In September, the autumn atmosphere in Yuecheng gradually deepened.

This Saturday, the weather was particularly pleasant, with warm sunshine shining on the city and cool breezes blowing on passers-by.

On such a pleasant afternoon, the Human Resources Department of Future Technology Group held a unique social gathering in the company cafeteria.

To put it bluntly, this was actually a carefully planned blind date event.

Participants included single employees of the company and single women from major local institutions in Yuecheng.

To ensure the quality of the event, the organizer stipulated that the educational threshold for all participants was college or above.

The Human Resources Department took great pains to prepare for this event. In order to attract more high-quality single women to participate, they prepared exquisite small gifts in a unique way, each worth about one or two hundred yuan, and gave them to all female participants who were not from the company.

This measure was effective. On that day, there were more than two hundred single women who came to participate, and about one hundred single male employees of Future Technology Group were present, and the scene was quite lively.

The air was filled with a little tension and expectation, and with the sound of relaxed and pleasant conversation, a hopeful encounter began.

At the beginning of the event, Qiu Xueya, the human resources director of Future Technology Group, walked into the venue gracefully, holding the microphone and opening with a gentle smile:

“First of all, I would like to sincerely thank the beauties from various units for coming to the social gathering of Future Technology Group.

Just now, many ladies asked whether our company’s chairman would attend today’s event. I regret to tell you that our chairman is already in love.”

As soon as the voice fell, a kind sigh sounded at the scene, and then a silver bell-like laughter broke out.

The ladies knew that Hao Qiang was an unattainable existence.

Of course, they also wanted to see the legendary Hao Qiang, who had an extraordinary temperament, but they were a little regretful that they did not see him.

Director Qiu’s joke just relieved the initial tense atmosphere.

Qiu Xueya continued to smile and said: “Of course, our chairman still belongs to everyone.

In fact, I can proudly say that all the single men in our company are elites.

This is by no means an empty statement – to be able to join our company, first of all, the educational threshold is quite high. All of them are undergraduates, masters and doctors from famous universities, and their abilities in all aspects are quite outstanding.”

“Over there in the public notice board, you can check the detailed information of each man, including education, height and weight, hobbies, annual income and photos, and of course their expectations for their ideal partner.

Everyone can find their seat and exchange contact information for in-depth communication.

I sincerely hope that everyone can remain sincere during the communication process, because only a sincere heart can breed a sincere love.”

“Oh, by the way, there is also One thing worth mentioning is that our company has purchased 2,000 acres of residential land in Pengcheng, and is also planning to do so in Yuecheng, aiming to solve the housing problem for the company’s talents.

In Future Technology, as long as the employees have a bachelor’s degree, they don’t have to worry about housing.

In addition, we are investing hundreds of billions of yuan to enter the automotive industry. In the near future, employees can also buy private cars at preferential prices.

For example, our company’s future motorcycle, the F1, which sells for 4,300 yuan on the market, only costs 3,600 yuan for company employees. ”

“Okay, I won’t say much.

I wish you all a good time and find a suitable partner. Please feel free to enjoy drinks, fruits and snacks. ”

After Qiu Xueya finished her speech, she quietly left the scene, leaving space for young people to communicate freely.

Most of the single women who participated in this social gathering were teachers, accountants and government department staff, and each of them had undergone strict background checks.

The employees of Future Technology Group have generous salaries and benefits, which is undoubtedly an important factor in attracting them to come.

Chairman Hao Qiang has always attached great importance to the personal happiness of the company’s employees, so he requires the Human Resources Department to hold such social activities once or twice a year.

For employees, this is undoubtedly a rare benefit, which not only shows the company’s care for the lives of employees, but also provides them with a valuable opportunity to find a life partner.

In fact, Hao Qiang experienced the difficulty of finding a wife in his previous life, so he attaches great importance to such activities.

Alas, it is difficult to find a wife, and it is even more difficult to get married.

The domestic economy has developed, but the betrothal gifts are getting more and more outrageous.

What is even more absurd is that some local banks have launched betrothal gift loans.

In addition, I don’t know since when, a car house has become a standard requirement.

At the social gathering, many ladies gathered around the notice board with great interest, carefully checking the detailed information of each man.

“Maya, 985 undergraduate, 25 years old, height 168 weight 68 kg, likes basketball, has worked for two years, and has an annual income of about 100,000 yuan… I hope she graduated from college, height155+…”

The annual income of any man exceeds 100,000 yuan, and the salary level is staggering.

You have to know that this is 2007!

Many women who originally had a slight prejudice against employees of private enterprises could not help but compare their meager income with embarrassment at this moment.

What is even more amazing is the welfare benefits of Future Technology Group. The company actually bought land and built houses for employees. This “tycoon” style is really enviable.

Now the public institutions want to distribute houses, which is wishful thinking.

Of course, the requirements for partners are also high, with academic qualifications first, and they hope that the other party has a stable and decent job.

Most men graduated from prestigious universities, and many have master’s and doctoral degrees.

Some women present could not help but reflect: In the face of such excellent potential In a partner, can I match him?

At the same time, I feel that working in Future Technology Group is quite prestigious.

Hao Qiang has recently devoted himself to the exterior design of the future ES6, so he has no time to attend any social gatherings.

His knowledge background is quite extensive, but car design is still a new field for him.

Without a solid sketching foundation, hand-drawing car design drawings is indeed quite challenging.

However, he decided to first sketch the future ES6 concept in his mind with a pencil, and then use software to refine it.

This job can also be designed by employees or outsourced, but he wants to design the company’s first car himself.

In fact, the exterior design of a car is generally commissioned to experienced international car designers.

In order to avoid In order to avoid being controlled by others in the future, Hao Qiang plans to apply for patents for some innovative designs.

For example, the hidden door handles that will attract much attention in the future have many types, including electric pop-up, mechanical flip, touch-sensitive, recessed and push-pop-up.

The push-pop-up of GAC Aion Y and Tesla is quite good. Press one end of the handle and the other end pops out for gripping.

The electric pop-up of Lynk & Co 09 is also great and easy to pull.

But no matter what, if it rains in winter and the door handles are frozen, the frozen hidden door handles will cause great inconvenience.

The hidden door handles look good and can enhance the streamlined appearance of the whole vehicle, but they are not convenient to operate.

In fact, the traditional mechanical flip type is the most practical.

In addition , the hidden design also faces many technical challenges, such as waterproof performance and emergency opening mechanism in case of power failure.

After careful consideration, Hao Qiang finally decided to use push-pop-up hidden door handles for the future ES6.

With this in mind, the overall composition of the future ES6 suddenly had a clear direction.

The body lines began to take shape in Hao Qiang’s mind, and the smooth contours and the cleverly integrated handle design complement each other.

Next, he will put this idea on paper and sketch out a preliminary sketch.

Well, the preliminary drawing is really not very good.

Although it still needs to be continuously improved, the unique charm of ES6 has begun to emerge.

Hao Qiang believes that after he draws it with 3D software, a new type of car with both aesthetics and functionality will be born in his hands.

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