Hao Qiang replied to the front desk: “After 3 pm today or after 3 pm tomorrow, I have time.”

“Okay, I’ll ask the other party right away.” Li Xin replied politely.

After a moment, she reported to the chairman that Liu Qiangdong wanted to meet at 3 pm today and had already arrived in Yuecheng.

“Well, okay.” Hao Qiang nodded in agreement.

If Liu Qiangdong hadn’t taken the initiative to make an appointment, Hao Qiang would indeed not have taken the initiative to invest in Jingdong Mall.

Otherwise, he would have taken the initiative to discuss financing matters with the other party as early as last year.

Hao Qiang had no special likes or dislikes for Liu Qiangdong. On the contrary, he admired his business vision and his feelings of giving back to his hometown.

Liu Qiangdong is a model of a poor family’s counterattack. He was born in a poor family, but with extraordinary perseverance, he started a business in college to make money, and later founded a large company like Jingdong, which is very impressive.

Of course, in some aspects, he also disagreed.

Hao Qiang probably knew the purpose of the other party’s visit, but he didn’t understand that the other party did not cooperate with Capital Today.

Since the other party has come to ask for help, it seems inappropriate to refuse rashly.

If Jingdong Mall grows in the future and he misses this investment opportunity, others may question his lack of business insight.

After weighing the pros and cons, Hao Qiang decided to agree to this meeting. The return on investment in Jingdong is also quite good.

Capital Today has obtained a 300-fold investment return.

In fact, Liu Qiangdong has tried to apply for a loan from the bank many times to solve the problem of capital shortage for enterprise development.

However, the bank staff rejected his loan application on the grounds that Jingdong Multimedia Network lacked fixed assets.

Since then, he has sought external investment many times, but all ended in failure.

In this dilemma, Liu Qiangdong decided to visit potential investors in person, hoping to break the dilemma.

He chose to visit Hao Qiang mainly based on the following considerations:

First, Hao Qiang has a lot of money, and even plucking a hair is enough to make him die;

Second, Hao Qiang is young and may have different perspectives and ideas from traditional investors, and may agree with his views;

Finally, Hao Qiang is famous. If he can get his investment support, it will be a “strong combination” and help to quickly improve Jingdong’s popularity and development speed.

Although Liu Qiangdong has been rejected by 20 or 30 investment institutions, which makes his hope of success slim, he still decides to try again for the development of the company.

The sudden appearance of Hao Qiang made Liu Qiangdong give up the plan to visit other investment institutions, and therefore missed the opportunity to meet with Xu Xiaoping of Today Capital. This change has deviated the historical trajectory of Jingdong.

Today, Hao Qiang is like a big butterfly that triggers the butterfly effect. His slight action is enough to change the historical development trajectory of some people.

This small change may bring unexpected chain reactions, which will not only affect the future of Jingdong, but also have a profound impact on the pattern of the entire e-commerce industry.

Liu Qiangdong was very surprised to receive a reply from the front desk of Future Technology Group that Hao Qiang was willing to meet him.

But soon, he regained his composure.

The more failures he had, the more calm he became, which would be of great help to his future career.

At 2:30 p.m., Liu Qiangdong was already sitting in a cafe near Tiansheng Building, holding the speech manuscript tightly in his hand.

He had rehearsed this manuscript countless times to 20 or 30 investors.

A few minutes later, he went to the bathroom, rinsed his mouth carefully to remove the odor, and chewed a piece of gum to ensure that his breath was fresh, so as not to leave a bad impression during the conversation.

After getting ready, he left the cafe and walked towards Tiansheng Building.

At 2:45 p.m., Liu Qiangdong arrived at the front desk of Future Technology Group on time.

After reporting his name, the front desk Li Xin led him to the reception room and poured him a cup of tea.

“Mr. Liu, please wait a moment, our chairman may still be on lunch break.” Li Xin said politely.

“Thank you, no hurry.” Liu Qiangdong responded politely, and began to carefully observe the office environment of Future Technology Group.

The office area is decorated with a lot of green plants, and the decoration style is modern and simple, giving people a clean, fashionable and relaxed feeling.

“Your company’s office environment is really good.” Liu Qiangdong praised sincerely.

Li Xin smiled and responded: “It’s okay here. Our headquarters building is still under renovation. The building area is more than 20,000 square meters. The grade there is relatively much better.”

“It’s amazing. Such a huge investment in the headquarters building alone.” Liu Qiangdong secretly marveled.

He had investigated Renjian Fireworks and studied its operating model, but he didn’t expect that the profitability of a hot pot restaurant could surpass many companies.

While waiting, Liu Qiangdong was observing the situation of the other company to see if there was anything he could learn from.

After the receptionist politely left, she returned about ten minutes later and said to Liu Qiangdong again: “Mr. Liu, please wait a moment. I will go to confirm the chairman’s situation.”

After a while, she came back to inform Liu Qiangdong: “Mr. Liu, our chairman welcomes your arrival very much.”

“Thank you.” Liu Qiangdong kept smiling and followed the receptionist to Hao Qiang’s office.

In the spacious chairman’s office, Hao Qiang was sitting on the sofa sipping tea.

Hearing the knock on the door, he looked up and said, “Come in.”

Then he stood up and looked at the young Liu Qiangdong, noticing that the iconic strand of white hair had not yet appeared on his head.

“Hello, Mr. Hao.

I have admired you for a long time and often follow your news online.” Liu Qiangdong saw this young man with extraordinary temperament and a faint smile, and immediately said respectfully.

The young man in front of him was predicted by the media to become the richest man in China in the near future.

His wealth has reached tens of billions of yuan, and he started his business in less than three years.

Both of them started their own businesses in college, but their development speeds are very different.

Liu Qiangdong recalled that he earned more than 200,000 yuan in four years of college, which was better than most of his classmates at that time, making him feel that he had a talent for business.

However, Hao Qiang accumulated tens of billions of wealth in three years of college, and this gap was amazing.

Liu Qiangdong was both moved and full of respect. He realized that he was facing a real business genius.

This meeting was not only an opportunity to seek investment, but also a precious opportunity to learn from a business leader.

Regardless of the result, we must seize this rare opportunity for communication.

“Hello, you are welcome, please sit down.” Hao Qiang shook hands with Liu Qiangdong and then motioned him to sit down.

After pouring tea for Liu Qiangdong, the front desk quietly left the chairman’s office.

“Mr. Hao, thank you very much for your willingness to meet me. I am deeply honored.

To be honest, this visit is mainly to seek help from you.”

Liu Qiangdong said straight to the point. He has a straightforward personality and is not good at beating around the bush or saying empty words.

In addition, he knew that Hao Qiang’s time was precious and did not dare to waste his precious time.

Hao Qiang nodded and said, “Well, I understand. Starting a business is extremely difficult and tortuous at the beginning.”

“That’s true. I agree very much.” Liu Qiangdong continued, “When I was studying at Renmin University, I earned tuition by writing software, but I lost hundreds of thousands of yuan when I opened a restaurant. Later, I started a CD and computer accessories business, and finally founded Jingdong…”

Liu Qiangdong told the story in detail, introducing his entrepreneurial journey.

He was worried that Hao Qiang might not understand his background. Seeing that Hao Qiang listened carefully, he continued to explain and soon talked about the current situation and future development potential of Jingdong.

During the narration, Liu Qiangdong kept noticing the changes in Hao Qiang’s expression. The other party nodded from time to time and sometimes thought about something. It seemed that his honesty and straightforwardness seemed to have left a good impression on the other party. He secretly rejoiced that he chose the strategy of meeting sincerely, which might become the key factor to impress Hao Qiang.

“How was Jingdong’s sales last year?

What are your goals for the next three years?” Hao Qiang asked directly after listening for a while.

He could guess that the current sales of Jingdong were not very good, but he still had to suppress the other party.

If you want to invest in the other party, you must first let the other party know their shortcomings and lower their valuation.

However, what Hao Qiang didn’t know was that Liu Qiangdong didn’t know how to calculate the valuation at all, and thought that the valuation was equal to the net assets.

Unlike more than a decade later, some college students know how to value a company. Now there is very little discussion and information on this aspect on the Internet.

In addition, when Liu Qiangdong visited some investment institutions, he did not talk about the valuation. When they heard about Jingdong’s annual sales and goals, they were not interested in investing.

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