After Hao Qiang finished speaking, everyone present showed an expression of disbelief. The son of a farmer is so elegant?

Li Yunfeng joked: “Hao Qiang is really humorous. You must have a lot of land and pigs in your family.”

“I dream of having so much, haha.

It’s good to farm at home. My parents are healthy. I don’t have to work from 7 to 5. Life is very leisurely.

Of course, the prosperity and convenience of the city are also desirable. I still yearn for city life.”

Hao Qiang’s words not only resonated with his roommate Mu Shi, who also came from the countryside, but also cleverly did not offend the classmates in the town.

Among the six students, only Hao Qiang and Mu Shi came from rural backgrounds.

For the children of farmers, being able to successfully enter a 985 university is undoubtedly a huge challenge and achievement.

“Well, classmate Hao really sees things clearly. Many people often find it difficult to see the true meaning of life.” Li Yunfeng’s father praised, “If conditions permit, it would be the most ideal life to own a rural house in the suburbs and a house in the city, and be able to flexibly switch between the two to coordinate the rhythm of life.”

“Uncle Li, I don’t actually understand these things. You are knowledgeable and I have benefited a lot from listening to your words. No wonder classmate Li Yunfeng is so knowledgeable and talented.” Hao Qiang complimented, and then continued, “In fact, I also envy a family like Liu Yang, who can have no worries about food and clothing.

If If I had the same financial conditions as his family, I would also like to buy a property in the city and build a residence in the countryside.

When life in the city makes me tired, I can go back to the countryside and enjoy the fun of growing vegetables. ”

Liu Yang said with a smile: “Student Hao, my family is not as prosperous as you think. We just changed houses recently, and now we are in debt.”

Hao Qiang smiled and responded: “Hey, Uncle Liu, my family still wants to pay off the debt, but the bank doesn’t like us.

These days, the more you owe, the more capable you are.”

“Student Hao is very knowledgeable!” Li Yunfeng’s father agreed.

In fact, Liu Yang’s parents are just ordinary wage earners, and the house they bought with a loan has not yet been repaid.

Liu Yang felt flattered after being praised by Hao Qiang, but he had to admit that Hao Qiang was really good at talking.

Although Li Yunfeng is eloquent, he is not good at complimenting others. He has been playing with his newly bought laptop for such a long time, but no one has praised him. He is not as good as Fei Yang and Mu Shi, who at least came to see how he played and flattered him.

After everyone talked for a few minutes, Liu Yang’s parents had to go back because they had something urgent to do. After saying hello to everyone, they left in a hurry.

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng’s father thought that the time was almost up, so he planned to set off for a trip, and did not forget to call his son before leaving.

The father and son walked down the dormitory building. Li Yunfeng’s father glanced at his son and sternly admonished him: “Why, do you look down on classmates from the countryside?”

Li Yunfeng smiled and said: “Dad, no, those who can be admitted to Zhongda must be capable and have a good future.”

“Haha, I feel that you have it, but you just don’t show it.

In high school, you are indeed better than most of your classmates, so they are around you.

But in college, there are many people who are better than you.”

Li Yunfeng’s father took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and saw that his son listened to it. He smiled lightly and continued to admonish,

“Don’t underestimate your classmates. Four years of college life are enough to make them change dramatically.

Hao Qiang is a student who is definitely not an ordinary person.

He seems to have long He has a good understanding of the ways of the world. He is neither ostentatious nor artificial when interacting with others. He knows how to build good relationships with others.

When he talked with your Liu Yang family, he not only made them feel happy, but also cleverly took care of the emotions of Mu Shi, who was born in the countryside.

Liu Yang and his parents were praised, and the whole family was light-hearted.

Although Hao Qiang may not be mature enough in some aspects, at this age, he has already demonstrated extraordinary communication skills.

In time, after two or three years of social training, he will surely become a veteran like your dad.

So, child, you must always be humble and respectful, and don’t look down on anyone. ”

“Dad, is Hao Qiang as mysterious as you say?” Li Yunfeng scratched his temple, a little dissatisfied with the scolding.

In his father’s eyes, he feels like a rookie.

“Although your father is not a high-ranking official, his twenty years of work experience is not in vain, and he is very good at observing people’s words and expressions.

Hao Qiang took the initiative to greet you as soon as he entered the door, and even bought fruits for you, which shows that he had already thought about the social issues before entering the dormitory.

He can take care of the emotions of each of you, bothNot trying to please or ignore anyone is not something that ordinary people have.

It is easy to praise or criticize someone, but the golden mean is the most difficult. ”

“Son, if you want to take the selection exam, you must know how to maintain relationships with your classmates, and balance the people you like and dislike. Don’t form small groups, and treat them as future colleagues.

If you learn how to deal with people, your four years in college will not be in vain, and you will be able to handle the job with ease. ”

Li Yunfeng’s father told the story, and finally patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, “Go back, talk more with your classmates, and put down your airs.

The more you experience people and things, the more mature and wise you will become.

Okay, I won’t talk too much. I’m going shopping by myself, and you don’t have to send me off. ”

After saying this, he left leisurely with his left hand behind his back and a cigarette in his right hand.

Li Yunfeng watched his father leave and couldn’t help complaining: “Tsk, he asked for leave from the company to send me to college, but it was actually a trip, and he had such a comfortable time!

Sure enough, being a civil servant is so cool, it seems that this is also my destination.”

He wanted to take the selection exam, but it was too difficult. It would be best if he could become a class monitor during college, join the student union, run for student union cadres, and build a good relationship with school leaders.

But if he succeeds, his future development will definitely be brighter than that of an ordinary civil servant. After a few years of normal mixing, his social status will be higher than his father’s. Then we will see how he will show off and pretend to be deep in front of him.

Li Yunfeng returned to the dormitory and found that his five roommates were all there, chatting.

Without parents, this group of students chatted freely and at ease.

Fei Yang knew everything and spoke with great joy: “Brothers, if you want to know anything, just ask me. I know everything.

I tell you, the biggest advantage of our school is that there are many girls. The male-female ratio is about 1.2:1, which is much better than the 6:1 of the science and engineering next door.

The top 5 female ratios are: Language and Literature Department 85%, Nursing School 83%, Foreign Languages ​​School 82%, Sociology and Anthropology School 82%, and Journalism and Communication School 80%;

The beauties of our Zhongda are both beautiful and beautiful. We should not only concentrate on studying, but also know how to cherish these high-quality resources, otherwise they will be wasted. ”

When Fei Yang, this bastard, talked about these topics, he was eloquent and no less than Li Yunfeng.

At this time, Hao Qiang spoke less and listened more, allowing these roommates to give full play to their abilities and not steal the limelight.

Liu Yang also put down his arrogant attitude and asked curiously: “What about our college?”

“Count down, 6:1!”

“Fuck, I reported the wrong major. “Liu Yang sighed.

Fei Yang raised his index finger and shook it, pretending to be deep and said: “You didn’t choose the wrong major. It’s easier to find a job in our major and get a high salary. We can’t give up our career for love.

Besides, career doesn’t interfere with the pursuit of love. Our goal is to study in the study rooms of these departments.”

“Good idea! ”

This proposal received a positive response from everyone.

Everyone shared a common interest and quickly reached a consensus.

Even the introverted Luo Wei was pulled in.

Not long after, the six people had formed a small project group. Although there was no project funding, the project had been established. They had clear project goals and discussed and improved the project plan together.

Project name: Lone Wolf Plan B

They debated this name for a long time. Liu Yang thought that “looking for a place for the soul to rest” was more elegant.

Fei Yang thought that they were just a group of lone wolves, looking for someone who had that, so the name was the most appropriate.

Everyone criticized Fei Yang for being too rude, having dirty thoughts, and being disrespectful to women.

However, it must be said that his name was the most appropriate. Anyway, they knew it themselves, so they all agreed.

[Project Background 1]: Zhongdayuan East Lake is close to the girls’ dormitory, and The environment is quiet and elegant, and it has been a famous “holy land of love” in the school for many years.

When night falls, there will always be pairs of lovers whispering and telling each other their feelings on the benches by the lake.

When love is strong, if you are impatient, you can find a small forest with lush branches and leaves to simply linger. Although such behavior may surprise passers-by, the passion and excitement are hard to describe.

If you have sufficient funds, you can go to a one-bedroom and one-living room outside the school to explore the other person’s inner world more deeply, and even sing loudly in that unrestrained space to release your inner joy.

In the early morning, Yuandong Lake has become an ideal place for diligent students to recite poems and memorize words.

[Project Background 2]: Go to the four study rooms with the top 5 female ratios to study, and exclude the School of Nursing because they think these girls will touch the corpse and then touch their own face, which feels wrong.[Project goal]: At the end of the freshman year, at least 3 girls should be contacted; in the sophomore year, a relationship should be established.

[Market competitors]: In addition to boys from other departments, there are also boys from international competitors, South China University of Technology, and social tycoons.

[Risk assessment and response strategies]: Confessions were rejected, slapped in the face, dumped, and even insulted by competitors and disabled in fights.

Therefore, they decided to remain calm and rational in the pursuit process and learn to respect the wishes and choices of girls.

If it doesn’t work, they can be shameless to the extreme, and at the same time, they must constantly improve their charm and strength to cope with various possible challenges.

It must be said that students from 985 universities can also elevate dating to project management, which is why they can’t delay their studies when dating.

“Cough, cough!”

The sudden cough woke the six people who were immersed in discussing how to get girls out of their contemplation.

Looking back, they found that it was a young man who was about seven or eight years older than them standing at the door. He smiled and said, “You are chatting very enthusiastically. Can I join in?”

Hao Qiang immediately responded with a warm smile, took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to him, saying, “Of course, which dormitory are you from, brother?”

The other party was slightly stunned when he took the cigarette, and then asked curiously, “Are you an old smoker?”

“I rarely smoke, but what if someone needs it, right?”

“Oh, so that makes sense!” The young man nodded in agreement, and suddenly became serious, “By the way, my name is Qin Jian, and I am your counselor.”


Everyone was stunned, especially Hao Qiang.

However, Hao Qiang reacted very quickly, still smiling, clapping his hands and saying, “Oh, Teacher Qin, hello, we have been looking forward to your arrival for a long time, and we were just discussing matters related to the start of school.”

Qin Jian pulled the corner of his mouth: “Haha, come on, what’s your name?”

This student is too shameless!

How did he get into Zhongda?

“His name is Fei Yang, our project leader…” Hao Qiang betrayed the leader as soon as he turned around.

Qin Jian frowned: “I’m asking you, how to introduce others!”

This bastard student is too smart, let him remember others first.

“Classmates are more important, why introduce yourself first.” Hao Qiang still smiled, “My name is Hao Qiang.”

Qin Jian was speechless: He just said he was shameless, haha, it’s so shameless!

In order to show his prestige as a teacher, Qin Jian’s expression became serious, and his voice revealed an unquestionable majesty: “The day after tomorrow morning at ten o’clock, there will be a class meeting in Room 303 of the First Teaching Building next to Guangtang. Every student must be there. Please inform other students. That’s it, nothing else.”

When he walked to the door, he suddenly stopped, smiled meaningfully, turned around and said to Hao Qiang:

“Hao Qiang, it’s not good for students to smoke.”

“The teacher is right, please help me deal with it.” Hao Qiang immediately understood Qin Jian’s words and handed over the opened pack of cigarettes.

Qin Jian took the cigarette without any hesitation, put it in his pocket with a smile.

When he walked to the stairs, he lit the cigarette that Hao Qiang had given him at the beginning, exhaled a puff of smoke, and sighed: If I had these bastard students who were shameless back then, I wouldn’t be single at the age of 26 today!

Hao Qiang turned around and looked at these roommates who were scared and dared not speak, and was a little speechless.

Isn’t it just the counselor? He likes to use chicken feathers as a token of authority.

Although he was not frightened, he didn’t want to offend the counselor. It would be best if he could make friends with her.

However, being a college counselor is not easy. It’s not an exaggeration to say that he is the student’s babysitter. He is not afraid of students failing the course, but he is most afraid of students losing their lives, and the salary is not high.

Fei Yang sneaked out of the dormitory door, took a look, and saw that the counselor really left. He ran back to the dormitory, closed the door, and breathed a sigh of relief: “Finally left, I was really afraid of a return gun!”

Liu Yang patted his chest: “Oh, numb, I was scared to death just now.”

“Will the counselor leave a bad impression on us if we do this?” Li Yunfeng frowned, a little worried.

“It doesn’t matter now. We are a group crime, and the law does not punish the masses. Haha, Hao Qiang also gave cigarettes to the teacher, which made me laugh to death!”

Fei Yang thought of the embarrassment just now and couldn’t help laughing.

The other roommates also laughed, and even the introverted Luo Chuan laughed happily.

Hao Qiang laughed and scolded: “Damn it, what’s so funny? I only find it funny to see you guys scared like mice seeing a cat.”

“That’s the counselor who is in charge of us!”

“Brother, this is college, he can’t control our relationship, maybe he’s envious. We don’t steal or rob. Did he criticize our relationship just now? It means he doesn’t bother to control it.” Hao Qiang joked.

Fei YangAfter a little thought, he agreed very much: “That makes sense. What’s there to be afraid of? The project will proceed as planned!”

Li Yunfeng hesitated a little. He was thinking about whether he had left a bad impression on the counselor this time. He was also thinking about competing for the class monitor. Now he was probably in trouble.

The other roommates were instigated and agreed. The project leader was Fei Yang. Anyway, it was he who proposed this bad idea.

Hao Qiang participated just because he didn’t want to appear out of tune with his roommates.

His current focus is still starting a business to make money and improving his writing skills.

As for dating?

Hao Qiang was even more curious about the process and results of this group of roommates.

He had a lot of things to do tomorrow, and he was also looking forward to the college life that was about to start.

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