Hao Qiang was excited every time he sold stocks.

The wealth figures in the account are only virtual, and only the cashed-in wealth is real.

This also explains why the writing system does not recognize unrealized wealth, which is indeed excusable.

October 22, Monday.

Hao Qiang has successfully sold 1 billion yuan worth of Tengxun stocks.

The system wealth has risen from 8.25 billion yuan when the sell-off began to 9 billion yuan, and the system wealth calculation only counts the premium part.

On Tuesday, Hao Qiang continued to sell about 300 million yuan of stocks.

On Wednesday, when the stock price fell to HK$70.1, he temporarily stopped selling.

On Thursday, the stock price rebounded to HK$70.8, and he started to sell again.

As long as the stock price is below the critical value of HK$70, cashing out will be suspended.

By the close of Friday, Hao Qiang’s system wealth had grown to 9.7 billion yuan.

At the same time, he had cashed out about 2 billion yuan from the stock market.

Hao Qiang seized the market high point and gradually cashed out, and also controlled the pace of cashing out by setting a price threshold.

Perhaps this hurt the interests of retail investors, but Hao Qiang did not feel guilty.

The stock market is risky, and investment should be cautious.

The stock market is originally a zero-sum game, and the gain of one party must mean the loss of the other party.

Either he makes money or he loses money.

Moreover, he did not deliberately violate financial regulations, and just cashed out normally.

Having said that, although Hao Qiang tried to keep a low profile, the news that he reduced his holdings of Tengxun shares was still reported by the media, but fortunately, this was only spread in a small range. After all, his shareholding ratio dropped from 4.56% to 3.14%, and this degree of reduction is normal in the market.

Industry insiders speculated on Hao Qiang’s reduction of holdings, and generally believed that this may be related to the funds needed for the construction of the Pengcheng factory.

After all, that would cost 50 billion yuan.

In any case, this interpretation provides a reasonable explanation for Hao Qiang’s reduction of holdings to some extent, which helps to alleviate market concerns.

On Sunday, Hao Qiang came to the school to play basketball.

After the game, a media reporter who had been waiting for a long time came forward to request an interview.

“Hello, Mr. Hao! Can you accept a brief interview?” the reporter asked politely.

Seeing that the reporter had waited until he finished playing, Hao Qiang felt that the other party was very professional, so he agreed: “Yes, but at most five questions.”

The reporter said gratefully: “Thank you very much. Recently we noticed that you have reduced your holdings of Tencent shares. Are you not optimistic about the prospects of this stock?”

Hao Qiang smiled and explained: “This is just a normal transaction behavior. The investment in the Pengcheng factory requires a lot of funds. If it is not for the need for funds, I will hold this stock for a long time.”

“The outside world is skeptical about the future technology group’s car manufacturing project. What do you think of this issue?”

“Time will prove everything. Only by putting it into practice can we know whether it can succeed.” Hao Qiang answered calmly.

“The Olympics are about to open. How do you think our country will perform in the gold medal list?”

“I believe this will be a very successful Olympics. The whole country is united and supports the Olympics. We are likely to top the gold medal list and make history.”

The reporter was a little surprised when he heard this and asked, “Top of the gold medal list is a bold prediction. So how many gold medals do you think we can get?”

Hao Qiang thought for a while and replied, “I’m not a professional. I just roughly estimated that it would be around 50.”

He didn’t want to answer this question, but he thought that if the prediction was accurate, it might enhance his reputation.

After the interview, Hao Qiang’s classmate Zhou Kai asked curiously, “Brother Qiang, you predicted that we would top the gold medal list. Will anyone criticize you for this?”

Another classmate Chen Ming explained, “Zhou Kai, you are stupid!

Brother Qiang is a public figure, so he naturally has to say something positive and optimistic.

If he speaks pessimistically, it will attract more criticism.”

“Oh, that’s it!” Zhou Kai suddenly realized.

Hao Qiang nodded approvingly and agreed with Chen Ming’s point of view.

In this case, we should really express our opinions in a positive direction.

On the same day, Hao Qiang’s interview report was published on the Internet platform.

“Hao Qiang’s bold prediction: China will win about 50 Olympic gold medals and rank first”

The report also described the reason why Hao Qiang reduced his holdings of Tengxun shares and said that he would hold them for a long time.

In the comments under the report, netizens said that Hao Qiang’s guess was too optimistic, saying that it would be good to keep the second or third place, and as for the top spot, he never dared to think about it.

The next day, Hao Qiang continued to cash out his stocks.

That afternoon, his system wealth reached 10 billion yuan, and he obtained 3 free attribute points.

Hao Qiang used it to improve memory and speed up learning efficiency.

[WriteWord system】(2007.10.29)

[Level 8: 29.90/50 million]

System LV8: Every 10,000 words written = 20,000 yuan reward


[Wealth: 10 billion yuan (including unwithdrawn and uncashed stocks calculated according to the purchase value)]

[Memory: 22]

[Thinking power: 25]

[Appearance: 19]

[Physique: 20]

[Four-dimensional attributes: 86]

[Free attribute points: 0]


[Hint 3: The threshold for the next wealth level is 20 billion yuan, and a one-time reward of +3 free attribute points]


Hao Qiang did not specifically test how much his memory could be improved, but he still felt that it had improved.

Seeing that the system wealth finally reached 10 billion yuan, and there were still 20 to 30 billion yuan of idle funds on hand, he felt very happy and a little bit floating.

From the day of rebirth to now, it has been three and a half years.

His status and mentality also changed greatly, from an ordinary student to a domestic celebrity, and one of the top ten richest people.

However, Hao Qiang felt that he still had some behaviors of a loser and the vanity of a nouveau riche.

This thing cannot be changed just because he wants to. The life experience of more than 30 years in his previous life had a great influence on him. Perhaps he will never be able to erase the mentality of a loser in his heart in this life.

His descendants, that life experience is completely different.

In the next few days, Hao Qiang continued to cash out stocks.

By November 2, half of his shares in Tengxun had not been cashed out.

For the first time, Hao Qiang felt that cashing out was troublesome, especially when he thought of the Maotai shares worth more than 15 billion yuan.

On Monday, November 5, the share price of Tengxun rebounded to HK$71.5, and Hao Qiang accelerated the cashing out speed.

When the market opened that day, the share price of Maotai had risen to 840 yuan, and Hao Qiang began to cash out the stock.

At the close of the afternoon, Hao Qiang cashed out more than 900 million yuan of Maotai shares.

When Friday came again, Hao Qiang still had more than 1 billion yuan worth of Tengxun shares left to cash out.

His reduction ratio was too large. Fortunately, he had accepted a media interview before, saying that it was a normal transaction to cash out and invest in Pengcheng Factory.

Otherwise, it might cause panic among Tengxun retail investors.

A few days later,

Hao Qiang finally cashed out all Tengxun shares, with an average selling price of HK$71, cashing out funds of about 6.4 billion yuan, and a profit of 4.14 billion yuan.

On the Maotai stock side, 6 billion yuan has been cashed out!

Hao Qiang has cashed out nearly 12.4 billion yuan from the stock market, and his personal system wealth has reached 15.5 billion yuan.

On November 11, the 2007 Forbes China Rich List was announced in the imperial capital.

Hao Qiang’s ranking and wealth shocked the people across the country.

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