In late September, the design team of Future New Energy Automobile Company was formed.

After a recruitment process lasting one and a half months, a total of 45 experienced automotive talents were introduced.

The team covers key positions such as appearance, interior, color and material, digital modeling, clay model making, and user experience.

Generally speaking, the design department of a medium-sized automobile manufacturer is between 50 and 200 people.

Many automobile companies also cooperate with external design companies or hire freelance designers to supplement the internal team.

On the basis of recruiting 45 people from the society, Future Technology Group selected 5 people from fresh graduates, bringing the total number of design team members to 50, which basically meets the current work needs.

For some projects with smaller workloads, the company also considers outsourcing.

Automobile manufacturing is a complex process involving close collaboration of multiple stages and departments such as R&D, procurement, stamping, body welding, painting, assembly, quality inspection, vehicle commissioning, final inspection, packaging and shipment.

At present, the company is in the R&D stage, skipping the details of market research and directly entering the concept design stage.

After the concept design is completed, the engineering design, prototyping and testing phases will begin.

All these tasks belong to the R&D phase.

Hao Qiang is mainly responsible for concept design, that is, creating initial design concepts and sketches.

The specific appearance details are the responsibility of professional appearance designers, who will shape the overall appearance and details of the vehicle.

Concept design is a lot of work, and it is not just a matter of drawing sketches.

Determining design goals and key features is an important part of concept design, such as the design of door handles.

If Hao Qiang had not seen the new energy vehicles of later generations, this detail alone might require long discussions and repeated experiments.

Therefore, after seeing the hidden door handles, Hao Qiang saved a lot of time in this regard.

Concept design also includes hand-drawing preliminary design concepts, making 3D renderings, determining the basic size and proportion of the vehicle, studying the body structure and space layout, planning the cockpit layout, considering the driver’s field of view and ease of operation, and making small models.

For the concept design of ES6, Hao Qiang paid special attention to the impact of battery layout on the body structure and how to integrate smart technology to enhance user experience.

Those online novels say that if you have seen cars in the future, you will understand concept design.

In fact, it is not that simple!

Even someone like Hao Qiang, who has a vision of the future and super thinking ability, can only complete part of the work. Most professional design tasks still need to be completed by an experienced team of concept designers.

Car design is a complex process that requires professional knowledge, rich experience and teamwork. It is extremely difficult for one person to fully control it.

At the end of September, Hao Qiang completed the hand-drawn drawing and simple three-dimensional drawing.

So he held a meeting of the car design team.

At the meeting, Hao Qiang elaborated on some parameters of the future ES6:

“This is a 5-door, 5-seater SUV, about 4.85 meters long, about 2 meters wide, about 1.7 meters high, with an approach angle of 17 degrees and a departure angle of 20 degrees…”

“The motor has been determined. We will use the induction asynchronous motor and permanent magnet synchronous motor that our company is developing. The front 150KW and the rear 210KW… dual-motor four-wheel drive, pay attention.”

“The lithium battery has also been determined. The low-end version has a range of 500 kilometers and the high-end version has a range of 625 kilometers. Remember the weight of the battery pack, 375 kg and 500 kg. This parameter will basically not change. Pay attention to it when designing.”

“It is particularly important to note that the B-pillar here should have a smooth transition with the glass window…”

Hao Qiang elaborated on his ideas for the future features of the ES6 to the team in detail, clearly pointing out which elements are core and cannot be changed and which can be flexibly adjusted.

As Hao Qiang explained, combined with the hand-drawn sketches and preliminary 3D renderings he provided, the team members gradually sketched out the rough model of ES6 in their minds.

During the discussion, an experienced sheet metal engineer raised a key question: “Chairman, the streamlined design of the car body requires a very high stability of the sheet metal raw materials.

If there are differences in the plasticity of different batches of materials, there will be inconsistencies when bending and rebounding, which will bring great challenges to mass production.

With the current technical level of domestic steel mills, I am worried that it will be difficult to achieve.”

Hao Qiang listened carefully to the engineer’s opinions and responded: “I understand your concerns.

Regarding this, I will further communicate with the steel mill and strive to improve the technology.

If it is really difficult to ensure the consistency of the material, we can consider increasing the number of molds., according to the plastic properties of different batches of materials, corresponding molds and bending parameters are used. ”

Hao Qiang knew that the questions raised by the sheet metal engineer hit the nail on the head.

It is indeed a huge challenge to ensure the consistency of complex arc sheet metal in mass production.

This also explains why the body design of many cars on the market is relatively conservative and lacks obvious streamlined features.

This is not because the designer does not want to, but it is limited by the process and the stability of raw materials.

In addition, there is the cost issue.

The more complex the body, the higher the manufacturing cost.

The manufacturing cost of ES6 in the future will definitely not be low, and it is worth doing.

Even if it is a loss, Hao Qiang wants to do it.

If the first car fails, it will affect the confidence of the team.

When the employees see the chairman’s request, it is difficult to say anything.

Besides, the chairman is not an outsider and does not give blind orders.

The team has initially run-in, and it is normal to not know Hao Qiang well and lack trust.

After a few days, the team members became more and more familiar with Hao Qiang’s abilities.

Many of the company’s scientific research achievements were developed by him, and even independently .

It turned out that the chairman was a research geek.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was mid-October.

During this period, Hao Qiang occasionally participated in car design work.

More time, he invested in the research and development of automotive motors and driver assistance system sensors.

In his spare time, Hao Qiang often visited the newly renovated office building.

Although office supplies have been in place and theoretically can be moved in immediately, Hao Qiang decided to postpone the move.

He hopes to give the building a longer ventilation period to ensure the health and safety of employees, and finally plans to officially move to the new address on New Year’s Day.

At the same time, Hao Qiang closely followed the stock market trends.

The share price of Moutai has climbed to a high of around 750 yuan, while his position cost is only around 350 yuan.

Similarly, the share price of Tengxun has soared to around 70 Hong Kong dollars, far higher than his position price of around 25 Hong Kong dollars.

Faced with such a considerable rate of return, Hao Qiang made a decisive decision: “I can’t wait any longer, it’s time to start selling gradually. ”

The number of Tengxun shares he holds accounts for about 4.56% of the total share capital, totaling 850,000 lots, with a total market value of 6.4 billion yuan.

According to his memory, Tengxun’s stock price will reach its highest point before the 2008 financial crisis around November.

Therefore, as long as Tengxun’s stock price exceeds HK$70, he will start to gradually reduce his holdings.

Tengxun’s daily trading volume is huge, usually between 200 to 300 million yuan and 700 to 800 million yuan. He plans to sell 200 to 300 million yuan of stocks every day, with relatively gentle means.

This will allow for gradual cashing out without causing drastic market fluctuations.

As for Moutai shares, he remembers that they are still rising, and plans to start selling at around 850 yuan.

He himself temporarily hired a financial team from the cooperating securities company to help him handle stocks.

This team was also responsible for the purchase.

Watching the system’s wealth grow every day, Hao Qiang was very excited.

It won’t be long before the wealth reaches the 10 billion yuan mark!

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