At nearly ten o’clock in the morning, Hao Qiang arrived as scheduled and came to the company’s booth.

His appearance instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the scene.

Many visitors had not seen him in person and were a little curious.

“Wow, so handsome!”

“This is the real domineering president, handsome and rich, much more handsome than the stars on TV.”

There were constant exclamations from the crowd.

“Hao Qiang, can you sign? I like your songs.” Some viewers couldn’t wait to squeeze forward, hoping to get the idol’s autograph.

Although I didn’t bring a record, it was exciting to leave a signature anywhere.

After all, Hao Qiang’s autographed records are worth a lot of money in the market.

Hao Qiang’s bodyguards quickly formed a human wall to block the crowd.

Hao Qiang smiled and declined: “Sorry, I’m not a star, it’s not convenient to sign, I hope you understand.”

Today is the release day of the new energy sedan ET0. Hao Qiang took the time to come to support it and also to warm up for the upcoming ES6.

“Chairman, you are here!” Luo Hao came forward in surprise, feeling sincerely happy for the chairman’s super popularity.

Hao Qiang nodded slightly: “I will host the press conference later.”

“Great, with you hosting in person, success is just around the corner.” Luo Hao looked at the audience pouring in and sincerely admired the chairman’s appeal.

He was glad that he had foresight and rented several standard booths and merged them into a large exhibition area, which was enough to accommodate these enthusiastic visitors.

“It’s just a concept car, don’t pay too much attention to it.” Hao Qiang reminded calmly, “ES6 in the future is our focus.

Put product quality first, instead of blindly pursuing publicity effects, don’t put the cart before the horse.

Remember, Future Technology Group is a high-tech company. We rely on excellent quality and leading technology, not flashy publicity.”


Luo Hao nodded seriously. He had only joined Future New Energy Vehicle Company for a few months and had not yet figured out Hao Qiang’s temperament.

Hao Qiang nodded slightly and said, “It’s been an hour or two since the model was announced. Tell me about the bad feedback from visitors. I won’t go into details about the good aspects.”

He designed this concept car, and he will review the subsequent optimization. He wants to hear the real evaluation of car owners.

“Okay, there are several aspects…”

Luo Hao reported to Hao Qiang in detail.

Time passed quietly, and it was ten o’clock in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the booth was already crowded with enthusiastic visitors.

Reporters from several media also arrived as scheduled, two of which were specially invited by the company for publicity and reporting.

After all, it is far from enough to rely solely on the spread of on-site car owners.

Seeing that the time had come, Hao Qiang stood up, picked up the microphone, walked to the side of the exhibition car, and faced the eagerly expectant audience. His loud and magnetic voice resounded throughout the venue:

“Good morning, fellow riders.

Due to the limited space on site, please maintain order and pay attention to safety.

First of all, I want to state that what is on display today is a concept car, not a mass-produced model.

To be precise, it is already a semi-concept car with normal driving capabilities.

As a concept car, it is inevitable that there are some shortcomings. Future Technology Group will listen carefully to the valuable opinions of all riders.”

“This new energy sedan ET0 was designed by me personally, and I led the project team to build it.

Just now, many riders questioned the authenticity of the vehicle parameters.” Hao Qiang continued with a smile, “I can tell you clearly that we have no need to falsify.

This is just a concept car that took several months to build.

Next, let’s watch the test video together. I believe the data will tell everything.”

As Hao Qiang indicated, the company’s employees skillfully operated the equipment, and the test screen of ET0 was immediately displayed on the large projection screen.

The test site was selected in an open area outside Guangdong City. A series of professional evaluations were carried out in turn, including 100 km/h acceleration, moose test, slalom test, 100-0 km/h braking distance, emergency braking performance, maximum speed test, and noise, vibration and harshness (NVH).

In the video, each test was carried out three times, and the results were amazing:

The average 0-100 km/h acceleration time was only 2.54 seconds, which is amazing;

The average 100-0 km/h braking distance was only 30.8 meters, which is comparable to high-performance sports cars such as Porsche 911 and Ferrari 488;

Due to the test section, the maximum speed could not be measured, but the speed of nearly 300 kilometers per hour is an excellent performance for a non-sports car. After all, it is just a sedan.

The vehicle vibration control performance is excellent;

The most commendable thing is its extremely low noise levelThe level fully demonstrated the advantages of new energy vehicles.

After the video was played, the staff started the car, turned on the lights, and then turned off the engine. After all, the car could not be started at will on the scene.

Hao Qiang continued to introduce: “The purpose of displaying this car is to show everyone the technological achievements of Future Technology Group in the automotive field.

We have world-class, even top-notch power lithium battery technology, automotive motors, driver assistance system sensors and vehicle systems and other core technologies, which are all the results of our independent research and development.

I hope to change everyone’s inherent concept of domestic cars and call on everyone to make objective evaluations instead of easily drawing conclusions without looking or analyzing.

In the near future, domestic cars are fully capable of surpassing joint venture cars and imported brands.”

As soon as Hao Qiang finished speaking, warm applause and cheers broke out at the scene.

“Well said, come on, domestic cars!”

“That’s right, they are all guys who worship foreign things and fawn on foreigners.”

“Some people like to criticize domestic cars to gain a sense of existence.”

Hao Qiang put down his hand, waited for a while until it was quieter, and continued: “Of course, we must also admit that there is still a gap between domestic cars and international brands in some aspects.

As one of the car companies, and a new energy car company that has just been established for a year, Future Technology Group is working hard to change this situation and master the core technology in its own hands.

But this takes time, I hope everyone understands.

I also hope that the media friends present can report objectively.”

“At the same time, I would like to reveal a good news to everyone: the future ES6 that our company is developing has been in development for more than a year and will soon be mass-produced.

This is a new energy urban SUV. The dual-motor 0-100 acceleration takes only more than 4 seconds and the cruising range reaches 650 kilometers.

If everything goes well, it will be put into production in the second half of next year and meet you.”

Hao Qiang’s words also expressed his confidence and expectations for the domestic automobile industry.

At the same time, his honesty, without exaggeration or slander, also won the recognition and support of the audience.

After Hao Qiang finished his introduction, he accepted an interview with the media reporters on the scene.

A reporter asked: “Hello, Mr. Hao, what is the price of ES6 in the future?”

Hao Qiang replied: “I regret to tell you that the price is not acceptable to ordinary people. Its configuration is comparable to luxury brands with a price of more than 700,000 yuan. The price must be much lower, and the specific price has not yet been determined.”

“Oh, the positioning is so high, Mr. Hao, do you think Chinese people can afford it?”

“I think there may be a misunderstanding here. Why do you think that the positioning of domestic cars must be low?” Hao Qiang replied, “I personally think that as long as it is worth the money, and it is more cost-effective than international brands and has superior quality, consumers will naturally pay for it.

If the quality is not up to standard, even if I sell it for tens of thousands of yuan, no Chinese people will buy it.”

“Mr. Hao, in the current international financial crisis, stocks have plummeted. You hold 6.44% of Tengxun stocks. Are you planning to control it?” A reporter changed the subject.

“It’s just a normal investment. I don’t plan to control the company. I have reached a consensus with Mr. Xiaoma on this point.” Hao Qiang replied. His financial team bought a lot of shares from Tengxun shareholders and will continue to add more.

Of course, shareholders’ shares are not sold at will.

If the shareholding ratio exceeds 5% and is transferred to people other than shareholders, other shareholders must be notified and half of them must agree.

Hao Qiang has communicated with Mr. Xiaoma and other shareholders and plans to hold them for a long time.

Now there is a financial crisis and the stock price has fallen. Many shareholders want to sell their stocks.

Next, Hao Qiang answered a few questions and left the booth.

The concept car of Future Technology Group and the future ES6 still caused widespread discussion in the industry.

Especially the future ES6, with such a high price tag, most car enthusiasts think that Hao Qiang is a bit too high-minded about the rich in China.

Who would buy a new energy vehicle worth hundreds of thousands!

For Hao Qiang, as long as he can arouse the expectations of car enthusiasts, his purpose of creating momentum will be achieved.

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