Hao Qiang spent a long time absorbing the three new technologies.

The company is currently developing the car system “Future 1.0”.

Based on the current computer hardware level, according to Hao Qiang’s performance test standards, the score of Future 1.0 is around 2000 points.

However, after integrating the newly acquired intelligent car system technology, he is confident that the performance can be improved to 4000 points under the same hardware conditions, and even 5000 points.

This made him realize that the car system he developed before had serious shortcomings.

Must be reconstructed!

After absorbing the software technology of the 7-level store, Hao Qiang’s core skills such as software design ability, algorithm and data structure application, database technology, programming language, development tool use and front-end development have made a qualitative leap.

For example, in terms of programming language, Hao Qiang is now able to skillfully use Java, Python, C++, JavaScript and other mainstream programming languages.

Despite this, he is also clearly aware that he still has shortcomings in some technical fields.

Fortunately, he has a solid basic knowledge of computer majors, which provides strong support for him to quickly master new technologies.

After successfully acquiring the technology of the Level 7 Technology Store, Hao Qiang decided to give himself a short break and planned to spend more time with Han Qingying.

Han Qingying is currently pursuing a postgraduate degree, with a relatively light workload, and her main focus is still on the work of the Future Technology Group website.

In September, the autumn in Yuecheng is getting stronger.

At night, the breeze blows gently, bringing a hint of coolness, making people feel comfortable and cozy.

After Hao Qiang and Han Qingying finished their gymnastics, they lay down at the head of the bed to rest.

He always wanted to tell Han Qingying about Qiu Yuqing, but he just didn’t know how to start.

In the middle of the night, Hao Qiang had a nightmare.

When Han Qingying knew the truth, he jumped off the building and committed suicide, and Qiu Yuqing felt guilty about it and suffered from depression.

“Qingying, don’t!”

Hao Qiang’s shouting in the dream woke himself up and also startled Han Qingying who was sleeping beside him.

Han Qingying gently turned on the bedside lamp and saw Hao Qiang’s eyes were red and full of tears. She asked with concern: “Brother Qiang, what’s wrong? Did you have a nightmare?”

“Yes, I had a nightmare and felt deeply guilty.” Hao Qiang nodded and hugged Han Qingying tightly, “It’s great that you are here!”

Han Qingying was hugged tightly by Hao Qiang and didn’t let go for a long time.

Looking at her like a child, he stroked his head and asked softly: “Can you tell me?”

“I dreamed that I cheated on you, you were heartbroken, and then… jumped off the building.” Hao Qiang took a deep breath and tried to test her reaction first.

He was really afraid of what happened in the dream.

Han Qingying didn’t expect it to be such a dream, and couldn’t help laughing: “I’m not here now.”

However, Hao Qiang’s words made her imagine what would happen to her if Hao Qiang really cheated on her.

She hadn’t thought about this problem.

As for jumping off the building?

It shouldn’t be so extreme, she still has her grandmother.

“Qingying, promise me that no matter what happens in the future, don’t think too much, okay?”

“No, at most I will ignore you in the future.” Han Qingying’s eyes flashed with a cunning, and she snorted.

Hao Qiang kissed her forehead lightly, and then said solemnly: “In my current position, I don’t know if I will make mistakes or be tricked one day.

But no matter what, my heart for you will never change.”

Han Qingying looked at his serious expression and nodded slightly: “Well, I understand.”

If something like that really happened, she might understand, but she would definitely be sad.

Hao Qiang hugged her and said faintly: “Standing in my current position, it’s lonely at the top.

Except for my parents and wife, there is really no one I can completely trust.

Even the best friends can’t be completely trusted.”

Although Hao Qiang trusts Han Qingying and Qiu Yuqing very much, there are some things that should not be said.

Han Qingying listened quietly. She also realized that as Hao Qiang’s status improved, the pressure and challenges he faced also increased.

At this moment, she was more determined to be Hao Qiang’s strong backer and not to make trouble.

“This time I borrowed 16.2 billion US dollars in US stocks. If this operation is successful, my wealth will reach a new height.

If I lose money, it will have a slight impact on my career, but it will not hurt the foundation.” Hao Qiang continued, “I mentioned this to you to let you know that our family will not be able to go abroad in the future, especially North America.

Especially after the Future Group has mastered many advanced technologies.

I am afraid that if I go out, I may not be able to come back.

In addition, you should also pay attention to your personal safety. There are many kidnapping cases these days.

I plan to giveYou arrange two female bodyguards to follow you around.

Under normal circumstances, they will not interfere with your daily life and will just follow you as passers-by. ”

Han Qingying was surprised by what Hao Qiang did, but she did not realize the darkness of society, especially between countries.

“Brother Qiang, I have no objection to the bodyguards.” Han Qingying said, “To be honest, you are already very rich and you can’t spend it all in your lifetime. There is no need to take such a big risk.”

“If we only spend it ourselves, and if the children don’t mess around in the future, it will indeed be too much.

But if we do big things, it is far from enough.

We are now making new energy vehicles, and in the future we will make semiconductors and chips, each of which will cost hundreds of billions of yuan.

Now we are at this height, it is no longer a family matter, but it is related to the family life of tens of thousands of employees, and we can’t come down. ”Hao Qiang smiled slightly, “Besides, I plan to build my own family, and having money alone is not enough. ”

Han Qingying opened her mouth slightly, she didn’t expect Hao Qiang to be so ambitious.

Of course, he has the capital now.

In other words, wouldn’t it be necessary to have many children?

“After you graduate with a master’s degree, let’s get married and have children, how about that?”

“Well, I’ll listen to you.” Han Qingying’s face was full of happiness, “I want twins.”

“That depends on luck, it’s not something you can have just because you want it.”

“You won’t have them all the time, will you? Will your uncle and aunt favor boys over girls?”

“At least two, our family has such a big fortune, there must be a successor.

It’s normal for the older generation to favor boys over girls, but they won’t pursue it deliberately. My parents really want to have a sister, but they were not allowed to have them in that era.”

“Well, I understand. ”

Hao Qiang changed his position and hugged her. He still didn’t confess to Han Qingying about Qiu Yuqing tonight.

Take it slow, let her buffer first, at least she should be mentally prepared.

Two days later,

Hao Qiang has been paying attention to the news of Lehman. Its stock price plummeted again, falling to $3.65 (the historical high of $86.18), and its credit rating was downgraded.

Other banks refused to trade with Lehman.

On September 13, the US government refused to directly rescue Lehman.

This also means that Lehman has no more retreat.

On September 15, Lehman filed for bankruptcy.

In the final analysis, the company’s collapse was due to its investment in a large number of high-risk subprime mortgages during the subprime mortgage crisis, as well as high-risk investments, excessive leverage, and liquidity crises.

For example, excessive leverage. In 2007, Lehman Brothers’ leverage ratio was as high as 31:1, which means that every $1 of equity supported $31 of Assets.

The company’s total assets reached $691 billion, while its equity was only $22 billion.

This means that when the value of assets falls (that is, the depreciation of $691 billion in assets is too great), the company’s net assets are quickly eroded, and even indebted.

At the same time, this year, the real estate market collapsed, and the company was forced to sell assets at low prices to raise cash, further exacerbating the deterioration of the balance sheet.

In September 2008, Lehman Brothers’ short-term debt reached $200 billion.

In fact, debt is easy to say.

However, if peers refuse to trade, then there will be no liquidity, the stock price will continue to fall, a vicious cycle, and finally there will be no cash to maintain operations.

In other words, those creditors came to redeem the cash, and Lehman could not take it out.

In this case, it would be strange if there was no thunder, and it could only file for bankruptcy.

Its historical development is consistent!

This also made Hao Qiang breathe a sigh of relief.

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