The city government leaders came to visit Hao Qiang in Hualong Village. This unexpected move surprised the villagers.

Although the county leaders had visited Hao Jianjun before, and the town leaders were frequent visitors, this was the first time that the city leaders had visited.

After all, Hao Qiang’s influence was too great.

Hao Qiang’s two bodyguards were on high alert, guarding the gate of the villa.

Today, non-relevant personnel are not allowed to enter.

Curious villagers had to discuss outside the wall.

“I heard that two city leaders came, a head and a deputy head. I didn’t expect them to visit the big boss in person.” A villager said in a low voice.

“Qiangzi often drank and talked with the city leaders in Yuecheng. So when he came back, our city leaders wanted to talk to Qiangzi about attracting investment, and the county head’s level was not enough.” Another villager continued.

“After all, it’s because our county’s economy is in recession. Take jasmine tea for example, it’s not a valuable commodity at all, we have to develop industry.”

“If Qiangzi is willing to invest heavily in Lujing Industrial Park, maybe it can drive the county’s economy to take off.”

“Don’t be silly, what’s there to invest in when you come back.”

“Workers’ wages are low, and land is cheap.”

“Shh, keep your voice down, be careful that the leaders inside hear it.”


After learning that the city leaders were visiting, the village party secretary rushed to the scene.

Seeing the villagers gathered outside the gate of Hao Qiang’s house and vaguely hearing some inappropriate remarks, he immediately stopped them: “Don’t gather here, disperse. Don’t leave a bad impression on the city leaders, saying that the people in our village are not well-educated, let alone affect Qiangzi.”

Under the persuasion of the village party secretary, the villagers quickly dispersed and went back to their own affairs.

In the villa, the atmosphere was warm and solemn.

As the host, Hao Qiang warmly received the city leaders and their party. They sat in the spacious living room, and other accompanying personnel were arranged to have tea and rest in the attic of the yard.

“Mr. Hao, your deeds are widely circulated throughout the country.” Wei Zhenhua, the mayor of the city, said with a smile, “In less than three years, you have been able to work hard in Yuecheng. This career really makes us people in Guangxi feel proud.”

Hao Qiang responded modestly: “The leader is too kind. I am just lucky to catch up with the good policies of the country.

In the final analysis, it is the fertile soil of my hometown that nurtured me.

I would like to thank all the leaders for their support and policy support for the construction of a new countryside in our village.”

Wei Zhenhua, the mayor of the city, smiled and said: “Mr. Hao is too polite. You are interested in developing your hometown. As a local government, we should fully support you.

We all hope to see all the villages in our province embark on the road to prosperity.”

Deputy Mayor Nong Weidong observed the mayor’s words and quickly took over the topic: “Mr. Hao, Our visit this time is to express the sincerity of the municipal government and hope to strongly support your investment plan in your hometown. ”

Wei Zhenhua said solemnly: “Mr. Hao, on behalf of the municipal government, I promise that if you decide to invest, we will definitely provide the most favorable policies and fully support.

As long as you need it, the city can coordinate resources from all parties at any time. ”

Hao Qiang smiled and nodded, cautious but polite: “Thank you very much for the support of the two leaders.

However, I still need some time to perfect the plan.

After all, this is not only related to the long-term development of my hometown, but also involves the overall planning of my company. I want to do it more comprehensively. ”

“Of course, it should be so. We are a little impatient.” Wei Zhenhua smiled awkwardly.

This is his first contact with Hao Qiang, and he couldn’t figure out his character for a while.

He thought that Hao Qiang was young and promising, and might be a little sharp. As long as he showed enough sincerity, the other party would make impulsive decisions.

But now it seems that Hao Qiang is unexpectedly calm and unmoved. Obviously, their judgment is wrong.

Recently, the media reported that Hao Qiang invested about 9.6 billion yuan in the stock market. Taking advantage of the low stock price, he bought a large number of Moutai and Tengxun stocks, with a shareholding ratio of 2.22% and 4.56% respectively, which shocked the financial world again.

With so much money, as long as they can invest 1 billion yuan in their hometown, it will be a good political achievement for them.

“I understand the local government’s urgent expectation to introduce funds.”

Hao Qiang smiled and poured tea for the two leaders, and then poured himself a cup.

He took a sip to ease the atmosphere a little, and then said:

“I have been thinking about how to give back to my hometown better.

If the simple financial support cannot change the way of thinking of the local people, the effect will probably be greatly reduced, and it will be difficult to achieve my expected goals.

These days, I discussed the concept of digital rural construction with my father, and planned to build on the existing vegetable greenhouse cooperation…”

Hao QiangHe spoke eloquently, telling his real thoughts after careful consideration.

His views are both profound and innovative, covering all aspects of rural development.

The two city leaders listened attentively and gradually realized that Hao Qiang was not perfunctory, but was really thinking carefully for the long-term development of his hometown.

They were surprised to find that Hao Qiang’s idea was more far-reaching and meaningful than they had originally imagined.

Indeed, true wealth is not only about the improvement of the material level, but also should include the comprehensive progress of villagers’ physical and mental health, cultural literacy, hygiene habits, education level, sports development and other aspects.

At the same time, some new concepts proposed by Hao Qiang refreshed the two leaders.

They were pleasantly surprised to find that rural construction can have such innovative ideas and methods.

Hao Qiang’s words not only opened their minds, but also made them full of expectations for the future rural revitalization of Hualong Village.

If it is really successful, it will have important guiding significance for the development of new rural areas across the country, and this is also their political achievement.

Compared with the investment promotion that simply pursues GDP growth, it is more practical to effectively improve the rural appearance.

Hao Qiang continued, “With the development speed and demand of Renjian Fireworks Catering Company, the current 600 acres of greenhouse vegetable planting can meet the needs, and this year it needs to be increased to more than 1,000 acres.

Three years later, we will consider expanding to other villages.

In order to avoid overcapacity and vegetables that exceed demand, our company sells them to the vegetable markets in Yuecheng and Shenzhen at cost price to ensure that the villagers’ products will not be unsalable.

On average, each household grows ten acres of vegetables, and the annual net income is not less than 100,000 yuan.

My Future Motorcycle Company has granted about 200 authorized stores in the village. Their stores are mainly distributed in Guangxi Province and Yuecheng. The average net income of each store is not less than 20,000 yuan, which is the main source of income for the villagers.

It only takes two years for every household in the village to live in a country villa and afford a car.

However, it takes longer and continuous efforts for the villagers to improve their education, quality, physical health and other aspects.”

The two city leaders could not imagine that the income of the villagers in Hao Qiang’s hometown has increased so much. The income of white-collar workers in first-tier cities is not so high. This is real wealth, and it only takes two years.

Of course, the success of Hualong Village is under the condition of strong support from Hao Qiang. It is difficult for other villages to imitate it.

When a village of 2,000 people becomes rich, it can also drive the development of the local economy.

“Mr. Hao, the villagers in your village are lucky to have you lead them to prosperity.” Wei Zhenhua sighed. Although he is a city leader, he can’t bring any changes to his hometown.

Hao Qiang just smiled faintly when he heard it.

He did not promise any specific investment plan to the two leaders.

In fact, he did have some ideas in his mind, such as investing in a lithium battery factory in his hometown.

But this plan will take at least two or three years to implement.

By then, the two leaders may have left their current positions.

After chatting in the living room for about half an hour, Hao Qiang invited the city leaders and their entourage to visit the village.

They visited the vegetable greenhouse, the primary school under construction, and the newly planned foundation and other projects.

This field visit gave the leaders a more intuitive understanding of the development status and future planning of Hualong Village.

After the inspection, Hao Qiang politely saw off the city leaders.

Watching their motorcade go away, Hao Qiang has already begun to think about the next development plan for his hometown.

With more money in the stock market, there will always be some troubles.

Guicheng’s GDP last year was about 86 billion yuan, and the secondary industry was about 29.353 billion yuan.

Hao Qiang has tens of billions of funds, which is undoubtedly a huge fortune that can leverage the local economy. This is why the local government leaders are so eager for him to invest heavily in his hometown.

In the next few days, many prominent figures in the county wanted to visit him, but Hao Qiang refused to meet them.

At his level, he doesn’t need to look at other people’s faces to do things.

If he meets these people easily, it will be annoying.

He didn’t meet them, but he still asked his bodyguard to smoke and help explain the reason for not meeting them in a tactful way.

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