Hao Qiang left the stage and returned to the waiting area for the performance. The artists around him praised him:

“Mr. Hao, you sang so well that I was moved to tears again. Next time I listen to you singing, I have to prepare tissues in advance, haha.”

“It’s a pity that Mr. Hao doesn’t enter the entertainment industry.”

Hao Qiang smiled and exchanged a few polite words with the artists around him, secretly relieved.

He was quite satisfied with his performance and was glad that there were no stage accidents, which would have been too embarrassing.

Afterwards, he continued to watch other programs of the Spring Festival Gala quietly with other artists.

When the Spring Festival Gala came to an end, Hao Qiang and other artists went on stage again, which also meant that the Spring Festival Gala officially ended.

Hao Qiang and his family returned to the courtyard very late, and Ouyang Shaohua asked someone to prepare a midnight snack.

“Ouyang, you’ve worked hard. You can’t spend New Year’s Eve with your family.” Hao Qiang didn’t expect that he did a very delicate job as a housekeeper.

“It’s also very happy to celebrate the New Year with the chairman. It’s the same wherever you celebrate the New Year.” Ouyang Shaohua felt that all his efforts were worth it when he heard the praise.

Hao Qiang smiled and said, “We will go back tomorrow. You should also go back and celebrate the New Year with your family.”

“Okay, thank you, chairman.” Ouyang Shaohua replied respectfully.

The next day, Hao Qiang and his family flew away from the capital.

When he left, he gave Ouyang Shaohua a New Year red envelope. The money was not much, only two thousand yuan, to express his recognition of his work in the past few days.

That afternoon, Hao Qiang and his family returned to their hometown Hualong Village.

Hao Jianjun rarely showed off to the villagers, saying that he was on TV and asked them if they noticed it.

Nowadays, Hao Jianjun no longer shows off his wealth and luxury cars. It feels meaningless. After all, everyone in the village knows that his family is rich. He shows off more spiritual things.

In fact, the camera just swept the audience. There were so many audiences at the scene that it was difficult for even acquaintances to notice him.

On this day, the number of ringtone downloads of the song “Has Anyone Ever Told You” skyrocketed instantly.

His singing not only caused a sensation at the scene, but also set off a wave of heated discussions on social media.

On major online platforms, topics about him quickly became hot searches.

They were all evaluating how well a super-rich man sang, and the products of Future Technology Group.

On video platforms, clips of Hao Qiang’s singing were forwarded crazily, and the number of clicks continued to rise.

In this era of high-speed information dissemination, Hao Qiang’s song seemed to instantly sing the whole country and deeply touched the hearts of countless people.

Music critics expressed their opinions one after another, and most of them praised Hao Qiang for his unique voice and delicate emotional expression.

At the same time, Hao Qiang’s fan base grew exponentially.

In addition to those who already loved him, many music lovers were also impressed by his talent and joined his fans.

This wonderful singing performance not only showed Hao Qiang’s amazing musical talent, but also allowed the public to see the little-known artistic charm of this young rich man.

Overnight, Hao Qiang’s image in people’s minds became more three-dimensional.

Similarly, several programs were hotly discussed on the Internet.

As long as they appear on the Spring Festival Gala, if there is extensive media coverage and heated discussions, even a new artist can become famous overnight.

A few days later, on the morning of the eighth day of the Lunar New Year.

A group of more than ten leaders of the provincial government visited Hao Qiang’s home again, not only to pay New Year’s greetings, but also to inspect the site selection of Lujing Industrial Park.

Since its establishment in 2002, Lujing Industrial Park has developed slowly. Currently, only a few small factories have settled in, and the annual industrial output value is only tens of millions of yuan.

Hao Qiang selected the best piece of land in the park, with a planned area of ​​about 1,000 acres and an estimated land payment of 50 million yuan.

The government compensated local farmers at 35,000 yuan per acre of cultivated land. If it was wasteland, it would be even less valuable.

On the same day, Hao Qiang signed an investment agreement with the provincial government and announced the establishment of Guicheng Future Industrial Company.

The first phase investment amount is 500 million yuan, and the planned construction land is two to three hundred acres.

The company is affiliated with Future Technology Group, but maintains independent operation in terms of finance and human resources.

The new company mainly deals in electric motorcycle parts and derivative products, such as helmets, sun visors, raincoats, waterproof shock-absorbing cushions and other supporting products with low technical barriers.

Relying on Future Motorcycle Company’s annual sales of more than two million units, 1,500 authorized stores and thousands of cooperative stores, it is very convenient to promote and sell new products.

After the two parties signed the agreement, the government immediately started the land acquisition work.

Hao Qiang entrusted the specific affairs to Lin Yan, and he acted as a hands-off boss.

When the news spread, Hao Qiang’s hometown and surrounding areas were boiling, and the villagers rushed to tell each other:

“OldDear friends, our hometown has finally received investment from a big company! No need to go to Yuecheng to work anymore. ”

“I heard that Hao Qiang invested 500 million in the industrial zone, which is a big investment!”

“How many people can be hired? What is the salary level?”

“I heard that the salary of Future Technology Group is very good. When they recruit people, you will know by looking at the poster. ”

The most excited are the families whose land was expropriated.

Although the land expropriation fee per mu is not generous, the families are poor and most families cannot afford tens of thousands of yuan.

More importantly, if the new company recruits workers on a large scale, they will no longer have to go to other places to work. They can work nearby and take care of their families.

Even if the monthly salary is only more than 1,000 yuan, it is much better than staying at home to farm.

For a time, the whole area was filled with expectations and longings for a better future.

As a low-end industry, Guicheng Future Industrial Company’s salary and welfare benefits are definitely not as good as those of the group headquarters, and there is a big gap.

This is not that Hao Qiang deliberately treats his fellow villagers badly, but the profits of low-end industries are meager.

If the company is profitable, he will not hesitate to improve the treatment of employees.

The company’s salary level is roughly equivalent to the average level of Yuecheng factories, and the monthly salary of ordinary workers is around 2,000 yuan. Right.

The welfare benefits are slightly better, with a two-day weekend system, and the year-end bonus is one month’s salary.

Such benefits are very good in the local area, and it is estimated that there will be a large number of applicants for interviews.

Employees are recruited from the local area, so the company’s investment in employee dormitories can be greatly reduced.

The reason for implementing the two-day weekend system is that Hao Qiang hopes that workers in his hometown can have more time to spend with their families and improve their quality of life.

If the working hours are shortened first, the companies that will settle in the future are likely to follow suit.

He does not want to see workers working more than ten hours a day, without weekends, and their quality of life is even worse than that of livestock.

Even for cattle, although the work is hard, at least there is plenty of rest time.

Only by allowing employees to have a decent working environment and sufficient rest time can we bring happiness to the local people, win a good reputation, and his parents will not be stabbed in the back.

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