At this moment, the night is not yet deep, and the campus is particularly lively at 7 pm.

Under the soft light of the campus street lamps, students walk together or alone through the campus paths.

Hao Qiang found that many freshmen returned from shopping outside the school.

According to Fei Yang, students of Zhongda are used to entering and exiting from Xiaobei Gate and going to the nearby Beimen Market for shopping.

Following the direction of the flow of people, Hao Qiang asked a senior and easily found out where Xiaobei Gate is.

It turned out that it was only two or three hundred meters away from their dormitory, very close.

There was no way, the school was too big, Hao Qiang just reported today, and he didn’t visit many places.

At Xiaobei Gate, students came in an endless stream, and a security guard was guarding there. The sign hanging on the iron gate clearly indicated the rule of “closing at 11 pm”.

At 11 pm, the lights in the school dormitory were also turned off.

Hao Qiang will be doing business soon, and he may come back late sometimes. It is really inconvenient to take a long detour through the main gate every time.

It would be best if the guard could open the back door for him.

He thought for a moment, then walked to the guard, took out the pack of high-end cigarettes in his pocket, took out a cigarette and handed it to the guard, with a slight smile on his face: “Uncle, it’s quite hot tonight.”

The uncle in his fifties was slightly surprised to see a handsome young man offering him cigarettes.

After all, in his many years as a guard, few people would take the initiative to greet them, let alone give them cigarettes.

The uncle took the cigarette and recognized it as a high-end cigarette. He smiled and said happily, “Handsome boy, good cigarettes, thank you.”

“Uncle, you are too polite!” Seeing the reaction of the security uncle, Hao Qiang had a clue in his heart and took the opportunity to introduce himself, “I am a freshman, my name is Hao Qiang, you can just call me Xiao Hao.

Uncle, what is your last name?”

“Oh, that’s it.” The uncle smiled, “No need to be surnamed Li, Xiao Hao, you are too polite.”

“Hey, it’s the same as Hong Kong “The Li family of Cheng is our cousin!” Hao Qiang then made up a lie, “My uncle is a security guard in our middle school, so when I saw you, Uncle Li, I felt very close to you and couldn’t help but want to chat with you for a few more words, haha.”

Uncle Li felt that Hao Qiang was very down-to-earth, and laughed heartily: “Xiao Hao, you are so good at talking. If I had a daughter, I would definitely introduce her to you.”

He thought to himself: This young man, he speaks human words to people, and he can probably speak ghost words to ghosts. I didn’t expect that there is such a wonderful talent in Zhongda.

But such talents are rare. Uncle Li feels that this young man will definitely have a good future development, maybe he is a shining pearl.

Next, Hao Qiang talked a lot with the guard.

Hao Qiang asked about some situations outside the school, and Uncle Li told him very enthusiastically. The two chatted very speculatively, as if they had been old friends for many years.

After understanding almost everything, Hao Qiang changed “Uncle Li” to “Old Li”, and then left the guard satisfied.

As for the future opening, there is no need to mention it deliberately. I believe that it will come naturally when the time comes.

Soon, Hao Qiang came to the North Gate Market.

Outside the school, there is another lively atmosphere. The neon lights on both sides of the street shine together. Various snack stalls, street stalls, beverage shops and clothing stores are dotted like stars, attracting the attention of pedestrians.

Especially here at the snack roadside stalls, the air is filled with the aroma of various delicacies, which makes people salivate.

The customers are mainly students, supplemented by nearby residents and wage earners, who jointly derive the prosperity and bustle of the night.

Hao Qiang strolled among them and found that there were many hot pot restaurants and barbecue restaurants, roughly estimated to be no less than 30.

There are about 20,000 students on campus at Zhongda University, and there are also many residents nearby. Especially on weekends, there are endless tourists. This area has derived businesses from all walks of life.

Hao Qiang has not yet determined where to open a hot pot restaurant, but he knows that he must adapt to local conditions.

However, this is undoubtedly an ideal choice for novice entrepreneurs. It is close to the school and can also take into account study.

After strolling around the city, Hao Qiang had a preliminary understanding of the surrounding environment, so he went shopping.

When he returned to school, he took two portions of stinky tofu with him.

He had just entered the dormitory, and soon the stench spread throughout the dormitory, and his roommates cast inquiring eyes.

“What’s so stinky? It smells so bad!”

“I bought you stinky tofu, do you want to eat it?” Hao Qiang put the stinky tofu on the table, sorted out the daily necessities he bought, took a shower and washed clothes.

Fei Yang shouted excitedly: “Master Qiang, you are so nice! This is my favorite!”

He occupied Hao Qiang’s computer and had food, he is really the best roommate in the world.

Li Yunfeng sniffed it and was a little greedy: “Well, I like it too, I haven’t tasted it for a long time.”

Although Liu Yang and Mu Shi had never tried stinky tofu, they looked at otherThe roommates ate with such relish that they couldn’t help but be tempted and decided to try it.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Hao Qiang returned to the room and found that there were only two pieces of stinky tofu left in the box, which seemed to be left for him.

“Damn, you still have some conscience!”

The roommates couldn’t help laughing when they heard Hao Qiang’s jokes, and the whole dormitory was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

Fei Yang saw that Hao Qiang was busy with his own things, so he stopped occupying his computer and played with it occasionally. It would be better to buy one for himself.

Hao Qiang sat in front of the computer and began to plan tomorrow’s tasks.

After careful consideration, he sorted out his thoughts and began to earn money by typing seriously.

At the same time, he had downloaded various learning materials before, covering English, business management, taxation and other fields, and studied while typing to make full use of time.

He was busy until eleven o’clock in the evening, and when the lights in the dormitory went out, Hao Qiang turned off the computer.

During this period, other roommates in the dormitory were also busy with their own things.

Li Yunfeng shuttled between the dormitories to build relationships, Luo Wei and Mu Shi focused on learning English, and Liu Yang and Fei Yang also started to study English after watching the video for a while.

Among the six people, Liu Yang is the only repeater.

As a native of the province, it is relatively easy for Fei Yang to be admitted to Zhongda.

Liu Yang and Fei Yang may not be outstanding in their learning talents among the crowd, but seeing that everyone is working so hard, they dare not waste time.

Zhongda stipulates that freshmen are only eligible to apply for the English Level 4 in the second semester of the first year.

Therefore, everyone hopes to pass the exam in one go, and then start preparing for the English Level 6 in the second year.

It can be said that the College English Level 4 and 6 certificates have a pivotal position in college. It is not only the basic requirement for most employment units to recruit college graduates, but also a compulsory subject for postgraduate entrance examinations.

To do scientific research, you must also master English, otherwise how can you understand the advanced technical information of foreigners?

Don’t count on translators to help. Not to mention that there is not enough time, many professional English, such as “FCAW” welding, 99% of translators who have passed the CET-8 cannot understand it. This has nothing to do with their English level, and the software is useless.

If you go abroad, English is even more necessary.

After turning off the lights, everyone lay on the bed and prepared to rest.

When Liu Yang was adjusting the alarm on his mobile phone, a song “Lu Binghua” suddenly rippled in the room.

“I think of my mother’s words every night,

The shining tears of Lu Binghua…”

After a while, Fei Yang’s scolding also sounded: “Liu Yang, you bastard, don’t play this song, it’s too damn sentimental!”

“Haha, are you homesick?” Liu Yang laughed, in fact, he also wanted to, and deliberately played that song.

Although the other roommates did not speak, their hearts were full of longing for home.

It was the first time for them to be so far away from home, especially when they thought about not seeing their parents for a year, some people couldn’t help but moisten their eyes under the influence of the song.

After Liu Yang played “Lu Bing Hua” repeatedly once, he turned off the music. He made himself tearful.

This guy is really weird!

In contrast, Hao Qiang did not seem to be affected by the singing.

In his previous life, he was used to working in other provinces. He only went home to see his parents once a year. When he missed home, he might have a video chat with his parents to ease his homesickness.

The next morning.

Hao Qiang got up at six o’clock to flush the water and found that Mu Shi had already woken up and was standing on the balcony reciting English words in the morning light.

“Mu Shi, you got up so early?” Hao Qiang asked in surprise.

Mu Shi turned his head and grinned: “Well, I’m used to it.

I’m afraid that once I relax, I can’t hold on anymore.”

Hearing this, Hao Qiang nodded with deep feeling.

He understood that no matter whether it is learning or any habit in life, once you relax, it will become extremely difficult to pick it up again.

Just like running to lose weight, if you stop running for a day or two occasionally, it will be difficult to stick to losing weight.

Of course, as long as you have strong willpower, it is not impossible to lose weight from 200 pounds to more than 100 pounds.

Hao Qiang rinsed his mouth and brushed his teeth, and went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

When he returned to the dormitory, he took two bags of steamed buns and put them on the table.

Seeing that Luo Wei had also gotten up, the others were still asleep.

“I have something to go out for, and I may not be back until the evening. If you have any urgent matters, please call me.

If you want to use my computer, feel free to use it.” Hao Qiang said to Luo Wei and Mu Shi, wrote his mobile phone number on the note, and then pointed to the breakfast on the table, “I bought an extra breakfast, you can eat it, don’t waste it, it will become too much by noon.”

“Okay.” Mu Shi and Luo Wei nodded in response, without asking what happened.

Hao Qiang nodded and went out lightly.

Mu ShiWatching Hao Qiang hurriedly leaving the dormitory, he couldn’t help but sigh to Luo Wei: “Hao Qiang is really a good person.”

Luo Wei nodded in agreement: “Yes, he is straightforward and generous, always considerate and considerate of others.”

Mu Shi looked at the breakfast on the table, thought for a while, and picked up a steamed bun and a steamed bun. He did not eat breakfast and was reluctant to spend money.

Recalling that Hao Qiang bought a few more dishes for dinner yesterday, Mu Shi originally thought that he just ordered too much.

But now it seems that it was actually Hao Qiang’s intentional move.

Among the six people in the dormitory, his financial situation is the worst. His monthly living expenses are only more than 200 yuan, and eating is a problem. He is planning to apply for scholarships and work-study programs to reduce the burden on his family.

These actions of Hao Qiang are actually to support him, and he did not show any sympathy, obviously because he was afraid that he would feel inferior because of this.

A helping hand in times of need shows true love.

Alas, this favor is not easy to repay.

It seems that I can only wait until graduation to express my gratitude with my actual actions.

It was only seven o’clock in the morning, and many shops outside the school were not open, so Hao Qiang was strolling around.

After more than an hour of strolling, Hao Qiang had a general understanding of the number of hot pot restaurants in the surrounding area, which was as high as 25!

Most of them are self-service hot pots, and the price is cheap. You can eat fish hot pot as much as you want for 13 yuan per person, and you can also eat vegetables as much as you want.

Of course, most of the fish species used in these fish hot pots are relatively cheap, such as silver carp or catfish.

The price of roast chicken hot pot is slightly higher, but the chicken used is also the relatively cheap three-yellow chicken.

There is really no good thing when it is cheap!

In fact, the price of more than ten yuan is cheap, but for most students, it is impossible to afford it every day.

Hao Qiang roughly understands the living expenses of several roommates. Mu Shi has the lowest living expenses, less than 300 yuan.

The others are between 500 and 700 yuan.

The consumption level in Yuecheng is higher than other places, so the living expenses of students are also higher than other places.

For universities in western regions, 400 yuan is enough to meet students’ daily expenses.

But if you have a girlfriend and often stay in a hotel, plus the cost of auxiliary tools for committing crimes is not low, 400 yuan is definitely not enough.

In any case, in this day and age, if you have a living expense of 1,000 yuan a month, you must live a comfortable life.

In the clothing stores outside the school, jeans for 20 or 30 pieces and T-shirts for more than ten yuan are of good quality.

While strolling around, Hao Qiang couldn’t help but start thinking about a question: If you open a mid-range hot pot restaurant outside the school, will the business be good?

Most people go to a hot pot restaurant to eat hot pot. If it is too expensive, they will only eat it once at most.

It can be said that the impact of price on consumer choice is huge.

This is especially obvious for the student group.

Once they see that the price is slightly higher, they may choose to leave without hesitation, or even be reluctant to enter the store.

This is why there are so many hot pot restaurants in the surrounding area, and most of them choose low-price strategies, and the hot pot buffet model dominates.

Hao Qiang understands that it is not easy to stand out in such a fiercely competitive market.

However, his ambitions go far beyond this.

His goal is to create a well-known chain hot pot brand like “Hi Di Lao”, go public to raise money, and constantly hone his management capabilities in the process.

In order to achieve this goal, he carefully planned a three-step strategy.

The first step is to open a mid-to-low-end hot pot restaurant, aiming to gain a deep understanding of the operating model of the hot pot industry and to exercise his management capabilities through actual operations.

In Hao Qiang’s view, although profit is important, it is not the primary goal;

but experience and management ability, even if there are losses in the early stage, it is worth it.

Anyway, the profit of opening such a hot pot restaurant in a month is estimated to be less than the reward he gets for typing for a day.

The second step is to open a mid-to-high-end hot pot restaurant to lay the foundation for future chain stores.

If the second step can be successfully implemented, then the third step will naturally be to replicate this successful model and expand the scale of the chain stores.

The plan is like this, but it is also possible that the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

In fact, being able to have several chain stores, even if it cannot be listed, Hao Qiang has accumulated enough management experience and can be considered a success.

“The customer base of Hidilao is actually young people, especially couples!”

Hao Qiang secretly said that among the college students, there are also many children from wealthy families.

When these students choose hot pot restaurants, they are not only to satisfy their appetite, but more to find a place with class, elegant environment and romantic atmosphere to spend a good time with the opposite sex.

In such occasions, they are moreWhat matters is the face and service experience, not just the food itself.

So, the model of Hidilao is not unworkable around the campus, but it is about sentiment and service quality!

Of course, these are all his imaginary analysis.

The result may not be as simple as he imagined.

If doing business is so simple, there will be rich people everywhere.

But countless people dare not take the first step, worrying about gains and losses, worrying about this and that.

Those children of rich people continue to start businesses, fail repeatedly, and one day become business tycoons.

Hao Qiang is not a rich child, but he has a plug-in!

Goldfinger, that’s his grandfather!

If you have no money, you can make money by writing, and your ability is also improving. Isn’t it annoying?

One day, he will become a shining pearl in the business world!

The road is long and the process is difficult. His first small goal of “making one million yuan” is still more than halfway!

At this time, the morning sunlight, like a golden brocade, gently falls on the earth, painting warm colors for the new day.

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