In March, the Future Technology Group is full of spring and vitality.

The camphor and banyan trees in front of the office building have sprouted new buds, and the tender green leaves are swaying gently in the breeze.

On the ninth floor, in the chairman’s office, Hao Qiang is sitting in front of the computer and typing attentively.

Although he is an entrepreneur with a net worth of tens of billions, he still maintains the habit of typing every day.

“It’s really hard to stick to one thing.” Hao Qiang sighed in his heart.

He reached out and picked up a plump cherry from the exquisite crystal fruit plate on the table and gently put it into his mouth.

The sweet and juicy taste reminded him of the days when he was struggling, and he couldn’t help but sigh: “This fruit is too expensive. I couldn’t afford it in my previous life. Now I finally have fruit freedom.”

Just as Hao Qiang was immersed in the memories of the past, a gentle knock on the door sounded.

“Come in!”

“Chairman, I have good news to report to you!” Qiu Xueya, the group’s human resources director, pushed the door in with a joyful smile on her face.

Hao Qiang raised his head, his eyes fell on Qiu Xueya, and asked calmly: “Oh? What good news?”

Qiu Xueya walked to the desk gracefully and reported excitedly: “The results of the National Technological Invention Award applied for last year have come out.

Our company’s “A New Ternary Lithium Battery Technology” won the first prize of the National Technological Invention Award, “A New Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Technology” won the second prize, and “Ternary Lithium Battery Production Line” won the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award.”

She was watching the live news broadcast just now, and this matter is very important to the group.

Hao Qiang heard this, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes: “This is indeed good news!”

The gold content of the first prize of the National Technological Invention Award is very high, and the weight of the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award is also quite good, which is about the same as the second prize of the National Technological Invention Award.

Qiu Xueya nodded and agreed: “There are only two first prizes for the National Technological Invention Award this year, and our company can take one of them, which is really gratifying.

It’s just a bit regrettable that “A New Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Technology” only won the second prize.”

Hao Qiang said happily: “It is impossible for all first prizes to be given to our company, and there are not many second prizes. It is already very good to get it.

Besides, this technology has no significant economic benefits at present.”

Future Technology Group applied for a high-performance lithium battery technology project, not a super lithium battery.

The selection criteria for the first prize of the National Technological Invention Award are very strict, usually only two or three per year, and some years are vacant.

The second prize is selected every year with at least a dozen and as many as more than 30, but it is also extremely difficult to get.

“Indeed, the second prize is already very rare, and it is very difficult for many companies to get it.” Qiu Xueya agreed.

Hao Qiang smiled and nodded: “Well, this award is of great significance to the company. We finally have a technical honor that can really hold up the scene in the industry.”

The National Technological Invention Award has always been the world of engineering colleges. It is very difficult for companies to win awards, let alone the first prize.

When applying for such awards, colleges and universities prepare sufficient materials and the technology is relatively cutting-edge. Companies pay more attention to economic benefits.

However, the ternary lithium battery technology content of Future Technology Group is extremely high, with international discourse power, directly affecting the national new energy strategy, and at the same time has huge economic benefits, creating high tax revenue for the country, so it is reasonable to win the first prize.

Of course, there are other factors, not just high technical content can be selected.

While chatting, Wang He, who was in the imperial capital, called Hao Qiang to report the good news.

“Okay, Mr. Wang, thank you for your hard work.”

“Well, it’s not hard to attend a meeting. I’m very honored to attend such a meeting and shake hands with the big leaders. Haha, I was in a meeting just now, so it’s not convenient to report by phone.”

Wang He represented the group to attend the 2008 National Science and Technology Awards Conference. Before the award ceremony, the country did not announce the final winners, but only announced them at the meeting.

After the company entered the candidate list, Hao Qiang sent Wang He to attend the meeting.

Hao Qiang doesn’t like to attend meetings. He feels that the meetings are too long and it’s too much trouble to go back and forth.

Of course, the advantage is that you can meet big leaders, and if you win, you can shake hands with several big leaders.

After a brief conversation with Wang He, Hao Qiang asked him to play in the capital for two more days before coming back.

He was the first person to complete the project of “A New Type of Ternary Lithium Battery Technology”, Wang He was the second, and Dr. Tang Shaojun was the third. There were many other participants. Winning the first prize is very useful. It has very strong qualifications and conditions when applying for professional titles, job recruitment, and even applying for academicians.

In other words, Hao Qiang has the qualifications to apply for “Academician” in terms of scientific research achievements, and the other top three are eligible for nomination as academicians.

Of course, if you want to apply for academicians, you need to meet the following requirements:There are many conditions, it is too difficult, not just one or two awards.

Even if Dr. Hao Qiang graduates with more awards, he is still too young to become an academician.

If Dr. Hao Qiang wants to work in a university after graduation, he can start as a “professor” and a national leader with the first prize of this national technology invention award.

For enterprises, there are many benefits.

Enhance the company’s reputation, attract talents, tax incentives, scientific research funding support, improve company valuation, etc.

After hanging up the phone, Hao Qiang thought for a while and said to Qiu Xueya: “When Wang He comes back, let’s hold an award ceremony.

According to the company’s reward system, in addition to the national reward, the company will give another one million yuan to the first prize of the National Technology Invention Award, and 300,000 yuan to the second prize and the first prize of the Progress Award, which will be distributed to all participants.

You should first draw up a plan, and you don’t have to count me in the bonus.”

“Okay, the chairman is really generous.” Qiu Xueya nodded and praised.

The first prize of the National Technological Invention Award is 200,000 yuan, and the second prize is 100,000 yuan.

If the company pays more, the first prize will be 1.2 million yuan.

The chairman does not want this bonus. Even if there are many participants, everyone can still get a lot of money.

On the same day,

the media reported the results of the 2008 National Science and Technology Awards, and two academicians won the highest science and technology award.

At the same time, many media also focused on Future Technology Group. One company won three awards, which was particularly dazzling.

What surprised the media and netizens was that the first person to complete the three projects was Hao Qiang, which made many people think that Hao Qiang was using his status to grab honors.

This situation is not uncommon in companies and universities. Leaders do not work hard when working, but they are very active in applying for awards, grabbing the honors of those who really work hard.

Future Technology Group announced the award on the company’s official website and roughly stated the contributions and main work of the main participants.

For example, Hao Qiang is the project initiator, the person who formulated the project’s technical framework, guided the team’s research and development, and independently completed many core technical issues. He is not just the chairman.

At the group headquarters, employees know that the chairman often stays in the laboratory to solve technical problems with scientific researchers. He is the first person to complete the project, no doubt.

Wang He is the general manager of Galaxy New Energy Automobile Company. He is a doctor from Tianjin University and an electrochemical expert. He also participated in scientific research. His main contribution is to study the electrochemical properties of batteries and improve the energy density and safety of batteries.

This statement is not only for the company, but also for the outside world.

Zhongda also hung a banner to congratulate: “Congratulations to our school’s Hao Qiang for winning the first and second prizes of the National Technological Invention Award and the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award.”

Zhongda students were also surprised when they saw the banner.

Especially for those doctoral students, if they are among the top three finishers of the second prize of the National Technological Invention Award, they will not worry about graduation and future job title evaluation.

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