In November, the Qinghua Garden is getting more and more wintery.

On campus, the quaint buildings are covered with a thin layer of frost, shining softly in the winter sun.

The bare ginkgo trees are arranged in rows, telling the vicissitudes of time.

On the clear Weiming Lake, willow trees hang down their bare branches, quietly waiting for the spring of next year.

In the distance, the red walls and black tiles of Huaqing Jiayuan are more ancient in winter.

On campus, students wrapped up their down jackets and hurriedly shuttled between various teaching buildings.

“Hao Qiang’s Future Technology Group is here to recruit at our school. Today, they are holding a presentation in the large lecture hall. Do you want to go and have a look?”

“Well, let’s go and have a look. This year, the employment situation in various universities is severe, and even our school has been affected.”

“There is no problem with employment at our school, but the opportunities provided by good companies are much less than last year.”

“The treatment of Future Technology Group is very good, and undergraduates also have a one-time resettlement subsidy of 20,000 yuan.”

“I see that many students don’t want to go to the south, and they want to stay in the capital.”

On the way, many graduates were discussing today’s school presentation.

Every few days, there are companies coming to the school for school presentations.

The school held two double-election meetings last semester. This year, the financial crisis had a greater impact, so it was arranged until the end of November, a month later than in previous years.

Qingbei graduates don’t have to worry about employment, but it’s not so easy to find top companies or good companies.

This is the second time that Future Technology Group has recruited at Qinghua. Last year, it only recruited a few people.

This year, the group’s campus recruitment plan has been expanded to 1,000 people. The demand is very large, and the human resources department has sent a recruitment team to the capital to conduct presentations.

Qinghua University plans to recruit 50 people.

Imperial University, 15 people;

Beihang University, 20 people;

Zhongke Institute, 30 people;

Beijing Institute of Technology, 20 people;

Harbin Institute of Technology, 50 people;

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 50 people;

Guangdong Zhongda University, 200 people;

Hua Nan University of Science and Technology, 150 people


The recruitment ratio of doctoral, master’s and undergraduate students is 1:3:6.

Today’s Future Technology Group is very popular among graduates from prestigious universities.

Future Technology Group is a technology company, so it recruits the most engineering students, mainly recruiting from Zhongda University and Hua Nan University of Science and Technology.

Now that the company is well-known, campus recruitment is increasingly biased towards C9 universities.

Of course, it also depends on the performance of graduates in the company.

If Qinghua University graduates do not perform well in the company, the company will definitely cut the proportion of campus recruitment.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the recruiter.

Future Technology Group pays more attention to professional knowledge and hands-on ability, not just academic performance.

Once, the Human Resources Department made a set of comprehensive ability test questions. After reading the content, Hao Qiang directly denied and criticized:

“Every profession has its own specialty. Don’t do these messy comprehensive written tests. We don’t need to learn from those big companies or units. Don’t learn their way.

We are a scientific research company and what we need is a large number of top scientific research talents.

As long as the professional foundation is solid, the resilience is good, the hard work is hard, the language expression ability is poor, and the comprehensive ability is poor, so what.

You should spend more time and effort to understand the applicants and be responsible for every employee you recruit.

Of course, if you really need comprehensive talents, you can play this set, and I have nothing to say.”

After several years of management experience, Hao Qiang has a deep understanding of corporate recruitment.

He noticed that some HR specialists, in order to meet recruitment targets, did not seek credit but only wanted to avoid mistakes, as long as they could stay in the company.

This was very different from his philosophy.

Steve Jobs once admitted that he spent a quarter of his time on talent recruitment.

Boss Lei of Rice regarded recruitment as a top priority. In the early stages of the company’s development, he devoted almost all his energy to it, and often one interview lasted nearly ten hours. Google was even more strict. Regardless of the position, the founder Page would personally interview one round.

Inspired by this, Hao Qiang was personally responsible for the final interviews of doctoral graduates and middle and senior managers of Future Technology Group.

For technical positions, he required the technical directors or managers of each subsidiary to interview in person, and not to make decisions based solely on the interviewer’s subjective impression.

Hao Qiang talked about recruitment with Liu Qiangdong.

Liu Qiangdong joked that he divides employees into several categories. Those with average ability and low value matching are called scrap iron;

Those with average ability but high value matching are called iron;

Those with high ability and value matching are called steel;

Those with high ability are called gold, but those with strong ability and low value matching are called rust. Such people must be removed immediately after being discovered.

Now, Hao Qiang has higher requirements for the company’s interviewers, and they are all evaluated.

In his opinion, those with certain’s business and management capabilities, but he is not necessarily a “Bo Le”.

A truly suitable top talent can create several times or even dozens of times the value of an ordinary employee for the company.

On the contrary, if the recruitment fails, not only will it fail to create value that matches the salary, it may also have a negative impact on other diligent employees and cause losses to the company.

If you don’t work hard to recruit people today, you will have to work hard to lay off people tomorrow.

Hao Qiang doesn’t want to do such a stupid thing.

Time passed slowly, and another month passed.

In 2009, New Year’s Day arrived as scheduled.

“Brother Qiang, look, it’s snowing today, so big!” Qiu Yuqing looked at the snowflakes floating in the sky and was particularly excited.

“Yes, it’s beautiful!” Han Qingying, who was sitting opposite her, said so.

After the two women finished speaking, they pushed open the wooden door of the courtyard and walked out to admire it.

In the sky, goose-feather-like snowflakes fluttered, like countless tiny elves dancing in the air.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Hao Qiang looked at the sky, and then saw the two girls enjoying the snow in the yard, with a happy smile on his face.

Neither girl had ever seen snow, and it was New Year’s Day, so Hao Qiang simply took them to the capital to play for a few days.

They stayed in the courtyard of the East Fourth Courtyard, and it was just around eight or nine in the morning, and it happened to snow.

“It’s 2009!”

Hao Qiang sipped his tea, sighed a little, and opened the writing system.

【Writing System】 (2009.1.1)

【Level 8: 3865/50 million】

System LV8: Every 10,000 words written = 20,000 yuan reward

【Wealth: 57 billion yuan (including unwithdrawn and uncashed stocks calculated according to the purchase value)】

【Memory: 25】

【Thinking Power: 26】

【Appearance: 20】

【Constitution: 20】

【Four-dimensional Attributes: 91】

【Free Attribute Points: 2】

Wealth grows steadily, about 400 million yuan per month.

After a while, Hao Qiang will go to Gangcheng to prepare to close the net.

The bank stocks that were shorted have all fallen to the bottom.

The Pingguo stocks that were bought did not fall much, and there were not many shorts.

However, this stock is just used to release smoke.

There is still 13 billion US dollars to be extended. I don’t know how much I can make in this wave.

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