It is said that Hao Qiang was frantically raising funds to invest in the stock market. At the beginning, many financial institutions and financial experts were not optimistic about his operation.

But after only a dozen days, the value of the shares held by Hao Qiang rose by more than 30%, which severely slapped these people in the face.

In other words, Hao Qiang’s book wealth made more than 1 billion in a short period of time.

Netizens joked: “A small goal every day.”

Some netizens called Hao Qiang the “Buffett” of Huaguo.

Hao Qiang also said that he did not understand stocks, which was too fake.

Those retail investors who have studied the stock market for many years claim to understand stocks very well, but I don’t know how many tens of thousands they have lost, and some stocks are still locked.

Compared with Hao Qiang’s 100 million a day, it feels too ironic.

Some retail investors simply followed Hao Qiang to buy, and they did make money.

No matter whether others understand stocks or not, just follow to make money, and that’s why the stock prices of Moutai and Tengxun have risen continuously.

December 3, Sunday afternoon

Hao Qiang plays basketball with his classmates at the basketball court of Zhongda University, occasionally experiencing dunks and showing off.

These students feel that it is a great honor to play basketball with Hao Qiang, and they will be envied if they tell others about it.

In fact, they also know that once they graduate, they will never have the opportunity to play basketball with Hao Qiang like this again.

At the end of October, Hao Qiang gave each classmate a quota for a future motorcycle authorized store. With the example of Fei Yang and five other people getting rich, other students think this is also an opportunity for them to get rich.

Many classmates’ stores have been open for nearly a month and have really made money.

It can be said that Hao Qiang is their breadwinner and god of wealth.

Since their families are not short of money, many students plan to continue their postgraduate and doctoral studies, and then hang out with Hao Qiang after graduation.

There are big thighs to hug, and Hao Qiang takes good care of his classmates, so everyone is not stupid.

At this time, there are hundreds of students watching Hao Qiang play outside the court, giving warm applause from time to time, and shouting “Brother Qiang, dunk again.”

Some girls, seeing Hao Qiang dunking, even screamed crazily.

Hao Qiang didn’t come to play basketball every day, but only played occasionally, and students would join in the fun and take a look when they saw him.

Especially the younger students, they were very curious about what this senior looked like when playing basketball.

Unexpectedly, Hao Qiang himself was very handsome, and he looked even more handsome when playing basketball, especially when dunking.

Of course, they also had ideas.

Having the opportunity to meet a big man worth tens of billions or even hundreds of billions, as long as they build a good relationship and Hao Qiang helps, then there will be a bright future.

The next afternoon,

Hao Qiang went to the company to handle affairs as usual. When he was about to go to the Super Ternary Lithium Battery Laboratory to guide the work, Wang Xiaofeng knocked on the door a little impatiently and walked into the office.

“Come in!”

“Chairman, something happened to the fireworks!” Wang Xiaofeng stood in front of Hao Qiang, a little nervous.

Hao Qiang frowned when he heard this: “Tell me more details.”

At the same time, he motioned him to sit down.

“It’s like this. A lot of negative news about Renjian Fireworks suddenly appeared on the Internet, saying that our hot pot restaurant’s hygiene was not up to standard and there were flies in the soup.

After reading the pictures and content reported by the media, I learned some of the situation. The incident happened at Yongwang Tianjie Store in Focheng.

After our investigation and monitoring, it was found that someone deliberately found fault and threw two flies into the pot and took pictures.

This is obviously a deliberate slander. I feel that the matter is not so simple, and the current situation is too serious. I hurried to find you, the chairman.”

“No one made trouble on the spot?”

“That’s the weird thing. Normally, if there is a hygiene problem in our store, the guests will definitely make trouble on the spot.

But the guest didn’t, and left after taking pictures.

In addition, the media reported it too suddenly. It was not just one or two media, but many media reported it. The comment area was full of negative comments. It was obvious that someone was leading the rhythm.”

After listening to Wang Xiaofeng, Hao Qiang realized that this was a conspiracy. If it was not handled well, Renjian Fireworks would definitely be finished.

It’s not that it’s enough to prove that someone is maliciously slandering, but now someone is leading the trend, and some netizens who don’t know the reason think it’s true.

“Let me read the news first.” Hao Qiang took a deep breath and opened the computer website.

Wang Xiaofeng stood aside and said: “You can find it by searching the mainstream media, and it’s on the Wangyi platform.”

Hao Qiang opened the Wangyi platform and there was a related report on the homepage.

“Shock: There are flies in the soup of the fireworks pot in the world? Is this for human consumption?”

Seeing this title, Hao Qiang was particularly angry and slammed the table directly.

“These bastards, do they think they don’t have to bear the consequences for slandering at will?”

Seeing the boss lose his temper, Wang Xiaofeng echoed: “We must sue these people to bankruptcy, these WangBastard!”

Hao Qiang tried to calm down his anger and then read the content.

[Pictures speak louder than words. At noon on December 2, my friend and I ate hot pot at the Yongwang Tianjie store in Focheng, Foshan. Halfway through the meal, we suddenly found two flies in the soup. Oh my God, can people eat this?

In an instant, my friend and I were so sick that our chests felt uncomfortable and we wanted to vomit.

Human Fireworks has always had a good reputation, so I went there to consume, but I didn’t expect such a thing to happen.

Is their health inspection so careless?

I respect Hao Qiang, the owner of Human Fireworks, very much. He is also my idol, but I didn’t expect such a thing to happen in the store of his company. thing.

Well, in the end, out of respect for Hao Qiang, I just left and didn’t plan to make trouble.

But less than half an hour after leaving, I suddenly felt nauseous and vomited. Finally, I had to go to the hospital for a physical examination. The result was that I had acute gastroenteritis and was currently being treated in the hospital.

During the treatment, I thought about it, and out of conscience, I still announced this matter to remind all consumers.

Maybe, I might be retaliated for doing this, but I still have to announce the truth out of conscience. 】

In the comment area, there are a lot of curse comments, most of which are responsible for evaluation.

“The hygiene of Renjian Fireworks is not good. After I ate it once, I never went there again.”

“The taste of Renjian Fireworks is indeed good, but the hygiene is hard to describe.”

“Oh my God, there are flies. I won’t go there again.”

“Is it a misunderstanding? I think Renjian Fireworks is very good.”

“I have been consuming at Renjian Fireworks, and this has never happened. ”


After reading the content, Hao Qiang couldn’t help but laugh at himself: “I didn’t expect that my fans respect me so much, and they also reminded me not to retaliate against him and use the public to hold him hostage.

Haha, it’s quite smart.

However, since he respects me so much, I don’t let him go to hell, it seems that I am not worthy of his respect. ”

Wang Xiaofeng knew that his boss was speaking in a sarcastic way, and echoed: “This bastard came prepared, and the photos are very clear.”

“Not only are the photos well taken, but there are a lot of water army in the comment area, many of which are new accounts.

People who don’t know the truth must have been led by the rhythm, and they have achieved their goals. ”

“Water army?”

Wang Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized, “No wonder, I said that our Renjian Fireworks has always had a good reputation, how could there be so many netizens saying bad things, which is obviously not true. ”

“Now no matter whether it is true or not, more people are talking about it, and people who don’t know the truth think it is true. ”

“Chairman, this matter is indeed too serious. If it is not handled properly, Renjian Fireworks will suffer heavy losses and its reputation will be greatly damaged. “Wang Xiaofeng said cautiously, “Now that we have evidence, I think we should call the police first and arrest the two people who threw the flies. By the way, we can find out which colleague did it.”

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