Guosen Securities is headquartered in Shenzhen. In 1999, its registered capital had increased to 2 billion yuan.

Now in 2006, the company’s total assets have exceeded 10 billion yuan. It is a securities firm with a large asset scale and holds shares in many companies.

Hao Qiang shouted “1 billion is not too little, 10 billion is not too much”, but they simply can’t come up with tens of billions of yuan, most of which are equity funds.

Of course, Guosen Securities has many businesses, including asset management, venture capital, etc., and controls a lot of assets. At the same time, it also cooperates with banks to carry out entrusted loan business, entrusting loans to designated customers.

Hao Qiang is not familiar with banks, but securities firms are familiar with them. They are equivalent to intermediaries and guarantors.

Therefore, the financing interest must be higher than that of banks.

After Huang Qi and Hao Qiang finished the phone call, he reported to the headquarters.

Hao Qiang’s application for financing has exceeded his permitted authority.

When he reported to the headquarters, the senior management of the headquarters immediately held a meeting to discuss this matter.

Borrowing is definitely necessary, the question is how much is appropriate to borrow.

If Hao Qiang can’t borrow money, there won’t be many people in the country who can borrow money.

At 11 o’clock in the morning, Hao Qiang received another call from Huang Qi, and the two communicated about financing.

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Hao Qiang came to the Gangcheng Branch of Guosen Securities and met Huang Qi.

At about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, Hao Qiang left the Gangcheng Branch of Guosen Securities with a smile.

The financing is 1.5 billion yuan, the annual interest rate is 8.8%, the term is two years, and the margin is stocks worth 2.5 billion yuan.

If cash is used as margin, the financing ratio is 1:1, and the conversion rate of stocks is about 0.6, depending on which stock.

Banks do not accept stock mortgages, but brokers can, and brokers themselves also invest in stocks.

Of course, taking stocks as margin, because the stock price is changing, when the stock price falls, for example, 2.5 billion yuan of stocks fall to 1.5 billion yuan, Hao Qiang needs to add margin.

If it is not executed, the broker has the right to sell these mortgaged stocks to reduce the risk, but this is very unpleasant.

But there is no way, it is impossible for Hao Qiang to take all the good things.

Currently, Hao Qiang currently holds stocks worth about 3 billion yuan. He has received 1 billion yuan from the brokerage firm and plans to continue buying stocks.

With this 1 billion yuan, he plans to register an account with another brokerage firm to buy stocks, and then use it as collateral for financing.

That afternoon, Hao Qiang asked the driver to send Han Qingying back to school, and he continued to stay in the port city.

A few days later, Hao Qiang reached a cooperation with Guotai Junan, financing 600 million yuan, with an annual interest rate of 8.6%, a two-year term, and a margin of 1 billion yuan worth of newly invested stocks.

And Hao Qiang used the newly raised 600 million yuan to continue buying stocks, and dared not mortgage it again. In case there was a bigger fluctuation, if his stocks were closed, he would lose a lot.

By the end of the month, Hao Qiang had already invested 2.1 billion yuan in the stock market.

About 1.29 billion yuan was used to purchase Moutai shares, and the shareholding ratio increased to 1.538%; About 806 million yuan was used to purchase Tengxun shares, and the shareholding ratio increased to 4.786%. In this way, it is difficult for Hao Qiang to buy Tengxun shares, and the secondary market volume is limited. If he buys more, he can only find small stocks, and there are some troubles, and he dare not make any comments. After he bought them, the stock prices of these two stocks continued to rise sharply. All financial media rushed to report Hao Qiang’s investment behavior, and he could not hide his financing. “Hao Qiang saw Moutai and Tengxun?” “Crazy investment, 3.1 billion yuan in 20 days” “Hao Qiang invested 5 billion yuan to buy Tengxun and Moutai, is it crazy or wise?” … New LANG, Toutiao, Net One, CU Toutiao and other media have reprinted them, netizens expressed their opinions, and public opinion was hot. Moutai, in particular, has been hyped up too much. Last year, its revenue was about 4 billion yuan, and its market value exceeded 100 billion yuan.

Now Hao Qiang has joined in, investing more than 3 billion yuan, adding fuel to the fire.

On December 1,

Hao Qiang appeared on the campus of Zhongda University and was interviewed by a media reporter.

The media reporter asked: “Mr. Hao, are you very optimistic about the stocks of Tengxun and Moutai? You have invested tens of billions of yuan before and after.”

The question asked by the media reporter is actually asking knowingly. If Hao Qiang is not optimistic, why would he spend tens of billions of yuan to buy these two stocks?

However, Hao Qiang cannot answer the media reporter like this.

“To be honest, I don’t understand stocks.” Hao Qiang’s expression was indifferent and serious.

“Oh, then why did Mr. Hao buy Tengxun and Moutai stocks? Why not buy other stocks?”

“I just happened to have some idle funds on hand, and then I randomly chose these two stocks, which happened to be able to take me’s funds are used up.

I don’t understand stocks, otherwise, I might have chosen a few more stocks. In the final analysis, I just don’t like the trouble. “Hao Qiang hesitated for a while before answering. If he answered that he was not optimistic about other stocks, he would offend more people.

If a certain stock fell because of him, the stockholders would scold him.

“Then what do you think will be the future trend of these two stocks, Tengxun and Moutai?”

“This female reporter, I think you keep digging holes for me, which is not very authentic.

I have said that I really don’t understand stocks.

If I understand stocks, I will sit in front of the computer every day and just trade stocks. “Hao Qiang frowned, stopped answering her question, and went to the classroom.

The next day,

An online report “Hao Qiang: I don’t understand stocks” was reprinted crazily by other websites, and netizens’ comments were also hot.

Netizen Taibai Youdao: I really don’t understand English, but I got full marks.

Netizen Chuxin Bugai Dashushu: I really don’t know how to make money, but I inexplicably got tens of billions more.

Netizen Xiyan Zangxian: I really don’t understand stocks, but I made tens of billions.

Netizens teased Hao Qiang. In fact, Hao Qiang really didn’t understand stocks. He just knew the future trend of these two stocks.

If he knew how to trade stocks, he would definitely invest in more than these two stocks.

In just ten days, the share price of Moutai rose from 210 yuan to 270 yuan, and the share price of Tengxun rose from 20 Hong Kong dollars to 26 Hong Kong dollars, an increase of about 30%.

Those stockholders who didn’t buy it regretted it to death.

Now that the stock price is too high, it is I dare not buy, and plan to buy when the price drops a little.

But three days later, the share price of Moutai rose to 285 yuan, and the share price of Tengxun rose to 27.5 Hong Kong dollars. Even if there is a minimum price, ordinary investors can’t compete with institutions.

At this time, Hao Qiang doesn’t plan to toss it anymore, just leave it like this, and wait until the end of next year, as long as the time is right, he will sell it.

Now, he has slightly changed the history of the two stocks, but he can’t change the general trend.

The 2008 stock market crash was global, and the stock price plunge began in mid-January 2008.

The stock market crash not only affects a certain individual or a certain company, but will extend to a country, and eventually even the whole world, the economy will retreat step by step, and the stock market will be completely ineffective.

In this general trend, no matter how powerful Hao Qiang is, he can’t change the direction.

There is only one year left before 2008. Whether Hao Qiang can take off again depends on this financial crisis.

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