On August 14,

Hao Qiang arrived in Shenzhen (hereinafter referred to as Pengcheng) to inspect investment projects.

Pengcheng government leaders waited for a long time at the municipal government to receive this high-profile entrepreneur.

As soon as Hao Qiang got out of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, Zhou Ze quickly came up and shook hands with Hao Qiang:

“Hello, Mr. Hao, I have heard of you for a long time.”

Hao Qiang smiled and responded: “Hello, Mayor Zhou, nice to meet you!”

Just yesterday, Hao Qiang sent an investment inspection intention to the Pengcheng government in the name of the company, and soon received an enthusiastic reply.

Zhou Ze then had a brief telephone conversation with Hao Qiang and finalized the meeting today.

Nowadays, Hao Qiang has a prominent reputation and has become a leader in the business world.

Since the excellent performance of NCM622 ternary lithium batteries shocked the industry, in the public’s impression, Future Technology Group has become one of the high-tech companies, and is no longer just a catering company or electric motorcycle company.

In the past, few people knew about Hao Qiang’s Galaxy New Energy Company.

It was only recently that the ternary lithium battery became popular that netizens learned about this company.

At the same time, netizens were surprised to find that Hao Qiang’s business territory was far more extensive and diverse than they had imagined.

This trip to Pengcheng will undoubtedly open a new chapter for Hao Qiang’s business empire.

After the greetings, everyone came to the conference room.

Zhou Ze welcomed Hao Qiang on behalf of the government and briefly introduced several leaders attending the meeting.

Recently, Hao Qiang has frequently participated in new energy seminars, and Zhou Ze probably knows some of the content.

Future technology companies have high technical content, and governments in various regions are very welcome to invest in such high-tech companies.

“Thanks to Mayor Zhou and all the leaders for their hospitality, I feel deeply honored.” Hao Qiang said modestly, “This time I came to Pengcheng, mainly for investment inspection, and the scale of the investment project is relatively large.”

Although Hao Qiang intends to invest in Pengcheng, he cannot fail to show an attitude that he must be here. He has to strive for more favorable tax policies and other preferential conditions.

When Zhou Ze communicated with Hao Qiang yesterday, he did not ask about the specific investment amount.

Even if Hao Qiang does not make an investment in the end, they will warmly welcome him.

Therefore, when Hao Qiang told them the purpose of his visit, all the leaders present were ecstatic, as if they had smelled the grand occasion of the big project coming to fruition.

Zhou Ze then opened the carefully prepared PPT and briefly introduced the unique advantages and preferential investment policies of Pengcheng.

After reading it, Hao Qiang roughly explained: “It is like this, we have two major investment plans.

One is a new lithium battery factory, which requires 2,000 acres of land, with an annual production capacity target of 200GWh and a total investment budget of about 40 billion yuan, which will be implemented in three phases.

The second is a new energy vehicle manufacturing plant, which covers an area of ​​1,500 acres, with an investment scale of about 10 billion yuan, an annual production capacity of 400,000 vehicles, and is invested and constructed in two phases.

As for the source of funds, it will be supported by the funds held by the group and me personally.

The first phase of investment is 13 billion yuan, which is planned to be fully in place within two years, and the entire project is planned to be fully completed within five years. ”

The source of funds and when it can be implemented are both key points that the government is very concerned about.

Therefore, Hao Qiang’s words undoubtedly gave the leaders present a reassurance.

However, in the investment world, there are often companies that boast of investing tens of billions, but in the end, less than half of the promises can be fulfilled, and some projects are even abandoned halfway.

There are even many companies that do not even want to take the land payment, but only want to borrow from local banks, and then borrow from banks to build factories.

The leaders of the Pengcheng government have seen more, especially many companies invest in the name of Hong Kong capital.

Those bosses who invest in the name of Hong Kong capital to cheat money, if they fail to cheat in Pengcheng, will go to remote areas to cheat, and the success rate is higher.

However, Hao Qiang has a good reputation and strong funds, which is why the leaders of the Pengcheng government warmly welcomed him.

If it were another company that claimed to invest tens of billions, the leaders of the Pengcheng government would mostly not believe it.

The scale of investment proposed by Hao Qiang made Zhou Ze and others overjoyed, and their excitement was beyond words.

The total investment is as high as 50 billion yuan!

This number is shocking enough.

You should know that in 2006, the GDP of Pengcheng was only about 581.6 billion yuan.

The potential economic benefits of Hao Qiang’s investment plan are even more amazing:

The lithium battery project will produce 200GWh per year, and is expected to create an annual output value of about 160 billion yuan;

The new energy vehicle factory will produce 400,000 vehicles per year, and is expected to bring at least 80 billion yuan in annual output value.

This is a super-large investment project with an annual output value of 240 billion yuan.

Such a scale is almost equivalent to 41% of Pengcheng’s GDP in 2006.

How can such an economic growth engine not make government leaders ecstatic?

Faced with such an attractive investmentOn behalf of the Pengcheng government, Zhou Ze quickly adjusted his thinking and offered the most generous conditions.

The tax preferential policy of “three exemptions and three reductions” is naturally the basic configuration.

Zhou Ze calculated in his mind: As long as the factory is settled in Pengcheng, the considerable corporate income tax revenue in the future is a foregone conclusion.

The current concession is just to win a long-term and generous return.

This investment must be obtained at all costs.

Zhou Ze’s thoughts are running fast, and he has begun to plan where to allocate suitable land.

However, a subtle question came to his mind, and he asked with a little trepidation: “Mr. Hao, does the Yuecheng government know about your investment plan?”

After all, the headquarters of Future Technology Group is located in Yuecheng.

Hao Qiang understood and responded cleverly: “I don’t know yet. I plan to investigate other cities first to see what the situation is in Pengcheng.

If I told Liu Shichang, I guess I wouldn’t come here, haha.”

He knew Zhou Ze’s concerns well.

In fact, if Yuecheng knew about this news, it would definitely do its best to retain this major project.

Hao Qiang did not dare to rashly reveal it to Liu Haiyang, the head of Yuecheng, and could only adopt the strategy of acting first and reporting later.

He had foreseen Liu Haiyang’s regret after learning about it, and he might even criticize him.

Hao Qiang decided to keep it secret from Liu Haiyang for the time being, so as to prevent the Yuecheng government from offering too generous conditions and affecting his overall layout.

Choosing Pengcheng is a key step in his strategic map.

Sometimes, large-scale investment is quite difficult.

Hao Qiang must maintain his relationship with Yuecheng and promote his own strategic layout.

Zhou Ze couldn’t help laughing when he heard this, and then said sincerely: “Please rest assured, Mr. Hao, what the Yuecheng government can give, our Pengcheng government can also give.

Moreover, the total area of ​​the land you just mentioned has reached 3,500 mu. It is not so easy to carve out this piece of land around Yuecheng, involving many urban villages. There are no urban villages in Pengcheng, even if it is 5,000 mu, it can still be demarcated.”

Other leaders attending the meeting also laughed when they heard Zhou Ze’s words.

Well, Yuecheng is the boss, Pengcheng is the second, and now the second is starting to complain about the big brother, and he will blacken it if he can.

It’s like a plot in a movie: “My big brother treats me very well, you actually want to pay me to frame my big brother, it’s impossible, I am very loyal!”

It’s not impossible, but you have to pay more!

As long as the money is enough, brothers are used to sell.

So, Hao Qiang’s investment project is too big, and the leaders of the Pengcheng government are tempted, don’t care whether the big brother is a big brother or not.

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