February 18, Monday.

Future Technology Group Yuecheng Headquarters, 9th floor of the headquarters building.

Hao Qiang sat in a spacious and bright office, leaning on the leather chair by the floor-to-ceiling window, savoring the fragrant green leaves while admiring the factory scenery outside the window.

The indoor air conditioning and heating were turned on just right. He had taken off his coat and was only wearing a soft and comfortable wool sweater.

“It’s 2008, and it’s not far from 512.” Hao Qiang murmured softly.

It has been three days since he returned to Yuecheng. Today is his first day back to the headquarters.

The company has been working for a few days after the New Year, but his affairs are not heavy.

In his spare time, he is first concerned about the progress of the construction of primary and secondary schools in northern Sichuan.

After more than ten minutes, Hao Qiang put down the phone and felt a little relieved.

Some new schools have been put into use, but some projects are still catching up.

According to the contract, he solemnly requested that the last batch of new schools in northern Sichuan must be completed by mid-April and put into use by the end of the month.

Construction companies must not be allowed to delay construction and affect students moving into new classrooms as scheduled.

After dealing with the school construction, Hao Qiang turned his attention to the stock market.

Since December last year, Moutai’s stock price has continued to fall, from a peak of 860 yuan to the current 700 yuan, and there is a trend of continued decline. It is expected that there will be a rebound in January next year.

If you invest at the end of this year, you may have a 20-25 times return by 2021.

Also attracting his attention is Tengxun’s stock.

It has fallen from a peak of 67 Hong Kong dollars to the current 40 Hong Kong dollars, and it is also continuing to fall.

Tengxun’s stock is one of the few stocks that can remain stable or even rise slightly in the upcoming financial crisis.

If you invest in the next one or two years, you may have an amazing return of 60-100 times by 2021.

Hao Qiang secretly decided that once Tengxun’s stock price is lower than 37 Hong Kong dollars, he will immediately entrust the financial team to buy it.

This time, he plans to hold it for a long time.

Considering the difficulty of buying in large quantities from the secondary market, he planned to let the team buy stocks from small shareholders.

He had a hunch that during the upcoming financial crisis, some small shareholders might be willing to transfer their stocks.

An investment of 4 billion yuan can get about 5%, which will become 240 billion to 400 billion yuan by 2021.

“This income, wow, it’s too scary!”

While thinking, Hao Qiang unconsciously showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, his mobile phone rang. It was Qiu Yuqing’s aunt Lin Nan.

“Hao Qiang, you were on the Spring Festival Gala once. The ringtone of the song you sang was very popular. The old record sold hundreds of thousands of copies. Maybe your total income this time will be tens of millions.”

Lin Nan was very excited on the other end of the phone.

“Oh, that’s pretty good.” Hao Qiang replied indifferently.

“From your tone, I can tell you’re not surprised at all.”

“I’m happy, really.” Hao Qiang replied with a smile. To be honest, the income from the song did not stir up any waves in his heart.

“Humph, what a ghost, I know you don’t care about this little money. Okay, I won’t bother you anymore.” Lin Nan said a few words and then hung up the phone.

Hao Qiang looked at the hung up phone and couldn’t help muttering: “Is it that obvious?”

A few tens of thousands are not a small amount!

However, the group’s profit is more than 10 million yuan a day.

Therefore, the income from the song did not interest Hao Qiang.

It is worth mentioning that the Olympics are getting closer and closer, and the song “BJ Welcomes You” has been sung more frequently in the market recently.

When the song was released, Hao Qiang stated that it could be used for free by individuals or organizations, but not for profit.

The Olympic Committee communicated with Hao Qiang and planned to make it into an Olympic theme song sung by 100 singers, and suggested that Hao Qiang sing the second sentence.

Hao Qiang agreed to this without hesitation.

Originally, he was the first to register this song.

Two days later,

February 20th is the day for groundbreaking and sacrifice.
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Hao Qiang chose this day to hold a grand groundbreaking ceremony for the Pengcheng factory.

The total investment of this ambitious project is as high as 50 billion yuan. The original planned land area was expanded from 3,500 mu to 5,000 mu, and the green area of ​​the factory was expanded.

Of course, Hao Qiang bought 8,000 mu of industrial land.

The per mu output value of the lithium battery factory is very high, and there is no need to worry about the per mu investment and per mu tax required by the policy.

Among them, the first phase investment is 18 billion yuan, including the first phase of the battery factory and the new energy vehicle factory.

The first phase of the lithium battery factory covers an area of ​​400 mu, with a planned annual production capacity of 40GWh and an investment of 8 billion yuan.

The first phase of the new energy vehicle factoryThe first phase covers an area of ​​1,500 mu, with an annual production capacity target of 200,000 vehicles and a planned investment of 10 billion yuan. This part of the investment does not include the expenses of the automotive R&D team and the experimental costs.

In terms of funding sources, the Pengcheng government guarantees a loan of 3 billion yuan, Hao Qiang raises 10 billion yuan on his own, and the remaining 5 billion yuan is allocated within the group.

This investment budget is quite generous, especially for lithium battery factories.

With the independently developed production line, the actual investment may only require 500 million to 600 million yuan to achieve an annual production capacity of 40GWh.

If super lithium batteries are produced, the investment amount will be even less.

However, the investment budget in the field of new energy vehicles is full of uncertainty.

If you are lucky, 700 million to 800 million yuan may be enough;

But if R&D encounters a bottleneck, even if 200 to 300 billion yuan is invested, it may be difficult to achieve mass production.

“Investing in cars is too risky.” Hao Qiang sighed many times.

He remains optimistic about the market prospects, but believes that it is quite good to sell 20,000 to 30,000 cars in the first year of the new car’s launch.

In the hearts of Chinese people, making cars can be said to be the dream of many entrepreneurs.

Real estate bosses, mobile phone bosses, air conditioner manufacturers… all want to get a piece of the pie.

It seems that car manufacturing is not manufacturing, but more like the financial industry.

It is true that in the minds of these laymen, car manufacturing is playing with finance: listing to raise money.

But cars involve personal safety, how can we play with them.

Therefore, Hao Qiang despises people who play with financial cars.

Now that he finally has influence in the industry, he will set the threshold higher.

If the quality of the car is not good, he does not plan to supply lithium batteries to these car manufacturers.

In the first phase of the investment, the following buildings are mainly built:

A 38-story office building with an area of ​​2,000 square meters and two underground floors;

Five 20-story employee dormitories, each with an area of ​​2,000 square meters, each accommodating 2,000 employees;

A four-story employee complex, with the first and second floors as employee canteens and the third and fourth floors as entertainment venues;

Complete sports facilities, including football fields, tennis courts, indoor basketball halls and badminton halls;

There are more factory buildings, mainly steel structure factory buildings.

Considering that the project site is far away from the city, Hao Qiang decided to give priority to the construction of dormitory buildings, office buildings and canteens to meet the basic living needs of employees.

Steel structure factory buildings are fast to build and can be started later.

He estimated that it would take about a year and a half for the entire first phase of the project to be put into use.

On the day of the groundbreaking ceremony, the atmosphere was warm under the blue sky.

At around nine o’clock in the morning, guests from all walks of life arrived one after another:

Future Technology Group’s middle and senior management team and two to three hundred employees;

Pengcheng government officials;

Zhongda University leaders and leaders of Hao Qiang’s department;

Hao Qiang’s classmates;

Future Technology Group’s business partners and construction company representatives.

It is particularly worth mentioning that Hao Qiang’s parents came all the way to attend this ceremony, making up for the regret of not being able to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of Yuecheng before.

Qiu Yuqing learned that Han Qingying would attend, and chose not to come with a little complaint to avoid embarrassing Hao Qiang.

As the ceremony preparations began, Hao Qiang and his parents welcomed the guests.

Today is not only the birth of a factory, but also the starting point for Future Technology Group to make great plans in the field of new energy.

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