As night fell, dinner time came quietly.

The six people in Room 213 went to the cafeteria to charge their cards and eat.

It must be said that the food at Zhongda is delicious, and the price is reasonable. There are many kinds of dishes, which meet the needs of students with different tastes and diets.

Hao Qiang saw that Mu Shi only ordered two steamed buns and a bowl of porridge. After a little thought, he ordered four side dishes and spread them on the table for everyone to share.

“Oh, there are too many dishes. Let’s eat them, otherwise it will waste the country’s food.”

“Hehe, I’m not polite. I love fried peanuts the most.” Fei Yang heard this, picked up a grain with chopsticks, put it in his mouth, and with a pop, the fragrance filled his mouth.

Li Yunfeng saw this and probably understood Hao Qiang’s intention. He also wanted to improve the relationship between roommates, so he followed Hao Qiang and ordered four dishes.

“Brothers, I’ve ordered more too, let’s eat together.”

Mu Shi saw this scene and was very grateful to Hao Qiang and Li Yunfeng.

While Hao Qiang was eating, he was also observing the atmosphere in the cafeteria. He found that many students would glance at the books in their hands from time to time when they were queuing for food or eating.

This desire and focus on knowledge made him sigh: This learning atmosphere is really strong!

It’s worthy of being a 985 university!

Of course, in addition to students who focus on studying, there are also many warm and romantic couples in the cafeteria. You feed one bite, I eat one bite, feed each other, so kind, and sprinkle a handful of dog food to the students around.

Fei Yang’s eyes flowed among the girls around him. Whenever he met a girl with outstanding appearance, his eyes seemed to be attracted by a magnet and followed her figure closely.

“Brothers, I’m right, aren’t I? The beauties in our Zhongda are both beautiful and charming. If they go to the neighboring Hua Nan University of Science and Technology, it would be a pity!”

Liu Yang cast a contemptuous look at Fei Yang: “Your mind is full of women, and you have no ambition at all!”

Fei Yang retorted: “Tsk, you said I have no ambition, what about you?

Your eyeballs are almost bulging, and you are still taking pictures with your mobile phone!”

Liu Yang was exposed and felt a little embarrassed. He defended himself: “I was taking pictures of other things.”

In fact, his eyes unconsciously swept over the girls passing by, and found that there were two little beauties in the front seat who were having dinner. Occasionally, they looked over and seemed to be looking at them. He deliberately took out his mobile phone, which cost more than 2,000 yuan, hoping to attract the attention of the beauties.

He found that among the six people in their dormitory, only he and Li Yunfeng had mobile phones.

This made Liu Yang feel a little proud. After all, the price of new mobile phones in this era is not cheap.

Many freshmen have difficulty raising tuition fees, not to mention whether their families can afford the thousands of yuan mobile phone fee.

Many students would choose a second-hand mobile phone of about 200 yuan or a cheap PHS.

However, some students still think that buying a simple-looking PHS is too embarrassing in front of their classmates, and the signal may have problems from time to time, so they would rather choose a second-hand product.

This is just like some people would rather buy a second-hand BBA than a new domestic car.

“Liu Yang, just take the photos. It’s not a big deal. Everyone appreciates beautiful things.

If I see a beautiful woman, I will take photos, and I will do it openly.” Hao emphasized, easing the atmosphere between roommates, “If you really like her, go and ask for her phone number or QQ number.”

Liu Yang pursed his lips and said, “Okay, it seems that what you said makes sense.”

Fei Yang realized that Liu Yang was too concerned about his reputation, and he was too lazy to argue with him. It was okay to go along with him, so he asked him, “Liu Yang, your phone is very exquisite. How much did you spend on it?”

“More than 2,000 yuan, are you going to buy it too?” Liu Yang smiled and explained in detail the functions of his phone very happily, no longer caring about Fei Yang’s exposure of him secretly taking photos of girls just now.

Fei Yang shook his head and said frankly, “I don’t have that much money, just buy a phone worth a thousand yuan.”

His family runs a small business and earns tens of thousands of yuan a year, but it’s a bit extravagant to buy a phone worth 2,000 yuan, and he is embarrassed to ask his parents for it.

Luo Wei heard his roommates discussing mobile phones, and he wanted to buy a cell phone for general use.

Mu Shi had no idea of ​​using a mobile phone for the time being. His family didn’t have mobile phones, so they only needed to contact once a month.

Hao Qiang looked at Liu Yang and Fei Yang and smiled again, and felt good. If there was hostility between the two at the beginning of the school year, the atmosphere in the dormitory would be depressing in the future.

There is usually no overnight hatred between men.

Either they take revenge on the spot, or they let it go after a while.

Hao Qiang suddenly thought of Chen Mei, and felt that Chen Mei was somewhat hostile to Han Qingying.

If the two fought, Han Qingying would probably suffer.

He had no way to resolve the war between women.

After dinner, LiuWe strolled leisurely in the school together, planning to first investigate the actual situation of the Lone Wolf Plan B project.

After a while, we arrived at Yuandong Lake near the girls’ dormitory.

At first glance, the lakeside scenery is refreshing, with beautiful women everywhere and couples holding hands. It is indeed the school’s love sanctuary.

Fei Yang said in some confusion: “I found that the beauties are looking at Hao Qiang. He is too tall and too conspicuous. I won’t bring him here next time. He will steal the limelight.”

Liu Yang nodded and agreed: “Yeah, I agree.”

Hao Qiang pulled the corner of his mouth, and a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, mocking: “I think there is a strange phenomenon. Some men always complain that they can’t pick up women. It’s all because women have no vision. Why don’t you look for the reason from yourself.”

Liu Yang teased: “Fei Yang, do you want me to explain it for you? Hao Qiang said you are ugly.”

“Get lost!”

Fei Yang raised his foot, saw it evaded, and then put it away. Looking at so many girls, he felt that he had no idea where to start. “Brothers, is there any way to seduce girls?

You can’t just watch without taking any action.”

Hao Qiang joked: “You can ask those girls when they are tired of being girls and come to be my wife.”


Everyone laughed, and Fei Yang said that Hao Qiang’s words were too fresh and unconventional.

In fact, they are all good at talking, not to mention taking the initiative to flirt with girls, they don’t even dare to say hello.

Everyone walked around, had a good look and went back to the dormitory.

Hao Qiang went to the building manager to collect the bedding, pillows, mats and quilt covers issued by the school. The quality of the quilt covers was really bad.

As soon as Liu Yang returned to the dormitory, he couldn’t wait to take out his 10,000 yuan laptop and started learning to type.

He planned to pay the Internet fee in the next two days and asked everyone if they wanted to use the external network together.

“Let’s do it together.”

Hao Qiang thought about it for a while and decided to use the external network in the dormitory.

The campus network speed was as slow as a snail, which was unbearable!

He noticed that there was an advertisement for the installation of the external network on the bulletin board on the first floor, which provided options with different network speeds and prices: the annual fee for a 2MB network speed was 700 yuan, while the annual fee for a 5MB network speed was more than 1,000 yuan.

If you don’t play large online games or download movies frequently, Hao Qiang thinks that it is enough for several people to share an external network with a speed of 2MB. There is no need to be unique and show that you have a lot of money.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone was a little curious and didn’t see Hao Qiang’s computer.

“Okay.” Liu Yang said, “Let’s share the cost together. When do you plan to buy a computer?

Do you want me to introduce you to one?”

“I already have one.”

Hao Qiang smiled and replied, climbed onto his bed, opened his backpack, and took out a computer bag from it.

Originally, he planned to take it out in a few days, but he didn’t expect that he would get familiar with this group of roommates in just one day.

Hao Qiang usually needs to write to make money, and he also needs to use a computer to organize information, so he can’t hide the fact that he has a laptop.

In 985 universities, it is very common for students to bring laptops to class.

They can take notes while listening to the class, which is much faster than handwriting, and professors also support this.

However, in most ordinary undergraduate universities, it is not recommended for students to use laptops during class.

Some people think that this is a disrespectful behavior to teachers. After all, few students really concentrate on listening to the class with their computers. They may use the computer to do other things.

Of course, in this era, there are fewer students who own laptops.

Hao Qiang got off the bed, put the computer on his desk, turned on the computer, and it started up in a short while.

Liu Yang was really curious about the brand of Hao Qiang’s laptop. After he saw it clearly, he was shocked and said:

“Damn, Samsung X30!

I have seen this computer, it costs more than 20,000 yuan!”

The other four people in the dormitory heard about the computer worth more than 20,000 yuan, and they also came over to take a look, but they didn’t dare to touch it, for fear that they couldn’t afford to pay for it if it was broken.

“What a beautiful computer, an ultra-thin one, it is indeed expensive.” Li Yunfeng took a look and commented. He just planned to buy a desktop computer worth a few thousand yuan.

“Hao Qiang, you are so rich!” Fei Yang said enviously, “Are you sure your family is from the countryside?”

“I’m not lying to you. How can my family have so much money?”

Hao Qiang replied seriously. Suddenly, a plot from a movie about the richest man flashed through his mind, so he made up a lie, “My uncle gave it to me. He has no children, and I just happen to be his only second-generation relative.

He has no money to spend anyway, so he gave me a computer as a gift for my studies.”

Everyone didn’t believe Hao Qiang’s words. A son from the countryside doesn’t have this temperament!

This bastard must be pretending!

Even if he raises pigs at home, there must be a lot of them.

Only four pigs?Only a ghost would believe that the four pig farms are similar.

Liu Yang began to re-examine the 10,000 yuan laptop in his hand. It seemed that it was not so attractive now.

He always liked to show off in front of his roommates before, but now he felt very embarrassed.

Damn, Hao Qiang, that bastard, must be laughing at him secretly.

Li Yunfeng recalled his father’s words and said that Hao Qiang was definitely not an ordinary person.

He thought Hao Qiang was good before, but not so mysterious, but now he believed it.

Ordinary students will not deliberately keep a low profile when they have money.

If they deliberately keep a low profile and take care of their classmates’ face, it means that they have high emotional intelligence and don’t care about money.

Mu Shi doesn’t understand the world of rich people a little bit, spending more than 20,000 to buy a computer.

Fei Yang couldn’t help but despise Hao Qiang after hearing what he said: “Damn, are there any uncles like this? Give me one.”

“Yes.” Hao Qiang laughed, “I am your uncle!”


“I don’t have a sister, I am your uncle!”

Fei Yang couldn’t win the argument with Hao Qiang, so he simply admitted: “Okay, you are my uncle.

My uncle Hao, can I borrow your computer to watch movies or something in the future?”

“As long as I don’t use it, everyone can use it. It’s just an electronic device. If it breaks, just fix it. What is our major? Don’t waste the skills you have learned.” Hao Qiang said with a smile this time, “But don’t watch pornographic movies. It’s a small matter to get poisoned. If a girl accidentally reads it, it will ruin my decent image.”

If Hao Qiang dislikes his roommate playing with his computer, as long as it happens once, there will be a gap between the classmates, and it is estimated that he will not ask Hao Qiang a second time.

“Mr. Qiang, you are so nice.” Fei Yang flattered, “I promise not to watch pornographic films.”

Hao Qiang smiled awkwardly: “It’s not that you can’t watch it, but you can delete it after watching it. It’s not impossible. It’s puberty, I understand.”

Fei Yang joked: “Oh, really? Do you have any stock on your computer?”

“How can a decent person like me have such filthy things?” Hao Qiang said contemptuously, “Student Fei Yang, I now find you so obscene!”

“We also found it!” Other roommates echoed, “It’s extremely obscene!”

Hao Qiang’s straightforwardness made the dormitory atmosphere relaxed and happy.

He climbed onto the bed again, took out the mechanical keyboard, and connected it to the laptop.

When his roommates saw his action, they mistakenly thought that he was cherishing the keyboard of the laptop.

Come to think of it, it would be a pity if the keyboard of such an expensive laptop was broken.

However, Hao Qiang’s next operation shocked everyone again.

His hands quickly tapped on the mechanical keyboard, and a string of text quickly appeared on the screen.


Fei Yang swallowed several sips of water involuntarily.

“Awesome, you type so fast. Now, forget it, I won’t say anything.” Liu Yang felt a little embarrassed when he thought about how he was still slowly finding the letters on the keyboard while typing.

If he could type as fast as Hao Qiang, he could show off his typing speed in the university library, which would definitely attract the admiration and envy of countless classmates around him.

After Hao Qiang typed for a while, he handed the computer to Fei Yang who was watching from behind, and said easily: “You play, I’ll make a phone call, and take a shower later, it’s so hot.”

“Okay, thank you, Uncle Qiang!” Fei Yang didn’t expect Hao Qiang to let him play with the computer so quickly. After sitting down, he didn’t touch the laptop, but just adjusted the keyboard position and practiced typing in pinyin.

Mu Shi and Luo Wei came over to watch, and couldn’t help laughing at his poor typing speed.

Comparing it with Hao Qiang’s abnormal typing speed, it feels like the difference between the two is a world of difference.

“What a joke, do you think you are Hao Qiang?” Fei Yang was watched by two roommates behind him, and he became more nervous. He couldn’t find the letters for a long time. “I haven’t touched the computer for half a year, and it’s a bit unfamiliar.”

Hao Qiang came to the balcony, and he took out his mobile phone to call his father.

Liu Yang couldn’t help but secretly glance at Hao Qiang’s mobile phone, and saw that it was an ordinary model, and he was relieved.

If even mobile phones are luxury goods, he will be embarrassed to show off his mobile phone in the future.

No, Hao Qiang, this bastard, must be pretending to be low-key. He has money but doesn’t buy a good mobile phone.

Hao Qiang didn’t know Liu Yang’s weird idea. He called twice in a row, but his father hung up directly.

“Your phone is not lost, is it? You show off all the time!”

Hao Qiang called again and finally got through: “Hello, Dad, it’s me, why didn’t you answer the phone?”

“Ah, son, I saw that the caller ID was not a local number, so I thought it was a scammer, so I didn’t answer the phone. It costs money to answer the phone.” Recently, Hao Jianjun found that his phone bill was running up very quickly, all because of showing off. Now he knows how to save money.

“Nothing, I’ve already arrived at schoolIt’s time to report to school. I guess military training will start in two days. I won’t be able to answer your call then.” Hao Qiang chatted with his father for a while and hung up the phone.

Opened the QQ number on his mobile phone and left a message for Wu Hai. This guy will not report to school for a few days. At first, he said that Hao Qiang forgot his friends for a woman and left him alone.

After the call, Hao Qiang planned to take a shower, but then he noticed that he didn’t buy any toiletries and was also short of a lot of daily necessities.

After asking his roommates, he found that they had all bought them, so Hao Qiang simply went to buy them himself.

He also planned to walk outside the school and check the business of the hot pot restaurants around the school.

On the way, he checked his current wealth.

[Personal wealth: 420,000 yuan]

Hao Qiang glanced at the number, and a sense of satisfaction surged in his heart. He was very confident in doing anything, and his mentality had changed.

Compared to the previous life Compared with his previous situation, his current wealth accumulation is undoubtedly a huge leap.

This money is hard-earned, and every penny is condensed with his sweat. I don’t know how many times his index finger has been worn out.

These days, money is still valuable. These hundreds of thousands of yuan can definitely rank in the top ten in his hometown town, and he must be the richest in the village.

Well, it seems that he has no ambition, but he was a poor loser in his previous life after all.

Hao Qiang invested most of these funds in the stock market.

At present, he holds a total of 85 lots of Moutai stocks, with a total purchase cost of about 380,000 yuan. I don’t know how the stock price has been in the past few days. There must be some profit, and he plans to continue holding.

These hundreds of thousands of yuan are definitely enough for him to start a business. The specific amount of investment requires further investigation and research to determine.

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