Financial institutions usually set limits on leverage for risk control.

In general, the leverage ratio of bond pledge repurchase and securities lending does not exceed 2 times.

It is not easy for Hao Qiang to obtain 5 times leverage when the current financial system is not yet perfect.

After the financial crisis, the leverage ratio was adjusted to a maximum of 2 times.

Futures and index leverage are another matter. Due to their small fluctuations, the risk of high leverage is relatively controllable.

Hao Qiang used five times leverage for securities lending, which means that if the stock price rises by more than 20%, he needs to add margin, otherwise he will face the risk of liquidation.

Therefore, even if there is an opportunity to obtain a higher leverage, Hao Qiang dare not use it rashly.

It is normal for the US stock market to rise by several points or even more than ten points in a single day. At this moment, Hao Qiang hopes that the stock will not rise too sharply, and he also hopes that the stock price will be at a higher position when selling.

He used $1.5 billion to raise valid securities or stocks worth $7.5 billion, plus $1.5 billion in margin (margin can be used for operations, such as short selling or buying stocks, but it is also placed in the brokerage account and cannot be withdrawn temporarily, and the conversion rate is calculated irregularly), which can operate stocks worth $9 billion.

According to this calculation, if the stock can be sold for about $10 billion, it will be Hao Qiang’s ability.

But if it exceeds too much, additional margin will be required.

For the next three days, Hao Qiang stayed in the operation room, supervising the team’s operations and learning at the same time.

If it fails, it may lose tens of billions of yuan;

If it succeeds, it may earn tens of billions of dollars, which exceeds his current net worth.

This does not include the bottom-fishing operation he planned.

If you can bottom-fish with tens of billions of funds and hold it for one or two years, the income will easily exceed the 100 billion yuan mark.

“Mr. Hao, you have borrowed about $2 billion so far, and sold $650 million worth of stocks when the stock price was high.” Manager Zhang reported to Hao Qiang.

He didn’t know why Hao Qiang had the confidence to bet on these stocks to plummet, but judging from the performance in recent months, they tended to stabilize, with individual stocks falling slightly.

However, the interest rate for securities lending is not low. With $7.5 billion borrowed, the interest for half a year will be about $300 million, which is not a small amount.

Adding other transaction fees and costs, if the profit is less than $320 million, it will be a loss.

Hao Qiang solemnly reminded: “Well, all stocks must be sold before July 20. I don’t want to have more dreams at night.”

“Okay, let’s speed up a little bit.” Manager Zhang nodded.

Hao Qiang stayed for a few more days, borrowed a total of $6 billion and sold a total of $2.5 billion in stocks.

It’s easy to borrow, but stocks can’t be sold too quickly.

June 14, Saturday.

Hao Qiang left Gangcheng. There were still things to deal with in the company, and he couldn’t stay in Gangcheng all the time.

After returning to Yuecheng, Hao Qiang accompanied Han Qingying for two days.

Han Qingying is working on her undergraduate graduation thesis, and the topic of the thesis is the official website and server of Future Technology Group, which she has always been responsible for managing.

Through the official website, consumers can also purchase products of Future Technology Group.

Of course, when Han Qingying writes a thesis, she will leave aside some core business and it is impossible to expose it to the public.

Hao Qiang also studies computer science and often discusses professional matters with Han Qingying.

“Brother Qiang, compared with you, I feel that I have learned for four years in vain.” Han Qingying was hit by Hao Qiang every time and doubted her learning ability.

Hao Qiang said happily: “I have a master’s degree in computer science, and my technical level is comparable to that of a doctor. You are asking for trouble by comparing with me.”

“Humph, bragging, you have only studied for two years.” Han Qingying knew that Hao Qiang’s level was high, but she just didn’t want to admit it.

“Your husband is good at everything, whether in bed or under the bed, there is no way.” Hao Qiang held her face and kissed her.

In four years, Han Qingying has lost her immaturity and innocence, her face has become more charming, her body has become more round, more beautiful and more elegant.

“Oh, I’m discussing technical issues with you, but you’re just thinking bad things.”

“It’s also a technical issue. The backward compatibility of your backend is a little poor, and it needs to be adjusted…” Hao Qiang said, and then he picked up Han Qingying and put her on the sofa and pressed the automatic curtains.

Han Qingying’s villa is where only the two of them live. The privacy is excellent. No one disturbs them. They can shout as much as they want and exchange ideas freely.

If they are in a suite, they are either afraid of being heard by the neighbors next door or the neighbors upstairs and downstairs.

I have to say that single-family villas are so good.

Half an hour later, the two finished discussing the backend compatibility issue and took a bath.

The weather outside was too hot, and neither of them wanted to go out, so they stayed in the house. Han Qingying was perfecting her graduation thesis, which would be in a few days.Defense.

Hao Qiang sorted out the car system and typed the code.

“Brother Qiang, did Wu Hai open a dental hospital?”

Hao Qiang replied: “Yes, it’s been almost a year, and the business is pretty good. Several classmates in the class followed him, and that guy is living a good life now.”

Han Qingying recalled: “Isn’t it all because you encouraged them to apply for dentistry back then? Seven or eight classmates in the class followed your advice.”

“Don’t underestimate this industry, the profit margin is very high, Wu Hai made money in the first year, at least 500,000 yuan. Now that he is famous, the business is getting better and better, and he is very busy on weekends.”

“Wow, so much money.” Han Qingying exclaimed.

“Well, in fact, computer science is not bad, but some majors may face career bottlenecks or even unemployment risks if they fail to be promoted to management after the age of 35.”

“I didn’t know the industry situation when I applied for the exam, and I just applied blindly.” Han Qingying admitted that when she applied for the computer major, she really didn’t know what was going on in the industry, and no one gave her guidance.

“This is normal.” Hao Qiang explained, “Our county is relatively closed to information, and high school students don’t know much unless there is someone at home to guide them.”

“I heard from the teacher that there are fewer repeaters this year than when we were there, but there are still some who repeat for two or three years.”

“The best way out for rural students is to go to college, to key universities.

You see, our company now recruits undergraduates only from 985 universities, and they have to be in the right majors.

It will be more and more difficult to find a job in the future, but no matter what, it is better for college students to find a job than to work hard.” Hao Qiang said, “Repeating for two or three years is nothing. There is a buddy in Beihai who repeated for eight years and was determined to go to Qinghua.”

“Ah, repeating for eight years, he is really determined.”

Hao Qiang thought: “Yes, maybe for some people, more than ten years is worth it. As long as you can achieve If you can achieve your goal, time doesn’t seem to be that important. ”

“But is it worth it?” Han Qingying asked doubtfully, “Even if you pass the exam, you will be older after graduation.”

Hao Qiang smiled and replied: “Everyone has different choices. As long as it is not illegal, people can do whatever they want.

To be honest, I admire this spirit of persistence.”

“If you have such a graduate, would you recruit him into your company?”

“I admire his perseverance, but I won’t recruit him into my company.” Hao Qiang shook his head and said, “Since he doesn’t listen to advice and is out of touch with society, he must bear the consequences of society not accepting him.

Of course, even if he has a good future, he will still not be recruited.”

Hao Qiang rarely talked to Han Qingying about the college entrance examination that had just ended. At around 6 o’clock in the afternoon, the two drove to their own hot pot restaurant in Zhengjia Plaza to eat hot pot.

He hasn’t been here for a while, and now the number of Renjianyanhuo stores has reached more than 50.

After the financial crisis, he will start financing next year and prepare for listing.

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