The next day, Wang He hurried back from the imperial capital.

Although the chairman asked him to have more fun, he didn’t dare to take a leisurely vacation because the company had many affairs.

After returning, he was still worried about how to fairly distribute the bonus.

As the general person in charge of the project, the chairman solved the main technical problems, and it would not be too much to take half of the bonus, but he didn’t take it.

Wang He adhered to the principle of fairness and justice and carefully distributed the bonus according to the contribution of each participant.

For the first prize of the National Technological Invention Award, the allocation amount ranged from 10,000 to 100,000 yuan.

When announcing the distribution plan, Wang He held a meeting and emphasized to all participants: “The chairman is generous. Not only did he not receive the bonus himself, but he also asked the company to subsidize an additional 1.6 million yuan in bonuses. We should be grateful for the chairman’s generosity.

What I want to say is that everyone could not have received such a generous reward.

There are inevitably some deviations in the distribution process, but if anyone feels that their bonus is seriously inconsistent with their contribution, they can appeal to the chairman within three days.

I hope everyone will continue to work hard and create more brilliance.”

Three days later, no one filed a complaint, and Wang He felt relieved. Allocating bonuses is a thankless job.

If he fails, he, the general manager, will be criticized by the chairman.

Time is like sand, quietly slipping through fingers, and two months have passed in a flash.

The 512 incident has passed, and the classrooms built with Hao Qiang’s donations remained intact during the incident, saving tens of thousands of teachers and students.

Future Technology Group generously donated 120 million yuan to the disaster area, including more than 10 million yuan in voluntary donations from employees.

This act of righteousness made Hao Qiang’s reputation soar, and he was hailed as a contemporary “saint”.

Many netizens also said that he could “predict”.

This incident established a noble moral image for Hao Qiang in the hearts of the people, and also won wide praise and respect for Future Technology Group.

During this period of time afterwards, many media reporters wanted to interview Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang refused to answer the reporters’ questions and said to these media reporters: “If you are really so idle, you might as well report more on the scene and don’t have to focus on me. I just did what I should do.”

Hao Qiang’s “indifference” made the media reporters helpless, but they also admired him and dared not write negative reports about Hao Qiang.

Today, domestic and foreign media are praising Hao Qiang, and even Renren Report and YTV have repeatedly praised Hao Qiang’s righteous deeds and preventive measures.

(It is not appropriate to write more about this matter, so far)

The time has come to Monday, June 2.

It was ten o’clock in the morning and the sun was shining.

Hao Qiang appeared in the large lecture hall of Zhongda University. Today, he will defend his undergraduate graduation thesis.

More than a dozen media reporters who had already received the news swarmed in to see what the legendary figure would say and also wanted to take the opportunity to interview him.

The large lecture hall that could only accommodate more than 300 people was already full, and even the corridors in the classroom were crowded with people. School leaders and department leaders were also present.

Undergraduate graduation thesis defense is usually judged by the tutor and two department teachers and asks questions.

Hao Qiang’s thesis was his own topic, without the guidance of a tutor. It was more like an academic report than a thesis defense.

Hao Qiang stepped onto the podium, picked up the microphone, and said seriously: “Everyone, please be quiet, and please don’t squeeze in from outside the classroom. Pay attention to safety.

If there is an accident, I can’t afford it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the venue immediately fell silent, and the students outside the door stopped pushing and shoving.

“Time flies, four years have passed in a flash.

Today is my undergraduate thesis defense. I would like to thank the school for arranging a classroom for me, and especially thank the teachers for their careful guidance and help over the past four years.” Hao Qiang said, bowing slightly to the teachers in the audience, and the audience immediately burst into warm applause.

After the applause died down, Hao Qiang continued: “My first major is electronic science and technology, and my second major is computer science and technology.

Today’s paper report will also be divided into two parts:

The first paper, “Interaction and Integration of Ternary Lithium Battery Distributed Energy and Power Grid”, has been published in the SCI journal “IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid”, TOP in Zone 1, with an impact factor of 10.27;

The second paper, “Ternary Lithium Battery Temperature Sensing System”, was also published in the SCI journal “ISA Transactions”, TOP in Zone 2, with an impact factor of 7.3.

The background of these two papers comes from the ternary lithium battery project that just won the first prize of the National Technological Invention Award.

This project involves multiple technical fields, which just covers the two professional knowledge I have learned, allowing me to make full use of what I have learned and closely combine theory with practice.”

Hao Qiang’s words caused amazement and discussion at the scene:”Damn, the undergraduate paper has been published in the top SCI journal zone 1, awesome, I may not understand what’s going on.”

“Even if it’s in SCI zone 2, the IF is 7.3, which is generally below 5, no wonder it’s top.”

“These two papers are enough for a doctorate degree, but as undergraduate papers, it’s like using a cannon to kill a mosquito.”

“Brother Qiang is so strong, talking about the first prize of the National Technological Invention Award, I wonder if the professor is under a lot of pressure.”

“Many academicians have never won the first prize of the National Technological Invention Award, let alone ordinary professors.”

“I heard that Hao Qiang will continue to study for a master’s degree and a doctorate, how will he write his graduation thesis then?”

Hao Qiang coughed twice, and the scene immediately quieted down.

He opened the laptop on the podium and clicked on the first PPT he prepared, titled “Interaction and Integration of Distributed Energy and Power Grids with Ternary Lithium Batteries”.

Clicking on the second page is the directory page, with a total of seven items, including paper background, problem, problem analysis and other details.

Even if you don’t understand the content, you will have a clear idea in your mind after seeing the table of contents.

The PPT is exquisitely made. There are not many words on the screen, but the combination of pictures and text makes it seem clear to laymen and easier to understand.

At the beginning, many students thought it was obscure and difficult to understand.

Hao Qiang then clicked on a video icon link and inserted a few minutes of video, which mainly talked about the background of the paper.

A few minutes later, the video ended, and Hao Qiang began to talk about why the problem was, what was the significance of solving these problems, and analyzed step by step, and then talked about solutions, actual application results, etc.

After about thirty minutes, the PPT was finally finished, with a total of 25 pages.

Of course, a PPT cannot present all the details of a paper. Hao Qiang just selected key issues for in-depth explanation.

After watching Hao Qiang’s PPT, those senior students were amazed. They didn’t expect that PPT could be made in this way. Most students don’t know how to use the animation “link” function when making PPT.

Then, Hao Qiang talked about the second PPT.

Another half an hour later, Hao Qiang’s PPT report ended.

In the subsequent question-and-answer session, several professors and department leaders asked Hao Qiang a series of in-depth questions.

Hao Qiang answered fluently and clearly, showing his profound academic foundation.

This session gradually evolved into an academic exchange. It was more like asking Hao Qiang for advice than asking questions.

When a media reporter raised his hand to ask a question that was not related to academics, Hao Qiang pointed out seriously: “Please pay attention, media friends, this is a higher education institution!

If you ask academic questions, I am happy to answer them.

But if it is a non-academic question, I refuse to answer it!

Otherwise, it will also delay the precious time of hundreds of teachers and students on the scene.”

After speaking, the students gave warm applause.

The media reporters had to shut up. How could they understand academics?

Although they could not fully understand Hao Qiang’s academic report, through these two super-high-level papers, they could also infer that Hao Qiang played a key role in the ternary lithium battery project, far more than the identity of chairman.

After the defense, President Huang Haiyang walked to the podium and solemnly announced: “Thank you very much for Hao Qiang’s wonderful paper presentation. I have also benefited a lot from it.

This is not only my personal opinion, but also represents the unanimous evaluation of many professors and Academician Xu Zhan present.

In view of Hao Qiang’s outstanding academic performance, after in-depth discussions at the school, it is unanimously agreed that the depth and breadth of knowledge Hao Qiang has mastered has far exceeded the level of excellent masters. He not only has the qualifications to graduate with a master’s degree, but also meets the standards for doctoral graduation.

Therefore, in addition to awarding a bachelor’s degree, the school decided to make an exception and award…”


Before President Huang finished speaking, he was interrupted by the exclamation of the students in the audience.

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