At the beginning of the new year, the company had already resumed operations, but Hao Qiang returned to work “late”.

As the scale of the group continues to expand, the adjustment of some senior positions has become an imminent task.

On the first day of Hao Qiang’s return to the company, he immediately dealt with urgent matters.

After two consecutive days of busy work, he convened a meeting of the middle and senior management of the group on the afternoon of the third day.

Before the meeting, the participants knew nothing about the chairman’s agenda, and most of them thought it was just a routine annual opening meeting.

Despite this, everyone arrived at Tiansheng Building on time and waited for the meeting to begin.

The chairman has always been known for his efficiency. At technical meetings, he would ask his subordinates to distribute relevant materials in advance, only discuss key matters at the meeting, and never allow lengthy and ineffective speeches.

At this moment, Hao Qiang sat in the main seat of the conference room, took a sip of tea, and looked at the more than 20 middle and senior leaders of the group present. He said slowly:

“Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, we have entered 2007.

During this period, I took a walk outside and sat quietly on Yintan Beach and Canya Beach for most of the day. I thought of a sentence, ‘The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front’, and then I thought of ‘The waves in front died on the beach. How long can the waves behind be glorious? In the blink of an eye, it’s still the same.'”

The participants heard the chairman say this, although they could understand the literal meaning, but it was difficult to grasp its deep meaning.

Hao Qiang continued: “Human fireworks and future motorcycles continue to be popular, but potential crises cannot be ignored.

Any success will attract imitators. If we despise followers, we will be like the waves in front and will eventually perish on the beach.

Subverting others is innovation, subverting ourselves is continuous innovation. We can only continue to subvert ourselves and always let others become followers.”

After the chairman finished speaking, the participants finally understood.

“We should focus on innovation and not always think about building barriers to prevent others from subverting us. When we focus on building barriers, we are already in the wrong direction.

We should have this kind of thinking, which is another matter from keeping the technology confidential.” Hao Qiang reminded.

Musk opened up rocket manufacturing to the outside world, and he was not afraid of others imitating him, because the speed of others’ imitation could not keep up with his pace of innovation.

If you blindly imitate him, you will never catch up with Musk.

“It doesn’t matter if we brag to the outside world. It’s normal to do marketing, but we must be clear about ourselves.” Hao Qiang chuckled and his expression turned serious. “As the company expands, we need to think about two key issues: one is how to keep the results, and the other is how to expand the results.”

For ordinary people, Hao Qiang’s words may seem abstract and vague.

Although you can roughly understand his meaning, it is not easy to transform it into specific management practice.

Only those who have been in management positions for many years can truly understand the deep meaning of Hao Qiang’s words and implement them in actual operations.

It can also be said that Hao Qiang was brainwashing the management and warning them at the same time.

The participants held their breath and carefully recorded every word of the chairman.

Suddenly, Hao Qiang changed the subject: “In view of the current development of the group, we will make some personnel adjustments.”

This sentence instantly made everyone nervous, and they realized that the critical moment had come.

“I will temporarily serve as the group president.” Hao Qiang began to announce the new appointment.

“Jiang Ying, as the group’s vice president and financial director, the main responsibility is still the group’s financial affairs.”

Hearing this appointment, Jiang Ying was very surprised. She didn’t expect the chairman to value her so much.

Although the work content remained basically unchanged, the promotion of the title was undoubtedly a recognition of her ability.

For her, the vice president has reached the top.

She also understood that the main reason for her promotion was that she could help the chairman solve loan and tax reduction issues.

“Wang Xiaofeng, general manager of Renjian Fireworks Catering Company, regional manager to be discussed separately.”

“Lin Yan, general manager of Future Motorcycle Company.”

“Wang He, general manager of Xinghe New Energy Company.”

“Qiu Xueya, group human resources director.”

Hao Qiang quickly read out all the appointments.

At first glance, these adjustments do not seem to change much, mainly reflected in the promotion of positions.

As for the salary issue, there will inevitably be corresponding adjustments.

However, these senior managers all have authorized stores of Future Motorcycles at home, and the additional income is already considerable.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for other companies to poach them.

These executives understand very well that following Hao Qiang is not just about the current position and salary.

As long as there is an opportunity to make a fortune, Hao Qiang will share it with them.

The company’s long-term development prospects and potentialHuge rewards are the real reason why they follow firmly.

After a while, the meeting ended and the group’s senior management stayed. Hao Qiang further explained: “Regarding the promotion of other middle-level leaders, please ask Director Qiu to discuss with the general managers of each branch and prepare a draft for me to review.

As for the adjustment of grassroots leaders, you can discuss and decide on your own.

If there is no other matter, you can adjourn the meeting.”

For the appointment of senior leaders of the company, he retained the direct decision-making power without discussing with others.

However, when dealing with the promotion of middle-level leaders, he chose to let the human resources director and senior managers participate, giving them the right to recommend, but still retaining the final right of appointment.

This approach not only reflects the trust in the senior management, but also maintains control over personnel decisions.

Perhaps, when the group is larger, Hao Qiang will completely release the personnel appointment power of middle-level managers.

As for financial power, Hao Qiang’s attitude is more cautious.

Although the senior management has the right to supervise the finance and can understand the flow and balance of funds, the actual control is still firmly in the hands of Hao Qiang.

However, the general manager has now been granted the authority to use small amounts of funds without the approval of the chairman, which is a positive signal of decentralization.

After listening to Hao Qiang’s instructions, Qiu Xueya and other senior executives expressed their gratitude to the chairman: “Thank you very much for the chairman’s trust and support.

We will go all out and work hard to never let you down.”

Hao Qiang nodded, and they left the chairman’s office.

After the meeting, the Human Resources Department wrote a personnel appointment notice, which was signed and sealed by Hao Qiang, and then notified by the Human Resources Department.

As night fell,

37-year-old Wang Xiaofeng drove the company’s vehicle slowly towards home.

He rented a house near Zhengjia Plaza, and the company reimbursed most of the rent.

He has purchased a new house, but it will not be delivered until the end of the year, plus the decoration time, it will take about two years to actually move in.

“Husband, you’re back!”

Li Xiaoyan, who had just returned home from get off work, saw her husband coming back, and her face was filled with a surprised smile.

The mother-in-law also noticed that her son-in-law came back earlier than usual, and said gently: “Afeng came back early today.”

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and walked to the sofa, gently stroked the top of his seven-year-old son’s head, and responded softly: “Well, there is nothing to do today, so I came back early.”

Half an hour later, the family sat around the dining table, and Wang Xiaofeng revealed the good news of his promotion to his family: “I was promoted to general manager of the company.”

“Wow, good news!” Li Xiaoyan was very surprised.

She did not work in Future Technology Group just to avoid suspicion.

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and explained: “Well, today the boss suddenly held a meeting to announce the appointment. None of our senior executives got the news in advance, which was a bit unexpected.”

Li Xiaoyan is proud of her husband: “This shows that my husband is deeply trusted and valued by the boss.”

Recalling the scene when her husband just joined the company, Li Xiaoyan still remembers it vividly.

At that time, her husband often suffered from insomnia due to work pressure, and worked overtime until late at night every day before going home.

Especially during the opening of the new store, the pressure reached its peak due to concerns about poor business.

Wang Xiaofeng said with a smile: “The higher the position, the greater the responsibility and pressure.

However, I have gradually adapted to this work rhythm and pressure over the years, so it doesn’t matter.

In fact, the boss didn’t ask me to work overtime, it was just that I didn’t adjust my mentality well.”

“If your company is going to go public, will the boss reward the management with shares?”

Wang Xiaofeng answered cautiously: “It’s too early to go public, and I can’t guess the boss’s thoughts. It’s best not to discuss this topic casually, let alone spread it.

As for whether to give stock incentives, it depends on luck.

Even if there is an incentive plan, we need to pay out of our own pockets to buy original shares.

The boss has given me the operating rights of two future motorcycle authorized stores. My father earns tens of thousands of yuan every month, and half of it belongs to us.

In addition, the salary and benefits are also very good. The boss is very kind to me. Don’t think too much about other things, just work hard.”

Wang Xiaofeng feels that he has reached the peak of his life and deeply understands the importance of choosing the right boss.

I dare not disclose some confidential matters of the company to my family members easily, for fear that they may accidentally leak them out.

“Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.” Li Xiaoyan promised solemnly.

“Our company is highly valued, and many investment institutions are eyeing it.

Now that I am the general manager of the company, it is inevitable that some people with ulterior motives will use you to inquire about internal information.

You must be vigilant, especially do not accept gifts from anyone, no matter who the other party is.Who.

If the company’s listing is delayed because of this, I, as the general manager, may end up in jail. ”

After hearing this, Li Xiaoyan and her mother-in-law responded with a serious look: “Well, that’s true. We will definitely be careful.”

“Anyway, if they ask about my company, especially the valuation, even if it’s a relative, they are probably here to get information. Just stay away and don’t reply.” Wang Xiaofeng said.

A company with a valuation of nearly 10 billion before listing has huge potential. If he were a staff member of an investment institution, he would also try every means to get inside information.

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