On the night of the Future Technology Group’s annual meeting, the entire venue was filled with excitement, especially for those employees who were lucky enough to win prizes in the lottery.

Lin Hai, a fresh undergraduate who joined the company in July last year, became one of the luckiest people tonight.

When the host read out his table number, he jumped up excitedly – he actually won a Motorola V3C mobile phone worth 3,000 yuan!

For Lin Hai, this phone is simply a blessing from heaven.

On weekdays, he would not be willing to spend so much money to buy such an expensive phone.

Looking back, the company’s benefits have always been very generous: 600 yuan shopping cards were issued during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, and 1,000 yuan shopping cards were issued during the Spring Festival.

And today, in addition to this unexpected surprise mobile phone, he also received a year-end bonus equivalent to two months’ salary like other colleagues.

Those colleagues who performed well received more year-end bonuses.

This series of benefits of the company makes Lin Hai feel proud.

Tonight, several classmates in the graduating class were discussing their respective companies’ year-end bonuses in the group.

At first, Lin Hai was a little embarrassed to share, but he couldn’t resist the questioning of his classmates, so he finally replied:

“Two months’ salary year-end bonus, plus a shopping card worth 1,000 yuan.

Oh, by the way, I was lucky enough to win a Motorola V3C mobile phone.” After sending the message, he did not forget to attach a photo of the shiny new phone.

Lin Hai’s reply immediately caused a wave of envy in the group. Everyone said that Lin Hai’s company valued employees and the boss was generous.

Chen Hao replied in amazement: “Oh my god, Lin Hai, your company is so generous!”

Li Xiaofeng regretted: “If I had known that Future Technology Group was so good, I should have submitted my resume during the campus recruitment.

Our company said that fresh graduates will not receive year-end bonuses if they have not been employed for six months. They only gave a hundred yuan for the holidays, which is less than that of regular employees.

It’s too annoying, too true and disheartening. Aren’t fresh graduates employees?”

Chen Hao also echoed: “It’s the same in our company. Fresh graduates don’t have year-end bonuses. Our state-owned enterprise also requires a one-year internship period. The internship is too long. We train every day and learn some messy and useless knowledge.”

Li Xiaofeng: “Lin Hai, is your company still recruiting? I want to change jobs.”

Lin Hai Reply: “We are recruiting, but this year’s campus recruitment plan is more stringent.

I heard that this year, 10 doctors, 30 masters and 160 undergraduates were recruited.

Most of the undergraduates are from key universities, which is much harder to get in than last year. Masters and doctors are all graduates from famous universities, and many are top students from Sun Yat-sen University and South China University of Technology.”

Li Xiaofeng sighed: “It’s amazing, the threshold is getting higher and higher. It’s really hard to get into your company now, Lin Hai, you are so lucky.”

Lin Hai replied modestly: “I am really lucky. If I graduated a year later, I might not have the opportunity to join this company.”

Lin Hai received a lot of envy in the group, and his vanity was greatly satisfied.

Looking back, his grades were actually just above average in the class, and there were many students who were better than him.

However, he found a better job than those students with better grades.

This made him sigh that sometimes choice is indeed more important than simple hard work.

However, Lin Hai also knew that this did not mean that his future would definitely be better than all his classmates.

After all, the future is full of variables, and no one can predict it.

The workplace is like a marathon, and true success requires long-term efforts and persistence.

The next afternoon,

Hao Qiang, Han Qingying and Wu Hai set off for home in a Rolls-Royce Phantom, driven by the company’s bodyguard and driver.

Another driver drove Han Qingying’s Porsche Cayenne to accompany them, in case Han Qingying used it during the Spring Festival.

With the improvement of Hao Qiang’s status, he needed a driver to help him travel during the Spring Festival this year, because there were still many official business to be handled during the holiday.

The two bodyguards were destined to spend the Spring Festival at Hao Qiang’s home this year, and they could only take turns to go home for the New Year next year.

The convoy was huge, with the Cayenne leading the way and the Rolls-Royce Phantom following closely behind, heading towards Hao Qiang’s hometown in Guangxi Province, and pedestrians on the road cast curious and envious eyes.

Wu Hai sat in the co-pilot seat, while Han Qingying and Hao Qiang leaned comfortably in the back seat.

“Brother Qiang, your car is really comfortable and stable, much better than your Cayenne.” Wu Hai exclaimed excitedly, feeling a unique riding experience.

This is the third year that Wu Hai has gone home with Hao Qiang for the New Year. The experience is different every year, and it also witnesses the rapid development of Hao Qiang’s company.

Brother Qiang’s career is booming, and it is quite interesting to change different brands of luxury cars every year.

Hao Qiang smiled calmly: “You get what you pay for, it is indeed a little different.”

Wu Hai continued:”Every year I take a different car home for the New Year. This year it’s a Rolls-Royce Phantom, and I don’t know what car it will be next year.”

Hao Qiang fell into deep thought. If the company has its own car brand in the future, he will naturally choose a car of his own company’s brand.

But the sense of accomplishment must be even more different when he thinks of riding in a car of his own company’s brand.

On the morning of the third day,

A Rolls-Royce Phantom slowly drove into the main road “Fuqiang Road” of Hualong Village.

Hao Qiang was a little curious about the changes in his hometown. He lowered the window slightly and looked at the scene outside the window carefully.

Dense green belts are planted on both sides and in the middle of the wide one-way double lane.

Outside the green belt are vegetable greenhouse bases, each of which is equipped with a fully automatic irrigation system.

Villagers no longer need to work hard to fetch water from the pond and water the vegetables with plastic spoons as before.

Realizing that the boss was admiring the rural scenery, the driver considerately slowed down the speed of the car.

“Boss, your hometown is so beautiful.” The driver exclaimed sincerely.

Hao Qiang smiled and said, “It can be done with money, but it is indeed expensive. It cost several million just to build the road, not to mention the investment in the thousands of acres of vegetable greenhouses, which cost tens of millions of yuan.”

“Yes, fortunately, I have your support.” The driver agreed.

“In fact, money is just a small matter. The most important thing is whether the villagers’ ideas can be changed.

As long as the villagers’ ideas change in a good direction, the village will gradually get better even without my support.” Hao Qiang said thoughtfully.

“That makes sense.”

“You know, our village used to be dirty and messy, maybe even worse than your hometown.”

“Boss, our village is poor. Those who are capable have moved to the city to settle down, and they don’t want to come back.”

“It’s human nature, you can’t blame others. It’s really not an easy thing to change the entire environment.”

The driver was silent after hearing this, and drove the vehicle attentively.

Along the way, the villagers saw this strange luxury car and looked at it curiously.

When they recognized Hao Qiang in the car, they all greeted him in enthusiastic Hakka: “The big boss is back!”

After a while, the Rolls-Royce Phantom drove past the big banyan tree in the village.

Hao Qiang noticed that there were only a few old people sitting under the tree.

In the past, villagers liked to gather under the big banyan tree to chat, play cards, mahjong and talk about Luhecai, but now they are busy growing vegetables or running electric motorcycle stores in other places and have no time to do these.

Not far from the big banyan tree, there is a spacious parking lot covering more than ten acres.

At this time, two large trucks were parked there, and several villagers were busy weighing and loading fresh vegetables.

Hao Qiang has realized that Hualong Village has undergone earth-shaking changes from infrastructure to villagers’ lifestyles.

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