After a long meeting, a leader at the meeting could not help but ask Hao Qiang an interesting question:

“Mr. Hao, if you were asked to choose, would you choose a fuel car or a new energy car?”

Hao Qiang pondered for a moment and gave a relatively objective answer: “For long-distance travel, I might still choose a fuel car.

Even if the charging technology can be shortened to half an hour, I still think the charging process is a bit troublesome.

As for intercity transportation, I can accept both models, mainly depending on my mood.

If I prefer a quiet, comfortable and versatile driving experience, I would tend to choose a new energy car.”

In fact, Hao Qiang is not very enthusiastic about new energy vehicles.

First, the price is high, and second, charging is indeed not as convenient as refueling.

Unless there is a fixed parking space and a private charging pile at home, using a new energy vehicle will still bring some inconvenience.

However, as a promoter of the development of new energy vehicles, in order to promote the development of the new energy vehicle industry, he has to express his supportive attitude against his will in some aspects, although some views may not be consistent with his personal preferences.

Being able to give him huge wealth and lead the development of this industry is happiness. As for what type of car he rides, it is not very important.

The meeting lasted until half past eleven.

Just two days later, Hao Qiang was invited to another meeting.

The participants this time were all industry experts and leaders of industrial departments.

Through these intensive meetings, Hao Qiang gradually realized that the formulation and implementation of national policies require multiple rounds of in-depth discussions.

Such frequent meetings do make people feel a little tired, but at the same time, Hao Qiang also saw the efforts made by government leaders such as Wei Hong.

The meeting materials have accumulated to dozens of pages, with detailed and comprehensive content.

According to the current meeting process and progress, Hao Qiang estimates that without several months of continuous discussion, the official policy may not be finally announced.

Therefore, in the following days, he will not attend some meetings if he can, and send representatives to go.

But he still actively participates in some important meetings.

If he does not attend, some meetings really cannot proceed. Many good suggestions are put forward by him. It is best to get his suggestions on how to implement them.

This experience made Hao Qiang deeply understand the complexity and rigor of policy making.

This is not just a company, but a national policy, which may have just begun to be piloted in Guangdong Province.

Recently, many media reporters want to interview Hao Qiang, just to let him personally confirm the performance of NCM622 ternary lithium battery.

In fact, some peers have already tested and confirmed that Future Technology Group’s ternary lithium battery has reached the international top level and has been mass-produced.

August 13, Monday.

Hao Qiang convened a new scientific research project establishment meeting, focusing on two projects: the automotive motor project (including induction asynchronous motor and permanent magnet synchronous motor) and the driving assistance system sensor project (covering laser radar, millimeter wave radar and ultrasonic radar).

He has withdrawn from the super lithium battery project and the electric motorcycle motor and controller system project to concentrate on the new project.

Considering the nature of the new project, the group decided to establish a new future new energy vehicle company instead of placing it under the existing future motorcycle company.

The new company will recruit new employees across the board, some of whom will be selected from the 200 new graduates who joined this year.

This batch of graduates includes 10 doctoral students, 30 master’s students and 160 undergraduates.

It is expected that more than half of them will be assigned to the scientific research departments of the group’s subsidiaries.

At present, these newcomers are interning in the workshop to familiarize themselves with the production environment.

The staff size of the group’s major subsidiaries is getting bigger and bigger. Future Motorcycle Company has a total of about 4,600 employees;

Renjian Fireworks Company has a total of about 4,200 employees;

Xinghe New Energy Company has a total of about 800 employees.

Together with the group’s headquarters staff and newly recruited college students, the total number of group employees has approached 10,000, marking the company’s entry into a new stage of development.

Hao Qiang plans to expand the lithium battery production line and build a new energy vehicle factory. The 500 acres of land at the group headquarters, with only 100 acres of vacant land, is certainly not enough.

There is still room for the first and second phase factories to expand production capacity, up to an annual output of 10GWh.

It is planned that the industrial land area of ​​the new lithium battery plant will reach 2,000 acres, the annual production capacity will reach 200GWh, and the investment budget will be about 40 billion yuan.

The new factory is divided into three phases, with an annual production capacity of 40GWh in the first phase, 60GWh in the second phase, and 100GWh in the third phase.

With the experience of the first two phases, PingThe investment cost per 1GWh can be reduced to 200 million yuan.

Moreover, this is calculated based on the production of NCM622.

If the plan is to produce NCM811, the annual production capacity can be increased to about 260GWh.

The automobile company covers an area of ​​1,500 acres, with an investment scale of about 10 billion yuan and a planned annual production capacity of 400,000 vehicles.

Hao Qiang plans to place the new lithium battery plant and automobile company in Bao’an District, Shenzhen.

There are three main factors for choosing here:

First, the current housing prices in Shenzhen are relatively low, especially in Bao’an District as an emerging development area, where the current housing price is only about 5,000 yuan per square meter.

If it is close to Guangming District, that is, very close to Guancheng, it is really a place where no one lives. Guangming New District will not be officially established until August 19.

Hao Qiang chose a location close to Dongguan City instead of Huizhou, mainly considering the future development potential and the distance from the existing company headquarters.

Secondly, it is difficult to find large areas of vacant land around Guangzhou, and it involves complex issues such as the demolition of urban villages.

In contrast, it is relatively easy to find suitable large tracts of land in Shenzhen.

Third, as a vibrant young city, Shenzhen is attractive to talents.

Many young people prefer to settle in Shenzhen rather than Guangdong.

This is particularly important considering the need to attract and retain talents.

Hao Qiang believes that investing in Shenzhen is still cost-effective at present.

He plans to take advantage of the opportunity of factory investment to purchase a large amount of residential land and build housing for employees.

Qualified employees can purchase these properties at preferential prices, which will not only solve the housing problem of employees, but also enhance the cohesion of the company.

If such an investment is made after 2015, it may be difficult to achieve. By then, the real estate market in Shenzhen will have undergone tremendous changes and can only escape from Shenzhen.

Now that he can use the future advantages to seek benefits for his employees, Hao Qiang certainly will not miss it.

After the end of the year, he started selling stocks and there was no shortage of funds.

At present, the share price of Moutai has soared to 580 yuan, and Hao Qiang has a floating profit of about 5 billion yuan.

The share price of Tengxun also soared to HK$37, with a floating profit of about 1 billion yuan.

The media reported that Hao Qiang’s investment in these two stocks increased his wealth by 500 million to 600 million yuan.

Hao Qiang’s actual net worth has risen to 20 billion yuan.

If it was in 2006, he would have been the richest man in China.

However, if he was still worth 20 billion at the end of the year, he might not even be in the top ten in the 2007 rankings.

This year, real estate companies have developed very rapidly, and land prices and housing prices have risen a lot. In particular, Ms. Yang of Country Garden, which went public in April this year, has a wealth of more than 80 billion yuan, and it is not a problem to break 100 billion by the end of the year.

It’s just a pity that the company has just gone public, and the controlling shareholder and actual controller are usually prohibited from selling within 36 months from the date of listing.

In other words, Ms. Yang can’t sell her shares, and her personal cash flow is not even one twentieth of Hao Qiang’s.

Hao Qiang holds stocks worth more than 15 billion yuan, which is really terrifying.

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