When Wang Chuanfu invited him to visit, Hao Qiang had already started thinking about possible directions for cooperation.

The research and development results of super lithium batteries are Hao Qiang’s trump card. He does not want to make them public for the time being, and it is not convenient to disclose them.

At present, Future Technology Group has cut off BYD’s path to independently develop high-performance lithium iron phosphate batteries, leaving BYD with the choice of purchasing finished products or seeking technical cooperation, such as technology licensing or technology buyout.

Hao Qiang had considered acquiring a stake in BYD through equity exchange for technology licensing.

According to the development trajectory of the previous life, BYD’s stock price rose by about twenty times in more than a decade. This rate of return is not bad, but the cycle is long.

Interestingly, affected by Future Technology Group, BYD’s future market value may not reach the level of the previous life.

At present, BYD’s market value is about HK$30 billion, which is about 10% lower than when Future Technology Group announced its entry into new energy vehicles. Wang Chuanfu holds a stake of between 28% and 30%.

However, even if Wang Chuanfu agrees with the equity exchange, other shareholders may not agree.

In addition to equity exchange, there are many other ways to charge for technology licensing, such as one-time fees, royalties, annual fees, cross-licensing, minimum sales guarantees, tiered rates, and mixed models of the above charging methods.

Each model has its advantages and disadvantages, and needs to be weighed according to the interests of both parties and long-term strategies.

Hao Qiang pretended to ponder for a moment, and then replied: “Yes, the energy density of our lithium iron phosphate battery pack has indeed reached the level you mentioned, or even exceeded it.

Technology licensing is possible. I wonder how Mr. Wang wants to cooperate?”

Wang Chuanfu showed a look of joy on his face and said: “Thank you very much, Mr. Hao. We prefer royalties or annual fees. Of course, we hope that the price can be reasonable.”

Royals are usually between 1% and 10% of the sales of finished products, and the specific proportion depends on the characteristics of the industry, the advancement of technology, the competition and the value of technology.

The sales here refer to the selling price of the battery pack, not the price of the whole vehicle.

If BYD sells this price to other car manufacturers, it will be the factory price of the battery pack, and it cannot be lower than the factory price of Future Technology Group;

If it is self-selling cars, it will be the terminal price of the battery pack, which will be higher than the factory price.

Hao Qiang thought for a while and said, “Mr. Wang, the cost may be relatively high. I am afraid you will find it difficult to accept.”

Wang Chuanfu seemed very sincere: “It doesn’t matter, Mr. Hao, you can speak directly. If it is suitable, we will cooperate.”

Hao Qiang nodded and began to explain the conditions: “My plan is: if it is an exclusive authorization, 5% of the battery pack sales price will be used as a technical authorization fee, which includes technical services and training costs until normal production.

We can discuss the follow-up training and other technical services after production separately. These are minor issues.”

Except for BYD’s large-scale production of lithium iron phosphate batteries, the production capacity of other peers is not large.

As for ternary lithium batteries, Hao Qiang does not plan to authorize them, otherwise the price will be very high and others cannot afford it.

He then added: “It must be officially put into production within three years, and the annual production capacity after production must not be less than 2GWh.

If the annual production capacity exceeds 10GWh, the rate of the excess is 4.5% of the battery pack price, and the fee is settled quarterly.

In addition, the down payment signing fee is 50 million yuan, which can be deducted from the technology licensing fee after mass production.”

Hao Qiang quickly calculated in his mind: According to the pricing standard of Future Technology Group, the ex-factory price of each kilowatt-hour of battery is 833 yuan.

This means that 1GWh of battery production capacity will generate 41.65 million yuan in technology licensing fees.

If the battery capacity of each new energy vehicle is 50 kWh, then each vehicle will need to pay 2082.5 yuan in lithium battery technology licensing fees, which is not a small amount.

In fact, the technology licensing fee is only part of the entire cooperation.

Since the technology of Future Technology Group is used, it is best to buy the corresponding production equipment.

A set of equipment with an annual output of 2GWh is quoted at 300 million yuan, and Future Technology Group will make a net profit of 100 million yuan.

Of course, it is okay not to buy equipment. If BYD cannot be officially put into production within three years or fails to reach the standard through independent research and development, it is not the fault of Future Technology Group.

The money must be paid!

Hao Qiang also made this clear to him.

As for the down payment of 50 million yuan, it is to protect the interests of Future Technology Group and avoid losses caused by the other party not putting it into production after the technology transfer.

After listening to Hao Qiang’s conditions, Wang Chuanfu frowned slightly and sighed that the price was really not low.

After thinking for a while, he asked: “Mr. Hao, what about the technology upgrade part?

Since your company can mass produce”Hao Qiang calmly replied: “Technology upgrades do require renegotiation. The specific proportion depends on the industry characteristics, technological advancement, competition and technological value, but the difference should not be too large.

The equipment does not need to be significantly modified. If it exceeds 20% of the original equipment cost, our company will bear the excess.”

Technology upgrades refer to the same small category of technology. If it is a ternary lithium battery, it belongs to another technology authorization scope.

Hao Qiang did not intend to cheat him, so he made it clear to him.

Some companies did not explain the technology upgrade, and the cost of equipment modification after the technology upgrade was not specified at the beginning.

As a result, the technology upgrade costs additional money and the equipment has to be purchased.

If it is not purchased, the original technology will be outdated.

Wang Chuanfu pondered for a moment, nodded slightly and said: “This matter is of great importance, I need to discuss it with other shareholders. ”

Hao Qiang’s offer was not low, but it was reasonable. At least they were willing to license the technology and reminded him of some key issues that were easy to miss.

However, Wang Chuanfu realized that there were still many details that needed to be discussed further.

For example, after Future Technology Group developed more advanced technology, would this licensing agreement still be valid?

They also have ternary lithium batteries. Will they deliberately not improve the lithium iron phosphate battery technology?

Will Future Technology Group use its technological advantages to lower prices and engage in vicious competition? These are all things that need to be considered.

Hao Qiang expressed his understanding of Wang Chuanfu’s concerns: “Well, yes, this does require careful consideration. ”

In fact, Hao Qiang knew very well that if BYD wanted to make a difference in the field of new energy vehicles, they had almost no choice.

Unless BYD could bypass the patent coverage of Future Technology Group and independently develop lithium battery technology with better performance, they would have to cooperate.

This negotiation not only concerns the interests of the two companies, but also involves the future pattern of the entire new energy vehicle industry.

In the previous life, BYD was the top seller of new energy vehicles.

But now that Future Technology Group has intervened, it’s hard to say.

Wang Chuanfu and Hao Qiang continued to chat for a few minutes, and then left Future Technology Group.

On the way back to the company, Wang Chuanfu was in a heavy mood.

Future Technology Group has more advanced lithium battery technology!

Their company’s lithium iron phosphate battery technology is too different from others.

Alas, the situation is not as good as others!

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