With the matter of Biyadi coming to an end, Hao Qiang finally got a break and turned his attention to several companies he invested in.

Among them, the rapid development of Jingdong Mall is particularly eye-catching.

Jingdong has been constantly pioneering and innovating in the field of e-commerce, and took the lead in launching mobile POS door-to-door card swiping services in the four core cities of Didu, Shanghai, Yuecheng and Pengcheng, creating a precedent in the domestic e-commerce industry.

At the same time, the company has completed the comprehensive layout of 3C (computers, communications, consumer electronics) product lines, and has truly become a comprehensive 3C online shopping platform.

Jingdong’s business territory continues to expand. In addition to the original key cities, it has now extended its tentacles to the Pearl River Delta region such as Focheng, Zhongshan and Guancheng.

The company’s operating capacity is also rapidly improving, with daily order processing exceeding 12,000 orders and monthly sales jumping to 160 million yuan.

The average unit price is close to 500 yuan, mainly because large household appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and TVs have high unit prices and account for a large share.

At the beginning, Hao Qiang’s 70 million yuan financing and 100 million yuan loan injected a shot in the arm for Jingdong. Coupled with his help in publicity, Jingdong’s development can be said to be rapid.

In less than half a year, the valuation of Jingdong Mall has soared to 200 million US dollars, and the growth rate is jaw-dropping.

Regarding the company’s booming development, Liu Qiangdong frankly admitted that cooperating with Hao Qiang was the most correct and luckiest choice he had ever made.

At the same time, Liu Qiangdong also listened to Hao Qiang’s advice and took advantage of the current cheap land prices to purchase some land in first-tier cities as the company’s logistics base.

As for the four lithium battery alliance companies controlled by Hao Qiang, the development speed is not bad. Tianci Materials Company and Yiwei Lithium Energy Company have completed equipment optimization and increased production capacity.

When Future Technology Group announced that it would invest 50 billion yuan in Pengcheng to build a lithium battery factory and a new energy vehicle factory, the founders of these four companies were very excited.

As long as the Pengcheng factory is put into production, the lithium battery alliance companies will get orders.

Hao Qiang told Xu Xin, the founder of Tianci Materials, that even if Tianci Materials expanded a hundred times, it would not be able to meet the needs of Future Technology Group.

Now it seems that this is true.

At the same time, Hao Qiang is also paying attention to his stock situation.

The stock prices of Moutai and Tengxun are still rising, and the floating profit of his stocks has reached nearly 7 billion yuan.

The total value of his holdings has reached 16.4 billion yuan.

According to history, in December, as long as the stock price is right, he will start to consider selling.

Of course, someone has to take over.

The daily trading volume is several billion yuan, and there is no problem for Hao Qiang to slowly sell his stocks.

The night before school started, Hao Qiang stayed at the Coral Bay of Xinghewan near South China University of Technology for one night. This is Han Qingying’s newly renovated villa.

Han Qingying also plans to study for a master’s degree. Her grades have always been in the top ten of her major, so it is not a problem to be admitted to graduate school.

985 university students are very competitive, not to mention Hao Qiang, who is a hanger-on. Han Qingying usually works hard, but she can’t compete for the top three.

The next day, the new students of CUHK registered for the new semester.

In the afternoon, Hao Qiang made a special trip to the school.

He walked around the campus and was soon recognized by the new students.

A bold freshman girl shouted to him: “Uncle Qiang, I like you so much!”

This shout immediately attracted the attention of many students, but the girl didn’t seem to care.

Hao Qiang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and responded: “Call me Brother Qiang!”

“Okay, Uncle Qiang, I was born in the 90s.” The girl replied playfully.

“Even if you are born in the 00s, you can still call me Brother.” Hao Qiang said jokingly.

“Okay, Uncle Qiang, goodbye.” The girl waved goodbye with a smile.

The old students around couldn’t help laughing.

The girl was probably born in 1990, just turned 17, and was the right age to go to college.

Among this batch of freshmen, there are indeed quite a few born in 1990.

Not long after, Hao Qiang came to Academician Xu’s home to visit his mentor and his wife.

Academician Xu talked to him about car manufacturing: “Xiao Hao, making a car is not an easy task.”

“Teacher, I think simply making a car is fine. The biggest challenge is to change the Chinese people’s inherent impression of domestic cars.” Hao Qiang answered seriously.

“Well, that makes sense. Have you considered the price positioning of the car?”

“I want to focus on the range of 300,000 to 400,000 yuan.” Hao Qiang answered after a little thought.

His positioning strategy is very clear: compete with BBA brands, provide higher configuration, but attract domestic consumers at a lower price.

“Oh, this positioning is good. If you want to do it, do it well. Otherwise, how can you change the Chinese people’s concept. When does Pengcheng plan to start construction?”

“I heard from Director Zhou Shi that the land acquisition has just been completed and the leveling work is currently underway. It is quite troublesome to fill some places with soil. It is expected to takeThe construction will not start until the beginning of next year. We will hold a groundbreaking ceremony at that time. If you are free, you can go and attend it. ”

“Okay, I will go. I will also take a look at your new site. By the way, I haven’t been to your company yet. I heard that they are still building an office building?”

“It has just been renovated and is still being ventilated. We plan to move in on New Year’s Day 2008.” Hao Qiang said, “If you are free, you can go there for a walk. It’s not far. I will send someone to pick you up.”

“Well, if I am free, I will go to visit. Your business is getting bigger and bigger!” Academician Xu said with emotion.

While chatting, Hao Qiang received a call from his roommate Li Yunfeng, saying that the class was going to hold a school reunion and asked him if he was free to come.

“Go and do your work if you have something to do. Come and sit down when you are free.” Xu Zhan said with understanding.

Hao Qiang explained: “There is a class reunion in the afternoon. It would be bad if you don’t go. You have to attend it. ”

Academician Xu said earnestly: “Yes, it’s the last academic year, you should cherish the friendship with your classmates. After graduation, the circle is different, and they may not be too embarrassed to contact you again.”

“Yeah, that’s the truth.” Hao Qiang agreed, and said goodbye after drinking tea, heading for the fireworks outside the school.

When he arrived at his own store, the classmates had already sat down to eat melon seeds and chat, and the topic focused on the postgraduate entrance examination and the family’s authorized motorcycle store business.

Hao Qiang led the whole class, so that every student had enough pocket money to spend and could do what they liked. More than half of the students planned to continue their postgraduate studies, and some planned to study abroad.

It seems that Hao Qiang came, and they immediately shifted the topic to interesting things in school, and maybe talked about business.

However, a student with low emotional intelligence still asked Hao Qiang: “Brother Qiang, my family has some savings, and I plan to make some investments. Do you have any good suggestions? If the investment loses money, it is our own problem. ”

“Chen Ming, you are such a bummer. Brother Qiang finally came to the party. Don’t talk about business.”

“It’s okay. You can talk about anything.” Hao Qiang smiled and waved his hand. “Actually, I’m already doing what I want to invest in. Isn’t it obvious?”

“I don’t quite understand. New energy vehicles?” Chen Ming touched his head.

“Stupid, Brother Qiang means investing in Maotai Tengxun and real estate. The media are reporting it.” Fei Yang said contemptuously, “Anyway, I suggested my parents to buy stocks, and I plan to buy another house in Yuecheng.

When Uncle Qiang withdraws, I will let my dad withdraw with him. Anyway, my dad and I don’t understand stocks, but Uncle Qiang does.”

Everyone listened to Fei Yang’s words and felt that they made sense. Their eyes focused on Hao Qiang, waiting for his response.

Hao Qiang smiled and admitted, “Fei Yang is quite smart. In fact, I don’t understand stocks, and I dare not guarantee that I will make money. Anyway, if you lose money, don’t blame me. ”

He carefully avoided giving specific investment advice. If people lost money, they would definitely blame him in their hearts. It is not easy to be a good person.

“What is there to complain about? If you can’t make money, it’s just your bad luck.” Fei Yang said straightforwardly, “How can you not lose money in business?”

“Yes, that’s the truth.”

After listening to Fei Yang’s words, the classmates understood it immediately.

It was because of this conversation that many years later, many of Hao Qiang’s classmates accumulated wealth with these suggestions. Although a few people operated improperly and earned less, they benefited a lot overall.

Looking back on the past, these students all believed that being in the same class with Hao Qiang was the greatest luck in their lives, and directly promoted one or two social classes.

If not, many people might not be able to afford to buy a house in a first-tier city.

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