The municipal government leaders and their entourage personally visited Hao Qiang, which caused quite a stir in the local area. This incident made people re-examine Hao Qiang’s influence.

Previously, although everyone knew that Hao Qiang was financially strong, there was little direct evidence of his influence in terms of power.

However, this visit by the municipal leaders showed the locals the huge social influence that Hao Qiang possessed.

Those who once claimed to be well-known figures in the county might have felt a little unhappy when they visited Hao Qiang but were rejected.

But now that they think that even the municipal leaders have come to visit in person, they have no temper, and even the county leaders are not qualified to meet with Hao Qiang for investment, so it is not a shame for them to be rejected.

Recalling the situation when Hao Qiang’s family was not prosperous, no outsiders offered a helping hand at that time.

Now that Hao Qiang has achieved success, it is a bit unrealistic for everyone to want to add icing on the cake.

In the final analysis, when the status and transaction capabilities of both parties are seriously unequal, it is often difficult to establish a mutually beneficial and win-win relationship.

This is also very realistic, and they would do the same if they were in his place.

During the Spring Festival, Hao Qiang spent a few days of warm time at home, celebrating New Year’s Eve and the first day of the Lunar New Year with his family.

Considering his special circumstances, Hao Qiang was not convenient to visit relatives, and his relatives understood, so everyone agreed to gather at Hao’s house on the second day of the Lunar New Year to celebrate the festival together.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Hao Qiang’s home was very lively, and relatives and friends came in an endless stream.

Hao Qiang sent out more than a dozen red envelopes to children, and the money in the red envelopes was not much, one hundred yuan per envelope.

Hao Qiang’s parents also gave red envelopes, also one hundred yuan per envelope.

Hao Qiang’s cousin’s family and other relatives also gave red envelopes to children.

In this joyful atmosphere, the total amount of red envelopes received by each child was no less than one thousand yuan.

In previous years, the total amount was less than fifty yuan.

Looking at the children’s cheerful appearance, the adults couldn’t help but smile with relief.

The reason is still the changes brought by Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang led his relatives to become rich. Each relative opened two or three Future Motorcycle authorized stores, with a net profit of more than 50,000 yuan a month.

Like Hao Qiang’s uncle, who opened a store the earliest, now has three electric motorcycle stores, each of which is relatively large.

Of course, Hao Qiang’s cousin Hao Jian made the most money. He helped purchase ingredients and managed the purchase of vegetables in Hualong Village. He already managed more than 20 people and made two to three million yuan last year.

Brothers and relatives have become rich and have learned the most basic business management. Their vision and mentality are different from the past.

The whole Hao family is filled with a strong festive atmosphere, with constant laughter and joy.

“Hey, you still have to pay attention to safety when doing business in other places. Some places are very xenophobic. Don’t expose your profit situation to outsiders.”

“Yes, you have to consider retreat when renting a store. It’s getting dark, so I just close the store.”

“It’s best to hire one or two locals. The salary won’t cost much, but it will save a lot of trouble.”

“I asked Aqiang, and he speculated that opening an electric motorcycle store can make money, but only in the next few years. If you want to expand the store, you should do it quickly. He said that you shouldn’t spend money carelessly when you have money, and wait to make other investments.”

“Yes, others see that it’s easy to make money and quickly enter this industry.”

“Hey, it would be great if you could make money like this every year.”

“Haha, there’s no such good thing. I think it’s great to be able to do it for two years. So, don’t compare yourself with others when you have money.”

Relatives greeted each other and shared the business situation of the past year, while the children chased and played in the yard.

From the third to the eighth day of the Chinese New Year,

Hualong Village held a basketball game, and the whole village was very lively.

Many people from other villages who came to watch the basketball game were curious and wanted to visit Hao Qiang’s house.

However, the door of Hao Qiang’s house was closed and some villagers helped to guard it.

Early in the morning, Hao Qiang and his cousin’s families, together with Han Qingying and two bodyguards, a group of ten people set out on a self-driving tour to the south.

Their first stop was the scenic Silver Beach and Ocean Park.

Although it was winter, the daytime temperature here was more than 20 degrees Celsius, and it was cool to play in the water, so it was no problem to have some fun.

Silver Beach is famous for its fine silver sand. Although there is no entrance fee, the chaos in the market has become a great pity.

Many foreign vendors opened seafood stores here and specialized in overcharging customers.

Although Hao Qiang is not short of money, he never likes to be deceived.

Sea scooters are indeed too expensive for ordinary tourists. It costs 150 yuan to surf on the sea for one or two minutes, which is really not worth it.

Hao Qiang is not short of money, so he chooses to rent a luxury yacht to go out to sea. Although it costs more, the experience is richer and more comfortable.

After two days of fun in Bhai City, the groupThe people drove to Chanya City.

The road was bumpy and difficult to walk, and there were few vehicles around.

At this time, the tourism industry in Chanya City had not yet flourished as it did in later generations. Even during the Spring Festival, the number of tourists was not too large.

The blue sea and blue sky of Yalong Bay, the romantic legends of Tianya Haijiao, the quiet scenery of Dadong Bay…

Hao Qiang and his family took a leisurely vacation in Chanya and fully appreciated the charm of this tropical paradise.

The freedom of self-driving travel, coupled with the ease of not having to worry about economic problems, made this journey particularly pleasant.

A week later, the two families returned.

When Hao Qiang and Han Qingying returned to Yuecheng, it was already the Lantern Festival.

After Hao Qiang returned to Yuecheng, he quickly turned his attention to company affairs.

At the same time, he continued to work hard to brush up experience.

In the past month or two, his wealth has increased a lot.

【Writing System】 (2007.3.5)

【Level 8: 24.50/50 million】

System LV8: Every 10,000 words written = 20,000 yuan reward

【Wealth: 6.711 billion yuan (including unwithdrawn and uncashed stocks calculated according to the purchase value)】

【Memory: 21】

【Thinking Power: 25】

【Appearance: 19】

【Physique: 20】

【Four-dimensional Attributes: 85】

【Free Attribute Points: 0】

Hao Qiang knew that it would be difficult for him to obtain free attribute points in the short term.

His wealth was growing at an astonishing rate, and his profit increased by about 2.5 million yuan every day.

According to stock market history, when May comes, the stock prices of Moutai and Tencent will continue to rise, which means that his wealth will soon exceed the 10 billion yuan mark.

It is worth mentioning that of the 9.6 billion yuan he invested in the stock market, 3.1 billion yuan was obtained through financing and mortgage.

Outsiders see Hao Qiang’s bold investment and wonder where his confidence comes from.

In the field of scientific research, Hao Qiang has shown extraordinary talent with his 25-point thinking power. He is at ease in solving technical problems, such as making rapid progress in the super lithium battery project.

With this amazing efficiency, Hao Qiang has full confidence that he can successfully develop this revolutionary technology within this year.

At the same time, the F3 electric motorcycle project, which was launched last year, is also about to usher in a breakthrough.

This electric motorcycle model is equipped with a ternary lithium battery with a battery specification of 72V25Ah and a 1200-watt high-power motor.

These excellent configurations enable the F3 to achieve an amazing range of 130 kilometers, and its maximum design speed is 58 kilometers per hour, which can actually soar to 70 kilometers per hour.

The original intention of the design of the F3 is to meet the customer group with high requirements for endurance and speed.

Due to its excellent performance, the pricing of this model is relatively high: the factory price is 4,600 yuan, the market retail price is 5,500 yuan, and the export FOB price is set at 480 euros.

However, the 72V25Ah battery capacity is just the starting point.

The design of the F3 allows customers to choose a larger capacity battery pack according to their needs.

Users can choose to upgrade to a 72V50Ah or even 72V75Ah battery pack, which will increase the range to 250 kilometers and 350 kilometers respectively. This flexible upgrade option only requires additional battery costs.

At the same time, this car also has an external power interface.

It is worth mentioning that even the standard 72V25Ah ternary lithium battery pack weighs only 12 kilograms, and even if the capacity is doubled, the weight only increases to 24 kilograms.

In contrast, the traditional 60V20AH lead-acid battery weighs as much as 36 kilograms.

However, considering the limitation of space under the seat, the upper limit of the battery capacity is set at 72V75Ah, and the battery pack weighs 36 kilograms at this time.

The development of F3 is based on the special needs of overseas customers, and it can also meet the domestic demand for electric vehicles with long driving range.

The overseas market is particularly fond of lithium battery versions of electric vehicles. It happens that the market has not yet used ternary lithium batteries as the power source of electric motorcycles. In the future, motorcycle brands will undoubtedly occupy a unique position in the market.

Last year, the company’s export volume of electric motorcycles was only 30,000 units. Hao Qiang predicts that the export volume this year will double.

The popularity of lithium battery versions of electric motorcycles has also promoted the development of lithium batteries.

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