On September 15, Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy and collapsed.

This news was like a bombshell, spreading rapidly among the global media.

For ordinary people, the name “Lehman Brothers” may still be unfamiliar, and most Chinese have never heard of it, and even thought it was a movie company or a toy company.

However, when the media reported that this was the fourth largest investment bank in the United States with total assets of 600 to 700 billion US dollars, people realized the seriousness of the situation.

At first, many Chinese people still held a gloating mentality and hoped to see more American financial giants fall.

Little did they know that this financial crisis was about to sweep the world, and almost no country could be spared.

The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers was like the first domino, triggering a series of chain reactions.

In the stock market, panic spread like wildfire.

On that day, investors sold stocks one after another, causing many stock prices to plummet.

Market liquidity shrank sharply, but trading volume increased dramatically.

In the early stages of the crisis, major shareholders were still trying to save the market and barely supported it for a few days.

However, the situation quickly got out of control.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged for several consecutive days, with the decline hitting new highs and frequently breaking the 100-point mark.

The S&P 500 and Nasdaq also saw double-digit declines.

In Gangcheng, Huang Qi, general manager of the Gangcheng branch of Guosen Securities, was shocked by the news in the past few days.

“Oh my God, the US stock market is going to collapse!” Huang Qi exclaimed, “How did Mr. Hao foresee all this?

He borrowed so many securities, it’s amazing!”

“It’s a pity that all financial institutions have suspended the securities lending business and sold stocks one after another. It’s difficult to borrow securities.” Huang Qi sighed.

At the same time, members of Hao Qiang’s financial team had just finished their vacation.

They were all shocked to see the latest news.

Manager Zhang called Hao Qiang excitedly: “Mr. Hao, the US stock market has plummeted!

All the stocks we borrowed have plummeted!”

Hao Qiang seemed unusually calm: “Well, I know.

Continue to pay attention to the situation and wait for instructions at any time.”

“Understood, Mr. Hao.” Manager Zhang replied respectfully.

This time, Hao Qiang seemed to have made the right bet again, and a bumper harvest was inevitable.

Hao Qiang promised the team that if the profit was considerable, dividend settlement would be made early next year.

Manager Zhang immediately called the team back to work and closely followed the trend of US stocks.

In the following days, the financial market changed suddenly.

On September 29, the Dow Jones Industrial Average recorded the largest single-day drop in history, plummeting 777.68 points.

The credit market was frozen, and corporate financing was difficult.

The stock prices of large financial institutions plummeted, some of which fell by more than 50%.

The real estate market continued to sluggish, and the mortgage default rate soared.

The US government had to launch a $700 billion “rescue plan”.

The most affected were real estate mortgage companies, especially Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whose stock prices almost hit the bottom.

After the US government announced the takeover of the two companies, their stock prices plummeted by more than 80%.

Fannie Mae’s stock price fell to less than $1 per share, and Freddie Mac’s fell to about $0.88 per share.

Subsequently, the two companies were delisted from the New York Stock Exchange and transferred to the over-the-counter market.

At the same time, Hao Qiang issued an order to the financial team: “Buy Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stocks from the over-the-counter market to complete the contracts of these two companies in advance.”

The total value of the stocks borrowed was about $3 billion at the beginning, and now it only takes more than $130 million to buy back a considerable number of stocks.

Of the $3 billion, $2.5 billion is leveraged securities lending funds and $500 million is principal.

After deducting $130 million in securities lending interest, about $130 million in repurchase costs, and dividends and transaction fees from the Hong Kong Branch of Guosen Securities, Hao Qiang’s profit was as high as $2.147 billion.

Including the principal, the total is 2.647 billion US dollars.

Hao Qiang decided to withdraw this part of the funds first, thinking that it was still risky to put it in the US brokerage.

There are still 13 billion US dollars of contracts that have not been fulfilled, and he is waiting for several bank stocks to continue to fall.

As for bottom-fishing US stocks, he plans to do it at the beginning of next year.

With this wave of operations, Hao Qiang’s personal wealth soared by 2.647 billion US dollars.

According to the current exchange rate, 1 US dollar is equal to 6.83 RMB, equivalent to 18.079 billion yuan.

His system wealth jumped to 56.07 billion yuan.

Hao Qiang’s investment this time can be called a stroke of genius. Not only did he accurately predict the market trend, but he also seized the opportunity in the crisis and achieved a huge increase in wealth.

On the evening of September 30, Hao Qiang received a system prompt.

[Prompt: Personal wealth reaches the threshold of 50 billion yuan, and 5 points of freedom are awardedAttribute points]

Hao Qiang intends to continue to improve his thinking ability, but he can’t improve it.

[Hint: Hint: Thinking ability cannot be further improved, the minimum value of the four-dimensional attribute cannot be lower than 22]

“Damn, it’s restricted again!”

“It seems that if you want to upgrade to 27 or above, other attributes cannot be too low.”

“Ah, balanced development.”

Hao Qiang sighed and raised his memory to 25, leaving 2 free attribute points.

【Writing System】 (2008.9.30)

【Level 8: 3735/50 million】

System LV8: Every 10,000 words written = 20,000 yuan reward

【Wealth: 56.08 billion yuan (including unwithdrawn and uncashed stocks calculated according to the purchase value)】

【Memory: 25】

【Thinking Power: 26】

【Appearance: 20】

【Physique: 20】

【Four-dimensional Attributes: 91】

【Free Attribute Points: 2】

【Hint 6: The threshold for the next wealth level is 100 billion yuan, and a one-time reward of +3 free attribute points】

“Next, let’s first improve our appearance and physique to 22, and try to open the level 8 technology store as soon as possible.” Hao Qiang said secretly.

But it’s not easy!

At least 12 free attribute points are required.

Now there are still 10 points short!

It is not difficult to increase wealth to 100 billion yuan, and you can get 3 free attribute points.

So, there are still 7 points left!

If the writing system is upgraded to level 9, it will not be a problem to get another 9 free attribute points.

It will take a long time to successfully develop the three level 7 technologies just obtained.

By then, if the level 8 technology store is opened, it will be possible to integrate the level 8 technology.

The next day,

Hao Qiang went to the company, walking in a breeze, with a smile on his face and humming a little song.

“I just met the chairman, and he was humming a song, and he seemed to be in a good mood.” The employees saw the chairman and couldn’t help discussing privately.

“Maybe there’s something good.”

“The company’s production orders have been packed for so long, but he hasn’t seemed very happy. Maybe it’s something else.”

“I’ve been very happy recently. The US stock market has plummeted and suffered heavy losses.”

“Yes, recently, there has been a lot of news about US stocks. Experts say that it has spread to our country’s stock market.”

“The chairman doesn’t hold shares of Tengxun and Moutai now. Maybe he’s waiting to buy at the bottom.”

Hao Qiang sat in the office. After recovering his principal and profits, he was in a good mood.

I was nervous for a long time, afraid that I wouldn’t get my money back.

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