In mid-January, Hao Qiang and Jiang Ying were calculating the group’s financial situation and discussing employees’ year-end bonuses and holiday expenses.

Future Motorcycle Company completed its first expansion in June last year. At the end of October last year, the second phase of the factory was officially put into use. Last year, the total sales volume was about 200,000 vehicles, of which about 30,000 vehicles were exported.

In 2006, the revenue was about 600 million yuan, and the corporate income tax was exempted in the first three years. Excluding the planned year-end bonus expenditure, the net profit after tax was about 160 million yuan.

Renjian Fireworks Catering Company currently has a total of 22 stores in operation, and 12 stores have been expanded this year. In 2006, the revenue was about 380 million yuan, and the net profit after tax was about 210 million yuan.

Xinghe New Energy Company has only been in mass production for two months, with a revenue of about 20 million yuan and a net profit after tax of about 4.8 million yuan.

The three companies have a total revenue of about 1 billion yuan and a net profit after tax of 375 million yuan, with a very high profit margin.

Of course, excluding fixed asset investment, it can be said that there is no profit, which can reduce the payment of corporate income tax from this aspect.

Since the beginning of this year, the production capacity of Future Motorcycle Company has exploded, sales have soared, and revenue has also exploded. The group’s monthly revenue has reached more than 250 million yuan.

“Chairman, the group’s thousands of employees have worked hard for a year, and the money they earn is not as good as what you make in the stock market for a few days.” Jiang Ying said with a smile.

Hao Qiang smiled and said: “The stock market is risky. Maybe the next time it will capsize, just like gambling.

If the scale of a business is small, the money earned in a year does not look very good.

However, as the scale expands, the annual profit is relatively stable, the harvest is real, and there is a greater sense of accomplishment, which is not comparable to the stock market income.”

Next, the two calculated the bank loan interest.

The group borrowed a total of 210 million yuan, with an average annual interest rate of about 6.3%, and the annual interest expenditure was about 13.2 million yuan.

In terms of charity, Hao Qiang donated 1.5 million yuan to Zhongda in his personal name, and 500,000 yuan each to junior high school and high school; and donated money to his hometown to build roads in the name of the group.

The cost of leveling the cultivated land in Hualong Village, his hometown, is included in the daily expenses. The investment in the vegetable greenhouse is also an advance investment by the company. The villagers will pay off the loan in the next two years.

Hao Qiang and Jiang Ying calculated the financial income and expenditure of last year one by one, and found that there were many projects where they spent money recklessly, but when they thought about how happy they were at the time, they didn’t care.

Instead of regretting, it is better to make more money.

Many people spend money very quickly and without restraint, and then they regret it very much and make up their minds not to spend money recklessly next time.

However, it didn’t take long before they quickly forgot their initial regrets and continued to spend money like water. When they needed money urgently, they found that they had no money, like ants on a hot pot, anxiously turning around.

Saving money?

That doesn’t exist.

Obviously the salary is quite high, but they just find that they can’t save money and don’t know where the money went.

Therefore, the media reported that Hao Qiang has nearly 10 billion yuan in liquid funds on hand, and netizens are very envious, because they don’t even have 10,000 yuan.

No, not even one thousand yuan.

At two o’clock in the afternoon,

Hao Qiang and the group’s senior management patrolled the workshop together. Since it was a new factory, the ground line was clear and did not need to be drawn again.

The workers mainly maintained the equipment and cleaned their workstations. After that, they sealed the equipment with film and unsealed it after the New Year.

Hao Qiang walked around and found some minor problems, but did not point them out. This is a normal phenomenon.

If he said it, it would make the management and workshop workers anxious.

So, it was enough to clean it up.

At four o’clock in the afternoon,

The annual meeting began.

Like last year, the venue was still on the basketball court in front of the dormitory building, and a simple stage was built on the spot.

Except for the ordinary employees on duty at the Renjian Fireworks Company, all other employees of the group, about two thousand people, participated in this annual meeting.

At this time, all participants had taken their seats in an orderly manner.

When the time was almost up, the group chairman Hao Qiang, the group financial director Jiang Ying, the vice president of Future Motorcycle Company Lin Yan, the vice president and technical director of Galaxy Energy Company Wang He, the vice president of Renjian Fireworks Company Wang Xiaofeng and the group human resources manager Qiu Xueya walked to their seats on the stage.

The employees in the audience saw the arrival of the chairman in a suit and tie and gave warm applause.

Han Qingying and Wu Hai, who were sitting in a corner, saw that the number of people in Hao Qiang’s company was increasing. In a few years, they might have to rent a football field for the annual meeting.

Hao Qiang saw the employees applauding, and he and other senior executives followed suit.

After the applause stopped, human resources manager Qiu Xueya announced the official start of the annual meeting and extended New Year’s blessings to all employees present.

Then, she solemnly announced: “Now, please invite DirectorMr. Hao Qiang, the president of the company, gave a speech and made an important speech. ”

The audience burst into warm applause again. Hao Qiang smiled and behaved calmly and generously, and slightly adjusted the microphone on the table.

“Good afternoon, colleagues.”

“Future Technology Group has been established for two years. This is our second annual meeting.

I remember that last year, there were only more than 200 participants, but now there are more than 2,000 participants.

Next year, there will be more participants.

Our Future Technology Group is developing at a rapid pace…”

“Last year, I still remember saying that we are in an era full of countless opportunities and challenges.

All subsidiaries have developed rapidly in the past year and have exceeded their expected goals…”

Hao Qiang reviewed last year, summarized last year, looked forward to the future, and finally painted a big picture for the employees.

This year, all employees who have worked for more than half a year have a year-end bonus. The year-end bonus for ordinary employees is still one month’s salary, while excellent employees receive two months’ salary. The year-end bonus for technical personnel is relatively large, two to three months’ salary.

In terms of year-end bonuses, there is indeed no advantage compared to other companies, but the employees’ salaries are already high, and other benefits are very good.

This year’s holiday benefits are relatively simple, without physical goods. The company directly issues shopping cards worth one thousand yuan, and employees They were so happy, especially the new employees who didn’t get the year-end bonus.

The group spent about 5 million yuan on the year-end holiday expenses alone, but it was nothing compared to the 300 to 400 million yuan after-tax profit.

After Hao Qiang finished speaking, the heads of each subsidiary gave speeches and announced the annual operating goals for 2007.

Renjian Fireworks Catering Company plans to open 18 new stores in 2007, bringing the total number of stores to 40; it plans to establish a logistics center.

Future Motorcycle Company strives to put the third phase of the factory into operation as soon as possible to increase annual production capacity…

Xinghe New Energy Company strives to put the second phase of the factory into operation by mid-2008, with an annual production capacity of to 5GWh.

The heads of the three subsidiaries reported and announced plans for the coming year. Finally, the HR manager Qiu Xueya summarized and praised the chairman’s grand wishes and the plans of the heads of the subsidiaries. She hoped that all employees would work together for the future of the company, their own future, and the future of their children.

The annual meeting ended here, and then there was the New Year’s Eve dinner and the annual meeting activities.

The New Year’s Eve dinner was still held in the company cafeteria, and everyone gathered together.

Last year, the annual meeting activities distributed generous rewards.

This year, the employees thought that with more employees, the distribution ratio would definitely be less.

Unexpectedly, the distribution ratio was still the same as last year.

The fourth prize is a four-piece set worth 100 yuan, with a total of 500 places.

The third prize is a men’s gift set or a women’s gift set worth 200 yuan, with a total of 300 places.

The second prize is a Nokia mobile phone worth 1,000 yuan, with a total of 150 places.

The first prize is a high-end mobile phone worth 3,000 yuan, with a total of 50 places.

Employees who win the first prize can also exchange the company’s electric motorcycle F1 if they don’t want the mobile phone.

The types of prizes for each prize are the same as last year, and the winning ratio is half.

In fact, Hao Qiang is not short of the hundreds of thousands of yuan, but he does not intend to reach a 100% winning ratio. He has to give employees some motivation and continue to work next year.

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