Monday, June 16.

Hao Qiang met with Liu Qiangdong at the group headquarters.

More than a year has passed since the financing in March 2007.

The 70 million yuan raised by Jingdong Mall, plus the 100 million yuan loan, has now been fully used up.

Despite this, Jingdong’s development momentum is rapid: the daily order processing volume has exceeded 28,000 orders, the monthly sales have jumped to 300 million yuan, and the valuation has soared to 600 million US dollars, attracting the attention of many investment institutions.

Before making the next decision, Liu Qiangdong hopes to hear Hao Qiang’s opinion first.

“Please sit down.” Hao Qiang looked at Liu Qiangdong, who was in high spirits, and couldn’t help but smile.

His appearance is quite similar to the later time.

A year ago, Liu Qiangdong was in a low mood when talking about the current situation of the company.

“Mr. Hao, your office building here is really magnificent.” Liu Qiangdong shook hands with Hao Qiang with both hands before sitting down.

Hao Qiang has made an indelible contribution to the development scale of Jingdong today.

You know, before the financing, Jingdong’s annual revenue was only more than 10 million yuan.

“It’s okay. When Jingdong develops, we can also build our own office building.” Hao Qiang laughed heartily, “In recent years, I suggest buying more land in first-tier cities. Now the land price has risen too fast.”

“Yes, the land price has risen too fast in the past year. Fortunately, I listened to your advice last year.

However, the funds are limited. I only bought a few pieces of industrial land as a logistics center, and the delivery efficiency is much faster.”

“170 million yuan can be used for so long, which is already good.” Hao Qiang commented.

“To be honest, I am really short of funds now. I have to discuss it with Mr. Hao.” Liu Qiangdong smiled slightly embarrassedly.

“That’s easy to say. I will raise funds again.

For the next round of C round, I suggest introducing new partners and strategic investors.” Hao Qiang poured Liu Qiangdong a cup of tea and said, “How much money do you estimate you will need in the next one or two years?”

“At least 500 million yuan.” After Liu Qiangdong finished speaking, he handed Hao Qiang a development plan.

Hao Qiang carefully read the plan, which included the company’s current revenue and profit, personnel and technical level, market share, etc., as well as the company’s valuation and the funds required for each project.

After reading it, Hao Qiang said: “Okay, no problem, let’s follow this plan.

But 500 million is a little less. I suggest raising 750 million yuan and holding 15% of the shares. How about it?”

“Okay, thank you very much, Mr. Hao.” Liu Qiangdong accepted it happily, although he originally only wanted to raise 500 million yuan.

More funds are also good, so as not to worry about funds again.

In this way, the shareholding ratio of the Jingdong team was diluted from 60% to 51%, and Hao Qiang’s personal shareholding ratio reached 49% (15%+40%*(1-15%)).

The pre-investment valuation of this round of financing is 4.25 billion yuan, about 616 million US dollars.

“Well.” Hao Qiang nodded, “Mr. Liu, I have a few suggestions, I hope you will pay attention to them.”

“Mr. Hao, please go ahead.”

Liu Qiangdong immediately took out a notebook from his briefcase, his expression focused. He has always cherished the opinions of this business giant.

“’s biggest rival is undoubtedly Taobao, and Gome and Suning are not a concern.” Hao Qiang said, “Taobao has several advantages, including many merchants, early launch, strong capital, and a powerful weapon, online payment.

It is not easy to defeat it, but there are also many disadvantages.

The most prominent one is the proliferation of counterfeit goods.

I expect they will launch a genuine guarantee plan to deal with it, but this is difficult to cure the stubborn disease of small merchants selling counterfeit goods.

If Jingdong wants to win, the key lies in improving service and product quality, and can vigorously develop self-operated business.

The self-built logistics system is Jingdong’s trump card, which can be used to the extreme, which requires the construction of more logistics centers.

Jingdong can carry out shopping festival activities and focus on seizing mobile e-commerce market. If the time is right in the future, we may consider expanding the rural market in counties and towns, launching home services and financial services.

I personally believe that by strictly controlling the quality of services and products, we can retain customers…

Of course, the above is my personal suggestion. Whether it is appropriate or not, your team still needs to conduct in-depth analysis and weighing. ”

Liu Qiangdong gained a lot after listening to Hao Qiang’s words, and asked: “Mr. Hao, the issue of online payment is also quite difficult for us at present.”

Hao Qiang reminded: “Jingdong still needs to have its own online payment software. The key is to improve user stickiness. With the rapid development of smart phones, this aspect cannot be ignored. ”

Next, the two had an in-depth exchange on many issues.

Two days later, the two parties formally signed a financing agreement and announced the news to the public.

This news did make Jingdong’s competitors Taobao, comprehensive B2C websites, home appliance chain stores Guomei and Su NingzhenSurprised.

Raised again!

In November last year, Alibaba’s B2B business was listed in Hong Kong, raising $1.7 billion.

Now Taobao occupies the vast majority of the market share, and Jingdong is slowly encroaching and dividing it, which is what Alibaba does not want to see.

Hangzhou, Alibaba’s headquarters.


“Why does Hao Qiang like to invest in Jingdong!”

Boss Ma sighed after reading the news that Hao Qiang raised funds for Jingdong.

Before, he never took Jingdong seriously.

However, since Hao Qiang raised funds for Jingdong, Jingdong has taken off like a rocket.

Alibaba has also been seriously affected, and has fallen from a high of 39.95 Hong Kong dollars at the beginning of the year to the current 25 Hong Kong dollars, with a market value of more than 10 billion US dollars.

What Boss Ma does not know is that according to historical development, affected by the global financial crisis, the stock price fell sharply in the second half of 2008, even falling to about 4 Hong Kong dollars, with a market value of only 3 billion US dollars.

Of course, Jingdong’s valuation could not escape the bad luck.

However, Hao Qiang believes that this is precisely a great opportunity for Jingdong’s development.

For Hao Qiang, it doesn’t matter if the valuation drops. The fixed assets are not much reduced. As long as the customer growth and traffic are achieved, it is a good thing.

Hao Qiang did not inject the 750 million yuan of financing this time all at once.

He first invested 100 million yuan to maintain operations, and then slowly planned when the financial crisis came.

On the side of Boss Ma, after reading the news, he held a high-level meeting to analyze how to deal with the rise of

If it is allowed to develop, there will be a strong competitor.

Finally, it was decided to continue the price war in the field of 3C electronic products.

Just two days later, Taobao launched an online 3C electronic product discount event.

Jingdong was not willing to lag behind. It was not the first or second time to fight a price war. In the past two years, it has been fighting with Guomei and Su Ning.

Hao Qiang didn’t care when he learned that Jingdong was fighting a price war with its competitors.

He knew that this price war would be protracted, and the competition was about who could hold on to the end.

In fact, it is not good for either side.

From another perspective, it is a good thing for the people.

Online shopping is not as popular as it will be in the future, otherwise physical stores will not be able to operate.

Hao Qiang cannot stop the development of online shopping, nor does he intend to stop it. He can only do his best to do something conscientious for the people within his ability.

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