On the second day of school, Future Technology Group donated 2 million yuan to CUHK for the “Future Scholarship”, and the number of beneficiary students has been expanded to 400.

This year, Hao Qiang’s charity goal is to reach more than 5 million yuan.

Today, Future Technology Group has become a large technology company in the eyes of graduates, attracting many talents with its high starting salary and generous benefits.

This year’s campus recruitment plan covers 500 positions, including 30 doctors, 100 masters and 370 undergraduate graduates, with priority given to fresh graduates from 985 universities.

Hao Qiang does not despise ordinary undergraduate or college graduates, but for talent strategy considerations, the group gives priority to recruiting from top universities.

Xuefeng is also right. Those big bosses do not look down on ordinary colleges, but their companies have never recruited people from ordinary colleges.

Who dares to say that academic qualifications and famous schools are not important?

The median starting salary for undergraduate graduates in 2008 was about 2,500 yuan, while the average starting salary for undergraduate graduates from top universities such as Peking University and Tsinghua University was 5,000-6,000 yuan/month, which is the same as the starting salary of master’s graduates from 211 universities.

Graduates of popular majors such as computer science and electronic engineering have higher starting salaries.

Future Technology Group recruits undergraduate engineering graduates from Hua Nan University of Technology and Zhongda University with a starting salary of more than 5,000 yuan, and promises that the comprehensive annual income in the first year will reach more than 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, and there is also a one-time resettlement subsidy of 20,000 yuan.

What excites graduates the most is that this year’s campus recruitment promotion has added a new benefit of “discounted purchase of group housing”.

The 4,000 acres of residential land purchased by the group in Pengcheng is precisely prepared to attract and retain outstanding talents.

In terms of the introduction of university graduates, Hao Qiang is willing to spend money.

Otherwise, the cost of social recruitment is higher.

A few days later, the school announced the number of senior students guaranteed to study.

Luo Wei and Mu Shi had decent grades, so they were easily accepted after applying. The next step was to choose a supervisor.

Some students had already contacted their supervisors long ago. Since Luo Wei and Mu Shi were roommates with Hao Qiang, it was easy for them to find a famous supervisor.

Supervisors of course like students who are not worried about their employment and future.

In the senior year, after the topic is started in November, it is time to start preparing for the graduation design paper.

Of course, if you have your own topic or project, you can also apply, and you don’t have to choose the topic from the supervisor.

Many supervisors’ topics are mostly topics from their own projects, which makes it easier for them to guide students.

Hao Qiang also couldn’t avoid the graduation thesis. He applied for a double degree. In addition to the major of electronic science and technology, he also had computer science and technology, so he had to prepare two papers.

Originally, Hao Qiang also studied courses in mechanical design and automation, but CUHK did not have this major, so he could only go to Hua Nan University of Technology to ask professors for advice.

For him, who has published several SCI papers, writing an undergraduate thesis is a piece of cake, except that the content needs to be more detailed and the number of words is a bit more.

Hao Qiang didn’t have time to come up with a topic and make a PPT, which was a waste of time. He prepared directly from his company’s scientific research project.

At that time, it is estimated that many people will come to watch his graduation defense, so he can’t mess around.

After Hao Qiang went to school for a few days, he shifted his energy to company affairs.

Monday, September 10.

In the bustling office building, a new week of work officially began.

As soon as Hao Qiang sat down in the office, Jiang Ying knocked on the door and walked in.

She held a document and handed it over respectfully:

“Hello, Chairman, this is the financial report for last month.”

“Well, thank you for your hard work.” Hao Qiang took it and quickly glanced at the content of the report.

In August, Future Motorcycle Company achieved another success, with sales of electric motorcycles exceeding 191,000 units, setting a new historical high.

What is more gratifying is that with the increase in the proportion of exports, F3 sales are good, and the average net profit per vehicle has risen sharply to 1,100 yuan.

The company’s net profit after tax has therefore jumped to 210 million yuan.

After the successful mass production of NCM622 batteries of Galaxy New Energy Company, the production capacity reached 0.34GWh last month, sales revenue reached 283 million yuan, and net profit after tax was about 100 million yuan.

In contrast, although the number of stores of Renjian Fireworks Company has expanded to 34, it has become the business segment with the lowest profit.

However, this is only a temporary phenomenon. The company still has huge development potential, unlike the Future Motorcycle Company, which has reached its end and has no need to expand its production capacity.

After a brief exchange with Hao Qiang, Jiang Ying quietly left.

When the office returned to peace, Hao Qiang opened the writing system.

The numbers jumping on the screen made him secretly happy: his personal wealth has exceeded the 7.8 billion yuan mark.

[Writing System] (2007.9.10)

[Level 8: 2875/50 million]

System LV8: Every 10,000 words written = 20,000 yuan reward

[Wealth: 7.824 billion yuan (including unwithdrawn and uncashed stocks calculated according to the purchase value)]

[Memory: 21]

[Thinking power: 25]

[Appearance: 19]

[Physique: 20]

[Four-dimensional attributes: 85]

[Free attribute points: 0]

Hao Qiang stared at the numbers jumping on the screen and calculated in his heart.

Just wait patiently for another two or three months, and you can start selling stocks in an orderly manner, and easily push your personal wealth steadily to the 10 billion yuan mark.

In contrast, the improvement of the writing system level is the real challenge, and it is estimated that it will take more than two years to jump to level 9.

Nowadays, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to obtain precious free attribute points.

After a moment of silence, Hao Qiang sighed and closed the virtual screen.

Wait a minute, he will interview automotive talents.

Although the company has obtained the qualification for automobile production, it is still a blank sheet of paper, with only him as the “lone commander”.

The automobile manufacturing industry is undoubtedly a money-eating beast.

If traditional automobile manufacturers want to build a new brand and production line from scratch, they will need an astronomical figure of hundreds of billions of yuan as initial investment.

Even electric vehicle startups that adopt a light-asset model need an initial capital of more than 10 billion yuan.

Note that this refers to the initial capital.

10 billion yuan is probably just an entry ticket.

If the direction is not grasped correctly, the more investment, the greater the loss may be.

He couldn’t help but think of Hengda’s previous experience – a huge investment of 50 billion yuan, four years of hard exploration, but ultimately failed to achieve mass production, leaving behind a false joy.

The larger the annual output of the design, the lower the unit cost may be, but the initial investment will be higher.

Of course, if it is only the design of the model, technology development and other work, 1 billion yuan is enough to start the project.

Today, Hao Qiang is just starting the model design work.

He remembers the appearance of the best-selling model in his previous life, but it does not mean that he can design cars.

It just means that he can guide the general direction.

Automobile design involves many aspects, such as the bending accuracy and die difficulty of sheet metal.

The more complex the structure, the more difficult it is to manufacture. It is not possible to manufacture it just by designing it.

Moreover, mass production has very high requirements for bending error and die error. If it is not done well, it will seriously affect the welding and assembly of the subsequent process, and mass production cannot be carried out.

It can be said that even if the automobile engine and motor are not domestically produced, if the production line is independently produced, it is already very difficult to achieve mass production.

However, most automobile factories do not have the ability to independently develop production lines because it is too difficult to achieve stability in mass production.

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