Hao Qiang’s thinking ability suddenly soared to 25, just 1 point away from the peak level of human history.

It is also possible that his thinking ability has reached the highest point of human beings at present.

After the test, he found that his understanding, analysis, integration, reasoning and mental arithmetic abilities have all been greatly improved.

For example, in mental arithmetic, he can now easily calculate the result of multiplying any three-digit number by any three-digit number in five seconds, and this is not a level that can be achieved only after training.

The mental arithmetic ability of ordinary people can only achieve the multiplication of any two-digit number by any two-digit number, but this is already quite brain-consuming.

To achieve the multiplication of any two-digit number by any three-digit number, its difficulty has increased exponentially compared to the multiplication of two-digit numbers, and ordinary people can’t even reach it.

However, when Hao Qiang’s thinking ability reached 21, he was able to calculate the result of multiplying any two-digit number by any three-digit number in his mind.

In addition, he also discovered a very strange phenomenon.

For example, when he looked at the door, he no longer paid attention to whether the door was beautiful, but unconsciously calculated the weight of the door, the bearing capacity of the upper and lower hinges, the force required to tighten the screws, and even considered the material of the screws.

“Knowing too much is really not a good thing.”

Hao Qiang sighed inwardly.

What would happen if the thinking power increased to 27 or above?

Would it be possible to accurately estimate the other person’s measurements and weight just by looking at a beautiful woman?

He thought it was really possible.

Now, when he looked at the door, he could estimate the approximate size of the door.

He did not actually measure it, but compared it with reference objects, and at the same time, complex mathematical formulas unconsciously emerged in his brain for mental calculation.

Maybe this is the trouble of genius.

If the thinking power reaches the peak of human beings and cannot be controlled, it is really possible to become a madman.

The next morning,

Hao Qiang came to the Super Lithium Battery Project Team.

Some technical problems that have troubled him recently, when thinking about it again, I feel that the solution ideas are clearer.

Next, Hao Qiang began to patrol and found many problems.

For what he thought was necessary, he directly proposed improvement suggestions.

“The high-nickel, low-cobalt formula NCM811 can improve energy density and reduce costs, but it needs further optimization to improve safety, especially the risk of thermal runaway. Pay attention to what changes will occur in the nickel lattice structure after repeated use.”

“We can monitor the battery status in real time through the intelligent BMS, optimize the charging and discharging process, prevent overcharging, over-discharging and overheating, and extend the battery life.”

The researchers who were instructed were all industry elites who had worked for many years and had long been convinced of Hao Qiang’s scientific research capabilities.

However, today, they felt that the chairman was a little strange.

He only needed to take a look to know the difficult problems they encountered and accurately pointed out the breakthrough points, which made people suddenly enlightened.

It was so admirable.

Some researchers saw the chairman coming and asked him directly for advice.

A doctor expressed his gratitude sincerely: “Oh, I understand. Thank you for the chairman’s advice.

The chairman is so amazing. I have been thinking about this problem for several days but I still can’t figure it out.”

Hao Qiang smiled slightly, nodded, and then continued to instruct other researchers.

When he is free, he will come to the laboratory for a walk.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
With his guidance, the progress of scientific research has been significantly accelerated.

In the afternoon,

Hao Qiang went to the electric motorcycle motor project team for inspection.

This project team has just been established for more than a month, and the researchers have just arrived and are in the process of running-in.

The first scientific research task assigned by Hao Qiang is to develop a 1200-watt motor used in F1.

The motor used in electric motorcycles is a brushless DC motor (BLDC), not an AC motor.

For example, if a new energy vehicle is a four-wheel drive vehicle, the drive system design usually adopts a combination of a front-drive induction asynchronous motor and a rear-drive permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), both of which are AC motors.

If it is a two-wheel drive new energy vehicle, the drive system generally uses a rear-drive permanent magnet synchronous motor.

The motor power of new energy vehicles is usually several hundred kilowatts, while the motor power of electric motorcycles is only about one kilowatt, which is a big difference.

The power density of AC motors is relatively large, that is, they can provide greater power output in a smaller volume. If DC motors are used, the space requirements are very high.

Future Technology Group is currently researching DC motors, which is beneficial for future research on AC motors because many technologies are interoperable.

Therefore, if Hao Qiang decides to enter the new energy vehicle industry, he will definitely choose automotive motor technology in the field of technology 1, researching induction asynchronous motors and permanent magnet synchronous motors, which has reachedInternational first-class level.

The motors purchased from suppliers cannot meet Hao Qiang’s requirements for high-tech motors. This kind of core components can be independently developed, which is not easy to be blocked by others.

DC brushless motors have the advantages of high efficiency, low maintenance and long life, but they will also encounter some problems in practical applications, such as motor overheating, electronic controller failure, Hall sensor failure, motor noise and vibration, etc.

For example, motor noise and vibration are generally caused by severe bearing wear, which requires the quality of materials and products to be excellent.

There is still a gap between domestic bearing technology and foreign countries, mainly because key technologies such as materials and heat treatment processes are not as good as others.

At present, Future Technology Group does not produce bearings, but purchases them from domestic manufacturers.

This means that even if Hao Qiang has mastered the world-class motor technology, it is difficult for the motors produced to reach the world-class technical level because the key components and bearings are purchased from domestic manufacturers.

So, even if you have advanced technology, it is still very difficult to transform it into productivity.

Hao Qiang was busy with scientific research for a few days, and when he was free, he paid attention to other affairs of the company.

At present, the total number of employees of Renjian Fireworks Catering Company has reached 3,000, and a training institution has been established in Yuecheng. After qualified training, employees will be sent to new stores.

The total number of employees of Future Motorcycle Company has also reached 1,600, and the total number of employees of Galaxy New Energy Company has expanded to 250.

The total number of employees of the group has now exceeded 5,000, and the expansion speed is very fast.

Recently, the company is carrying out campus recruitment, and plans to increase the number of campus recruitment from 100 to 200.

Among them, it plans to recruit 10 doctoral students, 30 master’s students and 160 undergraduate graduates.

This year, campus recruitment was conducted for the first time in 985 universities, and last year when the human resources department went to Hua Nan University of Technology for campus recruitment, almost no students submitted resumes.

At present, the reputation of Future Technology Group is not small. Last month’s revenue reached 250 million yuan. The company is larger in scale, and campus recruitment is easier.

At 3 pm on January 7, which happened to be Sunday, Future Technology Group held a campus recruitment meeting in the lecture hall of Zhongda.

Hao Qiang happened to be free, so he went to take a look.

When he walked into the classroom, the campus recruitment fair had been going on for more than ten minutes.

Hao Qiang’s sudden arrival was warmly welcomed by more than 200 students on the scene. The HR specialist handed him the microphone and said respectfully: “Welcome Mr. Hao, the chairman of our group, to speak.”

“When I walked into the classroom, I was already prepared, anticipating that there might be an embarrassing situation where not many students came to attend.”

Hao Qiang took the microphone, stood on the podium, and said with a smile, “I didn’t expect there would be so many people, all of them are outstanding talents from Zhongda!

Thank you very much for coming to the campus recruitment fair of Future Technology Group.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the students on the scene gave warm applause again. Everyone was curious about what Hao Qiang would say.

Hao Qiang is a legend of Zhongda. Many students know him. Even senior students affectionately call him “Brother Qiang”.

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