Principal Huang coughed twice, and the students in the audience instantly quieted down. He continued:

“After careful consideration, the school decided to grant Hao Qiang a double master’s degree.

After he completes his doctoral thesis defense, he will be awarded a doctoral degree.”

This decision surprised the students present.

Hao Qiang was able to skip the regular master’s stage and directly enter the doctoral stage.

Of course, judging from the depth of knowledge Hao Qiang has mastered, his level is indeed far beyond that of ordinary master’s students, and he has even reached the doctoral graduation standard.

Principal Huang and several school leaders have considered this matter for a long time. They want Hao Qiang to stay in school for a few more years and get more donations.

But they realized that doing so was too narrow-minded and purely selfish.

After all, Hao Qiang has published more than ten SCI first and second zone papers, and has won the first prize of the National Technological Invention Award. His academic achievements are enough to support a doctoral degree.

President Huang added, “Our school is qualified to conduct master’s degree reviews, but doctoral degree reviews require the participation of multiple peer experts from other schools.”

Undergraduate and master’s degree reviews are mainly based on the opinions of our school’s tutors, while doctoral degree reviews are usually conducted by doctoral supervisors from other schools, and sometimes even blind reviews are adopted.

If it is a blind review, the name of the author and the tutor of the paper must be hidden. You don’t know where your paper is sent, and the teacher there doesn’t know where the paper comes from and whose student it is, so blind reviews are relatively objective.

It is precisely because of the strict review that the doctoral graduation rate is often less than half.

It is excellent to graduate within three years, and most people need four to five years.

Therefore, the gold content of a doctoral degree is generally high, and it is not necessary to pay much attention to the school of graduation.

In contrast, the level of master’s degrees is uneven, which is why Future Technology Group insists on recruiting master’s graduates from famous schools.

Many students in the audience did not understand the doctoral review process, and only understood it after listening to the president’s explanation.

This means that as long as Hao Qiang passes the doctoral thesis defense, he can graduate at any time.

This arrangement by the leaders of Zhongda University is both reasonable and sensible. It is not only fair to Hao Qiang, but also avoids doubts from the outside world.

Hao Qiang did not expect that the school would let him graduate with a master’s degree directly.

“What a surprise!”

Of course he wanted to skip the master’s stage directly, but he could not take the initiative to ask, otherwise the system would identify him as cheating, and then the free attribute points reward for the master’s stage would be gone.

It will take some time to issue the degree certificate, and then he will be able to obtain the free attribute points for the master’s stage.

After the defense meeting, media reporters flocked to interview Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang, in a good mood, gladly accepted.

A reporter asked first: “Mr. Hao, how did you foresee the 512 incident? Many netizens think you have the ability to predict.”

Hao Qiang smiled and shook his head: “I have to say that netizens have a rich imagination.

In fact, I didn’t expect such a thing to happen, and I feel deeply sorry for it.

If it could be predicted, perhaps there would be fewer victims.

The actual situation is that when I went to Chengdu for a tour, I found that the classroom had become a dangerous building when I passed by the school, so I had the idea of ​​rebuilding it.

Huang Jian, the mayor of Chengdu, can testify that he accompanied me to inspect the site at that time.

It happened that I learned that the situation in northern Sichuan was the same, so I planned to donate money to build .

Moreover, not only in northern Sichuan, I also donated to rebuild the dilapidated school buildings in my hometown.

It is worth mentioning that without the strong support of the local government, the plan to repair and build a new school cannot be implemented at all. ”

Hao Qiang added: “I am just an ordinary person, with many shortcomings, and I may make big mistakes. I also have a selfish side.

I hope everyone can look at it objectively. I am not a saint. I hope everyone will not label me randomly. ”

During the snow disaster and the 512 incident, Future Technology Group and Hao Qiang personally donated more than 500 million yuan, which made Hao Qiang’s reputation reach an unprecedented height and was hailed as a “saint.” However, Hao Qiang knows how heavy the halo of a “saint” is.

Once a mistake is made, this personality will collapse instantly and attract countless criticisms.

In contrast, some people who do many evil things will be regarded as good people as long as they do one good thing.

After experiencing all this, Hao Qiang simply chose to deal with it by self-deprecation.

Well, as long as he self-deprecates, it will be difficult for others to blacken him.

“Mr. Hao is too modest. No matter what the future holds, it cannot erase your great contributions in the past,” said a reporter.

“Yes, no one is perfect, and gold is not pure. Just be clear in conscience.” Another reporter echoed.

Many reporters at the scene showed understanding and support.

“Mr. Hao, when do you plan to complete your doctoral studies?” a reporter asked.

Hao Qiang patted his forehead and replied with a smile: “I haven’t got a master’s degree yet, and it’s still a long way to graduate with a doctorate.”

In fact, he plans to spend two yearsAfter completing his doctoral studies, he would just treat it as a degree and get free attribute points.

There are still many people in China who graduate with a doctorate in two years, but there are none who graduate with a doctorate in one year. He doesn’t want to embarrass the school.

A 24-year-old doctoral graduate is really young.

However, there are also many people who graduate with a doctorate before the age of 20.

“Mr. Hao has reinvested in Tencent, and his shareholding ratio has reached 4.2%. Does this mean that you are optimistic about the development of Tencent?”

Hao Qiang replied: “I have always been optimistic about the future of Tencent. Buying or selling is just a normal trading behavior.

Let me make it clear that I really don’t know how to speculate in stocks. It just happened that the company was short of money, so I just sold it and fortunately made money.

If you ask me to do any stock analysis, I really can’t do it. I can’t even understand the K-line now.”

At the end of March, the share price of Tengxun once fell to HK$34.2. Of course, he didn’t want to miss this excellent investment opportunity, and commissioned the financial team to buy a large number of Tengxun shares, as long as it did not exceed HK$36, all of them were bought.

Now, the share price has risen to HK$70.

The financial crisis is coming, Hao Qiang plans to sell some and buy again when the stock price falls.

This buying and selling is expected to make a profit of 20 to 30 billion yuan.

In contrast, the stock price of Moutai continues to fall.

Hao Qiang has earned hundreds of billions of yuan in the stock market and is known as the “God of Huaguo Stocks”. Many retail investors follow suit.

Of course, some retail investors and institutions choose to go against him, just because they don’t believe in evil.

In a few days, Hao Qiang will go to Hong Kong City to watch the financial team he entrusted to lend securities.

Next, Hao Qiang answered many questions. Many reporters asked Hao Qiang about his love affairs, but he directly avoided these sensitive topics and refused to answer.

Half an hour later, Hao Qiang ended the interview with reporters and left Zhongda.

When he returned to the company, Qiu Yuqing called him: “Brother Qiang, I heard that you graduated with a master’s degree?”

“It spreads quickly in school. By September this year, I will be a doctoral student.” Hao Qiang smiled.

“Humph, you actually graduated with a master’s degree two years earlier than me, so abominable.”

“Hehe, you’ve become a junior from a senior.”

“You’re so conceited. No matter how powerful you are, you still fall under my spell.”

“Haha, dying under my spell, being a ghost is also romantic, it doesn’t matter.”

“What do you want to eat tonight? I’ll make it for you.”

“Whatever, seafood and abalone are also fine.”

“Brother Qiang, you’re so mean. I won’t chat with you anymore. I have something else to do.”

Hao Qiang looked at the phone being hung up and grinned. He just said it casually, but Qiu Yuqing thought about it the wrong way. He really wanted to eat seafood.

More than ten minutes later, he returned to the company’s headquarters office to plan for the financial crisis.

Today is June 2nd, and he will officially graduate in early July. The school will issue a graduation certificate and a degree certificate.

After graduating from a 985 master’s degree, he will receive 5 free attribute points, which will not be far from the level 7 technology store this time.

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