Liu Qiangdong replied slightly embarrassedly: “Last year’s sales were only more than 10 million yuan, which is not ideal.

But I see the huge potential of this industry. At present, our biggest bottleneck is insufficient funds.

If we can get sufficient financial support, I am confident that this year’s sales can exceed 300 million yuan…”

Liu Qiangdong was very nervous when he said this. The revenue of a single fireworks store under Hao Qiang in half a year far exceeded Jing Dong, and the profit margin was extremely high.

Fortunately, he noticed that Hao Qiang’s expression did not mean any contempt or ridicule. Instead, he continued to ask about Jing Dong’s other situation, which made him relax a little and continue to explain his ideas.

Speaking in front of such a business leader, the pressure is indeed huge.

Liu Qiangdong recalled that when he proposed similar goals to other investment institutions before, he often encountered questions like “Are you kidding me?”

After all, the increase from more than 10 million yuan last year to more than 300 million this year means an increase of nearly 30 times. Such a goal does sound a bit exaggerated.

However, Liu Qiangdong firmly believes in his judgment.

“I know this growth forecast sounds a bit radical,” Liu Qiangdong added, “but I have done a detailed market analysis and operation plan.

I see great potential in the e-commerce market, especially in the field of 3C digital products.

If we can get enough financial support, we are confident that we can quickly expand our market share and achieve this goal.”

He paused, observing Hao Qiang’s reaction, and then continued: “Of course, I am also aware of the risks and challenges. In the past one or two years, we have often fought price wars with Guomei and Suning, and I expect it to be even worse in the future.

But as long as the market is established, there are many profit models…”

“Your e-commerce concept is quite advanced, which is very good.” Hao Qiang commented approvingly, agreeing with Liu Qiangdong’s views on some aspects.

Hao Qiang carefully observed Liu Qiangdong in front of him and noticed that he seemed a little restrained in front of him and seemed to lack some confidence.

Of course, this is human nature.

Everyone may be cautious and restrained when facing someone who is more successful and influential than himself.

In the future, when Liu Qiangdong was successful in his career, he was full of vigor and vigor, and his every move exuded a strong aura.

If it were Hao Qiang’s current state, it would be the same. Employees would rather see such a boss, but without any confidence.

Therefore, it was easy for him to understand Liu Qiangdong’s performance, without any contempt or irony.

At the same time, Hao Qiang was also very curious about how Liu Qiangdong started his business.

It is better to experience it yourself than to see other people’s comments.

Therefore, in the following conversation, Hao Qiang’s attitude was relatively friendly, and Liu Qiangdong became more and more relaxed, showing his ideas and potential very well.

It must be said that he now has a forward-looking vision.

“Mr. Liu.” Hao Qiang said with a smile, “Can you tell me in detail what you think about the future development of e-commerce?

Don’t worry about time, I am also interested in this.”

Liu Qiangdong felt the change in Hao Qiang’s tone and attitude, and relaxed a little: “Thank you, Mr. Hao.”

He took a deep breath and began to explain his views on the future of e-commerce.

“Mr. Hao, I personally believe that e-commerce will completely change the landscape of the retail industry.” Liu Qiangdong’s voice gradually became firm, “The traditional retail model has many limitations, such as high inventory pressure, high channel costs, and geographical restrictions. E-commerce can break through these limitations and provide consumers with a more convenient and diverse shopping experience, so that they can check specific news without leaving home.” He continued: “Our current advantage at Jingdong is that it focuses on 3C digital products. Most consumers in this field are young people who like to surf the Internet and have a high willingness and ability to shop online. I believe that by optimizing the supply chain and providing high-quality services, we can seize the initiative in this rapidly growing market.” Hao Qiang listened carefully, nodded from time to time, and occasionally expressed his opinions. When Liu Qiangdong talked about the areas he was good at, his eyes became more determined and his speech speed became faster. “But our vision is definitely more than that.” Liu Qiangdong added, “In the future, we hope to expand our business to more categories and build an e-commerce platform for all categories.

I believe that with the increase in Internet penetration and the improvement of the logistics system, e-commerce will become the mainstream way of shopping.”

Hao Qiang agreed very much and said thoughtfully: “Your ideas are very forward-looking.

However, what do you think is the biggest challenge in this process?”

Liu Qiangdong thought for a while and replied: “I think the biggest challenge is the establishment of consumer trust..

When shopping online, consumers cannot directly contact the goods, so we must establish a reliable credit system to ensure the quality of goods and service level.

Therefore, I plan to establish a credit model through 3C digital products. As long as consumers recognize it, other categories can also be easily copied. ”

Hao Qiang nodded in agreement. The other party’s development logic is very clear. He has already thought of establishing a logistics system to shorten delivery time and increase consumer trust and satisfaction.

Through his explanation, Hao Qiang realized that if he wanted to start online shopping for his company’s products, he would also have to establish a good credit system.

“Just now you mentioned the financial difficulties. How much financing do you need?” Hao Qiang asked directly.

When Liu Qiangdong heard this, he was ecstatic and felt that he had finally convinced the other party.

He had already had a plan for the funding plan, so he replied: “It will probably take 15 million yuan in financing, and I can transfer 30% of the shares. ”

Last year, Jingdong’s sales were only more than 10 million yuan, with a net profit of more than 1 million yuan, and currently there are only more than 50 employees.

In Liu Qiangdong’s mind, Jingdong’s valuation is at most 50 million yuan.

He didn’t understand the concepts of equity financing and share transfer, but it meant equity financing to expand the company’s capital.

After the transfer of shares, the funds obtained are private, and if they are transferred to the company for free, they are fools.

However, Hao Qiang shook his head.

Liu Qiangdong mistakenly thought that his asking price was too high, and hurriedly added: “10 million yuan is also OK, and we can discuss the share ratio again. ”

At this time, Liu Qiangdong has reached the point of being penniless.

If Hao Qiang is willing to invest, even if he gives more shares, he is willing to do so.

It is rare to meet such a big money sponsor, and he does not want to miss the opportunity.

Even if the company is short of money again in the future, it can borrow money from Hao Qiang again, at least there is a way out.

In fact, Liu Qiangdong’s idea is not unreasonable.

In the previous life, Jinri Investment only got 40% of the shares with 10 million US dollars. Fortunately, there was a gambling agreement, and Liu Qiangle won the bet in the end.

“You misunderstood.” Hao Qiang waved his hand and said with a smile, “I mean 15 million yuan is too little.

Either don’t invest, or invest 100 million.

In the Internet field, there is only the first, not the second.

It must grow quickly, either the first, or die.

If Jingdong cannot beat its peers, then my investment will be in vain. ”

“Ah, this…” Liu Qiangdong didn’t expect Hao Qiang to be so generous. He was surprised but a little hesitant.

He frowned and said, “Thank you very much for Mr. Hao’s attention, but even if we sell Jingdong as a whole, the current value is less than 100 million.”

Hao Qiang smiled appreciatively after hearing this.

He admired Liu Qiangdong’s honesty and prudence, which further strengthened his determination to invest.

“Mr. Liu.” Hao Qiang said earnestly, “I am not investing in the current Jingdong, but the future Jingdong.

The current Jingdong is indeed worthless, but your ideas are valuable, your e-commerce blueprint is valuable, you have to believe in yourself.”

Liu Qiangdong was speechless for a moment, and his heart was very excited.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

“Mr. Hao, thank you very much for your appreciation. I admire your vision and courage.” Liu Qiangdong said sincerely, “If you are willing to invest, I will definitely go all out and live up to your expectations.

However, in terms of shares, I can’t take out so much. ”

Now, he really didn’t know how many shares to raise.

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