The higher the nickel ratio, the more unstable the battery.

But how to develop it, reduce the proportion of cobalt used, and reduce the material cost a lot.

The new lithium iron phosphate battery project is abbreviated as “S-LFP”, or “super lithium iron phosphate battery”.

There is only one project team, which gives priority to the development of super ternary lithium batteries. If the idea is stuck, it will be transferred to super lithium iron phosphate batteries.

At present, the research and development team of lithium batteries has increased to 50 people, including 5 with doctoral degrees, 20 with master’s degrees, and the rest with bachelor’s degrees. Except for a few newly recruited graduates, most of them have many years of work experience.

The team is still adding talents, but there are not many talents familiar with lithium batteries in China, and it is not easy to dig them.

Now, Hao Qiang plans to recruit master and doctoral graduates from universities and train them himself.

He believes that the lithium battery knowledge he currently has is not worse than some doctoral supervisors in some aspects.

In terms of production technology, it is far better than doctoral supervisors in the lithium battery industry.

Most doctoral supervisors have been in school for a long time and are not familiar with the factory situation, so they are not familiar with the production process.

In the afternoon, Hao Qiang organized a technical meeting of the Future Motorcycle Company to establish a new scientific research project.

Electric motorcycle motor and controller system.

The company has never produced motors, and has always outsourced production, so it needs to recruit relevant technical personnel.

The power of general electric motorcycle motors is generally between 400-1500 watts, and the power of large electric motorcycles or electric bicycles can reach 3000-5000 watts.

The power range of motors studied by the company is between 400-5000 watts.

Of course, the power of automobile motors is very large, which is hundreds of kilowatts, and the electric motorcycle motor is far from it.

The management was somewhat puzzled by Hao Qiang’s plan, but still obeyed the assignment.

The next day, Lin Yan reported to Hao Qiang on the sales of the lithium-ion version of the electric motorcycle.

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